Read Love Can Kill You Baby Page 4

  "With all this searching, and copying, I don't think we got any smarter. This is basic "journalist magic", making news out of nothing." said Katlin fallowed with a stretch and a yawn.

  "What do you think, Boss?

  "I think you shouldn't call me Boss, otherwise I learned a little, even from this."

  "Like what?" she asked.

  "Well, the report doesn't say anything about breaking and entering, they don't say that valuables were missing, and the girl was unharmed?"


  "So, it could mean several things, like maybe the police held back some info, what only the killer would know, or there was really nothing missing, or the killer just didn't know about the girl. Like I said: these could be important details, or they could mean nothing. We will know how to use these information, when we learn more. Until then, they go to the main case file in my smart head, so my brain can start churning. Now let me ask you something! You basically finished law school, only several exams left and you get your law degree? Is that right?" asked Joe.


  "Do you get ready to your exams in a group setting, asking and helping each other out, or you chose the lonely, thinking alone and learning alone option?"

  "Alone! Of course alone! You can't even imagine the stupid questions what the girls ask preparing themselves for exams! No, no, no?strictly alone. I don't have time for that; it's like babysitting them?"

  "You see, we have something in common: that's how I like to work too?"

  "Oh, yeah! Look at the smart cookie! With his techniques! And I am the fifth wheel, which will slow him down! Well, pardner, better get used to it, because I won't go away, want to learn, and fast!"

  "Ok, pardner, but maybe the learning process would work better if you just quietly listen, watch, and analyze, and if you still not understand what is going on, then you should wait until it becomes clear, even to you. You're better off if you learn it early: whatever Big Bad Joe does, there is a good reason to it." he was quiet surprised when she said:

  "Yes, dear!" with her regular great smile.

  "She does learn fast, I have to give that to her? And those eyes! There is no shade of black this deep! God why couldn't you just let me have my slow, boring life? I thought I enjoyed it! No, you had to send her here, to mess up my peaceful days. Man, she is a stunner." These thoughts ran thru his mind in a second?

  From the library, they walked over to Parry Sound BOOKS, the place in town with the largest selection of new books. There is another great store, the Bearly Used Books, but this time Joe wasn't looking for any reading material.

  "This place is beautiful," said Katlin" look at all those great books! Do I have a little time to look around?"

  "Yes, go ahead! I think I'm going to do the same thing for a couple of minutes?"

  A short time later, they were lined up at the checkout. Katlin bought a photo book of old abandoned wooden structures, houses and boats found all around this area. Joe had several Maps in his hand.

  "What are those for?" asked the girl.

  "You know?I like to travel? By the way, can I have a Map of Hungary also, please?" directed his question towards the lady at the counter.

  Katlin couldn't imagine why Joe would want to go to Hungary, but a good, warm feeling took her over.

  "Old boy, I really like you!" she thought and let her eyes rest on Joe's wide shoulders, while he was busy paying for their purchases.

  "Would you look at that? It's already lunchtime, may I offer you a nice meal in one of our restaurants?" asked Joe.

  "Oh, you mean there is more than one here?"

  "Yes, of course there is more! However this time of the day there is only one with a full menu."

  "Do they serve donuts?"

  "Mm, hm? I don't think so?"

  "Then you know my answer, where can we have something to eat?Mm?Donut!"

  "All right! But I have to warn you! You see that girl?" Joe pointed out a chubby woman "?and that one? And look at that one!"

  "Yeees?? Believe it or not, I've already seen obese people before."

  "I believe you, but did you know, that these women looked just great, even better than you two weeks ago, then they started eating donuts. You should watch your body! Look at them poor souls now?"

  "People! Watch out, here is a funny man! Well, at least he thinks he's funny! He can even smile!" she announced to an imaginary crowd, then to Joe "Oh, Big Bad Joe! You are funny! But there is no need to panic. I don't have to watch my body?yet!"

  "I think you watch it enough for me? What a guy?Oh, Joe. Where is it going?" she continued her monologue in her mind, and then yelled out very loud: "No! Not six! A dozen! A do-zen!" when Joe placed the order at the drive thru window.

