Read Love, Lust & a Millionaire Page 2

  “I see. So what else do you do besides waitressing? Have you ever attended college?”

  “No. There wasn’t time for college, Mr. Wyatt. I was too busy working and trying to take care of the bills and my brothers and sister. I made sure to set them on the right path of life and get a good college education. I love music and I love to sing. I guess you can say that I moved here because I felt closer to the music.”

  “Do you have any plans to attend college?”

  I laughed. “I’m twenty-three years old. I think it’s a little late for college.”

  “It’s never too late, Miss Graham. Do you have a boyfriend?”

  I narrowed my eyes at his question because, frankly, it wasn’t any of his business. “No,” I hesitantly replied.

  “Here’s my offer, Miss Graham. I will pay you a salary of $40,000 a year to start and I will provide you with health insurance. You will live in my home, where you will have your own bedroom and bathroom and access to my personal driver whenever you need him. You will work Monday to Saturday, starting when Sophie wakes up and until she goes to bed. Sundays are your own and you’re free to come and go as you please as I have a fill-in for that day. But keep in mind that if I need you in an emergency, you are to be readily available. The job may call for an occasional trip, so I hope you don’t mind flying.”

  “No, not at all.” The only thing that was running through my head was the amount of money he was going to pay me if I accepted the position. I really had no choice. I needed a job and fast, plus he was paying for health insurance.

  “Is this something you’d be interested in?” he asked.

  I didn’t want to seem desperate and take the job on the spot. “May I take the day to think about it?”

  “Of course.” He took a pen from his desk and wrote something on a post-it note. “Here is my cell phone number. Call me when you’ve made your decision.”

  “Also, I’m sorry about the loss of your wife.”

  He looked at me oddly and then his lips parted. “Sophie’s mother wasn’t my wife. She was a woman I had dated who got pregnant on purpose with the hopes that I’d marry her.”

  “Oh,” I whispered as I looked down.

  There was a knock at the door and, without warning, it opened. I turned around and, oh fuck, there was another sex God in the room.

  “Oh sorry, Oliver. I didn’t know you were in a meeting. Maria wasn’t at her desk.”

  “It’s fine, Liam. Miss Graham was just leaving.”

  “Yes. Yes, I was.” I got up from my seat and put my purse over my shoulder.

  “Hello, Miss Graham. I’m Liam Wyatt. Oliver’s brother.” The corners of his perfectly shaped mouth curved up.

  “I’m Delilah Graham. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Believe me, the pleasure is all mine.”

  I smiled at him and quickly left the office. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough before my ovaries exploded. Two of the sexiest men I’d ever seen in the same room was a bit much.

  Chapter 3


  “Who the fuck was that delicious creature?” Liam asked as he sat down across from me.

  “She’s the girl that I’m hoping will accept the position of becoming Sophie’s nanny.”

  “Damn, Oliver. Do you know what you’re doing? If she worked for me, there would be no way I could keep my dick in my pants.”

  I sighed and walked over to the bar to pour a glass of scotch. “Scotch?” I asked him.

  “Sure. Where did you dig her up?”

  “She worked at the diner where I took Sophie today for lunch since the babysitter wasn’t available until two o’clock. She got fired, because while Sophie was having one of her meltdowns, she sat down and sang to her. Sophie responded well to her and there was something about Delilah that she connected with. It was weird. I’d never seen her like that with the others.”

  “Maybe because the others were old bats and Delilah is a beautiful young woman. You’re crazy if you don’t think she’s hot.”

  “Of course I think she’s hot. Are you kidding me, I get hard just by looking at her and you should have heard her voice. She has the voice of an angel when she sings.”

  “So then, are you hiring her for Sophie or for you?”

  “For Sophie, you idiot. I told you that she connected with her instantly.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, bro, and I’d hate to see what Laurel says when she finds out.”

  “I don’t give a damn about what Laurel thinks. It’s none of her business who I hire to take care of my kid.”

