Read Love Online Page 4



  After giving Sammy her coffee I took a long shower. I was thinking about Jake, still can see him smiling in my head and those ice blue eyes, Oh god. They were haunting me. I groaned in frustration, I don’t want to remember those eyes or that smile. I came out of the shower and went to the kitchen for making dinner. The dinner was silent Sammy went back to sleep after dinner and I went to my room. I fired up the virtual boyfriend program hoping Jacob will be there and will not be pissed at me for not talking to him for four days.

  Me: Hey.

  No instant reply. After five minutes of waiting I was thinking that Jacob will not answer and when I was going to close the program I got his reply.

  VB: Hey stranger.

  Me: Are you pissed at me?

  VB: Why?

  Me: I didn’t talk to you for past few days.

  VB: That was because your best friend had flu and you had to take care of her.

  Me: But you are my friend too. I should be able to make time for both of you.

  VB: It is totally cool. I was busy in work anyways. How’s Sammy?

  Me: She is better but still not fully recovered. She is sleeping all the time.

  VB: hahahaa must be the medicines.

  Me: Yeah. I feel sorry for her. She doesn’t like being sick.

  VB: How are you?

  Me: Good. I took leave from office.

  VB: Oh good. How was your day?

  Me: Don’t ask.

  VB: Why?

  Me: Worst day ever.

  VB: What happened?

  Me: I met this guy…

  VB: Really Nichole? You met a guy?

  Me: Yeah but what is with the question mark?

  VB: Nothing. Leave it

  I have known Jacob for more than a month now. He never behaved like this.

  Me: Jacob tell me.

  VB: Nothing, just that I didn’t like you met a guy.

  What? Was he serious.

  Me: And what is wrong with that?

  VB: Nothing I just don’t like it

  Is he really throwing a jealousy fit? Really? Am I dreaming or something? Is he being serious?

  Me: Jacob you didn’t even listen to me. Are you saying I can’t see any guys because I am talking to a stranger over the internet from last one month who thinks he can decide what I should do. Are you out of your freaking mind?

  VB: No. I didn’t say that Nichole. I like you Ok. And I don’t want you talking to other guys when we are trying to build something here.

  Me: Fuck you Jacob. You are my friend not my fucking boyfriend. Go to hell.

  And I closed the program. What was all that about. Who the hell he thinks he is, telling me what I can do. I liked him. I thought he is a good guy, but today I am not so sure. He didn’t even listen to me what I was going to say didn’t even give me a chance to explain. My day went from bad to worse. Does this day have an end or not, but why am I so upset over that jerk. We are not even in a relationship. If I can survive heartbreak I can survive this too. I don’t need anybody in my life.