Read Love (Ai) Page 2


  “Are you Kyo Tatsuya?”

  Glancing up from where he was busy holding a large wooden crate while one of the museum assistants nailed it shut, he scowled.

  “Would you help first?” he asked, straining against the weight of the crate. Groaning under the weight, he returned his attention to the assistant. “Are you almost done?”

  “There are two more nails to go,” the answer came in an irritated tone.

  “Oh, joy,” Kyo groaned, and shook his head. “Hey, monkey suit, come over here, and help me hold this up. I’m dying under this weight.”

  “What did you just call me?” the man asked. Thankfully, he didn’t waste time and came to help him hold the crate. One moment the weight was pressing back at him heavily, the next it wasn’t. He sighed in relief.

  “Thanks man,” he answered. “This shouldn’t take too long. I can’t believe that three of the paintings are gone, what luck. Gosh, I’m starving. I didn’t get to eat anything all day.”

  “There was a buffet table in the back,” the gallery assistant called. “Do you want me to pack you up something?”

  “That would be nice,” Kyo said elated. “I’m always forgetting to eat. There were so many things to do, food just didn’t factor in.”

  “Shouldn’t you realize you’re hungry when your stomach growls,” the man helping him asked.

  “My stomach doesn’t growl, thank you very much. And who wears a suit in the evening? It looks like a tuxedo, are you going out on a date?” Kyo asked giving the man a skeptical look. “If it’s any one from this college, you should know we’re all just looking for a sponsor. It’s not real love.”

  “How romantic of you,” the man answered with a chuckle. “Are you always this cynical?”

  “I’m just realistic.” Kyo answered with a shrug. He turned and leaned his back on the crate to glance at their visitor.

  The man was tall, granted that he was a mere five foot seven inches, this man had to be in the six feet category. His body filled out, broad shoulders, lean physique; there was no fat on that handsome bod. He was in a tailored black tuxedo that fit to perfection. Black hair combed back stylishly. Meeting dark eyes, Kyo couldn’t help the grin at the handsome face looking back at him. So, what was such a man doing looking for him? He didn’t know any socialites.

  “Are you Kyo?” the man asked, with a smile.

  “Maybe,” Kyo replied, just in case the man wasn’t looking for him to give good news. “Why are you looking for Kyo?”

  “I have some business with him,” the man replied.

  Shaking his head, Kyo was relieved when the assistant called out that he was done. Three men came to help carry out the crate and Kyo couldn’t help stretching his arms to relieve his stressed muscles. Jeez, he was so tired, his stomach was cramping now from hunger, that package of food was his next order of business, after that, he was heading down to Harajuku, and spending a few hours getting silly drunk at his favorite club with his sister.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know Kyo,” he said to the man in the tuxedo. “Please look for him tomorrow.”

  Turning away from the handsome, tall man in a tuxedo, he started for the back stage area and the buffet table. He didn’t get far before a strong grip on his arm stopped him. Gasping, he looked up to find the man shaking his head at him.

  “Let go of me,” Kyo said worried that he was about to be assaulted by a psycho. Stories were going round of a pervert who was robbing people on the streets. The description was vague, which meant a man in a tuxedo could be doing it. People were sick out there. “I scream very well.”

  “I know you’re Kyo,” the man said. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he produced a photo, which he held out to him.

  Taking it, he was shocked to be staring at his own face. He’d taken the picture for an art book, he’d published earlier this month. Cursing open source sharing, he handed back the photo and demanded.

  “What do you want with me?”

  “I have someone who wants to talk to you,” the man said quietly. He didn’t let go of his arm, instead keeping a firm grip on Kyo’s upper arm. “My name is Ryuu Shin. Please come with me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Kyo replied.

  “I’m not going to hurt you,” Ryuu Shin said through gritted teeth. “Look, if I promise to feed you, will you come?”

  Food, Kyo sighed. The food at the buffet had been there for a couple of hours, it would be lukewarm, but he wasn’t one to be choosy. But, he frowned at the man. “What kind of food?”

  “I’ll take you to a five star hotel,” Ryuu replied with a hopeful glance.

