Read Love Bites Page 12

  Alexander shook his head. His best friend had gotten him into a mess. “That’s just Sebastian’s way. He didn’t mean any harm.”

  “Did you know that after Sebastian met Becky at Hatsy’s he texted her all night?” Matt asked.

  “Not at the time. I’m not with him every minute.”

  “Sebastian sent the flowers to Becky. Not Raven. Did you know that?”

  “No—or I would have stopped him.”

  “But you did find out.”


  “So were you going to tell me?”

  “There wasn’t a need to. We had it resolved.”

  “Really? Did you know he had the nerve to show up at her house?”

  “He did?” Alexander said. “I thought he bumped into her in town.”

  “And all the time you both were laughing and encouraging him,” Matt said, annoyed.

  “Now, take it easy. I never laughed, and I most certainly didn’t encourage him. It was just the opposite.”

  Now I was mad. It was one thing to accuse me, and now Sebastian, of causing trouble, but quite another to accuse Alexander. “You have it wrong, Matt. Alexander—”

  “It’s okay, Raven,” Alexander said, trying to calm me down. “I understand you might be mad, Matt. But it’s not as bad as it sounds.”

  “And to think I included him at Hooligans.”

  “You are misunderstanding what happened.”

  “Am I?”

  Matt stepped forward.

  I was ready to pounce on anyone who charged at Alexander—though he was quite capable of defending himself.

  Alexander held out his arm. “It’s okay.”

  “Now you’re having a party,” Matt said. Then he fixed on me. “And Raven—you don’t invite your best friend?”

  Trevor stood behind Matt, arms folded, smiling gleefully.

  “What’s he doing here?” I charged. “I thought you weren’t his shadow anymore.”

  “He’s the one who told me,” Matt said. “Seems Trevor is a good friend after all.”

  The soccer snobs surrounded Alexander. I rushed in, but Alexander held me at bay.

  “I don’t think you know who you are dealing with here,” I said to the gang of athletes.

  Alexander appeared concerned for Matt’s situation, but he wasn’t worried about the threat from the others. He was confident in his own power, and I knew he wouldn’t use it unless it was to defend me.

  “Is Becky with Sebastian?” Alexander asked.

  “No—she’s with me,” Matt said.

  “Then isn’t that your answer?” Alexander assured Matt. “After all the texts, the flowers, and the visits, she’s still with you.”

  Matt’s anger changed to relief. He even broke a smile.

  Sebastian suddenly appeared beside us. “What’s going on?”

  When he saw Matt, he knew he must have found out about his feelings for Becky.

  “I’m the one you have a beef with,” Sebastian said. “This isn’t about Alexander.”

  “I know that now,” Matt said.

  “Let’s talk calmly,” Sebastian urged.

  “I know how you feel about Becky—but I’m the one who loves her,” Matt suddenly proclaimed.

  Becky hopped out of the truck. She raced to Matt and clutched him around the waist. He’d declared his love for her in front of everyone. She gazed up at me with an almost thankful smile.

  I was surprised by Matt’s sudden passion and proud that he was standing up for Becky. However, I didn’t want this conflict to continue.

  “And just so you know,” Sebastian defended, “Alexander ordered me to leave the Mansion.”

  “He did?” Matt asked.

  “But I was the one who wanted to stay in town. Raven and Alexander went out of their way to arrange a party for me—to find my own Becky. So they really are better friends to you than you might think.”

  Matt was speechless.

  “Yeah—so you might have Becky,” Sebastian began, “but I have Raven and Alexander.”

  Matt was stunned. “I feel awful,” he said.

  “I do, too,” Becky added.

  Matt glared at Trevor. “You started this, didn’t you? Just like always.”

  But Trevor’s attention was on a few cars that had pulled up to the Mansion’s gate.

  Within a few minutes, vehicles began to line the street.

  Students came up the driveway and the lawn, decked out in their Saturday-night best and carrying bags of beverages.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “You know how news travels in this town,” Trevor said. “Everyone likes a party. Not just you guys.”

  “Where’s the coffin guy?” a Pradabee asked.

