Read Love, Lust & Liam Page 16

  “I went back and spoke to the girl who I thought I loved all those years ago and got many needed answers. I put closure on my past, Avery, so I could move forward in my future. Liam told me about John and how many times you’ve been hurt by guys over the course of your life. I think your main problem is with John. Stop and think about it for a minute. Have you ever truly been in love with someone? Or were you just hurting so badly because of the rejection, not because you loved them?”

  Tears started to fill my eyes. “I don’t know,” I whispered.

  Oliver reached over and took hold of my hand. “I think you do, Avery. Deep down, you know. Liam is a great man. Hell, I’ll even go as far and tell you that he’s a lot better man than I am. Sure, he’s dated on and off over the past years, but I’ve never seen him like this. I’ve never seen him this happy. His face lights up when your name is mentioned. When he talks about you, he’s full of excitement and enthusiasm. You’re the one he’s been waiting for his entire life just like Delilah was the one I was waiting for. Go get your answers and start living your life in peace. You deserve to be happy, Avery. Don’t let anyone take that from you.” He kissed my forehead and got up from the couch. “Remember, don’t tell Liam I was here.” He winked.

  I got up and walked him to the door. “Oliver?”

  “Yeah?” he turned around.

  “Was Delilah really sick?”

  “No. She wasn’t.” The corners of his mouth curved upwards.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “You’re welcome. Have a good night.”



  I kept myself busy over the next several days with work, landing new clients and closing major deals. I was sitting in my office when Max Hamilton walked in.

  “Hey, Max.” I stood up from my chair and we fist bumped.

  “I’m here to rescue you, bro. Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To dinner with Collin. The three of us are going to have a man’s night out. Have a great dinner, some drinks, talk.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it, but I can’t.”

  “We knew you’d say that. Collin’s waiting outside for us in the car. You’re not going to be a downer and stay locked up in this office all night. Going out with us will do you some good.”

  “Fine.” I sighed. “But I won’t be very good company.”

  We walked out of the building and climbed into Collin’s Range Rover.

  “Hey, man,” I spoke.

  “Glad you decided to join us.” He smiled.

  “Like I had a choice. Where are we going?”

  “We’re going to Wolfgang’s Steakhouse for a real man’s dinner!” Max exclaimed.

  When we arrived at the restaurant, we were immediately seated at a table.

  “What may I get you gentlemen to drink?” the waitress asked.

  “Give us three scotches and bring a round of whiskey shots,” Collin replied.

  “Whiskey shots? I don’t know about those, man.”

  “Me and my mom were doing them the other night. They’re kind of addicting.”

  “Your mom is so cool.” I smiled.

  “Thanks. I’ll tell her you said that. She was asking about you the other night. So tell us, your bros, what’s going on?”

  “Avery made it very clear she doesn’t want anything to do with me or a relationship.”

  “Ouch. That hurts,” Max spoke as he shook his head.

  The waitress brought our drinks and we each picked up a shot glass.

  “Here’s to forgetting about women for tonight!” Collin said as he held up his glass. “Don’t tell Amelia I said that.”

  I chuckled and threw back my shot of whiskey. We ate, talked, and drank a little too much. All was good, though, because my best friends made me forget about Avery for a while.

  I woke up the next morning with a hangover and thoughts of Avery. I missed her so much, and every day, instead of getting easier, it got harder. As I lay in bed, thinking about things, the first thought that came to my mind was getting out of New York for a while. I was thinking a trip to California might do me some good.

  Chapter 37


  Oliver’s talk really got to me. As I lay in bed, I thought about how much I missed Liam. Being away from him was hurting me more than being with him. I missed his smile, his laugh, his overall sexiness, his kindness, and I really missed the amazing mind-blowing sex we had. I knew what I had to do. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and sent John a text message.

  “It’s Avery. I would like to come over later and talk.”

  “Of course. How about seven o’clock?”

  “Seven is fine. Text me your address.”

  When I arrived at the office, Tim stopped me in the hallway.

  “Avery. I need to see you in my office.”

  Shit. Now what? I turned around, followed him, and took a seat as he shut the door.

  “I saw you the other day, having what appeared to be an argument with John Carrington at the courthouse. What was that about? You aren’t working on any cases where he’s the opposing attorney.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. I didn’t even see him there. Was he lurking around watching me?

  “I didn’t see you there.”

  “I was there. Now tell me what’s going on and why were you arguing with John Carrington.”

  “It’s a personal situation, Tim, and I’d rather not get into it.”

  “Are you sleeping with him?”

  “Oh my God! NO! Why the hell would you think that?”

  “Because to me, it looked like a lover’s quarrel.”

  I looked at him as a wave of shock swept over my face. “He’s my father!” I blurted out.

  He sat there, staring at me, no words able to come from his lips.

  “Come again?”

  “He’s my father,” I spoke softly.

  “I wasn’t aware that John Carrington had any children.”

  “He doesn’t exactly make it known.”