  Well, high class tastes, Kyo could feel his stomach cramping even more now.  As much as he forgot to eat, he really loved food, the tastier the better, a high-class restaurant would undoubtedly be an experience he couldn’t miss. Not to seem too eager, he gave Ryuu a suspicious glance.

  “Do I have to dress up like you?”

  Kyo watched Ryuu look him up and felt a blush creep to his cheeks. His washed out blue jeans, converse shoes and a white paint stained t-shirt weren’t top of the line. His hair was in a messy ponytail, a few tendrils had escaped in the struggle to pack the paintings. With his free hand, he pinched the fabric of his t-shirt and sniffed. He wasn’t stinking, but compared to the tuxedo wearing Ryuu, he was far from fresh.

  “Well,” he asked when Ryuu didn’t speak.

  “You’re fine,” Ryuu answered with a slight smile. Shaking his head, he nodded towards the gallery exit. “Let’s go, we’re running late.”

  “Right now,” Kyo asked in surprise. “Can I at least grab my bag from the back?”

  “Already done,” Ryuu said nodding to a man Kyo hadn’t noticed before. He was holding his black duffel bag carefully. What was going on here? “Come on, we don’t want to be late.”

  “Hey,” Kyo said as Ryuu led out him firmly. “Who the hell are you? I’m not so easy, you know. You can’t just walk in here and get my stuff like you own me.”

  “Will you calm down?” Ryuu said as they stepped out into the warm evening. Leading him to a black car waiting at the curb, Ryuu urged him in first before following. He nodded to the driver and the car joined traffic.

  Kyo moved to the other side of the back seat giving Ryuu a skeptical glance before he looked out the windows with a sigh. Well, at least he was going to get food. He’d leave the moment he’d had his fill and head to Harajuku.

  Fifteen minutes later, they walked into the Park Hyatt hotel, Kyo groaned under his breath at the sight of the people walking in and out of the place. The glances he got were enough to bring out his rebellious side. He hated being judged, damn bastards didn’t have a reason to do that when they knew nothing about him.

  “Relax, Kyo,” Ryuu said gently placing an arm around his shoulders. “You are making faces at every one.”

  “Why are we here again?” Kyo asked irritated by the situation. Even the air smelled stinking rich, what the hell, he sighed. “I’ve decided not to stay. Give me my bag, I have somewhere to be.”

  “You’re insane,” Ryuu said exasperated. “Come on, we’re almost there.”

  Arm firmly around his shoulder, Ryuu led the way into a restaurant with the name Peak Lounge at its entrance. They walked past the man waiting at the entrance without stopping; a garden setting in the middle of the room had Kyo staring until they stopped at a table in a corner overlooking the city. Ryuu gave him a warm squeeze on his arm bringing back his attention.

  “Pay your respects,” Ryuu urged, nodding to the elegant woman seated there sipping tea. She was beautifully dressed in a black skirt suit, her hair held in a neat bun. He couldn't see her full face since she hadn't looked up from a folder on the table before her. She looked like a woman who commanded an army or something. Her type scared him. Irritated by the feeling, he turned to Ryuu.

  “Who the hell is this?” he demanded making Ryuu wince. “What?”

>   Ryuu gave him a censoring glance and said quietly, his tone full of respect. “She is Rin Kiyoshi, the head of the Biyashi foundation, and your mother.”

  “Biyashi,” Kyo gasped.

  The Biyashi Foundation was renowned for it’s galleries around the Eurasian region. Taking a closer look, he gaped when he recognized the renowned artist Rin Kiyoshi. She was supposed to have married some corporate mogul who left her millions when he died which she directed to the foundation. Her paintings were celebrated, but she was a recluse who rarely allowed the public into her private life, which was frustrating to the media since she was so freaking rich. The last he'd heard about her was that her only child had died from some weird disease. Wait what had Ryuu said, he frowned and turned to look at the tall man standing beside him.

  “What did you say?”

  “She’s the head of Biyashi, and your mother,” Ryuu repeated patiently. It was starting to be irritating, this tone Ryuu was taking with him, as if he was some sort of stupid child that couldn’t comprehend things. Shaking his head, he took a step back.

