Read Lotus Isle: Book I Page 8

  Chapter 7

  The return trip down the mountain passed more quickly than the journey up. All three were markedly changed. They felt a deep sense of purpose to their lives after having visited the cave. And although they couldn't erase from their memories the horrible pictures they had witnessed, the magic of the wondrous scenes of the other world was something they didn't want to forget. Lost in thought and without much conversation they made their way back down to RiverRidge.

  As they left the Cavern the stone door mysteriously closed behind them. They accepted this quietly, as if they expected nothing less.

  On the way down the mountain they went a little out of their way and stopped by the grounds of the Ruler for a short visit. They told him they had decided to seek the bridge. He gave them his blessing and saw to it they had sufficient funds to cover whatever they would need in the way of supplies and transportation. The three men thought it interesting the Ruler had easily opened the stone door to the cavern many years ago as well. The three didn't try to explain what happened while there were inside the cave or what they had seen in the fire. The experience could not be described with mere words. However, when asked, the Ruler didn't recall the pool of water in the corner of the cavern.

  Back at the bungalow they sent word to Captain Nepturos that they were ready to depart for Lotus Isle. The captain's reply said that he would be prepared to leave for OceanBay, on Lotus Isle, first thing in the morning.

  The next morning Camran and his two companions were up before first light, bathed and dressed long before the captain stopped by the bungalow. Camran was intoxicated with life for the first time in many years. His health had left something to be desired prior to arriving in the flower. Now he was feeling like a young man once again. He didn’t have any nightmares during the night, either, and had awakened alert and refreshed from a good night of sleep. In fact, all three seemed to have been infused with a fresh outlook on life in general. A new excitement had taken the place of their doubts and fears of before.

  The captain arrived and the four walked down to the dock in the weak morning light and boarded the ship, which was standing by ready to depart. The wharf area was almost deserted at that early hour. The air was cool and calm. The crew were already at their stations and in a few minutes they where slipping quietly away from the dock and out into the bay. Without the wind the rowers were hard at work, singing in rhythm to each stroke of the oars.

  The trip to Lotus Isle would take three to four days with little or no wind. That was a long trip by Camran's standards and would make it a journey of nine to twelve days according to his time back on Earth. That could be cut considerably if a favorable wind developed.

  As they moved a distance out into the bay Camran turned to look up to where he thought the Ruler of the Waters estate would be. He thought he could see a faint light, high on the hillside, about where he guessed the house was. He was sure the old man was up at that early hour watching them from a window in that huge house, surrounded by those beautiful gardens. That thought brought him some comfort as he turned and looked out over the widening bay ahead of them.

  Later in the morning it had grown quite warm. Camran was content to stay below this trip, knowing what could happen should he venture to the upper deck.

  His two companions, having checked out the ship, decided it was safe to leave Camran pretty much to himself, although one of the two was always nearby. Camran didn't know how they were able to stay awake for so long at a time. When questioned, they said he would become more adjusted to the longer days before long, and not require as much sleep during the daylight as he does now.

  The days during the voyage were very restful for Camran. He sat relaxed on deck a great deal of the day and enjoyed the scenery. When he tired he went into the cabin and slept for a short while. It was very difficult to adjust to the long days and the need to nap off and on during daylight hours. He noticed that gradually he was becoming accustomed to staying awake for longer intervals between naps.

  The sea of lotuses was never ending. Mile after mile of brightly colored flowers dotted the water. These, along with their leaves, posed a threat to their travel after dark, however. Their speed had to be cut drastically and lanterns hung from the bow, while spotters called out their direction to the man at the till.

  Occasionally a large fish was spotted on the trip. Thankfully, most were far off in the distance. Although one surfaced within a hundred yards of the ship, it slipped under the water after a few minutes and didn't resurface. They were fortunate it didn’t bother them.

