Read Louise de la Valliere Page 13

  Chapter XII. How De Wardes Was Received at Court.

  Monsieur had received De Wardes with that marked favor light andfrivolous minds bestow on every novelty that comes in their way. DeWardes, who had been absent for a month, was like fresh fruit to him.To treat him with marked kindness was an infidelity to old friends, andthere is always something fascinating in that; moreover, it was a sortof reparation to De Wardes himself. Nothing, consequently, could exceedthe favorable notice Monsieur took of him. The Chevalier de Lorraine,who feared this rival but a little, but who respected a character anddisposition only too parallel to his own in every particular, with theaddition of a bull-dog courage he did not himself possess, received DeWardes with a greater display of regard and affection than even Monsieurhad done. De Guiche, as we have said, was there also, but kept in thebackground, waiting very patiently until all these interchanges wereover. De Wardes, while talking to the others, and even to Monsieurhimself, had not for a moment lost sight of De Guiche, who, heinstinctively felt, was there on his account. As soon as he had finishedwith the others, he went up to De Guiche. They exchanged the mostcourteous compliments, after which De Wardes returned to Monsieur andthe other gentlemen.

  In the midst of these congratulations Madame was announced. She hadbeen informed of De Wardes's arrival, and knowing all the details of hisvoyage and duel, she was not sorry to be present at the remarks sheknew would be made, without delay, by one who, she felt assured, was herpersonal enemy. Two or three of her ladies accompanied her. De Wardessaluted Madame in the most graceful and respectful manner, and, as acommencement of hostilities, announced, in the first place, that hecould furnish the Duke of Buckingham's friends with the latest newsabout him. This was a direct answer to the coldness with which Madamehad received him. The attack was a vigorous one, and Madame felt theblow, but without appearing to have even noticed it. He rapidly cast aglance at Monsieur and at De Guiche,--the former colored, and the latterturned very pale. Madame alone preserved an unmoved countenance; but,as she knew how many unpleasant thoughts and feelings her enemy couldawaken in the two persons who were listening to him, she smilinglybent forward towards the traveler, as if to listen to the news he hadbrought--but he was speaking of other matters. Madame was brave, even toimprudence; if she were to retreat, it would be inviting an attack; so,after the first disagreeable impression had passed away, she returned tothe charge.

  "Have you suffered much from your wounds, Monsieur de Wardes?" sheinquired, "for we have been told that you had the misfortune to getwounded."

  It was now De Wardes's turn to wince; he bit his lips, and replied, "No,Madame, hardly at all."

  "Indeed! and yet in this terribly hot weather--"

  "The sea-breezes were very fresh and cool, Madame, and then I had oneconsolation."

  "Indeed! What was it?"

  "The knowledge that my adversary's sufferings were still greater than myown."

  "Ah! you mean he was more seriously wounded than you were; I was notaware of that," said the princess, with utter indifference.

  "Oh, Madame, you are mistaken, or rather you pretend to misunderstandmy remark. I did not say that he was a greater sufferer in body thanmyself; but his heart was very seriously affected."

  De Guiche comprehended instinctively from what direction the strugglewas approaching; he ventured to make a sign to Madame, as if entreatingher to retire from the contest. But she, without acknowledging DeGuiche's gesture, without pretending to have noticed it even, and stillsmiling, continued:

  "Is it possible," she said, "that the Duke of Buckingham's heart wastouched? I had no idea, until now, that a heart-wound could be cured."

  "Alas! Madame," replied De Wardes, politely, "every woman believes that;and it is this belief that gives them that superiority to man whichconfidence begets."

  "You misunderstand altogether, dearest," said the prince, impatiently;"M. de Wardes means that the Duke of Buckingham's heart had beentouched, not by the sword, but by something sharper."

  "Ah! very good, very good!" exclaimed Madame. "It is a jest of M. deWardes's. Very good; but I should like to know if the Duke of Buckinghamwould appreciate the jest. It is, indeed, a very great pity he is nothere, M. de Wardes."