  He began shaking his head. “If you’re his kid, why aren’t you working for him at his law firm?”

  “Because my father has been absent from my life since I was born.”

  “That’s why you wanted off the Wyatt case.”


  “I’m sorry, Avery, but if you would have told me that in the first place, I would have taken you off the case. But I will say, you really handled yourself like a star.”

  “Now you know. So are we finished here?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”

  I gave him a small nod. “Please keep that to yourself.”

  “I will.”

  I went to my office and buried myself in my cases. I kept glancing at my cellphone. Why? I had no clue. Maybe I was hoping to hear from Liam. He said he would still love me no matter what. All I needed was a little time.

  I left the office around five thirty and headed home to change my clothes before going to see John. Nerves flared up inside me as I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. What the hell was I doing? Was I even ready for this? Ready or not, I had no choice.


  John lived in a penthouse in SoHo. Walking into the building, I gave the doorman my name and he called up to let John know I arrived.

  “You may take the elevator up to the top floor.” He smiled.

  “Thank you.”

  I nervously stepped into the elevator and pushed the button to the 20th floor. As the doors opened, I stepped inside a small hallway and knocked on the large double wooden doors. I took in a deep breath and tried to control the shakiness I was feeling.

  “Hello, Avery,” John spoke as he opened the door. “Please come in.”

  Stepping inside, I looked around at the beauty of his home. The walls were trimmed in a dark cherry with light beige walls, giving the place an elegant feel.

  “Dinner will be ready soon,” he spoke as he led me to
the living room.

  “Dinner wasn’t necessary.”

  He walked over to the bar area that sat in the corner of the room. “What may I get you to drink?”

  He was right on target because I needed a drink more than ever at this moment. “Dry martini on the rocks with a twist.”

  “Excellent choice.”

  He made two martinis and handed me a glass. There was a thickness in the air and I could sense he was just as nervous as I was. Considering my past behavior with him, he should have been.

  “Thank you for coming by. It means a lot to me,” he spoke as he took a seat in one of the wing-backed chairs.

  “I didn’t come here for you. I came for me. For answers. Because if I want to move on with my life, I need to put closure on our non-existent relationship.”

  “Okay. What do you want to know?”

  “Why you abandoned me and why I never heard from you again after my eleventh birthday.”

  He let out a sigh as he took a sip of his drink. “I was young and I had dreams. Kids weren’t in my plan, Avery.”

  “Then maybe you should have taken better precautions,” I snapped.

  He simply nodded his head as he took another sip. “Perhaps, but I was young and things happen.”

  “So because I wasn’t part of your plan, you thought that it was just okay to abandon your child? The human being you created with another person?”

  “At the time, yes. Like I said, I was young and I had a goal. But as time went on, guilt crept in and that’s when I decided it was time to meet you.”

  “What happened after my eleventh birthday?”

  “I met someone and she didn’t like children.”

  “She sounds like a real bitch. So you chose this woman over your own child? Just like you chose your career over your own child?” I spoke with anger.

  “Yes. I’m ashamed to admit that I did.”

  “So did you marry her? Where is she?”

  “The relationship only lasted a couple of years. We decided that it wasn’t working out, so we split. Listen, Avery, you had a good life with Claudia and Lisa. You didn’t need me messing things up.”

  “You’re my father! I wanted you there to mess things up. I wanted a father like every other kid had. Do you have any idea how bad you’ve hurt me? The number of failed relationships I had because of my daddy issues? The abandonment that still resides in my heart?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Mr. Carrington?” A young woman stepped into the room. “Dinner is served.”

  “Thank you, Elsa. Avery, let’s have dinner and continue this conversation after.”

  What the fuck? Who the hell did he think he was? I wasn’t even hungry because I was so angry. Reluctantly, I followed him into the dining room and took the seat across from him. Silence filled the room as I managed to nibble on some food.

  “Why did you choose to become a lawyer?” he asked, breaking the silence.

  “Because I love to argue and I find the law fascinating.”

  A grin crossed his face. “Same here. I suppose you inherited that from me.”

  I ignored his comment because I didn’t want to inherit anything from him.

  “Does your mother know that you’re seeing me?”

  “No. Neither of them do.”

  He chuckled. “I can just imagine what they’d say.”

  “They’d call you a few choice words.”

  “I bet. Avery, I want you to know how proud I am of you and I’m proud to call you my daughter. I followed the Kilbrand vs. Essex case and you nailed it. You have no idea how many times I wanted to call you and tell you.”

  “Then why didn’t you?”

  “For this reason. The way you’re behaving towards me. I was scared that you’d tell me to fuck off.”

  “You’re right. I would have.”

  We finished dinner and continued our conversation back in the living room.

  “Why did you move to New York? You knew I was here. Weren’t you worried about running into me?”

  “I moved here for my job. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.”

  “Come work for me at my firm.”

  I almost choked on my second martini. “What?”

  “Come work for me. We’d be a great team. You are quickly rising to the top and I can help you.”