  From there they turned to Hwy 400, southbound.

  "Where we going, Miss Marple?" the girl asked

  "We are going to Barrie, Dr. Watson," he answered." We are going to see what they had mined out of the CTV2 archives about your Dad's murder"

  "Ok then!" and she was asleep in a minute, with a chocolate mustache on her lip, from the Boston Cream donut?

  In Barrie he easily found his way to the studio. It's "under the big tower" hard to miss it. A young gentleman waited for him at the reception desk: "Mr.Bryan, we found everything you asked for?"

  "Even the uncut version of the interview?" asked Joe.

  "Yes, sir! However I have to ask you to show me your investigator licence, and a photo I.D."

  "Is that necessary?"

  "Yes, sir! You see we are not interested in commercial selling of-, or even just showing anybody of our teams at work. This material actually their own intellectual property. Although for certain purposes, like an ongoing investigation we are, -though not legally but as part of our company policy, - obliged to help any way we can. Also for this purpose, we don't charge you a penny to have the material! In return, we expect you to bring us first anything what could be newsworthy? Here it is sir, and good luck with the investigation!" told him the young man "I'm impressed!" said Joe "Thank you sir!"

  They headed to Parry Sound though still in the city, when finally Katlin started to show some signs of life: "Are we there yet? Can we get a coffee around here? Can I have a donut? I think I might have slept a minute?have I?"

  "Yes, dear." Was his answer and started looking for a Tim Horton's.

  Chapter 15.

  They parked in front of Joe's apartment building at around five o'clock in the afternoon. Joe suggested that he would take her home, and they can meet up again on Tuesday morning, and go on with their work. Katlin asked: "What are you planning to do, after you got rid of me?"

  "Hm?Probably I will watch the video footage from CTV, although I don't believe it will be a big help?"

  "You see pardner, that's a no-no! If and when the video will be watched, it will happen by the both of us. First, more eyes can see more, and I don't want to waste any time sitting at the Herzog's, doing nothing. Oh, don't even try to argue with me? we have at least five hours of work-time left today, we should take advantage of every minute!"

  "I can't argue with your logic, you're right? however, I don't want them, the Herzog's to be mad at me, for I never take you home at a decent time?"

  "I see" she said "Look: Gabor or Gwen are not my family, I didn't even knew them before I arrived here. When I contacted them by e-mail, for the friendship with my Dad, they were nice enough to offer their home for the time I planned to spend here. I only owe them a heartfelt thank you, which they deserve, though nothing more. And if they would go mad for what happened so far, they are going to be worse from tonight on, for I'm going to move in to your apartment. This place is like headquarter to us, we can get more done if we spend less time playing the "I will pick you up and drop you off" game.

  Am I right? You got two bedrooms and enough space here for two people? You wouldn't mind, would you?"

  "Yes, dear! Mm?I mean no, dear! I mean if you put it this way, you're very much right, to move in with me!"
started blushing"I mean to spend more, I mean work more together. Yes, that's what I mean, yes? for?mm?"


  "Yes, d?"

  "I know what you mean." She wanted to say "dear", but it would have been too much for Joe's already churned up state of mind "Can we go now and bring over my stuff? I prepared my luggage last night and this morning. I already told the Herzog's last night. They are waiting for us. "The warmth of her voice would stop a charging elephant?

  "Well?in this case?"

  "Just drive. Please?"

  As usual, the Herzog's were very friendly, they tried to invite them both to stay for a coffee, but they declined the offer excusing themselves for they have a lot to do tonight still.

  "How is the investigation going? Any news?" asked Gwen

  "Gwenie, you know he can't tell you nothing until it's over. Just be patient, you'll get to know everything on the end?Right Joe?"

  "That's right uncle G. I can even do you one better: when I'm ready, if you allow me, I will call together everybody involved in this case to your house, to go public and present my findings. Even an arrest is possible?Deal?"

  "Deal!" said Gwen and Gabor the same time.

