Read Love Online Page 6



  It was one of those busy days in the office when you don’t get time for lunch or even a quick coffee. I hate days like this when I don’t get my caffeine. So I went to star bucks for my fill of coffee. I was standing in line, when I noticed the cute guy Jake from a few weeks earlier sitting there. I took my order and was walking towards an empty table when he looked up and saw me. He smiled and pointed for the empty seat in front of him. I went to his table and sat in front of him.

  “Hey”, he said. He was sounding so low. Not the happy cheerful guy I met the other day.

  “Hey. You ok” I asked.

  He was looking at me with confusion.

  “I can see there is something bothering you” I told him.

  “You really good at reading people”, there was a hint of smile on his face.

  “I told you. So what’s the matter? That is if you want to tell me”.

  “Nothing much, just a bit stressed about work”.

  “Oh, I can understand”

  “Yeah. There is this big party on Saturday and I don’t have a date”.

  “You don’t have a girlfriend?” I was curious.

  “It’s complicated. She doesn’t live nearby” he sighed.

  “So ask her to come here” I suggested.

  “I can’t do that. Told you it’s complicated”

  “Oh. So, take a friend”.

  “All my friends are busy on Saturday and I don’t know so many people around here”.

  “Hmmmm. Sorry, I don’t know anybody who’ll be ready to go. My best friend would have loved to go with you, but she has plans for Saturday too” I said apologetically.

  “Are you free on Saturday?” he asked suddenly.

  “Umm...Yes, I am”.

  “Perfect. Will you come with me? Please”, he asked with those puppy eyes. I had to laugh.

  “Oh my god you don’t have to do that” I said laughing.

  “Please, I promise it will be good. I’ll be a perfect gentleman”

  “Ok Ok I’ll go with you”

  “Thank you so much you are a saver”.

  And we both laughed. We exchanged our numbers so that he can tell me about the plans on Saturday. We said our goodbyes and I was thinking about my stupidity on my way back to the apartment. Why did I agree? But looking in his pleading eyes I couldn’t say no to him. I reached home changed, had dinner with Sammy and went to my room. Then I went to the VB program and there was a message from Jacob.

  VB: Hey Nichole I know I’ll sound impatient to you but seriously you are killing me here.

  I know it’s been a long time since he confessed his feelings for me, but I am not sure what to do. I asked him for time and he has been so patient with me. I think it is worth trying, but I am afraid of heartbreak. I manage to survive this one but can’t survive if it happened again. It will break me. But I like Jacob I like talking to him. But is he worth the risk? I got my answer. Yes, he is. So I typed my answer.

  Me: Yes.

  He replied after some time.

  VB: Yes?

  Me: We are worth trying. I want to try this.

  VB: Oh my god baby. You don’t know how much I wanted to hear this answer.

  Me: I know.

  VB: Can I call you my baby?

  Me: If you want to.

  VB: Thank you. Thank you so much baby. You’ll not regret it. I promise.

  Me: I hope so. But can we go slow?

  VB: As slow as you want baby.

  Me: hahahaa you like calling me that.

  VB: Hell yes. I was dying to call you baby.

  Me: Ok. I am going to sleep now.

  VB: So early. You ok?

  Me: Yes. Just a bit tired. It was a hard day at the office.

  VB: Oh.

  I know he is upset. But I really can’t talk right now. I feel bad for him.

  Me: What if I’ll talk to you first thing in morning before leaving for office.

  VB: I would like that.

  Me: Ok. Goodnight.

  VB: Goodnight baby. I’ll be waiting for you in the morning.

  Me: I’ll be there. Bye. Have Horror dreams.

  VB: hahahaa thank you baby. Bye.

  And I closed the program and I don’t know when I went to sleep. That is how we spent our time. He’ll talk to me every day with so much affection I started feeling the distance between us. I wanted him near me, I wanted to touch him, feel him. Whenever I’ll see a couple sitting with each other, talking, hugging or touching I’ll feel that empty feeling. I wanted all that with Jacob. So I decided after coming back from the party on Saturday I am gonna tell Jacob that I wanted to meet him.

  On Saturday, I was getting ready when Jake called for getting my address. I told him the address and he said he’ll be there in twenty minutes. When he called again saying he was waiting for me outside my building I went there. He was looking good as always.

  “Hey gorgeous” he said.

  “Hey handsome”

  And he laughed. We went to the party, it was good party. Everybody was enjoying. We had drinks and after dinner Jake asked me for dance. So we went to the dance floor. Jake put his hand on my waist and it felt so warm. His hand on my back felt so good. This close to him I could feel his cologne, his body heat. His breath was creating a tingling near my ear. What was happening to me? He had a girlfriend. And I was working on a relationship with Jacob. This is not right.

  I have to get away from him. I excused myself from Jake saying I wanted to use the washroom. I went to the washroom and washed my face. When I came back Jake was already saying bye to everyone and I was thankful for that. The drive back to my apartment was silent. When we reached my building he came out and opened my door. We said goodnight and I was walking towards the door. Suddenly my dress came under my shoes and I was falling but Jake caught me in time. He was so near to my body I could feel his hard muscles, his breath on my face. Our eyes met, my heart was beating like a hammer. His breath was coming fast too. And then he was bending down slowly, killing me with those ice blue eyes. Then I felt his lips on mine. And oh my god did it feel good, I died in that instant and reached heaven. His lips were so soft, so very soft like feathers. His arms came around my waist in a tight embrace. The pressure of his embrace felt so right. I locked my hand in his hair. His hairs were so soft. Everything was like I imagined with Jacob. Jacob. Oh my god what is wrong with me? I have a guy who is waiting for me, waiting to talk to me and the guy I am kissing has a girlfriend. Am I no better than Nolan, already cheating on Jacob before even starting our relation. Jacob did not deserve that, it won’t be fair to him. That got me moving. I shoved Jake away from me. He was looking confused, then it drowned him what we did.