  The young man's eyes seemed to flash fire. "Oh!" he said, as he clenchedhis teeth, "there is nothing I should like better."

  De Guiche did not move. Madame seemed to expect that he would come toher assistance. Monsieur hesitated. The Chevalier de Lorraine advancedand continued the conversation.

  "Madame," he said, "De Wardes knows perfectly well that for aBuckingham's heart to be touched is nothing new, and what he has saidhas already taken place."

  "Instead of an ally, I have two enemies," murmured Madame; "twodetermined enemies, and in league with each other." And she changed theconversation. To change the conversation is, as every one knows, aright possessed by princes which etiquette requires all to respect. Theremainder of the conversation was moderate enough in tone; the principalactors had rehearsed their parts. Madame withdrew easily, and Monsieur,who wished to question her on several matters, offered her his hand onleaving. The chevalier was seriously afraid that an understanding mightbe established between the husband and wife if he were to leave themquietly together. He therefore made his way to Monsieur's apartments, inorder to surprise him on his return, and to destroy with a few words allthe good impressions Madame might have been able to sow in his heart. DeGuiche advanced towards De Wardes, who was surrounded by a large numberof persons, and thereby indicated his wish to converse with him; DeWardes, at the same time, showing by his looks and by a movement of hishead that he perfectly understood him. There was nothing in these signsto enable strangers to suppose they were otherwise than upon the mostfriendly footing. De Guiche could therefore turn away from him, and waituntil he was at liberty. He had not long to wait; for De Wardes,freed from his questioners, approached De Guiche, and after a freshsalutation, they walked side by side together.

  "You have made a good impression since your return, my dear De Wardes,"said the comte.

  "Excellent, as you see."

  "And your spirits are just as lively as ever?"


  "And a very great happiness, too."

  "Why not? Everything is so ridiculous in this world, everything soabsurd around us."

  "You are right."

  "You are of my opinion, then?"

  "I should think so! And what news do you bring us from yonder?"

  "I? None at all. I have come to look for news here."

  "But, tell me, you surely must have seen some people at Boulogne, one ofour friends, for instance; it is no great time ago."

  "Some people--one of our friends--"

  "Your memory is short."

  "Ah! true; Bragelonne, you mean."

  "Exactly so."

  "Who was on his way to fulfil a mission, with which he was intrusted toKing Charles II."

  "Precisely. Well, then, did he not tell you, or did not you tell him--"

  "I do not precisely know what I told him, I must confess: but I do knowwhat I did _not_ tell him." De Wardes was _finesse_ itself. Heperfectly well knew from De Guiche's tone and manner, which was coldand dignified, that the conversation was about to assume a disagreeableturn. He resolved to let it take what course it pleased, and to keepstrictly on his guard.

  "May I ask you what you did not tell him?" inquired De Guiche.

  "All about La Valliere."

  "La Valliere... What is it? and what was that strange circumstance youseem to have known over yonder, which Bragelonne, who was here on thespot, was not acquainted with?"

  "Do you really ask me that in a serious manner?"

  "Nothing more so."

  "What! you, a member of the court, living in Madame's household, afriend of Monsieur's, a guest at their table, the favorite of our lovelyprincess?"

  Guiche colored violently from anger. "What princess are you alludingto?" he said.

  "I am only acquainted with one, my
dear fellow. I am speaking of Madameherself. Are you devoted to another princess, then? Come, tell me."

  De Guiche was on the point of launching out, but he saw the drift ofthe remark. A quarrel was imminent between the two young men. De Wardeswished the quarrel to be only in Madame's name, while De Guiche wouldnot accept it except on La Valliere's account. From this moment, itbecame a series of feigned attacks, which would have continued until oneof the two had been touched home. De Guiche therefore resumed all theself-possession he could command.