  “Is that him?” another asked, pointing to Alexander. “He’s gorgeous!”

  “I wonder if he has a dungeon,” the Pradabee commented. “Or a secret room. I wouldn’t mind if he locked me up in one.” The pair laughed and followed the others to the backyard.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked frantically. “Call the police?”

  “No—it’s fine.” Alexander beamed.

  Alexander surveyed his uninvited guests and their festive mood.

  “Well, we don’t have enough drinks,” I said. “I mean, the non-Romanian kind.”

  “Doesn’t seem to matter. Looks like they are bringing their own,” Alexander commented.

  Sebastian lit up. “Now, this is a real party. This is what we’re missing by being homeschooled. Look at these girls. They’re all hot!”

  We arrived in the backyard to a full-fledged happening. The backyard began to fill up with every teen in town.

  “Here’s some liquor,” a soccer snob said, holding the unfinished Transylvania 1972.

  He lifted it to his lips and leaned back to take a huge swig.

  “No—” I yanked it out of his hands. “That’s an import!” I chastised. I grabbed the goblets and carried them into the house like a seasoned waitress.

  As I exited, I met an anxious Jameson in the doorway, examining the expanding party.

  “Miss Raven, what has happened?”

  “We had a few party crashers.”

  “A few? More like a hundred. I must go to the basement. I know we have more stock.”

  “Not the cellar, Jameson,” I said. “It’s not that kind of party.”

  “Of course, I meant in the downstairs pantry.” Jameson fretted. “Oh, I wish I had time to prepare!”

  I’d watched plenty of movies. Couples using pieces of furniture and empty bedrooms for makeout sessions while others used the furniture as coasters. I didn’t want the Mansion trashed and, more important, Alexander’s and Sebastian’s identity revealed. “Don’t let anyone in the house,” I told Jameson before he started off. “If they find Sebastian’s bed…”

  “I understand, Miss Raven.”

  Just then two girls came up to the door.

  “Which way to the bathroom?” one asked.

  “That way,” I said, pointing to the street. “There is one at the gas station. Or, better yet, I bet there’s a golden-seated one at your home….”

  The girls glowered at me and returned to their boyfriends.

  “I’ll stand watch as soon as I get back,” he said nervously. Jameson wasn’t the only one upset. I returned to find my party—like my life—out of control.

  Couples were mashing. Some were hanging out by the fire pit. Others were dancing.

  I spotted Onyx and Scarlet hovering on either side of Trevor. The girls were fawning over his beefy physique.

  Where was Sebastian? The girls were supposed to be drooling over him. But none of the vampires seemed interested in the others at this point.

  I stormed through the crowd and toward the girls. Scarlet pretended to arm-wrestle with Trevor and then turned his wrist to examine it.

  I saw Scarlet’s fang catch the light of the fire pit. Onyx’s onyx tattooed fang sparkled when she grinned.

  Trevor w
as in heaven. But if Onyx and Scarlet had their way, he might be somewhere else.

  Scarlet lifted his wrist to her mouth.

  “Scarlet!” I called. “Onyx.”

  “Not so fast,” Trevor warned, holding Onyx by the waist. “They are doing just fine. You aren’t the only one interested in threesomes.”

  “First of all, I’m not. And second of all, this isn’t that kind of party.”

  “Is jealousy the only emotion you feel?” Trevor charged. “Even in front of Monster Boy?” he said. “But it appears he’s already busy,” he said, gesturing to a few girls who were talking to Alexander. “But don’t worry. You can join in with us…. I won’t tell.”

  I wasn’t pleased that my schoolmates were fawning over my boyfriend, but I had more urgent matters to attend to.

  “Save it for school.”

  I wrangled the girls away from Trevor and whispered in Onyx’s ear. “He’s not a V.”

  “Not a V?” He had overheard me. “What does that mean? Virgin?”

  “Oh, really?” Onyx said softly.

  They were shocked.

  “Funny, we both sensed he was,” Scarlet whispered. “It’s not the first time we’ve made a mistake,” she said, alluding to me.

  “Remember why I invited you guys—for Sebastian,” I urged.

