Read Love Online Page 15



  The way Jake was talking to teeny melt something in my heart. My family was now complete. Jake never cheated on me. I can’t believe we lost this much time over a misunderstanding. I promised myself I was not going to waste any more time. I will love Jake and teeny with all my heart and make for the lost time. Jake was still taking to teeny when I felt a kick on my stomach.

  “Oh my god Nikki did you feel that. Shit the baby kicked my hand” that made me laugh so hard.

  “That was my stomach he kicked silly. Ofcourse I felt that” Jake laughed too.

  “Yeah I guess, but that feels awesome” he kissed my belly again and teeny kicked again.

  “Teeny likes it when you kiss him. He never moved till today. But when you kissed he started kicking” I smiled at Jake, “he is showing that he loves you Jake”

  Jake had that grin on his face which always took away my breath.

  “Teeny. You named the baby teeny” I got up from his lap and went to the bedroom he came behind me. I took out all the ultrasound images of teeny which I had framed.

  “Here look at this blip here. This was the first time I saw him he was so teeny tiny I had to name him teeny” I passed him all the frames.

  “Is it a boy?” he asked.

  “I don’t know I wanted it to be a surprise. Come with me” I took his hand and lead him to teeny’s room. His expression changed from happy to something I can’t put my finger on.

  “Is it that bad? Didn’t you like it?” I asked him feeling nervous.

  “No baby it’s perfect. I just feel sad; you had to do all this by yourself. I am sorry you had to go through all these things alone” his voice was choking up. I hugged him.

  “It’s not your fault and we are together now” I can see the happiness on Jake’s face. He hugged me again and kissed me. Then he pulled away, took out something from his pocket and went on one knee.

  “Nikki I know this is not the proposal I wanted but I have already wasted so much time. I don’t want to waste it anymore. I want to protect you and our baby. I promise I’ll never let you go through anything alone ever again. I will be there for you be it happiness or sorrow. So will you do me the honor to marry me and make me the luckiest guy on earth” my vision blurred and I had tears in my eyes. I was nodding before he even finished his sentence.

  “Yes” Jake slipped the ring in my hand. It was a simple yet elegant diamond ring. I loved it.

  “I love you” Jake said kissing me.

  “I love you too baby”

  “I want to marry you this week. I know you may want a fancy wedding but I can’t wait to call you my wife” Jake was talking my thoughts.

  “I don’t want anything fancy. I only want you Jake; I’ll marry you whenever you want. But how are we going to invite everyone here so fast” I asked Jake. I wanted the important people in my life to be there with me on my special day.

  “Leave that on me. Is it ok for baby to travel?”

  “Yes. It’s ok” I told him with a smile.

  Jake really outdid himself. He arranged for everyone important including Nick to Tahiti Island. Sammy came early from her honeymoon for my wedding. Jake’s parents were so happy for us and the baby; they were going to be grandparents. Everyone was enjoying themselves. On the wedding day Sammy’s parents were there to give me away to Jake. When I came out with the wedding march, my heart rate increased to see the handsome man standing on the aisle. Jake was looking so admirable in his black tux. And his ice blue eyes had the same effect on me as the first day. I loved him more and more every day. He was the best thing in my life, the father of my child. He took my hand from Sammy’s dad and kissed the back of my hand.

  “You looking so beautiful in that dress” he said with a smile.

  “You are looking handsome yourself Mr. Collin”

  The minister asked us if we wanted to say our vows or wanted to use the traditional and we said we’ll use ours.

  “I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind patient and forgiving. I will never let any misunderstanding come between us, I promise to try harder to prove you that I love you and will never give up on you. I promise to be your lover, companion and friend, your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your comrade in adventure, your consolation in disappointment and your accomplice in mischief. I love you and always will. I Jacob Collins take you Nichole Adams to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us apart.” when Jake finished with his vow everyone was clapping and he had such admiration in his eyes I forgot everything. Tears were flowing down my eyes and he was smiling at me. The minister cleared his throat and said it was my turn. I nodded and started.