  “Shit, shit, shit” he said and his hands went to his face like he was feeling ashamed.

  “I am so sorry Nikki. I wasn’t thinking. I am so sorry”, he finally said breaking the ice. I could see he was feeling guilty. But so was I.

  “Not your fault, maybe we are too drunk to think”, I wanted to blame it on the alcohol but I know I was not that drunk.

  “I should leave. I am sorry again”

  “It’s ok” I said

  “Bye and thank you for coming with me”

  “Thank you for inviting me. Bye”

  And with that he was back in his car and I went back to the apartment. I can’t believe I kissed a guy. I’ll have to talk to Jacob soon and tell him to meet me or I’ll go mad. I changed and tried to relax a bit, but the guilty feeling was not going away. When I opened the VB program there was a message from Jacob.

  VB: Nichole I want to meet you. I know you want to take it slow, but trust me we need to meet as soon as possible.

  Me: Wow that was what I wanted to talk to you today.

  His reply was instant like he was waiting for my reply.

  VB: Yeah. I am glad you were thinking about meeting me. I want to talk to you, hold you and kiss you.

  Me: Exactly my t

  VB: Really. So when should we meet?

  Me: How much time will it take you to come to New York City?

  VB: I am in New York City.

  Me: Wow. So we live in same city. You never told me.

  VB: You never asked.

  Me: We don’t know enough about each other.

  VB: Trust me that is why we need to meet soon.

  Me: Ya. When?

  VB: As soon as possible.

  Me: Tomorrow?

  VB: Yes.

  Me: Ok. Where?

  VB: You decide.

  Where should I meet my potential future boyfriend? This is so confusing.

  Me: I don’t know. Kimberly?

  VB: How about we go to the Central Park first and then I’ll take you to Kimberly for dinner?

  Me: Fine by me.

  VB: Ok so meet you tomorrow baby.

  Me: But how am I gonna recognize you?

  VB: I’ll be near the Carousel at 4 pm in a red T-shirt.

  Me: Ok. I’ll meet you there.

  VB: Ok. Bye. I can’t wait for tomorrow.

  Me: Me too.

  And that is how we planned our first date. I was feeling excited but nervous too what if he doesn’t like me and what if I don’t like him. What if he’ll be disappointed to see me? I went to sleep thinking what will happen tomorrow. In the morning, I was a complete mess. I told about yesterday night incident and my date with Jacob to Sammy. She was happy that I was going to meet Jacob but was worried too. By 3.30 pm, I was a nervous wreck.

  “If you think he is creepy even a little bit you are going to call me understand”, Sammy said when I was going out of the apartment.

  “Yes mother”

  “This is not a joke Nikki. I am serious”

  “So am I Sammy. I’ll call you if I find something odd”

  “Keep your phone with you all the time” she said behind me.

  “I will. Bye”

  “Good luck”

  “Thank you”.

  I took a cab and went to the central park. By the time I reached Carousel, it was hard to breathe. I thought I’ll faint. Then I saw him standing there in a red T-shirt as promised, his back towards me. I was walking toward him every step taking me near Jacob. I put my hand on his shoulder and said his name.


  He turned and oh my god I think I stopped breathing. He was standing in front of me and I was shocked to see him. I was speechless like I have seen a ghost. He was looking at me with those baby blue eyes and I bet his and mine expression matched. Then his expression changed and he started laughing and I couldn’t help myself. We were laughing like hell. By the time we stopped laughing we had tears in our eyes.

  “It’s nice meeting you. Again”, he said.

  “Ditto” I replied and we started laughing again.

  “What was it with Jacob?” I asked Jake.

  “That is my name but I go by Jake” he smiled.

  “Now I get it why you wanted to meet as soon as possible?” I teased him.

  “Yeah” he replied.


  “So Jacob or Jake” I asked him laughing. I was stunned at first to find out Jake standing there near Carousel. At first I was confused then it suddenly hit me Jake was Jacob, my Jacob.

  “I can’t believe it’s you Nikki” he said reaching for my hand. His expression became serious when he said, “I was feeling so guilty yesterday that I was cheating on you”.

  Those were my sentiments too. I was feeling guilty and I wanted to tell him what happened but not on chat but face to face so I can tell him I was sorry.

  “Ya, me too”, I replied.

  “I am so happy it’s you. You are my Nichole. Come let’s go and sit somewhere. I want to talk to you for hours. I have waited all this for so long”.

  We went to the sheep meadow and sat on the grass. Jake lies down on grass and put his head on my lap.

  “Is this ok?” he asked.

  “Yes” I was happy he did that. It felt good.

  “Would it be bad if I tell you that when I was talking to Nichole I was imagining Nikki’s face” he said softly.

  “No, because while I was talking to Jacob I was think about Jake too” I confessed.

  “I still can’t believe it. It is you right I am not dreaming” he said and touched my cheek.

  “Yes it is me”

  “Oh god you are so beautiful Nikki”

  “And you are so handsome Jake” he was looking so good today and I can’t believe he was all mine.

  “What was that about your girlfriend?”

  “I was talking about you, told you it was complicated”

  “But I didn’t give my answer”

  “I was being positive”.

  That made me laugh hard.