Read Love, Lust & Liam Page 3

  I looked at her in confusion. “No need. I just gave you the measurements, so please just order the floor.”

  “May I ask who’s installing the floor for you?”

  “I am.”

  “But, sir, we have professionals that can do that for you,” she spoke with a hint of irritation.

  “But, ma’am, I’m doing it myself and I don’t think I like you insinuating that I’m not a professional.”

  She sighed and suddenly became nervous. “Fine. I’ll get this ordered for you right away. Just let me see when we can deliver it to you.” She walked over to her computer and began typing. “Your floor can be delivered in about a week.”

  “That’s fine.” I gave her my information and handed her my credit card.

  “Thank you for your business, Mr. Wyatt. I would like you to know that once the floor is in your possession, we aren’t responsible if you damage it or if any mishaps should occur.”

  “I understand. Thank you,” I spoke with a hint of attitude.

  After walking out in irritation, I saw an upscale furniture store across the street and decided to pop in and take a look around. I had the furniture from my apartment that I was moving, but I wanted a new bed. A bed that was only going to be for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love my bed at the apartment, but since I was moving into a new home, I wanted something untouched by a woman. A new bed, a new start, and one that I would no longer share with just anyone.

  “Uncle Liam!” I heard Sophie yell from across the store.

  I turned around as she ran over to me and grabbed my hand. “Hey, Soph. What are you doing here?”

  “Looking at a new kitchen table with Mom. She’s over there.” She pointed.

  Delilah turned around and began walking towards me. “Furniture shopping for the new townhouse?” She smiled as she kissed my cheek.

  “Sort of. I’m in the market for a new bed.”

  “Oh?” She raised her eyebrow.

  I covered Sophie’s ears. “I want something new. New bed, fresh start, untainted by women.”

  “Uncle Liam, stop it!” Sophie giggled as she removed my hands from her ears.

  “Why do you need a new table?” I asked.

  “One of the chairs broke last night.”

  “Daddy sat down and he fell.” Sophie laughed.

  “Now that would have been a sight to see.” I chuckled. I held out my arm to Delilah. “Come on. Come bed shopping with me.”


  Later that evening, I met Collin and Max for dinner and drinks at the Lincoln Square Steak restaurant.

  “Are you and Oliver attending the Business Law and Leadership Gala next Saturday?” Max asked.

  “Yeah. Are the two of you going?”

  “Yep. We’ll be there,” Collin answered.

  I took a sip of my drink and looked across the restaurant. The corners of my mouth curved up as I stared at Gym Girl sitting at a table alone.

  “What? Why are you smiling?” Max asked as he turned his head.

  “Are you staring at a woman?” Collin smiled.

  I set my napkin on the table and got up from my seat. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I would like to say hi.”

  As I approached her, she looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. Her blonde hair was down, flowing over her shoulders in waves, and she was wearing makeup. My God, she was even more beautiful at this moment.

  “Excuse me, I just wanted to say hello and that I hope you’re enjoying your dinner.”

  “Hello.” She smiled at me.

  “Are you dining alone?”

  “Yes. I am. I was out doing some shopping and I stumbled across this place. So here I am.”

  “Would you like to join me and my friends over there?” I asked as I turned around and pointed to my table.

  “No thank you. I’m just about finished here and I’m heading home. But thanks for the offer.”

  “You’re welcome. Have a nice night, Gym Girl.” I smiled as I turned around and walked back to my table.

  “You too, Gym Guy.”

  I sat down in my chair and Collin and Max were staring at me with wide grins on their faces.

  “Spill it, Wyatt,” Collin spoke.

  “Yeah. Who’s the hot chick?” Max asked.

  I took a bite of my steak and looked up as Gym Girl walked out of the restaurant.

  “She’s a girl I met at the gym.”

  “What’s her name?” Collin asked.

  “I don’t know,” I spoke with a smile. “I call her Gym Girl. I just met her yesterday.”

  “Okay,” Max said, drawing out the word. You met her yesterday and you don’t know her name?”

  “Nope. All I know is she’s Gym Girl. She really won’t give me the time of day. But I do know that there’s something about her that intrigues me.”

  “She’s a beautiful woman,” Collin spoke.

  “That she is, but it’s not just her looks. That girl has quite an attitude. She’s different.”

  “I still find it odd that you don’t know her name.” Max laughed.

  “I’ll get her name soon. Don’t worry.” I smirked.

  Chapter 7


  As I walked home from the restaurant, I found myself smiling. I couldn’t believe I saw Gym Guy. Something happened when I saw him walking over to my table. My heart started to pick up the pace and my palms began to sweat. He looked so handsome in his khaki pants and blue button-down shirt. I’d only seen him in his gym clothes and he was just as sexy in regular clothes. He was a player, I could tell. I bet he’d broken a shitload of hearts. The thing that was sticking in my mind was how someone that handsome was single. Maybe he wasn’t single. Maybe he had a girlfriend. I knew he wasn’t married because he wasn’t wearing a band.