  "There is not the slightest question in the world of Madame in thismatter, my dear De Wardes." said Guiche, "but simply of what you weretalking about just now."

  "What was I saying?"

  "That you had concealed certain things from Bragelonne."

  "Certain things which you know as well as I do," replied De Wardes.

  "No, upon my honor."


  "If you tell me what they are, I shall know, but not otherwise, Iswear."

  "What! I who have just arrived from a distance of sixty leagues, and youwho have not stirred from this place, who have witnessed with yourown eyes that which rumor informed me of at Calais! Do you now tellme seriously that you do not know what it is about? Oh! comte, this ishardly charitable of you."

  "As you like, De Wardes; but I again repeat, I know nothing."

  "You are truly discreet--well!--perhaps it is very prudent of you."

  "And so you will not tell me anything, will not tell me any more thanyou told Bragelonne?"

  "You are pretending to be deaf, I see. I am convinced that Madame couldnot possibly have more command over herself than _you_ have."

  "Double hypocrite," murmured Guiche to himself, "you are again returningto the old subject."

  "Very well, then," continued De Wardes, "since we find it so difficultto understand each other about La Valliere and Bragelonne let us speakabout your own affairs."

  "Nay," said De Guiche, "I have no affairs of my own to talk about. Youhave not said anything about me, I suppose, to Bragelonne, which youcannot repeat to my face?"

  "No; but understand me, Guiche, that however much I may be ignorant ofcertain matters, I am quite as conversant with others. If, for instance,we were conversing about the intimacies of the Duke of Buckingham atParis, as I did during my journey with the duke, I could tell you agreat many interesting circumstances. Would you like me to mentionthem?"

  De Guiche passed his hand across his forehead, which was coveredin perspiration. "No, no," he said, "a hundred times no! I have nocuriosity for matters which do not concern me. The Duke of Buckinghamis for me nothing more than a simple acquaintance, whilst Raoul isan intimate friend. I have not the slightest curiosity to learn whathappened to the duke, while I have, on the contrary, the greatestinterest in all that happened to Raoul."

  "In Paris?"

  "Yes, in Paris, or Boulogne. You understand I am on the spot; ifanything should happen, I am here to meet it; whilst Raoul is absent,and has only myself to represent him; so, Raoul's affairs before myown."

  "But he will return?"

  "Not, however, until his mission is completed. In the meantime, youunderstand, evil reports cannot be permitted to circulate about himwithout my looking into them."

  "And for a better reason still, that he will remain some time inLondon," said De Wardes, chuckling.

  "You think so," said De Guiche, simply.

  "Think so, indeed! do you suppose he was sent to London for no otherpurpose than to go there and return again immediately? No, no; he wassent to London to remain there."

  "Ah! De Wardes," said De Guiche, grasping De Wardes's hand, "that is avery serious suspicion concerning Bragelonne, which completely confirmswhat he wrote to me from Boulogne."

  De Wardes resumed his former coldness of manner: his love of railleryhad led him too far, and by his own imprudence, he had laid himself opento attack.

  "Well, tell me, what did he write to you about?" he inquired.

  "He told me that you had artfully insinuated some injurious remarksagainst La Valliere, and that you had seemed to laugh at his greatconfidence in that young girl."

  "Well, it is perfectly true I did so," said De Wardes, "and I was quiteready, at the time, to hear from the Vicomte de Bragelonne that whichevery man expects from another whenever anything may have been saidto displease him. In the same way, for instance, if I were seeking aquarrel with you, I should tell you that Madame after having shownthe greatest preference for the Duke of Buckingham, is at this momentsupposed to have sent the handsome duke away for your benefit."

  "Oh! that would not wound me in the slightest degree, my dear DeWardes," said De Guiche, smiling, notwithstanding the shiver thatran through his whole frame. "Why, such a favor would be too great ahappiness."