  During the voyage Camran learned that the city of OceanBay was a sea port on the west side of Lotus Isle. The port was a mixed settlement of the various peoples that populated this strange new world. It was also the center of trade among the many diverse groups inhabiting the Isle. The idea of people living on other planets in the same solar system as the Earth was still a hard one for Camran to accept. He could accept life on other planets in the universe. However, life on planets in his solar system was another story. The pictures he had seen of some of those planets showed them to be nothing more than absolute wastelands. It seemed impossible for any form of life to live on them, let alone humans. The notion that at different vibrations other dimensions existed was barely believable to Camran. At any rate he hadn't come up with any other theory that would explain away what he had been told or what he had seen since his arrival. So he was doing his best to accept the explanations offered to him, at least for the time being.

  While enjoying the peaceful trip, Camran also learned a little more about how the Neptunians know when a particular lotus flower would open with a person inside. Along with a slight change in color, the curling of the upper tip of the flower was another clue. These changes take place some time prior to the opening. The timing and cycles of these changes have been well documented in the past by the Neptunians. As a result, the Neptunians are able to predict with fair accuracy when the flower would open, and as a consequence, be there to pick up the new arrival on the first morning.

  The color change of these flowers was said to be very subtle to the eyes of those arriving from Earth, however, to the eyes of a knowledgeable Neptunian the change is drastic and very noticeable. Camran was told there were many of these ships constantly out cruising the sea, watching and noting the change in color of the flowers. That was their job and the way of life for most Neptunians. They not only enjoyed the sea more than anything, they were good at their work. Those that didn’t actually work on the ships worked in support of those that did. Many were needed to make nets and the other necessary items to outfit these vessels. They also worked in the repair facilities on shore. Many a ship became damaged by the huge fish and it was not unusual to see a ship limping into the bay in need of emergency repairs.

  There was no appreciable wind during their voyage, making the trip as long as it ever takes to cross the water from RiverRidge to OceanBay. Camran didn't mind, he never tired of watching the beautiful colors that made up the scenery.

  Late in the morning on the third day, Camran was able to see the great towering mountains on Lotus Isle off in the distance. He was told these mountains were not near the coast, but were way inland. Their size and height led one to believe they were much closer than they actually were.

  Early on the fourth day they were nearing the bay leading into the port of Oceanbay. Camran and the captain stood talking in the bow on the middle deck.

  "How large is Lotus Isle?" asked Camran.

  "It's many times greater than the Isle of Flowers," replied the captain. "In fact, no one knows exactly how large it really is, for much of the Isle has yet to be explored."

  "Man was only a small player in this world," thought Camran, looking out over the water toward the distant mountains. He was surprised to also learn that a large portion of the Isle of Flowers had yet to be explored. The captain related to him that in a certain legend a long time ago a man had scaled the central mountain on the Isle of Flowers. But that
legend, as far as the captain knew, had never been verified to be true.

  One of the crew members pointed out to Camran the outline of the huge trees along the horizon. Camran was still awestruck at their immensity. These trees had to easily be one to two thousand feet tall. They dwarfed man and his creations.

  Soon they entered the bay which housed the port city, OceanBay. Camran began to see other ships coming and going. Most were medium sized such as the one they were on, while others were much larger and were no doubt used as transport ships. The crews on those large ships had to be several times larger in number than this one, thought Camran, in order to be able to row them effectively when the air was calm.

  The captain came up to stand beside Camran once more, having excused himself earlier to tend to his duties. "OceanBay is spread out all along the water and extends back into the woods quite a ways. In the center of the city is a huge tree. You can just make out the top of it there," commented the captain, pointing with his stubby finger as he talked. "In the base of that tree is a hollow. In that hollow is located the Governor's office. It is there you and your two companions can visit the ancient museum. You will be able to learn much about the past history of this land and its people."

  The ship docked and the trio lost no time disembarking at the waterfront after saying their goodbyes to the captain. The captain wished them well and returned to his work. He had a lot of business to attend to, and some supplies to load before returning to the Isle of Flowers. Camran had come to like the man and his straightforward ways. He would miss him in the coming days but felt certain he would see him again before too long. The captain sent a seaman with the three to guide them to an inn where they could get rooms and a bath.

  After a short walk they were standing in front of a small inn on the outskirts of the city. From the inn, spread out before them, was a wonderful view of the bay. The inn was nestled on a hill between several tremendously large trees. The trees reminded Camran of maples, although they didn't really resemble them. It was the similar shape of the leaves that caused him to make the comparison.