  They drove away, and in the silence they left Gwen asked: "What do you think now?"

  "Oh, my little matchmaker witch! You could be right?"

  Joe carried the two rather large suitcases to his apartment, opened the door for her, and walked right thru to her bedroom.

  "Welcome to your room! Please make yourself at home!"

  "Thank you Joe! Very nice of you! See you soon?" and with that, closed the door after herself. She looked around in the small room, and her first impression was positive. The room was calm and friendly; it reminded her of an Irish pub. The walls were dark green, that special green what you don't even notice, but everything on-, or in front of it. It looked that the furniture was antique, or a stylish, very well made fake. "I have to ask about this," she thought. There was a sizeable bed, a small tea table with two chairs, and a built-in closet. Plus bookshelves, above the bed, the table, and both side of the closet. She found a door, which opened to a tiny shower.

  "I like this! You just got another brownie point, my friend"

  Later, when all the excitement of the moving was over, they finally sat down by the TV, and Joe put the disc from CTV into the player. First the official "news" version was running"

  "?Courtney Heels reporting?Courtney? Thanks Jane! I'm here with the police constable, who's leading the investigation in a murder of a Parry Sound man. What can you tell us about the case?

  "This was only the first day of our investigation, and we already concluded that so far unknown individual or individuals killed Robert Mezei, using a gun of yet unknown origin, with at least two or more shots fired. In order to aid the investigation, I'm not at liberty to go into further details at this point."

  "Can you tell us what direction you take from here, when can we expect more news?" asked Courtney Heels

  "I can only tell you, that Mr. Mezei was a valued member of the community, and will be sorely missed by his wife, and a young girl, his daughter. He had no girlfriend or known enemy, he lived for his family!"

  "Thank you! The CTV will closely follow the case! For now, Jane, back to you"

  "Stop, stop, stop!" yelled Katlin out" stop it! We can watch the rest later, but I have to point one thing out to you: he did have a girlfriend!"

  "Wow! It could take the whole thing into new light! I believe nobody knew about her! And for that matter about you?"

  "No, I don't think so either. Probably that's why he trusted me with his secret. I was far away and we never liked each other with her new wife, there was no danger that I would accidentally say something to her."

  They watched the rest of the video, but there was nothing interesting on it anymore.

  "So boss? What's the next move?"

  "We are done for tonight, but tomorrow we are going to be busy again! Here is my plan! First we are going to see a friend at the local OPP station, and ask for the case material, to study. Than we try to locate the girlfriend, and talk to her if we can. Then we will see how to proceed from there."

  "Joe you are not too smart but lucky!" Katlin told him.

  "I like you too?" said Joe a little surprised.

  "You see, smart cookie, you wanted to watch the video alone?If I'd let you, you would have told me that there is nothing useful on the recordings, and I would probably believe you?"

  "?and just like the rest, I wouldn't know anything about the girlfriend either!"

  "That's right! You are smarter than you look, and lucky!"

  "Why is that again?"

  "You're lucky, because you got me to think, when it's too hard for you. You can take me for your smart little helper?What would you do without me?" asked with her great, gentle, warm smile.

  "Pretty soon I can't answer this question? and you're right. I am lucky! Damn lucky!" thought Joe, and: "Yeah?yeah?yeah?Time to go to sleep?"he said.

  "Joe?" came a yell from her bedroom "Can I smoke here?"

  "Yes, you can. This place is for the occupants, not the opposite!"

  "Thanks! ? "

  "Joe? What are you doing?" came a much sleepier voice five minutes later, from the bedroom


  "OK! Good night!"

  "Good night!"

  Chapter 16.

  Tuesday morning, they were sitting in the living room, with the first coffee in hand.

  "Do you want me to make a breakfast?" asked Kat

  "No dear, just have your coffee, have your cigarette, maybe check your e-mails, you can use my laptop."

  "Thanks, but I already did it on my laptop."

  "Oh, OK, I didn't know you had one. About the breakfast, we're going to go and have it let say?at the Country Gourmet restaurant."