  "I admit that, but if I absolutely wished to quarrel with you, I shouldtry and invent a falsehood, perhaps, and speak to you about a certainarbor, where you and that illustrious princess were together--I shouldspeak also of certain gratifications, of certain kissings of the hand;and you who are so secret on all occasions, so hasty, so punctilious--"

  "Well," said De Guiche, interrupting him, with a smile upon his lips,although he almost felt as if he were going to die; "I swear I shouldnot care for that, nor should I in any way contradict you; for you mustknow, my dear marquis, that for all matters which concern myself I am ablock of ice; but it is a very different thing when an absent friendis concerned, a friend, who, on leaving, confided his interests to mysafe-keeping; for such a friend, De Wardes, believe me, I am like fireitself."

  "I understand you, Monsieur de Guiche. In spite of what you say, therecannot be any question between us, just now, either of Bragelonne or ofthis insignificant girl, whose name is La Valliere."

  At this moment some of the younger courtiers were crossing theapartment, and having already heard the few words which had just beenpronounced, were able also to hear those which were about to follow. DeWardes observed this, and continued aloud:--"Oh! if La Valliere were acoquette like Madame, whose innocent flirtations, I am sure, were, firstof all, the cause of the Duke of Buckingham being sent back to England,and afterwards were the reason of your being sent into exile; for youwill not deny, I suppose, that Madame's pretty ways really had a certaininfluence over you?"

  The courtiers drew nearer to the speakers, Saint-Aignan at their head,and then Manicamp.

  "But, my dear fellow, whose fault was that?" said De Guiche, laughing."I am a vain, conceited fellow, I know, and everybody else knows it too.I took seriously that which was only intended as a jest, and got myselfexiled for my pains. But I saw my error. I overcame my vanity, and Iobtained my recall, by making the _amende honorable_, and by promisingmyself to overcome this defect; and the consequence is, that I am sothoroughly cured, that I now laugh at the very thing which, three orfour days ago, would have almost broken my heart. But Raoul is in love,and is loved in return; he cannot laugh at the reports which disturb hishappiness--reports which you seem to have undertaken to interpret, whenyou know, marquis, as I do, as these gentlemen do, as every one does infact, that all such reports are pure calumny."

  "Calumny!" exclaimed De Wardes, furious at seeing himself caught in thesnare by De Guiche's coolness of temper.

  "Certainly--calumny. Look at this letter from him, in which he tells meyou have spoken ill of Mademoiselle de la Valliere; and where he asksme, if what you reported about this young girl is true or not. Do youwish me to appeal to these gentlemen, De Wardes, to decide?" And withadmirable coolness, De Guiche read aloud the paragraph of the letterwhich referred to La Valliere. "And now," continued De Guiche, "thereis no doubt in the world, as far as I am concerned, that you wishedto disturb Bragelonne's peace of mind, and that your remarks weremaliciously intended."

  De Wardes looked round him, to see if he could find support from anyone; but, at the idea that De Wardes had insulted, either directly orindirectly, the idol of the day, every one shook his head; and De Wardessaw that he was in the wrong.
  "Messieurs," said De Guiche, intuitively divining the general feeling,"my discussion with Monsieur de Wardes refers to a subject so delicatein its nature, that it is most important no one should hear more thanyou have already heard. Close the doors, then, I beg you, and let usfinish our conversation in the manner which becomes two gentlemen, oneof whom has given the other the lie."

  "Messieurs, messieurs!" exclaimed those who were present.

  "Is it your opinion, then, that I was wrong in defending Mademoisellede la Valliere?" said De Guiche. "In that case, I pass judgment uponmyself, and am ready to withdraw the offensive words I may have used toMonsieur de Wardes."

  "The deuce! certainly not!" said Saint-Aignan. "Mademoiselle de laValliere is an angel."

  "Virtue and purity itself," said Manicamp.