  The inn was small but quaint, clean and quiet. The seaman said the food was excellent and that they would find food more to their liking here than the tart food of the Neptunian people.

  Although it was late in the afternoon, there was still a lot of daylight left before dark. The three companions decided to get cleaned up, see some of the city, and retire after an early meal. The next morning they planned to go to the Governor’s office. Aside from Camran, neither of his other companions had been in this strange land for very long either. Although Twil had arrived the soonest of the three, he had only been there about six months longer than Camran. All three were anxious to have a look around the city.

  Bran and Twil passed through OceanBay in route to RiverRidge, but they had departed the town immediately after their arrival and hadn't been able to sight see. Both had spent their time on Lotus Isle in their respective home planet communities located a distance away from OceanBay. They hadn’t met each other until recently. During their short time together a deep friendship had already developed between them.

  After a hot bath and change of clothes the three left the inn and walked down into the city. They had agreed to stay close together knowing their enemies were watching for them. They also knew there was little chance of anything happening to them while in this city. For one thing it was very doubtful any of the Guardians knew what they looked like, at least it was difficult to imagine them knowing, especially when it came to Camran, as he had only just arrived. And there were no survivors among the attacking Guardians at the community gathering. For another, OceanBay was noted for its unwritten rule of non-violence. The city was built around trade. It was imperative that all races, groups and individuals maintain good relationships while living, working, or just shopping within this city. Each community on the Isle contributed something worthwhile to the others. All of these divergent peoples met and exchanged their goods and services in OceanBay. To jeopardize that trade was to place their very existence at risk.

  Camran was amazed at the cleanliness of the city. There was no litter in the streets, the people were not slovenly dressed, and the buildings were in good repair. As they walked in the warmth of the late afternoon Camran thought how much he really liked this new world he had entered, except of course for the danger associated with his new undertaking.

  Soon their walk took them into the market square. It was the size of several football fields. With all the shipping and trading the city was noted for, anything made, raised or grown throughout the entire world could be found for sale or trade in this market.

  They spent quite a bit of time looking around in the shops and at the variety of people. Twil and Bran pointed out members from each planetary community as they passed them in the market.

  One thing Camran thought was strange, there were no metal products other than swords, knives and scimitars in the market. He learned from Bran and Twil that there was very little metal ore of any kind in this world. Most of what did exist was on Serpent Isle, located a ways out in the sea on the far side of Lotus Isle.

  Twil explained, from what he had been able to gather since his arrival, that it was a relatively small Isle and was inhabited by a people known as the Vulcan. They were very mysterious and were said to have come from a planet within the orbit of Mercury. This planet was of such a vibratory nature as to be invisible to the eyes of those inhabitants on the other planets within the solar system. In fact, what he also heard was that few in this world had ever seen them they were so secretive.

  During their voyage from the Isle of Flowers the trio learned it was impossible to navigate a vessel in either direction completely around Lotus Isle. In one direction lay the Sea of Turmoil, where the sea was in a constant upsurge of unstable conditions. The water moved in several different directions at once, converging in spots and shooting into the air over a hundred yards. In the other direction lay the Sea of Whirlwinds. This sea is relatively calm, and because it doesn’t look very dangerous has claimed the lives of many seamen who ventured to cross these harmless looking waters. Just a few feet above the water level are devastating whirlwinds traveling at great speeds. The size of the area covered by these whirlwinds fluctuates as the storms move above and across the water. Since they cannot be seen these wind storms pose great danger to the unsuspecting seaman. They can be heard, however, but by then it is usually too late to get out of the storm's path. The height of these winds was said to vary from several yards to within a couple of feet of the water surface.

  Due to these conditions it was impossible to navigate to Serpent Isle. Traders were contracted to go to the Isle by land, following the shore of the un-navigable waters to a docking area on Lotus Isle directly across a short span of water from the Isle. There they would receive goods the Vulcan people would leave for them, or they would drop off what they had been contracted to bring. No one was allowed to go out to the Isle itself. Those that traded there rarely saw any of the Vulcan themselves. When they did see one, invariably they were wearing dark cloaks that covered up their facial features. In fact, it was said they only made these rare appearances under the cover of darkness, and then very seldom at that.

