Read Love Page 7


  Rage punched me in the gut and I raised my weapon, my eyes darting to the darkened corners of the yard, worried that someone was still out there. “Cami, come back inside, now, and lock the doors behind you.” I kept my gun trained on the yard as she came inside. As soon as I heard the lock click, I lowered my weapon, immediately noticing the bloody footprints she left on the tile floors as she walked. She sank into the nearest chair, hiding her hands in her face as she sobbed. “Who would do this?”

  I didn’t answer, hurrying to rearm the system while pressing the panic button.

  “Security Plus, how can I help you?” a female voice came through the speaker.

  “We’ve had another intruder at this residence. Our dog has been slaughtered and a threat is written on the patio in blood. Please send officers immediately. I’m not sure if anyone is still out in the yard, but we are locked in the house.”

  “Yes, sir, Mr. Wilcock. I’m alerting the police right now. Please stay on the line with me until the police can confirm arrival.”

  “Okay.” I could hear her talking on another line, presumably to the dispatcher.

  “Mr. Wilcock?”


  “For the police, how many people are currently in the residence with you at this time?”

  “Just my wife and me are here.”

  “All right. Let me relay this information.” Again we could hear the once sided conversation.

  Kneeling next to Cami, I wrapped my arms around her. “What happened, honey?”

  “I . . . I got up to go to the bathroom and realized we’d both fallen asleep and hadn’t let the dog back in. I . . . I put on my robe and came in here to open the doggy door, expecting him to rush right in, but he didn’t, so I opened the patio door and called s . . . softly for him.” She was so upset she was stuttering. “W . . . when he didn’t come, I got worried that he got out of the yard somehow, so I flipped on the light. Th . . . that was when I saw him lying there. I rushed over to him, but there was n . . . nothing, I could do.”

  “Okay, honey, okay. Don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.” I stroked my hands over her back in a soothing manner trying to calm her down while my own anger rose to near boiling temperatures. Someone was definitely targeting her, or me, and after what I’d seen tonight, I was sure it was one very sick bastard. I needed to get Cami away from here. “Honey, I need to go get some clothes on real quick before the police get here. Will you be okay for a minute?”

  She nodded.

  “Listen for the dispatcher,” I reminded her before running through the house to our room. Flipping the light switch on, I didn’t bother with any underwear, instead grabbing the sweat pants and t-shirt I’d been wearing earlier and slipping them on as I moved back toward Cami. I didn’t want to leave her alone.

  “Mr. Wilcock?” the woman’s voice came through the keypad as I entered the room, again.


  “There should be a squad car pulling up in front of your house right now. I’ll stay on the line while you confirm it’s them at the door.” A hard knock sounded at the front door almost as soon as she spoke the words.

  “I’m going to let them in, Cami. Are you okay here?” She nodded, still hiccupping, and I hated to leave her for one more second. Hurrying to the front entryway, I opened the door to find two officers on the step and recognized them as former colleagues, Nicklaus and McMahon. I was surprised to see Chris pull up right behind their squad car. “Down the hall, guys,” I said, motioning the way for them to go. “Cami is back there.” They hurried off. “The police have arrived,” I confirmed to the security woman from the keypad by the front door. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Any time, Mr. Wilcock, good luck and good night. Let us know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  Chris entered, closing the door behind him. “I heard the call over my scanner and recognized your address. What’s going on?”

  “Back here.”

  I led him into the family room where the back door had been opened, revealing the grizzly site to them. Officer Nicklaus put his hand on his weapon and flipped on his mag light, stepping carefully around the blood as he searched the dark recesses of the yard. His light bobbed around, revealing nothing out of the ordinary that I could see.

  “I don’t see anyone out here now. There are some partial bloody footprints out here, but it looks like those might belong to your wife.”

  “Well, this looks like an obvious crime to me,” Chris said. “I say we get a team out here and see if they can lift anything that will give us something to go on.”