  “My mother is dead,” Kyo said quietly, a cold shiver running down his back. “I don’t appreciate this kind of thing.”

  Turning around he started to leave, and a hand clamped on his shoulder again. He’d been through this before, when he’d left his foster home after he’d turned seventeen. His older brother had tried to find his birth parents and after a harrowing experience with a crazy woman who’d wanted a child so badly she'd kidnapped him, he'd stopped looking. He shook his head. “Let go of me, and get screwed. I’m not this desperate for a parent.”

  “You can at least give me a chance to explain before you leave," Rin said.

  Her soft voice was crashing, he wanted to turn and stay. It made him need to hear her out and he wasn’t going to survive it. Shrugging off the arm on his shoulder, he turned around to glare at the woman sitting so calmly in her seat. “Why now?”

  Dark sad eyes met his and he frowned at what he was reading there. “I couldn’t find you before.”

  “That’s rich,” Kyo shook his head, and glared at Ryuu. “Since you know where to find me, bring my bag there tomorrow. I gotta go.”

  Giving the elegant woman a final glance, he stalked out of the restaurant, angry tears flowing down his cheeks. Wiping at them with clenched fists, he stumbled out of the hotel blindly. He’d grown up an orphan. One of the lucky ones, he’d found a home with an elderly couple who’d loved children. He’d had two older foster siblings, a boy and a girl named Daisuke and Kaori. When he’d turned seventeen, he’d moved to the city to live with Daisuke who’d gotten a decent job working as a manager at a communications company. He’d worked a bunch of jobs around the city while trying to win a scholarship into Geidai.

  At the time, Daisuke had been going through some self-discovery issues and had put it upon himself to find out where he’d come from. Daisuke discovered that his parents had indeed passed away while he was young and his aunt had been too old to take care of him so she’d put him up in the orphanage. He'd made peace with his past and with his questions answered, he’d urged Kyo to do the same.

  Kyo slowed down on the street shaking his head. The search had started out easy enough. A few questions here and there, and then the woman with too good a story had shown up. It hadn’t been the best of experiences, having some mad woman keep him in her home for two whole days claiming she really was his son. He’d vowed never to search for his roots ever again. He was happy living his life this way. He was a decent artist, he made enough from the exhibitions to send to his foster parents and pay rent on his one bedroom apartment. What else did he need? Wiping a hand down his face, he reached into his pocket for his cell phone. When he couldn’t find it, he groaned in frustration. He’d stuck it into his duffel bag so that he wouldn’t be interrupted during the exhibition. Glancing around the street, he sighed. It was looking like he was going to have to walk to Harajuku.

  It served him right for following a handsome man in a tuxedo for food. Which he hadn’t even gotten, he thought pressing a hand against his empty complaining stomach.

  “You’re so stubborn,” an annoyed tone said behind him making him jump in surprise. “I thought you were hungry. You could have at least stayed long enough to eat.”

  “Get away from me,” Kyo said sending Ryuu a mean glance. The man had actually followed him. He continued walking down the street, not caring where he was headed. A solution was going to present itself soon and he didn’t want it to have any thing to do with Ryuu and that woman.

  “I have your bag,” Ryuu said keeping up with him easily. “You don’t even have a phone, how are you going to get home?”

  “I have it,” Kyo protested refusing to look at him. “I don’t need you.”

  “It’s been ringing for a while now,” Ryuu said as they walked around other pedestrians. “Some person called Kaori keeps calling you. Isn’t she your foster sister?”

  “Give me the bag,” Kyo stopped abruptly. Ryuu extended his right hand and he reached for the blue phone that was vibrating furiously. Before he could take it, Ryuu grabbed and pulled him into his arms. A strong arm wrapped around his waist and he was suddenly pressed up against Ryuu’s larger frame. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You get the phone, when you enter my car,” Ryuu said then. “Is that a deal?”

  “No, let me go, and I won’t scream. We’re in the middle of the street, people are starting to stare.”

  “Well, that’s up to you too, the longer you resist me, the longer we’re stuck like this, Kyo.”