  But Scarlet wasn’t walking away. She was charmed by Trevor and continued to hold on to his hand.

  “You can have Sebastian,” she said in a low voice to Onyx.

  “She can’t like Trevor,” I said. “That’s not an option. Remember what we discussed,” I warned through gritted teeth. “No one gets—”

  “Don’t worry, Raven. She’s just having fun,” Onyx said, stopping me. “And I plan to do the same.” Onyx flipped back her jet black locks and disappeared into the crowd.

  This party was getting out of hand. Vampires mixing with unsuspecting mortals. I had to make sure no one was bitten—especially Trevor Mitchell.

  I looked to Alexander and Sebastian for help. Sebastian was now talking to the girls who were interested in Alexander, and Alexander was entranced by his rocking party.

  I turned to go back to Trevor and I bumped into Becky.

  “I’m so sorry, Raven,” she said. “Can you forgive me?”

  “Uh, yes—but I have something else I have to deal with right now.”

  “Please—listen,” Becky pleaded. “You’re the one who always talks about being in trouble, but I’m the one who keeps getting you there. You are my best friend. Now and always—and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that.”

  “I hated not telling you about the party,” I said. “I did feel like a sneak. But I had to protect you.”

  “I totally understand. You and Alexander are so kind to Sebastian—and to me. And look what we’ve done. We brought Trevor and the entire school to the Mansion.” Becky sat on a bench lined with plastic skeletons. “I’m so ashamed.”

  “It’s okay, Becky.” I gave her a hug. “Alexander’s having the time of his life. Babes dancing in his backyard. Jocks hanging out. It’s an image I never imagined. It’s a blessing, really. He’s so isolated being homeschooled, and now he’s more popular than Trevor.”

  Becky managed a small grimace. “You don’t hate me?”

  “Of course I don’t hate you. You’d have to do a lot worse than bringing Trevor to the Mansion for me to not like you. But speaking of Trevor—I have a major issue to address. Can you help me?”

  “Of course.”

  Just as I began pushing past the crowd to separate an embracing Trevor and Scarlet, all heads turned toward the back stairs.

  I saw a sight I thought I’d never see. I was completely unprepared.

  Descending down the Mansion’s back stairs as if a soft halo of light were around her was a gothic fairy girl with candy-pink-colored hair perfectly woven into two braids and wrapped in Wednesday Addams–style black bows, wearing an offbeat Alice in Wonderland dress with black-and-white tights and pink combat boots.

  She was as beautiful as she was cute, as fragile as she was confident. Her frame was that of a whimsical angel with the wings of a devil. And everyone at the party was spellbound.

  It was Luna Maxwell.

  I hated how beautiful she was. She had perfectly porcelain skin, and her glossy pink lips sparkled like tiny stars. Her presence lit up the crowd. She drew everyone’s attention like a starlet.

  The crowd was hypnotized. Sebastian was mesmerized. For a moment, even Alexander was transfixed.

  And looming right behind her was her twin brother—Jagger, Alexander’s former nemesis—sporting familiar bleached-white hair with bloodred ends, a freakishly frightening Joker T-shirt, and red Doc Martens.

  Our party had officially spun out of this world.

  How was I going to hold all these vampires at bay from mixing with the mortal students of Dullsville? How were we going to keep their Underworldly identity a secret? And if their cover was blown, how was I going to keep Alexander from having to leave Dullsville?

  My blood boiled and my flesh flushed. I felt dizzy and queasy. The voices and music became muddled, and everyone suddenly seemed very far away.

  I was sure I was falling.

  Then the world went black.


  Spin the Bloody Bottle

  I opened my eyes to find myself lying flat on the grass. Alexander was kneeling beside me. A large circle of familiar faces—Becky, Matt, Onyx, Sebastian, Scarlet, Trevor, Jagger, and Luna—were staring down at me. The stars shimmered and a full moon hovered above them.

  It had to be a dream.

  I closed my eyes again.

  “Let’s give her some air,” I heard a girl’s voice say.

  “Did you drink too much?” another asked.