  “I’ll get right on it,” Officer McMahon said. “Nicklaus can get the official statement.”

  I knelt down by Cami, who was still sniffling with a blank stare on her face. “Why don’t we go into the other room, Goody? Let these guys do their job. I don’t want you to be in the thick of things.”

  “Who would kill my dog?” she asked in a tiny voice, wringing her hands. There was blood on them, too. “I don’t understand. He was just a puppy. He would never hurt anyone.”

  “Honey, whoever is doing this is sick. They aren’t thinking rationally. This is why I don’t want to leave you unprotected.” I hoped it was finally sinking in for her. My instincts had been dead on. Taking her by the elbow, I guided her into the other room, getting her seated comfortably. “Would you like something to drink? Some warm tea or something to help calm your nerves?”

  “No, I’m good. Thank you.” She straightened her spine and began retelling her experience to Officer Nicklaus, who carefully wrote things down in his notebook. I went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth with warm water, before going to wash the blood off her hands and feet. Before long, more people were entering the house and Chris was heading up a full-fledged investigation.

  Glancing at Cami, who still sat with her hands clenched in her lap, I brushed her hair to the side. “Honey, why don’t you try getting some sleep? There’s going to be cops in and out of this place for hours. Get some rest while things are safe and we can discuss what we want to do in the morning. You look worn out.”

  The fact that she slipped her hand into mine without argument spoke volumes. Once she was safely tucked back into bed, I turned on some soft relaxing music, hoping it would soothe her. She closed her eyes and I turned out the light.

  “Call for me if you need anything.” I went back into the family room, silently watching the team at work. I needed to make some sort of plan, and I needed to do it fast.

  Chapter Nine


  I’d been awake for hours now, simply lying there, listening to the silence in the house. Dylan was sound asleep next to me and I didn’t want to wake him up. I had no idea when he had finally come to bed, but I knew he was supposed to start his night shift rotation this evening. I wasn’t sure what he had planned for me, but I knew for certain I would not be staying here alone.

  My eyes drifted to the nightstand where his gun lay loaded, so he could easily reach it and it my heart hurt. I kept hoping that last night was just some kind of terrible nightmare, but I knew it was true. I was afraid to get up and go into the family room, again. I didn’t want to look outside.

  Had they removed my puppy? Were things cleaned up now? I didn’t think I’d ever be able to go into the backyard, again; and being here, in this house, felt scary to me, now. Just the thought of going into the kitchen for some food unnerved me. I knew the alarm system was on, but I still had a fear of someone jumping out at me. I felt traumatized and terrorized. Whoever was doing this to us, if that was their plan, then they were succeeding.

  Closing my eyes, I tried, unsuccessfully, to stop the tears that were leaking. I needed to be brave, be angry, stand up to this person and not let them ruin my life. Something had to give, though. There was no way I could bring a baby home to this. I protectively rubbed my hand over my belly. I wanted my little boy to be safe, to feel loved
. How was I supposed to be a good mother if we were constantly running in fear?

  I hated living that way. I’d been there before and it was an extremely unpleasant experience—one that ate its way into every facet of my life. I was angry at whoever this was for taking me back to that place.

  Dylan’s hand snaked over where mine rested and he linked fingers with me. Glancing at his face, I saw the unfettered concern there. Immediately, the tears burst forth and I scooted closer to him so I could be in his warm, strong embrace.

  He wrapped his arms around me, letting me cry against his bare chest as he stroked my hair. He didn’t offer any words of comfort, letting me know right away he felt the same way I did. My tears fell freely for several minutes before I finally sighed heavily and tried to rein my emotions back in.

  “I love you, Goody.” That was the best thing he could say to me right now. I needed all the love he had to give me.

  “I love you, too. Sorry for getting you all wet.”

  “I’m sorry you have a reason to cry,” he replied.