  Kyo sighed and glanced around just as a woman walked by with a little girl. The little girl pointed at them curiously, and the woman hushed her sternly. Hot flames exploded in his cheeks and he sighed. “Fine, you have a deal.”

  “In the car first,” Ryuu said releasing him slowly.

  Kyo stared up at the handsome man who was still in his impeccable tuxedo and sighed. It had felt good to be in the man’s arms. Looking away when a smile formed on those firm lips, Kyo cursed under his breath and looked around the curb of the street.

  “Where is the darned car?” Kyo demanded frustrated by the whole situation. He couldn’t believe he was willingly being kidnapped. Was he even going to make it to Harajuku? Rubbing a hand over his stomach, he turned to frown at Ryuu.

  “Right there,” Ryuu said gently, pointing to the same black car they’d used earlier. It had just pulled up to the curb. Kyo walked slowly toward it and entered the back reluctantly. When Ryuu was seated beside him, the driver joined traffic again.

  “Please don’t take me back to her,” Kyo said quietly, taking his phone from Ryuu. “I don’t want anything to do with that.”

  Ryuu nodded and leaned forward to murmur to the driver. Kyo took the opportunity to look at his caller ID. It was Kaori again. Closing his eyes, he answered it and had to put it away from his ear when she burst out into a screaming tirade that threatened to rupture his eardrum. She carried on for almost a minute before she calmed down enough for him to put the phone to his ear.

  “Where the hell are you?” she demanded.

  “Do you have to go on like that for hours on end?” Kyo demanded.

  “How can you ignore my calls? I thought something happened to you. Thirty calls, Kyo-chan, check your missed calls and you’ll see it. Don’t you think I worry?”

  “I’m sorry,” Kyo said quietly, throwing Ryuu a hateful look. This was his fault for confiscating his bag. He might have gotten the phone before the calls amassed to thirty. Ten maybe, but not thirty, he sighed. “What’s up Kaori?”

  “Where are you?”

  “In Shibuya,” Kyo answered. “I don’t know if I can make it to Club Hitoiro yet.”

  “Daisuke cancelled on us, he’s gone to see that girlfriend of his. You have to show, Kyo.”

  “Fine,” Kyo sighed, sliding his gaze back to Ryuu. “I need to talk to you anyway. I’ll c
all you when I’m on the way.”

  “You had better, Kyo. I’m going to pinch you when you get here. I’m just warning you. You don’t need to worry me like that again.”

  “I’m sorry, Kaori,” he said. Giving her a few more appeasing words, he hang up and stuck the phone into his jean pockets. Taking his duffel bag, he pulled out his wallet as well and stuck that into his other pocket. “Drop me off at the subway; we don’t have anything more to talk about anymore.”

  “I’m not interested in talking,” Ryuu said without looking at him. “But, you do need to eat, and rest. We should get you home to get some sleep.”

  “I can take care of myself just fine,” Kyo said with a shrug. “Please, just let me off here.”

  “And then what,” Ryuu asked. “You’ll run and hide from your mother? You’ll return to pretending you don’t know about her. Are you a coward, Kyo?”

  “I’m not a coward,” Kyo said with a sneer. He didn’t need to listen to this, what the hell did the bastard know about living? He was happy and that was all he wanted. He didn’t need a mother who’d thrown him away. “Please stop the car before I start screaming.”

  “Don’t be dramatic,” Ryuu said.

  Ryuu thrust a red folder before his eyes and he frowned. “What now?”

  “Read it,” Ryuu ordered quietly.

  Rolling his eyes, Kyo took the folder before it could poke his eyes out and laid it out on his lap. Ryuu turned on an overhead light and Kyo looked at him for a second. The expression on Ryuu's face was incredibly forbidding, so full of determination that it was somewhat scary.

  “What are you getting out of this?” he asked curious. It didn’t make sense that such a man would be chasing him down like this. “Are you her personal slave?”

  “She’s my boss, that’s all you need to know,” Ryuu said quietly. “Read the file, and then we’re going to take you to eat something.”