  I stepped into my apartment, changed into my pajamas, and planted myself on the couch, flipping through channels and looking for something to watch. A Saturday night at eight o’clock and I was sitting by myself in my apartment. The worse part was that Gym Guy saw me eating alone. I felt like a loser. I grabbed my phone and sent Willow a text message.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Much better. Thanks. How was your day?”

  “Good. I went to the gym, did some more organizing, did some shopping, had dinner, and now I’m sitting on the couch.”

  “Sounds relaxing. I love my kids and all but sometimes, I crave alone time.”

  “I bet. Let’s plan a girls’ day. We’ll go do the spa thing.”

  “Definitely. I’m really happy you’re here, Avery.”

  “Me too. Now go get some rest and I’ll talk to you soon.”



  As I sat in my apartment, I looked around at all the packed boxes that sat in the middle of the place. This was my last night here and I was excited to be moving into the townhouse tomorrow. I was going to wait until next weekend, but why wait? The interested buyer I had for the apartment backed out, so the sooner I got out of here, the sooner the real estate agent could start showing it. I climbed into bed and placed my hands behind my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about Gym Girl and the way she looked tonight. Seeing her at the restaurant made my day so much better and I thought I was already having a good day.

  The next morning, I hit the gym before the movers came. As I was on the treadmill, I kept watching to see if she’d show up. She didn’t. I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t disappointed because I was. I really wanted to see her again, even if it was just for a few minutes. I’d never done this before. I’d never felt this before. Even though I didn’t know her name, it didn’t matter. She already left a mark on me and I needed to find out who she truly was.

  As I was walking out of the men’s locker room, she was on her way into the women’s.

  “Hey, Gym Girl.” I smiled.

  “Hey, Gym Guy. Are you done already?”

  “Yeah. I needed to get in a quick workout. I’m moving today and the movers are supposed to be a
t my apartment in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Cool. Happy moving day.”

  “Thanks.” I began to walk away and then stopped. “Are you going to be here tomorrow?”

  “Umm. Yeah, but around six a.m. I start my new job tomorrow.”

  “That’s the time I’m usually here during the week. I usually work out before heading to the office unless I’m meeting my friend, Collin. So I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.” She gave a friendly smile.

  And now my day was complete. A friendly chat and a smile from Gym Girl was all I needed.


  “Uh.” I rubbed the back of my neck as I got up from the couch. My bed was being delivered today and I couldn’t wait to sleep in it. Staring at the boxes that overtook the first floor of the house, I sighed because I needed to find some time to unpack and put everything away. I went upstairs to my bedroom, brushed my teeth, shaved, threw on my gym clothes, and grabbed my suit from the closet. I smiled as I grabbed my gym bag and headed out the door. I couldn’t wait to see her. She was all I thought about last night as I was trying to fall asleep. This shit was crazy. I’d never thought about a girl this way before and I didn’t even know her. Fuck! This couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

  I walked into the gym and there she was, running on the treadmill, looking as beautiful as ever. I put my things away in the locker room and climbed on the open treadmill next to her.

  “Good morning.” I gave a wide grin.

  “Good morning. How did moving day go?”

  She remembered that I moved yesterday. This was good. Real good.

  “It went great. I have a houseful of boxes that need to be unpacked but other than that, all is good.”

  She gave me a small smile.

  “So, you start a new job today?”


  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little.”

  “Where are you going to be working at?”

  “A place.” She smiled.

  “Which place? New York is filled with a million places.” I laughed.

  “Just a place. It’s really no big deal.”

  She didn’t want me knowing where she worked. I was kind of bothered by that because she probably thought I was some stalker.

  “Okay. If you say so. Then I won’t tell you where I work.”

  “Okay.” She spoke as if she didn’t care.

  I sighed and cut my run on the treadmill short. This was not the way I expected to start my day. I was starting to see her in a whole new light. She obviously wasn’t interested in me the same way I was with her, so I was going to end it here. I climbed off the treadmill.

  “Have a great workout and a good day. Good luck with your new job.” I walked away.

  Chapter 8


  I looked at Gym Guy as he walked away. Was it something I said? Was he seriously pissed off that I didn’t tell him where I worked? I was up all night thinking about him and, to be honest, it freaked me out. I know how this works. Two people have an attraction to each other, they exchange phone numbers, go on a date, sleep together, say all kinds of heart-melting things to each other, and then BAM! See ya, bitch. It was nice knowing you and all, but I think we should see other people. The story of my life and it stopped now. I ran longer on the treadmill than I usually did and headed to the locker room without lifting any weights. Things were awkward enough and I just couldn’t deal with it right now. Especially since I was already nervous about starting at the law firm. I showered, changed into my business suit, did my hair and makeup, and grabbed my bag. As I was walking out of the locker room, I stopped when I saw him walking out. He was in a dark gray tailored, expensive designer suit that looked really good on him. Okay, too hot for words. He didn’t see me and I stayed back, watching him walk away with his gym bag and briefcase. I hadn’t pegged him for the businessman type. I thought maybe contractor or something where he got his hands dirty. I was wrong. Dead wrong and suddenly things became a whole lot easier. All guys were off limits, but businessmen ranked at the top, even if he did cause an unbearable ache between my legs every time I saw him.