  “Are you going to tell Delilah about Elaine?”

  “No. There’s no need for her to get into my business like that. She’d be Sophie’s nanny and that’s it. She doesn’t need to know anything about Sophie’s mother.”

  Liam sighed and got up from his seat, shaking his head. “Good luck. Let me know if she accepts the job because I’ll be spending more time at your house.”

  “You stay away from her, little brother. Do you understand me?” I said with authority.

  “And so it begins.” He smiled as he walked out and shut the door.

  I sat back in my chair and finished off my scotch as I thought about Delilah. The way her long, brown wavy hair fell over her shoulders and her sparkling blue eyes. How the first thing I noticed when she walked into my office was her long lean legs. Legs that I envisioned wrapped around my waist as I fucked her. Her slender torso and her beautiful cleavage, which peeked through the black dress she was wearing. I thought about how her tits would look as she stood naked before me. She looked to be a C cup, which was perfect for me. Were her nipples a rosy pink? I pushed the button on my desk and locked the door as I unzipped my pants and took hold of my rock hard cock, stroking myself up and down as I thought about her pussy. Did she shave completely or did she sport a landing strip? I bet she was really tight. She didn’t seem like a slut who had slept with a lot of men. She came across as innocent and angelic. Maybe she was a virgin. Stroking myself faster, I envisioned her small, perfect round ass and how good it would feel to grab it tight as I fucked her from behind. The look on her face when I’d make her come and how good she would taste on my lips. I softly moaned as I released myself into my hand.

  Chapter 4


  Before going up to the apartment, I stopped in at the fruit market and found Jenny stacking cucumbers. It was her dad’s fruit market and Jenny worked for him while she attended NYU.

  “Hey,” I said as I handed her a cucumber.

  “Hey. How did it go with Mr. Wyatt? What did he want to talk to you about?”

  I bit down on my bottom lip. “He wants me to be Sophie’s nanny.”

  She set the cucumber down and a look of shock swept over her face. “What the fuck? Are you serious?”

  “Yes. Starting salary is $40,000 with health benefits and I would have a personal driver for me and Sophie.”

  “Would you live there?”

  “Yeah. I would. I’d have my own bedroom and bathroom and Sundays off.”

  “Damn, Delilah. Are you going to take it?”

  “I really have no choice. It would be a hell of a lot better than waitressing.”

  “What about your music?”

  “I can practice there and play on Sundays. I think this is a good opportunity, at least for a while.”

  “And what happens when you become attached to Sophie?”

  “I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”

  “And what about Mr. Sexpot Wyatt?”

  “What about him?”

  “Are there any fringe benefits involving him that come with the job?”

  “Stop it. I’m not like that and you know it. He’d be my boss and he has a girlfriend.”

  “So. Men like him don’t care about their girlfriends if another beautiful woman enters the picture.”

  “Ugh. I’m going to go and get ready for tonight.”

  “Okay. Stephen and I will
see you later.” She laughed.

  I went up to the apartment and changed out of my dress and into a pair of black leggings and a long black tank top with silver embellishments. I ran the brush through my hair and pulled it over into a loose side ponytail and threw a few curls on the ends. Slipping on my tall boots, I grabbed my guitar case, purse, and phone and headed out the door. As I sat on the subway, I decided to give Mr. Wyatt a call.

  “Oliver Wyatt,” he answered.

  “Hi, Mr. Wyatt. It’s Delilah Graham.”

  “Hello, Delilah. Have you made your decision about the position I’ve offered you?”

  “Yes, I have and I accept.”

  “Excellent news. What’s all that noise? Are you on the subway?”

  “Oh yeah. Sorry about that. I’m on my way to the Red Room. I wanted to give you a call before it got too late.”

  “May I ask what you’re doing at the Red Room?”

  “I’m singing there tonight.”