  Kyo turned the file open and went through the documents on the file. He wasn’t very mathematical and the pages were full of numbers, large numbers that should make anyone happy. It was all so confusing. He frowned when he caught his name and that of Rin at the top of each page when he paid more attention. The frown deepened when he got to some explanations that named him some sort of successor. He was supposed to take his position at the head of the foundation and sign documents-; he closed the file and handed it back to Ryuu.

  “Stop the car, right now,” he said, his insides shaking. He was going to vomit, nausea rolled in his stomach and he leaned forward trying to take deep breaths. The car slowed down, and he was glad when it finally came to a stop. Pushing the door open on his side, he leaned over and whatever contents he’d had in his stomach came rushing out. His body shuddered with every dry heave after that; he was suddenly so weak he couldn’t move. The door was open, all he had to do was get out, and he couldn’t. Closing his eyes, he let out a soft sigh.

  Ryuu pulled him back in, producing a handkerchief, he pressed it into his hands before he closed the door and spoke to the driver. Kyo used the handkerchief to wipe his mouth. He couldn’t believe it. That woman wanted to buy him back, now that she had found him. She’d thrown him away before and now she wanted to buy him back with obscene amounts of money. It hurt so much he could barely breathe. Shaking his head, the tears started falling again and he cursed his weak heart. Why was he so stupid? He should just accept it. Take it all as she wanted and be happy about it.

  He thought of Kaori waiting for him at club Hitoiro and his dear older brother, who was going to be getting married soon. They were his family now; he would get the money and give it to them. Use it to make their lives better, he should have enough strength to do that, he chastised his heart. In the end, he wasn’t fit to be loved, but to be bought.

  The car stopped and he was suddenly being pulled out of the car and carried out. He moved to protest, but Ryuu wouldn’t hear anything of it. He carried him into a very quiet lobby, they went into an elevator and Kyo closed his eyes. He couldn’t help leaning his head on the strong shoulders. The elevator stopped and he wondered if Ryuu came with the deal. He could use a man like him in his life.

  He opened his eyes when Ryuu lay him on a bed. Sitting up in a panic, he looked around the large elegant room. Ryuu removed his converse shoes and he glared at the man.

  “Stop that,” Kyo said moving to get off the bed. He’d be darned if hooker were added to his list of names. He would at least keep his dignity intact if he was to be bought. “I’m-,”

  “Will you relax,” Ryuu said with a sigh. Pushing him back onto the bed with a hand on his chest, Ryuu arranged pillows behind his back and made sure he was seated up comfortably. “I’ll get you something to eat. You weren’t exactly puking back there, more like dry heaves. What’s wrong with you, don’t you take care of yourself? When was the last time you ate?”

  “I don’t know, last night,” Kyo said pressing a palm to his forehead. His head was starting to hurt. He didn’t think he could go to the club anymore, but Kaori was waiting for him.  Sighing, he started to get up again, but Ryuu pushed him back into the pillows.

  “Stay,” Ryuu said grabbing the phone by the bedside table.  He talked quietly into it and Kyo suddenly realized how irritating that was. People talked loudly into phones so that others could hear what they were saying. At least in his world that was how it worked.

  “You do that a lot,” Ryuu commented replacing the phone. Kyo stared at him confused by what he was talking about. “You’ve been frowning and staring at me the entire evening.”

  “You’re annoying,” Kyo said with a sweet smile. “In the past hour, you’ve pulled me out of a gallery, dragged me to a hotel, introduced me to my so called mother, kidnapped me off the streets of Shibuya, and now I’m in a hotel room with you pushing me into a bed. I think my next stop should be the police station. You’re harassing me.”

  “Harassing?” Ryuu chuckled. “I think you’re the one who is too weak to deal. You protest too much, you’re hard headed, you don’t eat, and now you are so weak I’m afraid you’re going to pass out on me. Who’s a burden now?”

  “You are,” Kyo said reaching up to undo his ponytail. Maybe releasing his hair would ease his growing headache. Pulling off the black rubber band, he tossed it on the bedside table and ran hard fingers through his long hair. He moaned at the relief. Yep, his hair had been too tight. “I think I need a shower.”

