Read Love Happened Twice – Final Proposal Page 1

pened Twice – Final Proposal



  Copyright © 2012 Octiva

  Prologue: This Short Story is a part 3 of, “Love Happened Twice”

  Suggest you to read it in the below link

  Can Love happen twice??? How do you feel if your guy proposes for second time? Read on find out, whether our lead lady found her love second time.


  Physician Visit

  Room 151

  The patient we have here sustained an intense injury in her right section of the body. She has been operated for blot clot and fractures in hip section. Her operation went for 14 long hours, we did our best. For her age it’s difficult to overcome this complex surgery. She’s holding bit stable for now. We will visit again tomorrow to check again.

  He explained about the patient state to all new trainees, one of the trainees asked him, sir, I think there are some conflicts in the case sheet and handed over the sheet to him. He got the sheet saying, why, what is the conflict?

  The sheet said, Patient Name: Mrs Robinson, State: Severe injury in the right side of the body, multiple fractures in hip and blood clot in brain artery, Age:28. On seeing the sheet he was perplexed. He walked to the reception and yelled, who is the F..K filled this case sheet?

  Kim stood up, he started shouting at her, correct this up immediately and report to me. Kim got the sheet and checked, it was new one which was filed on Saturday. Doctor left the place, after scolding Kim. She walked towards felony, who was witnessing everything and gave her a big blow.

  Beth Memorial Hospital

  Saturday 8 AM

  It was first day in job for Felony. Felony has basic knowledge in computers, which has fetched her job. The Job is to e-file all the information of in-patient. Nurse Kim explained felony about her job in detail for about an hour and handed over felony a sheet which had numbered items,

  1.Add new patient details correctly, Update patient information on regular basis, whenever you get update from doctors or nurse

  2.Any doubts check with them and update again

  3.Hand over the Printout of updated case sheet to Doctors when they visit the patient. After visiting the patient, the doctors will give the detail, which in turn has to be e-filed.

  Felony understood only few but she shook her head as if she got everything. Kim gave details of patient, written in a sheet and asked felony to e-file it. All felony has to do is, see the sheet and type the information in the document. Since she had the basic knowledge in computers, she thought it was not a big deal for her. She took the sheets given by Kim and started entering details. First one was update to existing patient.

  State: Caesarean, mother and child both are good

  Medications: XXYX 50mg, YYXX 100mg

  History of Illness: NONE

  Age: 25

  Attendant Name: XXXXX

  Relationship: Mother

  She took the second sheet, it was new patient. She thought, she could open an existing patient document, and update all the details and save a new copy. So, she opened the existing patient case sheet which Kim has created a month back, it said,

  State: Caesarean, mother and child both are good

  Medications: XXYX 50mg, YYXX 100mg

  History of Illness: NONE

  Age: 28

  Attendant Name: XXXXX

  Relationship: Husband

  She saved a new copy of the document and started updating the details.

  Patient Name: Mrs Robinson

  State: Severe injury in the right side of the body.

  Other details were not available at that time, Age, attendant name, relationship and others. So, she left other details untouched it had the details of some other earlier patient whose case sheet she was using. She made a note on her desktop to update the information later for Mrs. Robinson.

  Felony continued adding or updating details of patients. She was working as fast as she can. At the end of day, she realized that she had almost e-filed for 16 new patients and 12 existing patient. Hell lot of work for the first day, she thought.

  Few hours earlier

  Ambulance rushed into the hospital carrying an unconscious patient in to emergency block, they rushed and hauled the patient out of the ambulance to emergency ward. Patient had a heavy injury in the right section of the body, seemed to be injured in head, hip and leg section. An Emergency physician gave the patient first aids and an injection to stop the bleeding. Patient was in her late 70’s.

  Kim along with other Nurses moved the patient to the Operation Theater. They made sure the Patient was reclined on left side, covered with green cloth, from top to bottom and only the right side head and hip area of the patient was visible.

  Sunday 8 Am

  Felony was given with lot of sheets to e-filed today. She took out first one; it was an update to patient Mrs. Robinson, updated the state and medications as follows and saved it. State: Severe injury in the right side of the body, multiple fractures in hip and blood clot in brain artery Medications: XXXX 100mg, YYYY 500mg

  Kim walked past reception area, she was happy to see Felony started her work for the day.

  Monday 8 AM

  More than 28 hours from operation, the Mrs. Robinson was ready to be moved from post recovery ward. When Kim checked her, she was not in conscious; kim got frightened, and immediately called the surgeons. Neuro surgeon rushed to the post recovery ward and did a few checkups and understood that it’s the anaesthesia effect, dose exceeded the limit, and mistake happened in someplace.

  He called Mrs. Robinson attendant, a guy in his mid 30’s walked to him.

  Hi, Mr. ???

  You can call me sam, the attendant replied

  He asked, what’s your relationship with the patient?