  “It’s not your fault.” We lay together in silence for a few more moments before he spoke again. “After we get up and get you something to eat, I want to pack up some our things. We’re going to stay at my parents’ house for a while. I don’t want you here by yourself and I feel safer about going to work knowing you have people around you there. Chris said he and Sheridan would even come stay with you. I’d like knowing that you have a cop in the house to protect you while I’m gone, especially since my parents will still be gone on their Mediterranean cruise.”

  I nodded, already prepared for him to tell me all this. I knew he wouldn’t let me stay here.

  “Is Oreo . . . I mean, did they . . . .” I couldn’t put what I wanted to say into words.

  Dylan sighed heavily. “Chris took the dog when he left, but they’ve taped off the family room and the patio, just in case they need to come check anything else again, today, before it gets cleaned up.”

  “I can’t bear to look at all that, again,” I said honestly. “It makes me feel queasy just thinking about it.”

  He continued his soothing strokes. “You won’t have to. We’ll get you out of here and you’ll hopefully be able to relax better at my folks’ place. Why don’t you go take a nice hot shower and I’ll make you some food? Do you want breakfast or lunch? It’s almost noon.”

  “Breakfast, please. I don’t feel much like eating, but that’ll settle better I think.”

  “Okay, breakfast it is.” He threw the covers back and climbed out of bed. I noticed he was still wearing the sweats he’d thrown on last night. I watched him as he went into the bathroom and I heard him turn on the shower. He reappeared in the doorway. “Water’s hot for you. I’ll have something ready for you when you get out.”

  I got up and gave him a big hug. “Thanks for taking such good care of me.”

  “It’s one of my favorite things to do,” he replied, hugging me back as he kissed the top of my head. “Go get in the shower.” He released me, spanking my bottom as I passed and it made me laugh slightly.

  “There’s the sound I love to hear.” I turned to look at him and he winked at me. I couldn’t help smiling back. He made me feel so loved and appreciated.

  Quickly undressing, I glanced up just in time to see him walk out of the bedroom, gun in hand. The weight settled on me, once again, as I climbed into the shower. Even he didn’t feel safe in the house, if he was resorting to carrying his gun from room to room.

  Though I was upset, the shower did wonders to help my tight muscles relax. I hadn’t realized how much tension I’d been holding in. After I finished washing, I stood under the spray for several extra minutes, letting myself enjoy the luxury.

  Remembering that Dylan was waiting for me to come eat breakfast, I sighed, turning the water off, and toweling dry before wrapping my hair up in it and slipping into a fresh robe and my slippers. I made my way down the hall, but stopped abruptly when I heard voices. Dylan was talking with someone.

  “You’re not going to like what I have to say.” It was Chris’s voice.

  “Tell me,” Dylan demanded.

  “Has Cami been feeling okay lately?”

  “She’s been a little on the tired side with her pregnancy. Why?”

  Chris sighed heavily. “All the evidence the department has points to her as the most likely suspect. They think she might be under stress and doing this herself.”

  “Like hell,” Dylan growled.

  I felt a pain stab through my stomach. They think I am doing this? What? How? I was trembling.

  “The first incident was your pillow. It was shredded with a knife from your kitchen. Only Cami’s fingerprints were on the knife. Your power was turned off and the utility company says Cami was the one who did it. When you sent her away for the week, nothing happened. But the day she came home, your dog was killed and only her footprints and fingerprints are at the scene.”

  “This is bullshit,” Dylan said angrily. “I can’t believe the department is trying to pin this on her. There’s no way in hell she’s responsible for this, Chris, and you know it. Cami wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone kill her own dog. What kind of motive would she have?”

  “They wondered if she might be lonely and wanting your attention. Pregnancy can really mess with a woman’s hormones and make them do strange things. That’s why they want to know if you’ve noticed anything different about her.”

  “She didn’t do it, damn it!” Dylan shouted. “What about when the alarm went off? She was with me at the Fireman’s Barbecue. She has dozens of witnesses that can attest to that fact. How’d she manage that?”

  Another pain stabbed me in the gut.