  "You see, Monsieur de Wardes," said De Guiche, "I am not the only onewho undertakes the defense of that poor girl. I entreat you, therefore,messieurs, a second time, to leave us. You see, it is impossible wecould be more calm and composed than we are."

  It was the very thing the courtiers wished; some went out at one door,and the rest at the other, and the two young men were left alone.

  "Well played," said De Wardes, to the comte.

  "Was it not?" replied the latter.

  "How can it be wondered at, my dear fellow; I have got quite rusty inthe country, while the command you have acquired over yourself, comte,confounds me; a man always gains something in women's society; so, prayaccept my congratulations."

  "I do accept them."

  "And I will make Madame a present of them."

  "And now, my dear Monsieur de Wardes, let us speak as loud as youplease."

  "Do not defy me."

  "I do defy you, for you are known to be an evil-minded man; if you dothat, you will be looked upon as a coward, too; and Monsieur would haveyou hanged, this evening, at his window-casement. Speak, my dear DeWardes, speak."

  "I have fought already."

  "But not quite enough, yet."

  "I see, you would not be sorry to fight with me while my wounds arestill open."

  "No; better still."

  "The deuce! you are unfortunate in the moment you have chosen; a duel,after the one I have just fought, would hardly suit me; I have lost toomuch blood at Boulogne; at the slightest effort my wounds would openagain, and you would really have too good a bargain."

  "True," said De Guiche; "and yet, on your arrival here, your looks andyour arms showed there was nothing the matter with you."

  "Yes, my arms are all right, but my legs are weak; and then, I have nothad a foil in my hand since that devil of a duel; and you, I am sure,have been fencing every day, in order to carry your little conspiracyagainst me to a successful issue."

  "Upon my honor, monsieur," replied De Guiche, "it is six months since Ilast practiced."

  "No, comte, after due reflection, I will not fight, at least, with you.I will await Bragelonne's return, since you say it is Bragelonne whofinds fault with me."

  "Oh no, indeed! You shall not wait until Bragelonne's return," exclaimedthe comte, losing all command over himself, "for you have said thatBragelonne might, possibly, be some time before he returns; and, in themeanwhile, your wicked insinuations would have had their effect."

  "Yet, I shall have my excuse. So take care."

  "I will give you a week to finish your recovery."

  "That is better. We will wait a week."

  "Yes, yes, I understand; a week will give time to my adversary to makehis escape. No, no; I will not give you one day, even."

  "You are mad, monsieur," said De Wardes, retreating a step.

  "And you are a coward, if you do not fight willingly. Nay, what ismore, I will denounce you to the king, as having refused to fight, afterhaving insulted La Valliere."

  "Ah!" said De Wardes, "you are dangerously treacherous, though you passfor a man of honor."

  "There is nothing more dangerous than the treachery, as you term it, ofthe man whose conduct is always loyal and upright."

  "Restore me the use of my legs, then, or get yourself bled, till you areas white as I am, so as to equalize our chances."

  "No, no; I have something better than that to propose."

  "What is it?"

  "We will fight on horseback, and will exchange three pistol-shots each.You are a first rate marksman. I have seen you bring down swallows withsingle balls, and at full gallop. Do not deny it, for I have seen youmyself."

  "I believe you are right," said De Wardes; "and as that is the case, itis not unlikely I might kill you."

  "You would be rendering me a very great service, if you did."

  "I will do my best."

  "Is it agreed? Give me your hand upon it."

  "There it is: but on one condition, however."

  "Name it."

  "That not a word shall be said about it to the king."

  "Not a word, I swear."

  "I will go and get my horse, then."

  "And I, mine."

  "Where shall we meet?"

  "In the plain; I know an admirable place."

  "Shall we go together?"

  "Why not?"

  And both of them, on their way to the stables, passed beneath Madame'swindows, which were faintly lighted; a shadow could be seen behind thelace curtains. "There is a woman," said De Wardes, smiling, "whodoes not suspect that we are going to fight--to die, perhaps, on heraccount."