  “There is no way in hell I’d work for you and I don’t need your help. Everything I’ve accomplished, I’ve done on my own.”

  “I’ll make you a partner. You’d be the youngest to ever make partner.”

  “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand? You gave up your right to help me. You gave up your right to be my father. You not only abandoned me once, but twice, and I don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for that.”

  “Then what are you doing here?” he asked with cold eyes.

  “To say what I had to say and to find out why you didn’t want me. And now I know. You had plans, dreams, and a kid wasn’t part of that.”

  “Things can be different now. Let me make all those years up to you.”

  I got up from my seat and paced around the room. “What the hell is the matter with you? Do you really think that I’m just going to let you walk into my life as if nothing ever happened? You are a very selfish man, John Carrington.”

  “I will admit that I am just that. If you don’t want a relationship with me, then I guess our conversation here is over. But I do hope you’ll change your mind.”

  I set my glass down on the bar and grabbed my purse from the couch. “You’re right. Our conversation is over. Goodbye, John.”

  As I walked to the door, he called out to me. “I never wanted you to be like me, Avery. I’m a very selfish man with little emotion and you didn’t deserve to have someone like me in your life. I knew that Claudia would find someone who would love you just as much and raise you right. I always loved you. I may not have been in your life, but I never once stopped thinking about you. I want you to be happy, and if that means you can be without me around, then so be it. But I won’t give back these moments we spent together.”

  My heart was pounding fiercely and I was fighting myself to keep it together. I took in a deep breath as I stood and stared at the door.

  “Goodbye, John.” I opened the door and walked out. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I stepped inside and tears started to pour from my eyes. I pulled out my phone as I exited the building because I desperately wanted to call Liam, but I couldn’t. After everything I said to him, I was too scared. I’d never forget the hurt in his eyes when he left my apartment and the look of disappointment on his face. I had hurt him deeply and I was so ashamed.

  Chapter 38


  After leaving the office, I stopped by Oliver’s house to tell him and Delilah that I was leaving for California.

  “Good evening, Wyatt clan.” I smiled as I walked into the living room. Delilah was teaching Sophie a song on the piano and Oliver was sitting on the couch with his laptop.

  “Uncle Liam!” Sophie grinned as she ran over and gave me a hug.

  “Hey, buttercup.” I kissed her head.

  Walking over with a smile, Delilah gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I need to talk to you and Oliver about something.”

  “Sophie, why don’t you go up to your room for a while so we grownups can talk? We’ll come get you when we’re done.”

  She huffed. “But I want to see Uncle Liam!”

  I knelt down in front of her, clasping her shoulders. “As soon as we’re done talking, I’ll take you for ice cream.”

  “Okay!” She ran up the stairs to her room.

  “What’s going on?” Oliver asked as he got up from the couch and walked over to the bar.

  “I’m leaving for California in the morning.”

  He stopped pouring the scotch and looked at me. “Why?”

  “I think you know why, Oliver,” Delilah spoke.

  “I n
eed to get out of New York for a while and clear my head.”

  “Running away isn’t going to help, little brother,” he spoke as he handed me my drink.

  “I’m not running away. I’m going to think and I can’t do that while I’m here in New York. There’s too many distractions.”

  “How long are you going to be gone?” Delilah asked with concern.

  “I don’t know yet. Maybe a couple of weeks. Maybe longer.”

  “And the company?” Oliver asked.

  “Come on, Oliver. The company can survive without me for a while.”

  “Maybe the company can, but I’ll miss you.”

  “I’ll miss both of you too, but this is something I need to do.”

  “Where in California are you going?” Delilah asked.

  “Malibu. I’ve rented a house on the beach by Ian and Rory.”

  Delilah walked over and hugged me. “You better keep in touch and let us know you’re okay.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m keeping my cell phone off, so if you need to reach me, you can call the house phone. I’ll give you the number when I get there.”

  Oliver came over and placed his hand on my shoulder, pulling me into a light hug. “Sort out your shit and hurry up and get back here. It won’t be the same without you.”

  “I will. Thanks, Oliver. I better get upstairs and take Sophie for ice cream. It’s getting kind of late. Do you two want to come?”

  “No. You take her and tell her you’re going away for a while. She’s not going to be happy,” Oliver spoke with seriousness.

  “I’ll talk to her.” I started to head up the stairs.

  “You better call us when you get there so we know you arrived safely,” Delilah shouted.

  “Yes, Mom.” I turned and gave her a wink.

  Opening the door to Sophie’s room, I found her sitting on the bed reading a book.

  “Are you ready, sunshine?” I smiled.

  “Yes! I love ice cream.”

  She jumped off the bed and took hold of my hand. We walked down a couple of blocks to her favorite ice cream shop. After ordering our ice cream cones, we went outside and took a seat at the table.

  “The weather will be changing soon and we won’t be able to sit outside and eat our ice cream anymore.”

  “I know. So we better enjoy it while we can.” She smiled.