  “Ah. I see. We can go over the details another time. Have a good night.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Wyatt. You too.”

  I ended the call with a smile on my face as I got off and walked a block to the Red Room. Walking through the doors, I spotted Jonah, a friend of mine I met when I first moved to New York when I played my guitar and sang on his corner.

  “Hey, Delilah.” He smiled.

  “Hey, Jonah. It looks like quite a crowd tonight.” I looked around at the room full of patrons.

  “You’re up next after Blue Moon and Stars. Are you ready?”

  “All tuned up and ready to go.” I smiled as I patted my guitar case.

  I walked to the back of the stage area, took my guitar out, and as soon as Blue Moon and Stars exited the stage, I walked on and sat down on the stool in front of the microphone. The lights were bright and as I began to strum my guitar, all attention was on me. There was no place in the world that I felt more at home than I did on a stage, singing and escaping into a world where I was somebody; a world where I belonged. As I began to sing my acoustic cover of “Let Her Go,” the Red Room quieted. I closed my eyes and sang, taking in the sound of the strings and baring my soul for the love of music. When I opened my eyes, staring out at the crowd of people, they locked on Oliver Wyatt’s, who was sitting at a table in the corner with a drink in his hand. What the hell is he doing here? After singing a few more songs, I thanked the crowd and got up and walked off the stage. The sounds of clapping and whistling filled the air in the Red Room, alerting me of another successful performance. Setting my guitar in its case, I picked it up and walked out into the main area and headed to the now empty table where Oliver had just sat and watched my performance. Why would he just leave without saying anything? I shrugged and went up to the bar where Jonah was mixing drinks.

  “Excellent performance, Delilah. This one’s on me.” He smiled as he set down a White Russian in front of me.

  “Thank you.” I picked up the glass and took a sip.

  “Hello, beautiful lady.” Stephen walked up and kissed my cheek. “Amazing performance as always.”

  Jenny sat down on the stool next to mine and hooked her arm around me. “Jonah, three shots of tequila, please.”

  “Coming right up, Jenny.” He smiled.

  I looked over at her while Stephen talked to a friend of his. “When I was up on the stage, I saw Oliver sitting at the table in the corner, watching me.”

  “Really?” She twisted her face in confusion.

  “Yeah, but after the performance, he left. He didn’t say a word to me or anything.”

  “That’s weird, Delilah. Maybe he’s some kind of millionaire stalker.” She laughed.

  “Well, if he is, he won’t have to stalk me since I’ll be living in his home.”

  “You already accepted the position?”

  Jonah set the shots of tequila down in front of us. Jenny handed me a glass and then gave one to Stephen. “One... two... three!” she yelled as we threw back the shots and slammed the glasses on the counter.

  “Yep. I called him while I was on the subway on my way here.”

  “I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Delilah. You’re going to be living in a whole different world.”

  I gave her a small smile and finished off my White Russian.

  Chapter 5

  I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. With the pillow over my eyes, I haphazardly fished around my nightstand for my phone. Grabbing it, I tossed the pillow over to the other side and saw that Oliver was calling.

  “Hello,” I said sleepily.

  “Good morning, Delilah. Did I wake you?”

  I looked over at the clock and it read nine a.m. “No. I’ve been up.”

  “It sounds like I woke you.”

  “No, no. I’ve been up for a while.” I didn’t want him to know that I slept this late. I was pretty sure that he was one of those who started his morning between four and five a.m.

  “I’ll be sending my driver, Scott, over to your place to pick you up. I’d like to tell Sophie together that you’ll be her nanny, and I wanted to show you around so you can get acquainted. You can start moving your things in tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow!” I gulped.

  “Yes. Tomorrow is Sunday and you officially start working for me on Monday. Is that a problem, Miss Graham?”

  “No. Not a problem at all, Mr. Wyatt. I can do that.”

  “Good. Please text me your address so I can give it to Scott. I’ll have him come by in about an hour. Sound good?”

