Read Love Profound Page 3

  She turned to me and frowned. “You’re not still hung up on him, are you?”

  “God, no. But I won’t ever let myself be hurt like that again.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? You’re never going to date again?”

  I shrugged. “I’ll date when I find a guy I connect with. One I can trust. It just hasn’t happened yet. Pretty much all men are cheating pigs.”

  “Our brothers aren’t.”

  Turning to her, I lifted my brow. “They’re manwhores. They can’t cheat on women because they won’t date them seriously in the first place. I can’t tell you how many women Trevor and Cord have slept with. Trevor’s banged pretty much every single one of my friends. Three of whom have yet to talk to me since he broke their hearts.”

  Waylynn laughed. “Well, any woman in Oak Springs should know the Parker boys are not the settling-down type.”

  “Well, they all thought they could settle him down. Needless to say, he proved them wrong. Besides, I don’t believe in love anymore.”

  Waylynn stopped walking. “What? You make your living writing about love and you say you don’t believe in it?”

  I shrugged. “I guess I believe in it. But I don’t think it will happen for me. I thought I had it once, but spending so much time with Steed and Paxton, I see what Ryan and I had was nothing more than physical attraction. When it wore off for him, he moved on.”

  “Amelia, just because you had one bad apple doesn’t mean the whole bunch was ruined.”

  Lifting a brow, I replied, “One bad apple spoils the rest, that’s what I’ve always heard.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “Love will come when you least expect it, Meli. Just wait.”

  “What about you? Are you happy in love? I mean, you gave up your career as a dancer for Jack.”

  With a huff, Waylynn picked up a pair of Louis Vuitton pumps and looked at the price tag. I couldn’t help but look myself. Over six hundred dollars. Waylynn lifted the shoe and nodded to the young sales lady. “Size six, please.”

  Waylynn turned to me, her eyes filled with sadness. “I can honestly tell you that Jack Monroe was the worst mistake of my life.”

  I was stunned to finally hear the full confession, but not surprised. “Oh, Waylynn. I’m so sorry. What can I do? Here you are telling me love will come when I least expect it, but when will it come for you?”

  A fake laugh slipped from Waylynn as the sales lady took the sleek, black pump from a thin box. Waylynn sat down. “Don’t be sorry. I’m the idiot who let it happen and nothing can be done to fix this mistake. Meli, this is my reality. I’ve fully accepted that love has already bypassed me.”

  After the second shoe slipped on, Waylynn stood and walked over to a mirror, staring at her reflection. She wasn’t even looking at the shoes.

  “How do they feel, ma’am?”

  Slapping on her signature window-dressing smile, she said, “Fine. Everything is perfectly fine.”

  I studied my older sister, understanding just how unhappy she truly was.

  “I’ll take them,” she finally said. When she turned back to face me, she gave me that same fake smile. “Might as well spend his money if that’s the only thing he gives me. Right?”

  Before I could offer words of comfort to my sister and best friend, my phone buzzed in my purse. Reaching in, I saw a local NYC number.

  212-555-1212: Hey, Amelia! It’s Liam. We still on for bevvies tonight?

  I glanced over to my sister again who was sitting next to me. She had launched into a conversation with the sales lady, so I focused on the text.

  Grinning like a silly teenager, I quickly stored his number in my phone.

  Me: Am I going to have to go buy a book…How to Speak Australian…just to go out with you?

  Liam: No. I promise not to speak Australian.

  Me: NO! Speak it! It’s hot as hell.

  A few minutes passed, and I was worried I had scared him off.

  Liam: Then I’ll be sure to lay it on thick and heavy tonight.

  “What’s that smile?” Waylynn asked as we walked outside, waving for a cab like a madwoman.

  I chuckled. “Liam is texting about tonight.”

  Waylynn wiggled her eyebrows. “Well, by the look on your face, I think we need to make one more stop before heading back to your hotel.”


  “The drugstore…for condoms.”

  “You’re going out on a date with the author of the book you’re recording? Isn’t that…against the rules or something?”