  "Do you always go out to eat?" she asked

  "Most of the time?Although I can cook, I don't like food smell all over the house. Plus my financial health allows me to do so. Plus I love restaurant food! Professionals make it, and they cook even better than I do. Plus I want to show you as much of this country as I can, including local food."

  "Fair enough, let's go"

  After a delicious "professional" breakfast, they walked down to the police station. During the short walk, Katlin could not have enough of the sights. She was always ready to see more, to learn more, she was a very appreciative tourist.

  "This place is beautiful!" she announced.

  At the police station Joe asked about his friend, who came shortly:

  "Hi Joe, Miss, how are you guys today?"

  "Very good Frank, thank you! Actually we are here on official business. You remember the Mezei-murder case, about two years ago?"

  "Yes! I do! It still bothers me that they couldn't do more and a killer still out there? You know, the investigation was taken over by Orillia. Why are you interested? You didn't take on this case, did you?"

  "Yes I did. And if there is a way we would like to see the case files, and whatever there is to see."


  "Yes. This young lady here is Kaitlin, who just finished law school, and kind of an apprentice of me. She would like to learn the trade?"

  "Nice to meet you Katlin," they shook hands, "Frank! How are you?"

  "How are you?" she returned the politeness.

  "Well Joe I can't see why couldn't you study the files, we would be only happy for any help. Come on in, I can give you an interrogation room, -you know that those files and evidences not supposed to leave the station-, and you can study them as long as you want to!"

  They looked thru the files in several hours. They did not find any issues, any mistakes, seemed like the police did their job thoroughly.

  "So the gun was never found?" He asked Frank

  "No, the killer actually done a good job! Not only with the gun, but did not leave any tracks, DNA, fingerprint, and he was quiet, probably used a suppressor, nobody heard any gunsho
ts, even the neighbor in the apartment right underneath the one where the murder took place said, that she never heard nothing out of ordinary. Sorry man?"

  "That's OK Frank, I only have one more request: can I have a copy of the surveillance footages?"

  "Yes you can. Come on in tomorrow morning, and it will wait for you at the desk here."

  "See you then?"

  "What now boss?" came the already regular question.

  Joe opened his paper notebook, and marked down something.

  "Now we are trying to locate, find, and talk to your Dad's girlfriend."

  "How are we gonna do that?"

  "For starter, asking you: what is her name? Is she Canadian, or Hungarian? First of all why did your Dad have a girlfriend? I thought he was a family man?"

  "I have an easy answer to this, but not easily understandable? We have different cultural background, you and me. I'm half roma. My father was a roma. In the roma culture, a man is free to do just about anything he likes, including having a girlfriend or girlfriends while married. With roma women, this is completely the opposite. If you got a man you stay with him, no matter what, and you fight for him, you do anything for him, and he goes right to his girlfriend whenever he feels so. And this is normal. I wonder if he had only one?"

  "I don't really understand why the women have to take this, but I believe the fact, it is what it is. Like you said: different culture."

  "To your other questions I can tell you, that she was from Hungary, she was single, she lived in Orillia, and her first name was: Hajnalka"

  "Did you say Hannika, or Hanukah?" he asked

  "No, I said Hajnalka. H-A-J-N-A-L-K-A. And that's good, because I don't know her last name, but I bet there is not too many women in Orillia with this name. I also know that she is in the phone book, for she had her own house with a landline. My father told me."

  "I guess, we go to a daytrip to Orillia, and try and find her. I could find her phone number on the 411, though I want to talk to her in person. You ready?"


  "What's wrong?"

  "Hallo?It's past lunchtime!


  "Donuts!!? You want me to starve?"

  "Oh, boy?" and they were on their way to Orillia.

  They got there in mid-afternoon, with the help of Joe's GPS, they found a Post Office. Joe asked for a phone book. After a while they found a number with the name Nagy, Hajnalka beside it. They called the number, and asked for Hajnalka, and an old-old voice answered: "Speaking! Hallo?" But Joe already hanged it up. They didn't find another Hajnalka in the book.