  “I’m not saying I believe it, Dylan. You know I love Cami. But when the evidence points to a certain direction, I’ve got to follow up on those leads. I agree about the alarm going off. That doesn’t fit, but what about everything else?”

  “The police need to do their fucking job and protect my family, not try to pin the blame on my wife!” Dylan was irate.

  The pain gripped me harder and I groaned loudly as I fell to the floor, clenching my stomach.

  “Cami?” Dylan’s concerned voice called to me.

  “Help,” I said breathlessly, the pain devouring me.

  Both he and Chris appeared at my side. “Honey what is it?” He grabbed my shoulders.

  “I think I’m having contractions.” Another pain stabbed me, again.

  “Call an ambulance,” Dylan ordered Chris.


  The rapid sound of my baby’s heartbeat on the monitor soothed my soul. I closed my eyes, just enjoying the sound of my little Peanut living inside me.

  “Drink some more water, honey,” Dylan said as I opened my eyes to look at him.

  “I’m hooked up to an I.V., Dylan. I think I’m getting plenty of fluids, now.”

  “I just don’t want you to get dehydrated, again. I’ve been so caught up in everything else going on that I wasn’t paying attention to how much you were eating or drinking. The doctor says you need to have lots more fluids than you’re getting.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I haven’t had much of an appetite for anything, lately.” I sighed heavily. “And to be honest, that’s not likely to improve, either, if the police think I’m the lead suspect in their case.”

  “Cami, I don’t want you even thinking about all that bullshit. I’m pissed that you even heard it. It’s ridiculous; and I promise you, I’ll see that this is taken care of. They have no right to accuse you of anything.” He was extremely upset, I could tell, and it worried me.

  “Well, if I didn’t know it wasn’t me, I’d have to say things do look pretty suspicious. Tell me the truth. If this were someone else you were investigating, what would you think?”

  Leaning on his elbows against bed, he scrubbed his hands over his face. “Honestly? Yes, I’d see a connection; but the fact also remains that you had a strong alibi while you were at the ba
rbecue. The patio doors had scratches on it. How were you supposed to be here scratching up the door and setting off alarms while you were with me at the station the entire time? It’s a flaw in their deductions, one that should prove it wasn’t you.”

  “True, but who knows if the scratches weren’t there from the time before, when the intruder was in the house. He could’ve scratched it up then. Could Oreo have set the alarm off somehow?”

  “He was penned up. I’m sorry, it still doesn’t make sense; and as soon as I know you’re taken care of, I’m going straight to talk with Chief Robson, because this is ludicrous. They need to be looking for who is really doing this.”

  “Well, we both know it’s not me, so take some comfort in that. And, as you pointed out, their theory has flaws. Hopefully they’ll figure it out.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it, somehow.” He slipped his hand into mine, toying with my wedding ring. “As soon as they release you from here, I’m taking you straight to my parents’ house. I’ll come back and pack up our things, myself. I don’t want you back in that house until we figure out what’s going on and catch who’s behind this. Okay?”

  I nodded, understanding that he was simply trying to keep me safe. “At this point, I don’t want to be there. I don’t like the idea of you being there alone either, though.”

  “I’ll take Chris with me. That way no one can accuse me of tampering with the crime scene.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening. I feel like I’m stuck in a bad nightmare that I can’t wake up from.”

  He squeezed my hand. “Leave the nightmare to me. You just worry about keeping yourself and our baby healthy. That’s all you should be concentrating on right now.”

  Lifting his hand, I kissed it. “I’ll do my best.” I promised.

  Chapter Ten


  Sitting in the recliner with my feet and arms crossed, I stared aimlessly at the television, attempting to appear normal to the rest of the crew in the station. Cami was safely stowed away in my old bedroom, texting me every hour, on the hour, to let me know she was okay. Chris was there with her, as well, which relieved a lot of my worry regarding her immediate safety. He was a crack shot and had proven, on several occasions, that he could be relied on to help take care of both Cami and me.