  Fixing my hair one more time, I pulled my eyes from the mirror and turned to Nancy, my roommate and ex-girlfriend.

  “No. At least, I don’t think so.”

  “Huh. Well, you better be careful. You’ve got a good-paying job, and you don’t need some woman messing it up for you.” Nancy and I had dated for over two and half years before deciding we made better friends than lovers.

  “I didn’t mess things up with you,” I said, and laughed. “You’re just worried I won’t make rent if I get tossed out on my can.”

  “Something like that,” she said as she brushed past me. It didn’t go unnoticed that she was dressed sexy as sin tonight. Sometimes I wondered if Nancy wanted me back in her bed. It seemed like every time I had a date, she dressed a little racier, making more than her normal, fair share of sexual comments.

  “Just be careful, Liam. You’ve worked too hard to give it all up for some girl.”

  With a light-hearted chuckle, I replied, “I think I’m okay, Nancy. You a bit jealous?”

  She leaned against the counter and stared. “If I wanted your cock, all I’d have to do is spread my legs and you’d be inside me.”

  “Is that right?”

  Sitting on the counter, she lifted her skirt higher on her thighs and spread her legs open enough so I could see she wasn’t wearing panties. But I couldn’t be bothered any more with someone like Nancy and her jealous ways.

  “Is this you saying you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

  “Maybe. You interested?”

  I reached for my wallet and pushed it into the back pocket of my jeans. It pissed me off that she thought she could flash her pussy and I’d jump. Fuck that. “Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be home late.”

  Shooting a dirty look, Nancy jumped off the counter and grunted. “Don’t come looking for me tonight when she turns you down.”

  Not bothering to answer, I headed to the front door and made my way to the stairs. I hardly ever took the elevator. The seven floors to our apartment were a good form of exercise, a way to blow off steam. And after what Nancy had just pulled, I definitely had some steam to blow off.

  I waited for the Uber driver to show up. Once he did, I told him to take me to the Ritz. I was meeting Amelia in the lobby before dinner.

  The moment I walked in, I sought her out. She was sitting at the bar laughing at something another woman had said. Both of them were knock-out gorgeous, but the other one seemed to be a few years older.

  I made my way to the bar and smiled when Amelia glanced up. Damn, those blue eyes were fucking breathtaking. The other girl looked at me, her eyes the same piercing color.

  Sisters. They had to be. One had dark blonde hair, the other red, but those eyes and the smile were the same. The blonde leaned in and said something to Amelia, causing Amelia to push her away.

  “Ladies,” I purred as I flashed them a grin.

  “Liam, it’s good seeing you again. This is my sister, Waylynn. She lives here in New York.”

  Waylynn reached her hand out, and I was surprised by the firmness of her shake. “Liam, it’s a pleasure meeting you.”

  “Pleasure is all mine.”

  Her brow quirked, and she leaned in closer. “You harm one hair on her head and I’ll shoot your ass. We clear?”

  I swallowed hard and my eyes darted to Amelia. She shrugged, then winked. “Just agree and you’ll be fine.”

  “Ah,” I mumbled as I looked back
at Waylynn. “Not a single hair on her head will be harmed.”

  Waylynn grinned, reached for her shot of whiskey and downed it. “Good, my five brothers will be happy to hear that.”

  “Five? You have five? Brothers?”

  Waylynn looked me over. “Do you often stumble on your words, pretty boy?”

  “No, ma’am, but I don’t often come across beautiful women who threaten to shoot me within the first two minutes of meeting them.”

  With a sinful smile, Waylynn replied, “It wasn’t a threat, sweetheart. It was a promise.”

  Jesus, who is this woman? Annie Oakley?

  Glancing back at her sister, she waved. “Have fun, Amelia. See you in the morning.”

  Amelia lifted her hands and wiggled her fingers at her retreating sister. I watched Waylynn walk out of the bar, her high heels clicking against the tile.

  “Holy fuck. She’s terrifying.”