  “I vow to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share in the silence when they are not. I promise faithfulness and patience, respect and lightheartedness, attentiveness and self-improvement. I will celebrate your triumphs, and love you all the more for you failures. I promise to be supportive and to always make our family’s love and happiness my priority. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. You are my person – my love and my life, today and always till death do us apart”. I said my vows and there were cheers again.

  “Do you Jacob Collins take Nichole Adams as your lawfully wedded wife?” The minister asked Jake.

  “I do” Jake nodded. The minister turned to me and asked me the same.

  “Do you Nichole Adams take Jacob Collins as your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do”

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride” those were the last words I heard. Jake took me in his arms and I forgot everything. We kissed with such passion it melted my inside. Jake stopped kissing me and his lips brushed near my ear.

  “I love you Mrs. Collins” I smiled at my new name.

  “I love you too Mr. Collins”.

  This was the life I wanted. The family I never got. This was what it felt like to get the prince charming. This was what they say about dreams coming true. This was the happy ending of my story with Jake.



  I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday because it was so near to Nikki’s due date. But Nikki being stubborn convinced me to celebrate it. So we called Sammy, Ian, Nick and my parents over. We had a small family party. The cake was awesome. We were in the middle of dinner when Nikki announced it was time. Her water broke and I still was not sure what to do; we have been practicing for this day from last month. I was always careful with Nikki. Nick said we should be prepared because Nikki was near to her due date. This was why I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday. Nick and me took Nikki in the car and went to the hospital. We asked others to come behind us. I was driving faster than the speed limit. I knew Nikki was in pain and I wanted to help her.

  “Baby we are almost there. Five more minutes and we’ll be in the hospital” she tried to concentrate on my words but I could see the pain she was going through. We reached the hospital under five minutes. Nikki was taken to the labor room. I kept her hand clutched tightly in mine. Her cries were going like sharp needles through my body.

  “Nikki I love you baby. We are here, everything will be fine now” I tried to console her. She smiled.

  “I love you too Jake”

  It took an hour of pain and finally my son came to this world. That was the best site in this world I have ever seen and his cries were the best music for ears. I kissed Nikki with tears in my eyes when the doctors were taking care of our baby.

  “Owen James Collins” Nikki said looking at me. I was confused for a moment.

  “Our son” she said. That made my heart swell with so much love
for Nikki. I nodded and said, “I like that”

  “Thank you so much Nikki, this is the best gift ever for my birthday. I love you so much” she wiped the tears from my eyes.

  “I love you too baby” then I heard those little cries again. Owen was packed in a bundle of clothes and crying his lungs out. The doctor gave him to Nikki for feeding. His cries were muted and he was busy sucking her nipple. His hands were so small; it was a miracle to see him. Owen moved after having his milk and Nikki took him in her arms. She looked so proud to see him. And seeing Owen in her arms seemed so perfect.

  “Hello baby you wanna go to daddy” she cooed to Owen and picked him up. She then pointed for me to bring my arms forward. I was so afraid to hold him. He looked so fragile. I took him my arms and all of a sudden everything stilled in me. It seemed so natural. He was so warm in my arm. I hugged him to my chest and kissed his forehead. He yawned and that was so cute doing that. I felt that instant connection. I felt so protective for him; I won’t let anything bad happen to my family. I will give him every happiness he could ever imagine. This was my best birthday gift ever and will always be. I kissed Nikki on the forehead and handed Owen to her. They shifted her to a room, I went out of the room to tell the others waiting outside. Sammy came to me first when she noticed me coming out of the room.

  “How is she? How is the baby?”

  “Nikki is good and Owen is good too” I smiled.

  “Oh my god you had a son. Congratulation” everyone just jumped to congratulate me. Then they went to Nikki’s room to meet Owen. I felt so blessed to have a family like this. And I was blessed to have Nikki in my life and now Owen too. My life was perfect, and this was a perfect happy new start.



  Thank you so much all for reading this book. Writing this book was an amazing experience for me and I really hope it was at least good for you too. I want to appriciate you for the time you put in reading this book and would really like to know your opinion.

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  I’ll hope for your best.

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