  “Welcome to Finn, Muir, & Abernathy, Miss Lewis.” Timothy Finn smiled as I took a seat across from him at his desk.

  “Thank you,” I replied with a lump in my throat.

  “Mark and Adam are in court right now, but they’ll stop by to see you later. I’ll be honest with you, Avery, they weren’t too keen on hiring you because of your age. Your record is impeccable and I know that I did the right thing by convincing them. You aren’t going to let this firm down, right?”

  “No, Mr. Finn. I won’t.” I smiled nervously.

  “Please call me Tim.”

  Timothy Finn was fifty-six years old, and even though he only stood about five feet, eight inches tall with salt and pepper hair, he was an attractive man. He and the partners flew out to Connecticut for a golf outing and scheduled an interview with me while they were there. I will admit that Tim is the most laidback of the three.

  “Come on, kid. I’ll show you to your office and you can get settled.”

  Call me “kid” again and that’s going to score you a kick in the balls.

  I followed him down the hall and met a few people along the way. “Avery, meet Ella, your secretary. She will be at your beck and call at all times.”

  Oh my. Ella. She looked to be in her mid-thirties with long, black, straight hair, dark chocolate eyes, and cleavage that took up the whole room, which she wasn’t afraid to show off.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Ella.” I extended my hand.

  “Welcome to the firm, Miss Lewis.”

  “Please, call me Avery.”

  “And here is your office.” Tim showed the way.

  I stepped inside and smiled. It was way bigger than my office back in Danbury and it even had two windows. A beautiful cherry wood desk sat in the corner with two black leather chairs neatly placed in front of it. Law books filled the matching bookcases that lined the wall to the left of the desk and matching low file cabinets sat to the right. It was a cozy office and I could see me being very comfortable here.

  “Get settled and Ella will show you around and introduce you to the rest of the staff. I have a meeting to get to.” He looked at his watch and walked out.

  I spent the rest of the day with Ella as she showed me around the firm. She seemed like a girl who knew how to have fun and we clicked instantly.



  When I arrived home, I found Clara in the kitchen.

  “What’s that amazing smell?” I asked as I set my briefcase down.

  “Beef tenderloin.” Clara smiled as I kissed her cheek.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Welcome home.” Delilah smiled as she walked in the kitchen.

  “Uncle Liam!” Sophie smiled as she ran to me.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but as we were waiting for the bed to be delivered, we kind of took it upon ourselves to unpack for you,” Delilah spoke.

  “You unpacked for me? Oh my God, thank you!” I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

  “I helped.” Sophie smiled.

  “And now we’re all going to have dinner together. Oliver is on his way.”

  “Wow. I don’t know what to say. You are a Godsend.” I placed my hand on her arm.

  “Come upstairs and see your bed. I took the boxes labeled bedroom and put them in your room. You’re responsible for unpacking those.” She smiled.

  We went upstairs and the first thing Delilah did was lie across my new bed.

  “What are you doing?” I laughed.

  “I’m tainting your bed.”

  “Me too.” Sophie giggled as she lay down next to Delilah.

  “Do I need to be worried that my wife and my daughter are lying across your bed?” Oliver said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  I laughed.

  “This place i
s great, little brother. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  We heard Clara over the intercom. “Dinner is ready.”

  “Are you stealing my maid?” he asked as he hooked his arm around me.

  “I think she likes it here. Can she work for both of us? I really love her cooking.” I smiled.

  “No. Hire your own Clara.” He smirked.

  We went downstairs and took our seats in the dining room while Clara placed dinner on the table. Oliver held up his glass.

  “I’d like to make a toast to Liam. Here’s to our first of many dinners in your new home.”

  “Thanks, Oliver.” I gave a small smile as we tapped our glasses together.

  Dinner was amazing as usual and Sophie was getting tired, so Clara took her home while Delilah and Oliver stayed back and had a drink with me.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Oliver asked. “You’ve seemed off all day.”

  I sighed. “Nothing.”

  “Not buying it,” he spoke. “I can tell when something’s bothering you.”

  “There’s this girl at the gym I was interested in and we talked a few times, but she wants nothing to do with me.”

  “And you know this how?” Delilah asked.

  “Because she refused to tell me where she works and she won’t tell me her name. I call her Gym Girl and she calls me Gym Guy.”

  Delilah laughed. “Sorry, Liam, but that’s funny.”

  “Don’t give her a second thought,” Oliver chimed in. “She sounds weird as hell.”

  “Or careful,” Delilah spoke. “Maybe she’s had issues with guys in the past. You don’t know her story. Maybe something happened to her.”

  “Or maybe she’s a lesbian.” Oliver smirked.

  “She’s not a lesbian, Oliver.”

  “How do you really know that?”

  “Because she laid into me about lying to some girl about how I said I would call her.”

  “Wait. What?” Delilah said as she waved her hand back and forth.

  I sighed and took a drink of my bourbon. “I ran into a girl that I went on a date with and she wanted to do dinner. I told her that I was moving and really busy and that I’d call her. Gym Girl piped in and told me just to be straight with her about my intentions of never calling her. She went on to say that girls don’t like to wait around like idiots waiting for a call that would never come or something like that.”