Read Love (Ai) Page 8


  On the day of the exhibition, Kyo dressed extra carefully. Kaori had taken care of his clothes, delivering them to the loft with Daisuke and Rie in tow in the morning. While he got dressed, she and Rie prepared breakfast while Daisuke sat on his bed.

  “Are you happy, Kyo?” Daisuke asked quietly. “Of all of us, you’re the lucky one, you found your parents. Kaori will never know hers since she was named by the state. My parents died a long time ago. You have to know how lucky you are.”

  “I know, Daisuke.” Brushing his hair thoroughly, he reached up and tied it in a ponytail, making sure that it was neat. Happy with what he was seeing, he turned to look at his oldest brother and shrugged. “My family is also yours, you do know that right?”

  “I know.”

  “Can you help me tie this?” Kyo held up a tie and Daisuke stared at him in shock. “Stop staring at me and help. I can’t seem to do it right no matter how many times I try.”

  “I have to say, Ryuu-san has power I didn’t foresee. You are actually going to wear a tie. Kyo, are you ill?”

  “A Kiyoshi is always impeccably dressed.” Kyo recited Ryuu’s words and shook his head. “I have to make an impression today, Daisuke. It’s my first day as the head of a foundation that scares the hell out of me.”

  “I guess I’ve lived to see the day,” Daisuke said getting up to help him with the tie. “I’m happy for you little brother. You’ll make a good spokesperson.”

  Entering the kitchen behind Daisuke, adjusting the knot at his neck, he winced when Kaori squealed in excitement and rushed to jump over him. “Oh my God, you look awesome. I knew the charcoal grey would be best, and the tie is amazing. You’re too handsome.”

  “Please stop,” Kyo said rolling his eyes. “Rie-san, I’m so sorry, but you’re getting yourself into a family of mad people.”

  “I don’t mind, it’s lively,” Rie said standing up to stand beside Daisuke.

  They ate breakfast leisurely. Then Daisuke drove them down to the new gallery where a crowd was already gathering. Driving to the back, they dropped him off at the back entrance and went off to find a place to park. Kyo hurried into the gallery and was met by Shuji who was overseeing the preparations.

  “Your guests are waiting; your mom looks very excited. I had a hard time keeping her away from the exhibition room.”

  “Thanks, Shuji.” Entering the waiting room where his mother was waiting, he grinned when his mother rushed to hug him. “Hi, Mom, you look lovely as always.”

  She gasped and pulled back to stare up at him. “You just called me Mom.”

  “I did,” he said quietly. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek and smiled. “Come on, I’ll show you your portrait. I promise that Ryuu hasn’t seen it first.”

  “That’s good, although I don’t think Ryuu is too happy with any of us right now. He’s out in the lobby talking with the security team. His expression is extra grim; you’re going to need a miracle.”

  Well, he would fix that pretty soon he hoped. Leading Rin into the exhibition room, he put a hand over her eyes and led her directly to painting number nineteen. When they were standing right before it, he removed his hand and waited for her reaction. Staring back at them was a regal Rin Kiyoshi, looking elegant and royal in a pristine white dress seated on a stool in a disarrayed storage room. To him, she was the calm port in a storm, a woman who despite being in constant turmoil, never once let on she was anything but graceful.

  “It’s beautiful.” She didn’t say anymore but she did reach out and touch the signature he’d used. It simply read Kiyoshi. She hugged him tightly and said into his ear. “Thank you and welcome home.”

  Kyo hugged her back and allowed the moment for a bit, before he pulled back and nodded to the final painting. She looked at it with curiosity and frowned. Glancing around the room she frowned. “It’s not a portrait.”

  “It’s a message to a certain upset someone.” Kyo smiled when she gave him an inquiring look. “I’ll explain later, but please let me show it to him first before we start.”

  “Alright, son,” she grinned. “I love saying that. Today is the happiest day of my life. I can’t wait to make my speech. I want the whole world to know I’ve found you. So hurry up and appease Ryuu, and meet us out front.”

  Nodding, he hurried out ready to go get Ryuu, only to collide into the man on his way to come into the exhibition room. The familiar hold on his upper arms steadying him made him realize just how much he’d missed his lover. Glancing up into dark cold eyes, he faltered for a moment, at the sight of that anger. Swallowing hard, he took a step back.

  “Sir, we’re almost ready,” Ryuu said quietly.

  That tone hurt more than he could imagine. Taking Ryuu’s hand, he turned and pulled him into the exhibition room, not stopping until they were before the Zen garden he’d spent hours painting. There was already a red sticker beside the name of the painting. He’d simply called it one word. ‘Ai’, Love. To him, that stupid drawing they’d done together, so many months ago in the solarium was more precious than anything he’d ever done.

  “You painted it,” Ryuu said quietly. “And it’s already sold.”

  “I put that there. The painting is yours to keep,” Kyo said. “I’m sorry, and please stay with me. Be with me, Ryuu because I can’t live without you. Even though you’re angry with me right now, don’t-

  Ryuu stopped his words with a soft kiss on his lips and he closed his eyes in relief. As much as he wanted to garner respect from the rest of the Kiyoshi family, he never wanted to hear Ryuu call him ‘sir’ using that stupid cold voice he’d just used.

  In the past year, he’d learned more than he dared say from Ryuu. The man had brought out his capacity to love, teaching him that it was okay to share that love with his old family, and his new family. That it was alright to be who he wanted to be, even when others didn’t approve. Ryuu had introduced him to a part of himself he’d never imagined existed. Just thinking about it, made his body ache for time alone with him at a more private place.

  He wrapped his arms around Ryuu’s neck and was glad when he was pulled into a tight possessive hug. Breaking the kiss, he laid his head on Ryuu’s shoulder and sighed.

  “Please don’t ever call me sir. I don’t think I can take it.”

  “I was angry,” Ryuu said quietly. “You left me and wouldn’t let me see you.”

  “I had to,” Kyo said quietly. “To make this exhibition happen, to make the change I needed to accept Mom. I needed to leave.”

  “I know,” Ryuu said still holding him. He breathed out shakily and shook his head. “I love you, Kyo. Please don’t ever leave me again.”

  “I love you too.” Kyo said his heart bursting with love. “I love you so much.”

  Ryuu kissed him again and in that moment, Kyo Kiyoshi felt like he had come home. He was where he belonged and nothing would ever take him away, not even death, he decided.

  The End