  Bran spent some time in one of the shops that sold swords. Swords and knives were an important part of his life and it showed on his face whenever he picked up an exceptionally well made one, whether it was a sharply honed sword or a finely crafted dagger. He emerged from the shop with a sword he had purchased for Camran. Under protest Camran took the sword and thanked Bran for his thoughtfulness. Although at the time he didn't want to have anything to do with the weapon. Later that day, after having the sword hang at his side for a while, he had to admit he felt better for having it, and was rapidly getting used to the extra weight tugging at his belt.

  A little later on, not to be outdone, Twil purchased a crossbow for Camran. Camran said he didn't know how to use either weapon. They both said they would help
him learn. The two men certainly meant well and Camran thanked them both again and slung the crossbow across his shoulders. Since there was little metal to work with, the crossbow was completely made of wood. However, some of the wood on the Isle was said to be near the hardness of metal. Even the points of the arrows were hardwood tipped.

  Twil's favorite weapon was the crossbow. Next to the double edged sword Bran liked a simple bow and arrow. He always had them slung across his back.

  It was in the market, while talking to one of the shopkeepers, Camran learned that the clothes he wore were made from the leaves of some of the giant trees. According to the man, up the coast a ways was a variety of tree that made some of the best material on the entire Isle. The leaves of these trees were tanned in a process similar to that of tanning an animal hide. The process preserved the tissue in the leaves and gave it a texture similar to leather. The finished material could then be stained. The leaves themselves were extremely durable and tough.

  As Camran stood talking to the shopkeeper about the process of making clothes from tree leaves, all of a sudden the air began to crackle and snap behind him. He turned to see a man had fallen over dead, foam issuing from his mouth. A Plutonian had arrived to pick him up. The shopkeeper put a hand over his chest and hurried back inside the shop. Camran moved on with Bran and Twil, the fun having quickly faded from their shopping trip. Although none of the three said a word, the foam at the mouth they recognized. It was the same disease they had seen in the fire that night up in the cave.

  As evening began and the shadows deepened, the trio stopped in a tavern for a mug of beer. The sign said the tavern carried the best beer in town. Although not cold, it certainly was good and thirst quenching. In the small room were several men and women from the different planetary races. There was a lady from the planet Jupiter that Camran couldn't stop watching. She had a slight blue cast to her skin, while her hair was quite a bit darker blue. She was quite beautiful and dazzling to watch. There was also another Martian warrior who resembled Bran in size and strength, though he seemed much more outgoing and boisterous in personality. Several Neptunians were also present. It seemed that one of the Neptunian merchant ships had docked that day after being out to sea for a couple of weeks. There was no doubt they were making up for lost time, at least in the drinking department.

  After they finished their beer they headed back to the inn for dinner. It was there that Camran learned there was no meat in this world. Not that there were no animals or other types of creatures around. There were. There just weren’t any edible ones. They did have several fish dishes at dinner along with lots of vegetables, nuts, and fruits to choose from.

  Camran chose one of several vegetable dishes with the help and advice of the inn owner who served them. It was delicious, and very much like the vegetables back home. The food was certainly more to their liking, just as the seaman had promised. The warrior and little man from Mercury were not able to explain to Camran the nature of the food they ate on their planets, however, both spoke very highly of their meals that evening, which were fish dishes.

  Tired from the long afternoon and with a full stomach they retired to their rooms for the night. Camran had a room at the very end of the hall. Bran and Twil took turns at watch throughout the night.

  Before the morning became very bright Camran was up bathed and dressed, anxious to go down to the Governor's offices to snoop around. After a filling breakfast of cereal and fruit, washed down with some liquid that had a faint resemblance to coffee, they set out toward the center of the city.

  As the captain had said, the Governor's offices were located in the hollow of a very large tree. The tree itself was some one hundred yards in diameter. On the side facing the bay there was a large hollow extending about one-third of the way across the base of the tree and reaching back into it about fifty yards. All the offices of the government for all of Lotus Isle were located here at OceanBay, which lay at the center of the trade business for the world.