  It’s my mother, sam said

  Does your mother have any history of illness?

  She has sleep disorder; she has been hallucinating a lot quite lately. She thinks that her boyfriend is waiting for her with greeting card with a ticket to heaven.


  Yes, she will be completely lost when she hallucinates. She lost her boyfriend-my father in an accident when I was 1 year old. She used to tell me how they both loved, where they met, everything. She got the sleep disorder 10 years back and it was difficult since then. Whenever she hallucinates, she thinks that she sees him and he’s asking her to go with him.

  He was stunned to hear that, they shouldn’t have given ketamine for this patient and rushed inside the recovery ward. He knew, much he delays, much danger the patient is in. Surgeon held the patient eyes open and moved the flash torch over the patient’s eye to check for pupil movement. As he thought, there was very light movement. He asked the nurse to give Benzodiazepines (an antidote for overdose of Ketamine) a shot to patient.

  He stayed near the patient to make sure the patient is alright. If something happens, it could ruin his entire career and the hospital name. He was so afraid. There was no effect for more than an hour, but after an hour, Pulse started to slow down, the patient is not breathing properly. He guessed it could be Respiratory arrest.

  Over here, Quick, Quick, the Surgeon called a female nurse.

  Give her a CPR, he said.

  Pulse improved but worsened again

  Give her a CPR, again, one more time. He screamed-

  The Pulse was regular again; he was relieved and instructed to keep her in observation for few hours and till she is ok to be moved. He gave the details to be updated in case sheet and started to his home.

  After few hours, Kim checked the condition of Mrs. Robinson and called up the doctor, he gave his
good to go. Then they have moved Mrs. Robinson to the room 151 and informed the attendant.

  Physician Visit

  Doctors used to visit the patient once moved in to room, they used to visit twice or thrice a day for first week. Dr. Clanke who operated Mrs. Robinson, walked to Nurse Kim and asked for the case sheet of Mrs. Robinson. Kim scuttled to felony and got the case sheet. She handed over the sheet to Dr. Clanke assistants (trainees). He entered in to room 151 along with his assistants.

  Few Minutes later, Dr. Clanke walked to the reception and yelled, who the F..K filled this case sheet?

  Felony was checking her job which has to be e-filed today. When she saw a note on desktop which said, update the information later for Mrs. Robinson. She was frightened, she missed to update Mrs. Robinson case sheet, and she knew that the case sheet has misinformation. He heard a sound, she looked up. Dr. Clanke was shouting at Kim and left saying, “correct this up immediately and report to me”. Kim walked towards felony, who was witnessing everything and gave her a big blow. Felony knew what it was; she knew it was the case sheet. She updated the case sheet and gave the updated one to Kim to report it to Dr. Clanke

  Wednesday 11Am

  Sam rushed to the room 151 after he got information saying that his mother was serious. Dr. Clanke stood there, he said, Mr. Sam, your mother is in critical condition, medicines didn’t function as expected and it’s her age which is a blockade. We did our best, we can’t do anything now. If you want to speak for the last time, please do. Sam was traumatized on hearing that, she was stable yesterday and how come it did happened, he couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t stop crying, he loved his mother very much. When his friend and relations were saying, that, “your mother is hallucinating more, it’s better to hospitalize her permanently”. He never waned that to happen. He looked after her very much. He often said, “we give care and affection if it’s physical illness, not if its mental illness. She is ill, I will look after her to extent I can which will be never ending”.

  Sam asked the doctor, is there anything we can do now?

  No, replied Dr. Clanke

  Can we move her to hospital where we have more facilities?

  It won’t help either; here we have all the facilities. Please try to understand

  Sam was in deep shock, he moved near to his mother, who was lying in the bed.

  He tapped her in cheeks, and said, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me”?

  She opened her eyes few seconds and closed it. Pulse dropped down to zero. He couldn’t do anything, than seeing her pass away from him. Room was silent, silent enough to hear the heart beat. Sam took her in his arms and said,”I hope your boyfriend is waiting for you”

  Final Proposal

  I felt a tapping on my cheeks and a voice said, “Can you hear me? Can you hear me?”

  When I opened my eyes I saw my boyfriend standing in front me with greeting card and ticket. He gave me greeting card with lot of hearts in it and he said “I lost my heart, and I came to take you back with me, come with me honey”. I was shocked and surprised.

  What a guy, I thought? I was mesmerized.

  I was enjoying the breathtaking moment,

  I couldn’t resist my eyes and ears shutting off, before I could reply him, everything went black

  When I opened my eyes, I was in place I was never before; the place was very beautiful, with lot of flowers everywhere, flies buzzing a lullaby, snow flowing, it was an awe-inspiring moment. I saw my boyfriend waiting for me with greeting card and ticket under a sign board which said “Welcome to paradise of lovers”. He gave me greeting card with lot of hearts in it and he said, “Paradise of lovers awaits us my love” and kissed me avidly