  “You’re welcome to use the bathroom,” Ryuu said quietly.

  Opening his eyes, Kyo found Ryuu studying him with a very intense gaze. It captured his and he could feel little tingling sensations traveling through his chest finding their way to his heart where they filled up making his heart feel like it was going to burst. He let out a soft breath and broke the gaze. “I think I should leave,” he said with a trembling tone.

  “After you eat,” Ryuu said settling on the bed more fully. “Tell me, Kyo, what has you so upset about your mother finding you. You should be so happy.”

  “Happy,” Kyo scoffed. “I suppose her giving me up years ago was also an occasion I should be happy about. Why does she want me back now? I’m twenty- two years old. I have survived by myself that long; I can keep going alone.”

  “But you don’t need to,” Ryuu said gently. “She loves you and wants to take care of you. Is that too hard to understand?”

  “Is that the reason why you have those stupid papers with you? She’s going to buy my love?”

  “You don’t want the money?” Ryuu asked with a raised brow. “You’d be the first.”

  “I don’t need her money,” Kyo spat out angrily. He wasn’t for sale even to his mother. “I was contemplating accepting it, just for the sake of my friends, but I don’t want it. I don’t want anything to do with her.”

  “You’re really stubborn,” Ryuu said in wonder. The sound of the doorbell interrupted them and Ryuu sighed. “Don’t move, Kyo. If you do, I’ll carry you back and tie you to the stupid bed.”

/>   “How kinky,” Kyo replied watching his handsome captor leave the elegant room. Leaning back on the pillows, he closed his eyes and wondered why he wasn’t doing exactly as he needed to do. He could just get up and leave while the waiter was bringing in the food. Sitting up, he moved to get off the bed, but he was still weak from his earlier nausea attacks.

  To be truthful, he hadn’t eaten since the day before lunchtime, when Kaori had made ramen at her apartment before he’d rushed out to go for his classes at the university. Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his messy black hair and sighed. Judging from the size of this hotel room, he was expecting a very delicious meal. Five minutes later, Ryuu came into the bedroom pushing a dinner cart. The scent of roasted meat assaulted his senses, making his mouth fill with saliva, he wondered if he might have been a dog in his past life. Meat seemed to hit the right spot for him. Moving his feet over the bed, he watched as Ryuu brought the cart closer to him and set about opening dishes to reveal the delicious meal.

  Handing him a fork, Ryuu chuckled. “Don’t eat the plate.”

  “Bastard,” Kyo said sending him a smile before he dug into the roasted beef that was now biting sized thanks to Ryuu. “My goodness, this is really good. So good, you should have some before I eat it all.”

  “Go ahead and eat,” Ryuu replied in amusement as he sank into an armchair by the bed. “You really don’t take care of yourself, Kyo.”

  “I do too,” Kyo said when he could. Picking up the glass of mixed fruit juice, he drank half the contents before he spared Ryuu a glance. At some point, the jacket and bow tie had disappeared and the pristine white shirt was now open at the collar. The sleeves pulled back to his elbows. He was even more handsome, Kyo thought with a sigh. Too handsome for him, he decided. The fact that he seemed interested was not good on any scale. He might get too involved and then where would he be?

  Prying his eyes away from the vision of perfection before him, he returned it back to his roasted beef. “Why are you in a tuxedo? Surely, you’re late for whatever occasion you were going to.”

  “I had to cancel it,” Ryuu said quietly. “Rin-san called me to inform me she’d found you. I came to pick you up straight away.”

  “Just like that,” Kyo asked in surprise. “You dropped what you were doing just to come get me. Aren’t you a bit much?”

  “Not really, she’s the boss,” Ryuu said, his tone matter of fact. “It was important business.”

  “I’m important business,” Kyo repeated slowly. Taking a small bite of his meat, he chewed slowly thinking that piece of information through. “How ironic,” he said on a sigh. “Oh, well, I’m sorry you wasted your time, Ryuu. You should have gone to the party you were headed to.”

  “Actually, it was a wedding,” Ryuu answered. “A friend of mine was renewing his vows tonight.”