  “Yes. An hour is fine.”

  “See you then.” Click.

  I threw back the covers and climbed out of bed. If only he would have stayed at the Red Room last night and told me about this instead of springing it on me at the last minute. I sighed as I stepped into the shower. As I was blow drying my hair, Jenny walked in and sat down on the toilet.

  “Where are you going so early?”

  “Oliver is sending his driver over to pick me up so we can tell Sophie that I will be her nanny and he wants to show me around. Apparently, he wants me to move in tomorrow because I officially start working on Monday.”

  “Tomorrow? Gee, Delilah, that’s like tomorrow.”

  “I know. How the hell am I supposed to get everything packed so quickly?”

  “Just pack some things and leave the rest here. You’ll be back visiting, so you can just take little bits at a time.”

  I pointed the hairbrush at her and smiled. “Good idea. I didn’t think of that.”

  She got up from the toilet, hooked her arm around my neck, and gave me a light hug. “Have a good day and I’ll see you later. Try to keep your panties dry while you’re with Mr. Wyatt.” She winked.

  “Very funny.”

  I was going to miss seeing Jenny every day. She had been my best friend since we were seven years old when her family bought the house next door. We hung out every day and did everything together until her mom passed away and her dad decided to move to New York and open up a fruit market when she was sixteen years old. Distance didn’t affect us. We talked every single day, sometimes all night long. She met Stephen about two years ago when he knocked over the display of apples all over the market floor. She said it was love at first sight and they’d been together ever since.

  I left the apartment and walked down the stairs. A black limo was parked at the curb with a man standing with the door open.

  “Miss Graham?” He smiled.

  “Hi. You must be Scott.” I held out my hand to him. “Just Delilah, please.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Delilah.”

  I climbed in the back seat and smiled as I looked around at the plush black leather interior and ran my hand along the smooth leather seat. I’d never been inside a limousine before and I was liking it. Scott pulled up to the curb and I stared at the tall, single black wrought-iron gate with the fancy scroll design and pointed tips. Beyond the gate sat a beautiful stone staircase made up of ten stone steps and intricat
ely designed handrails on each side that led up to the four-story reddish bricked home. As I approached the double dark stained wooded doors with the full-length beveled glass, Scott pushed the thumb latch down on the handle. Pushing the door open, he allowed me to enter first. I stood in the mammoth foyer and took note of the expensive-looking marble tile floor and the beautiful winding wood staircase that sat to the right. I had never seen such tall ceilings as I did when I looked up in that room.

  “How tall are these ceilings?” I asked Scott.

  “All the ceilings in the home range from ten to eleven feet.”

  “Wow.” I was almost afraid to see the rest of the house.

  “Mr. Wyatt asked that you take a seat in the dining room and wait for him. It’s over here to your right.”

  I followed Scott as he led me to the oversized room where the floor-to-ceiling windows throughout gave the most perfect view of the beautiful gardens outside. The focal point of the room was the long mahogany-finished wood table with beautiful beige upholstered chairs. A large floral centerpiece made up of burgundy and cream flowers sat in the center of the table.

  “Hello, Delilah.” I heard Oliver’s voice from behind. “Welcome to my home.”

  I turned around and gasped when I saw him standing there in a pair of dark wash jeans, a white button-down cotton shirt, and a brown sports coat. He looked even sexier out of his business attire. Thoughts of Jenny as she told me to keep my panties dry kept running through my head.

  “Hello, Mr. Wyatt and thank you.”

  “You can call me Oliver.”

  I nodded as I gave this godly man a small smile.

  “If you follow me, I’ll show you the rest of the house and your bedroom. Sophie is out at the moment with my maid, Clara.”

  He led me through the door from the dining room that led to the large kitchen. The cherry cabinets, burgundy granite countertops, and marble floor gave the look of elegance. Over in the corner sat a round table that seated four people and another winding staircase.