  The man-made structural portion of these offices extended out in front of the tree and sort of wrapped out to the edges of the tree trunk. The offices themselves were several stories high as the hollow reached up some one to two hundred feet. Each level of the structure was recessed inward above the lower level, giving the appearance of a stepped pyramid.

  The three companions stood in awe of the structure for several minutes. The building was made completely out of wood from a similar tree, so the building blended in perfectly within the hollow it was built into and around. The overall appearance made it seem as though these offices were more a growth on the tree than a separate structure designed and created by man.

  At the entrance to the building they were greeted by two Martian warrior guards, with two more standing a short way behind and to the side of the entryway. Camran announced they wished to see the museum. Apparently, they were expected. The Ruler of the Waters had sent word of their arrival.

  They were escorted deep within the hollow and asked to wait in a large round room which held little furniture. After waiting for a short while, a man in a blue uniform came and escorted them to a room that held a large vault type door at one end. The escort looked remarkably like someone from Earth but somehow not quite the same. Sensing their curiosity, he explained he was from Venus. He announced the Governor would be along shortly to help them, and then he left the room.

  "Excuse me gentlemen," apologized a large heavyset man as he entered the room. "I was detained on another matter, which I'm afraid I was not able to complete as rapidly as I thought. I understand, you sir, are the new arrival from Earth and are here to look over our museum collection."

  Camran nodded as he stepped forward to shake the extended hand of the Governor of the Isle.

  "I will open the vault for you and leave you free to examine and study the artifacts at your leisure." stated the Governor. "I'll be more than happy to answer any questions when you finish."

  "Why are these things kept in a vault?" asked Twil, looking at the locking mechanism with challenge in his eyes.

  "I assure you it isn't because we are afraid of anything being stolen. It is primarily to keep them preserved in a controlled environment. Some of the items are thought to be several thousand years old and therefore irreplaceable," explained the Governor.

  The Governor opened the vault and the trio stepped inside. They were surprised when the vault opened into a very large room. It was filled with many treasures of the past. A museum complete with books, paintings and sculptures, as well as other artifacts filled the shelves and cases around the room.

  In the center was a large glass case with a series of old parchments unrolled and displayed. These scrolls, although undated, told of the difficulties encountered by the first few arrivals into this strange and beautiful world. Intrigued, Camran began to read. The scrolls told of how the first few pioneers barely made it to land upon their arrival. Many didn't make it to the relative safety of the Isles. There were no Neptunian ships to pick them up in those days. For the most part the scrolls spoke of the first inhabitant’s problems and the immense beauty that existed throughout the world at that time.

  Intrigued, he pulled up a nearby chair and continued reading the parchments. It was quite a while later when he finished the last parchment and stood up. Having read and reread many sections, Camran felt it was worthwhile that he had taken the time to read the whole thing. The old parchments not only gave him a better understanding of the people and their way of life, but he was also able to learn much about the topography of the Isle as well.

  The three spent the balance of the morning looking at the items on display in the cases around the room before leaving and heading back to the inn for lunch.

  While waiting for lunch, Camran and his two friends concentrated on his little book containing the text of the Oracle. The three decided the first thing they should do was locate this "Creek that replies to all who speak - the seven will be revealed there." None of the three had any idea wher
e they might find this creek, or where their quest would take them from there.

  Later that day, while in the market, the trio discovered that the "Creek that replies to all who speak" is well known to those who have been in this land for any period of time. The three of them, being such recent arrivals, didn't know that a small town down the coast, called Echo Creek, was famous for that saying. At Echo Creek they hoped to learn the identity of the seven that would join them in their quest for the magical bridge.

  There was no reason to wait around OceanBay any longer, they had accomplished what they needed and could now begin the first leg of their quest for the mysterious beautiful bridge. Arrangements were made to sail on a ship to Echo Creek the following day. The three companions spent the remainder of the afternoon putting their provisions together, and then went to bed early that night in anticipation of their leaving in the morning. The captain of the ship they were traveling on stated they would arrive in Echo Creek by the end of the day. Echo Creek wasn’t a long distance from OceanBay.