  “Really, isn’t that sad,” he frowned. “What excuses are you going to give?”

  “I had to find you,” Ryuu said.

  “The truth must work for you.”

  “It does, it’s even better since they already know about you. I’ve been helping Rin-san search for you a long time now.”

  Kyo laughed and shook his head. “You two deserve each other. Looking for me,” he shook his head, “I’m starting to think I’m in some sort of drama. Please bring out the cameras already, the joke is getting old.”

  “No joke, Kyo.”

  Kyo looked at him, biting the edges of his fork, he wondered about that tone in Ryuu’s voice. Was it just him or was the man staring at him? Ignoring it, he finished eating fast and just as he put his glass down, the phone in his pocket buzzed again. Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, he sighed. It was already nine-thirty. He was starting to feel the effects of a very busy day. Reaching for his cell phone, he answered it with a sigh.

  “Kaori, do you mind too much if I skip tonight. The exhibition tired me out.”

  “Fine, if you promise to meet me for breakfast. You also have to tell me what’s going on today.”

  “Sure,” Kyo said in relief. Promising to call her at eight in the morning, he hung up and glanced at Ryuu. “Thanks for dinner, it was really good. I think I should be going home now.”

  “Where is home?” Ryuu asked leaning forward in his seat.

  “I thought you knew everything about me?” he answered pushing the cart away and standing up. Yawning, he reached for the rubber band he’d dumped on the bedside table and tied his hair. “I’m leaving now.”

  “I’ll take you home.” Ryuu stood up suddenly crowding him in the space between the bed and the armchair. Dropping his arms, Kyo looked up to say something, but found he was standing way too close to Ryuu.

  “I think I really need to leave,” Kyo said when his body sang with excitement at their closeness. He could handle a lot of things, but rejection always made him feel terrible. If Ryuu was not interested in him, he sighed and moved to take a step back. Ryuu stopped him by sliding a hand around his waist and dragging him closer. Once again, he was in a tight hold against Ryuu’s intoxicating body.

  “Let me take you home,” Ryuu insisted forcing him to look up into dark smoldering eyes.

  He couldn’t comprehend anymore. His hands came up to brace against strong arms covered by the softest fabric he’d ever touched. Ryuu’s scent filled him, every corner of his brain filled with a heady mix of spices that had him moving closer just to retain it. He was losing his mind over a scent; he shook his head trying to gain control, but Ryuu spoiled that by pulling him into a tight hug.

  Gasping at the feel of being held so tightly, he sighed as intense heat spread through his body, his fingers clinging to  Ryuu’s shoulders, Kyo wondered if he’d eaten some kind of aphrodisiac to start acting this way. He wanted Ryuu to kiss him, he needed it, and his body was demanding he rub himself against Ryuu and take all that the man wanted to give him. Fire raged through him, he was fully hard, needing relief and he wanted it from Ryuu. He was getting mindless just from one hug. Panicking, he pushed away from Ryuu, stumbling back when the man let go of him, he bumped onto the bed and scrambled over it so that they were standing separated by the bed.

  “Stay there,” Kyo ordered when Ryuu started to come around concern on his face. “I don’t know what you put in the food, but I’m not playing.”

  “What are you talking about?” Ryuu asked with a puzzled expression.

  Kyo shook his head, locating his bag with his eyes. It was on a table by the floor length windows that showed off a beautiful night. Stalking to the bag, he grabbed it and hurried to pick up his converse shoes. Ryuu was clearly thinking he’d lost his mind judging from the confused expression he was wearing. Holding out a hand to make him stop moving, Kyo gripped his shoes tightly and turned to leave the bedroom. Running out into the living room and toward the front door, he didn’t stop until he was in the elevator leaning on the wall as the numbers counted down.

  Taking deep breaths, he pulled on his shoes and let out a sigh trying to calm his racing heart. By the time the doors opened on the ground floor and he came out of the elevator, he was fractionally calmer. Once outside in the cool air, his thoughts cleared and he decided to go home get some sleep and act like this was one of those bizarre nights everyone experienced once in a while.