  Amelia laughed. “Don’t let her scare you off. Please sit, let me buy you a drink.”

  I slid onto the barstool and pointed at what Amelia was drinking. “Is that an old fashioned?” I asked.


  “I’ll have the same,” I said. The bartender quickly went about making my drink as Amelia and I slipped into a comfortable conversation.

  “What brought you to America?”


  She chuckled. “Of course.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked before taking a sip of the godawful drink in front of me.

  “I figured you were either going to say actor or model. My sister swears she’s seen you on the side of a bus.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “She might have. I did an ad campaign for a high-profile chain store. They fucking had my face everywhere. Even I got sick of seeing it.”

  She smiled, and my cock jumped. Oh, yes. I wanted in this girl’s knickers.

  “I’m not sure how anyone could tire of that face,” she said.

  I took another drink. “You’d be surprised.”

  The heat between us was undeniable, and I wondered if she felt it, too.

  “So, you moved here to be a model. How did you end up voice acting?”

  “My ex got me into it. She’s an actress, or trying to be. She did a little voice work and always told me I had a sexy voice. I auditioned for a job she told me about, I got it, and the rest is history. Now I get paid to recite how much your characters love fucking in showers.”

  There went that sexy-as-fuck grin of hers. This time she raised the ante and ran her tongue along those plump lips.

  Goddamn, I was attracted to this girl, but I couldn’t very well ask her to head up to her room yet and fuck her every way I could imagine

  “Do you want to grab something to eat?” I asked, finishing off the dreadful drink.

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  Your pussy.

  “Ladies first,” I replied with a wink.

  She rested her chin on her hand and looked at me with sultry eyes. “Listen, Liam, I’m going to be up front and honest with you.”

  My heart raced. “Okay.”

  “What I really need is a beer and a damn good slice of pizza.”

  I stared at her for a few seconds to let what she said soak in, then laughed. “Beer and pizza. I think I can deliver that.”

  I threw some money on the bar and reached for her hand. As we stood to leave, she said, “You better be able to deliver more than that before this night is over.”

  Oh, yes. Amelia Parker was going to be a lot of fun.

  My phone buzzed on the table and I glanced at it. Waylynn. Again.

  Waylynn: So? How’s it going? Have you dusted the cobwebs?

  Me: No. At dinner, still talking.

  Waylynn: Hmm. Maybe he’s not into you. Dry spell continues.

  Me: Fuck you.

  Liam walked back to our table and set a beer in front of me. He pointed to the pizza and asked, “You want the last piece?”

  I held up my hands. “No! Have at it. I’m good.”

  He did just that. Where the man kept it all was beyond me. From what I could tell, he had a rocking body.

  “I love the pizza here,” he said.

  Laughing, I replied, “I see that. It was good, but my mother makes a better pizza.”

  His eyes lifted. “Were you born in Texas?” He wiped his mouth and tossed the napkin on the table.

  “Yep. My parents own a ranch. Been in our family for years.”

  “Cows?” he asked with a snarled lip.

  “Yes. Do you have something against cows?”

  “I don’t eat meat.”

  Oh, hell.

  “Seriously? You just ate pepperoni!” I chuckled.

  “Yeah, well, that doesn’t count. Bacon doesn’t either. Gave up the rest of it a few years back. Well, really I did it because Nancy ate that way.”

  I lifted a brow. “Nancy?”

  “My ex.”

  “Huh. Sounds like Nancy had a lot of influence on you.”

  He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his massive chest. “Not really. She ate that way, I tried it and felt better. So, I stuck to it.”

  “What happened between y’all?”

  He leaned forward, looking uncomfortable. Well, too bad. He brought Nancy up. If he thought I wasn’t going to ask, he was stupid.

  “We were better friends than lovers.”

  “Oh please,” I spat.

  Liam raised his brows. “What?”

  “Isn’t that code for ‘I’m cheating on you and don’t have the guts to tell you’?”