  “Did she take something?”

  “Did she OD?” someone else said.

  My mouth was dry. I couldn’t form a word in my defense.

  “I’ll take her to a doctor,” Alexander said, alarmed.

  “Here, drink this,” Becky said, handing me a soda. Alexander helped me sit up, and I gulped down the bubbly liquid as if I hadn’t drunk for days.

  Scarlet held a bag of ice on my head.

  “Did you eat something odd?” Becky asked like a ponytailed Florence Nightingale.

  “No—I haven’t eaten anything,” I replied, weakened.

  The crowd of well-wishers stopped fussing.

  “What?” Alexander asked. “You haven’t eaten?”

  “I didn’t have time. I was decorating for the party all day.”

  “Not even breakfast?” Scarlet asked.


  “Then no wonder you fainted,” Becky said.

  Alexander signaled to Sebastian, who took off for the Mansion.

  My boyfriend swept me up in his arms and carried me to the table. He gently let me down in a wrought-iron chair and held my hand while I drank my soda. A few moments later, Jameson pushed a small cart through the crowd of partygoers. The scent of marinated steak was intoxicating to the mortals and euphoric to the vampires.

  A thick, juicy steak was placed before me. All the vampires, including Alexander, almost salivated.

  “I’ll do that,” Scarlet said as I began to cut into the bloody steak.

  “It’s for Raven,” Alexander said gently.

  The vampires watched with envy as I tore into my meal. As I wolfed down the steak and began to regain my strength, Alexander began to address the next issue we had on our hands—bloodsucking party crashers.

  The candelabras lit Jagger’s menacing ice-green-and-blue eyes. His sister stood behind him, basking in the glow of stares from the male partyers.

  “I don’t remember inviting—” Alexander said.

  “Some girls have looser lips than others,” Jagger said.

  Onyx appeared ashamed.

  “Perhaps it’s time we mingle,” Scarlet said. She led Onyx into the crowd.

  “We didn’t think you’d mind,” Jag
ger said to Alexander. “Now that we are friends.”

  Alexander was skeptical. Though their feud had ended when Alexander returned Jagger’s weakened brother, Valentine, to him, Alexander wasn’t expecting his longtime nemesis to instantly replace Sebastian.

  “Friends?” Alexander said.

  “Yes,” Jagger said. “One can never have too many, right?”

  “I suppose you are right, but—”

  “There really is safety in numbers,” Jagger urged. “Besides, we have so much in common: Romania, vampires, and Raven.”

  “Raven?” Alexander asked suspiciously.

  “I saw a lot of her recently,” Jagger proclaimed, referring to my attendance at the Coffin Club. “She fit right in.”

  “I heard,” Alexander said.

  “No one knew she was any different. Did she tell you?”

  “She didn’t have to.”

  “I was hoping to see her there again,” Jagger continued. “It seemed she got on as well as any of the members there.”

  “She is planning on being here,” Alexander said.

  “I was hoping you’d come back,” Jagger said to me. “But since you didn’t, this way we’ve come to you.”

  “How sweet,” I retorted.

  “I think we’ll be fast friends, Alexander,” Jagger said. “It’s something I’ve always wanted. There is so much we can learn from each other.” Jagger gestured to the party. “There is safety in numbers. We could use more members and, with your help, perhaps start a club here.”

  “Out of the question!” Alexander said.

  “Nothing you have to decide now, my friend,” Jagger said calmly. “But imagine…If all these mortals were just like us, then think of what could be—what we could do. A town in which you don’t have to hide out in a Mansion, all alone.”

  “I think it’s time you leave,” Alexander demanded.

  “But we just got here,” Jagger said. “You’re right. I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m just a visionary, that’s all. Nothing you need to commit to this minute. Besides,” Jagger continued, “we came to party. And Luna was very eager to see Raven.”

  “So how have you been, Raven?” she asked, über-polite. “Besides lying flat on your back,” she whispered in my ear.

  Luna was still bitter toward me for fooling her into believing I was a vampire. And even more so because Alexander had jilted her at the covenant ceremony back in Romania and he had found happiness with me.