  This time he pinched his brows together and studied me. “Well, neither one of us was cheating. It was Nancy’s idea to break up. In the end, it was best for our friendship. Doesn’t faze me when she brings someone home and the same goes for her.”

  My mouth fell. “Wait. Y’all still live together?”

  Liam smiled and my stomach pulled with desire. Geesh, this guy was even more handsome when he let that smile loose.

  “Do you know how expensive it is to live in New York? Besides, Nancy has a killer place with views of Manhattan.”

  “I’ve heard it’s pretty expensive,” I admitted. If I was looking for more than a simple hook-up, I might have been bothered by the fact that he still lived with his ex. But I wasn’t looking, so I wasn’t bothered.

  Leaning close, Liam placed his hand on my bare knee, and I was a bit bummed not to get those butterflies in my stomach. “Where to now?”

  I moved toward him. “My hotel? I need to work off the beer and pizza.”

  Liam’s mouth rose at both corners. “And I need to fuck you.”

  His dirty mouth made my libido shoot straight up and out the building. I gave him my sexiest smile and lifted my hand for the check. “A man who gets straight to the point. I like it.”

  “I need to make a call,” Liam said as he stood. “Will you excuse me?” With a quick nod, I watched as he made his way out of the restaurant. I couldn’t help but wonder who he was calling.

  The ex?

  A friend, to cancel plans for later?

  My mind raced as I pulled out my phone and sent Waylynn a text.

  Me: Looks like the cobwebs will be wiped out this evening and I’m hoping the boy from down under has a big duster.

  Waylynn: LOL! Glad we picked up the extra-large condoms! Have fun, baby sister, and be careful, okay? Are you going back to your place?

  I watched as Liam talked on the phone. He threw his head back and laughed, then looked into the restaurant. When our eyes met, he smiled.

  Me: Yes. I’ll text when I get back there.

  Waylynn: Okay. Love you.

  Me: Love you back.

  Liam had left his card on the table, but when the waiter brought the check, I paid in cash. Grabbing Liam’s card, I made my way outside, my curiosity getting the better of me.

  When I stepped outside, I instantly got a chill. It was still cold in New York City
and I had opted to not wear a heavier coat.

  “Right, Mum. I know. I won’t, I promise you.”

  My heart melted. He was talking to his mom. Oh, my God. Sexy as fuck.

  “What am I doing? Um…about to workout.”

  I had to cover my mouth to hide my chuckle. When he turned and saw me, he shrugged, a slight blush moving across his cheeks.

  “I will. Tell Dad I said hi. I’ll call tomorrow night.”

  When he hit End, we stood there staring at each other. The sexual attraction between us was insane. If I thought I could get away with it, I would have stripped down and asked him to screw me up against the restaurant window.

  Wait. Didn’t I write that in a book once?

  “I’ve got to tell you, Amelia, my cock is rock hard.”

  Slipping closer, I cupped him and lifted my brows. He wasn’t lying. He was hard and huge.

  It was worth repeating. Thank God for the extra-large condoms.

  The ride up the elevator nearly killed me. An older couple was on the same floor as mine so Liam and I waited not-so-patiently behind them. His thumb brushed across the skin of my back, driving me insane. The older couple chatted nonstop about some charity event as Liam’s hand moved down to my ass. I gasped when he pinched it. The old man glanced over his shoulder at us.

  “Good evening, sir,” Liam said in that damn Australian accent. The guy smiled, then turned straight ahead. When Liam’s hand snaked around to my front, I stepped to the side. No way was I going to let him touch me with people standing there.

  The doors opened and Liam dragged me out and past the couple. “Room number?”

  I was dizzy with desire. “Um, twenty twenty-four.”

  At my hotel room door, Liam’s hands desperately tried to find a way under my dress. I fumbled for my room key while trying not to pant like the sex-starved woman I’d become.

  “Hurry, love,” he said. “I’m aching to be inside of you.”

  The lock made a sound and we were soon pushing through the door and into the room. I’d never acted this way before, but there was something about Liam. Something that made me crave him. I could practically smell the sex in the air.