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Love Scenes

  10 Poems about love

  Paul Whybrow

  Copyright 2015 Paul Whybrow

  Published by Paul Whybrow

  Cover Art: Google Images

  Love Scenes

  10 Poems about love

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  This book is a work of fiction. While some of the place names are real, characters are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Love Scenes

  10 Poems about love

  Paul Whybrow

  'One makes mistakes, that is life. But it is never

  a mistake to have loved.'


  Romain Rolland


  The Poems

  Alone With Her

  Shared Shadow

  Watching Her Sleep

  Born and Living

  Be Needed

  You Don't Know How Cold You Are

  Stuff We Don't Talk About


  Blister Love

  Who Wants Last Times?

  The End

  About The Author

  Also by Paul Whybrow


  Short Stories

  Song Lyrics



  Connect with the author

  Love Scenes

  10 Poems about love

  Paul Whybrow

  Alone With Her


  To be alone with her,

  is all I want from life.

  I'll never tire of her,

  I'm proud she is my wife.

  I remember the first time

  I saw her, walking on the street.

  I followed her longingly,

  looking for a way to meet.

  She's the best thing that's happened

  to me, I'll never let her go.

  We cuddle all the time,

  murmuring soft and low.

  Our marriage is a happy one.

  Hand-in-hand we walk.

  I love the sound of her voice

  when we sit and quietly talk.

  I look forward to seeing her,

  miss her so, when we're apart,

  I need her love so bad,

  she's always in my heart.

  Shared Shadow

  We'll walk together,

  side-by-side, passing

  through good and bad.

  One another's sunshine.

  Shelter in the storm.

  No darkness will assail us,

  We share our shadow.

  Nothing can get through.

  Merge with me in darkness,

  Shine with me in light.

  Watching Her Sleep

  (for A.J.R.)

  She's miles from me.

  In another age, perhaps.

  Silent, then muttering

  so quietly I can't hear.

  Eyebrows frowning,

  the twitch of a smile.

  Hard to judge her mood,

  I observe with as much

  reverence and understanding

  as I gaze at the heavens.

  She's the plant I orbit,

  though she thinks me

  a far-flung shooting star.

  The closeness of her distance

  pulls me back each time.

  No weight felt so light.

  Her gravity attracting me in,

  to wonder at her tides

  that move her to and fro,

  voyaging through sleep.

  Born and Living

  (for J.F. on her birthday 18/03/14)

  You shine in other lives,

  As you brought light

  To all you knew before.

  You fear your darkness.

  Seeking to expose

  Your shadow demons.

  Chase them away,

  Into brightness

  Where they'll powder.

  I see only your sun.

  A centre of some kind,

  Pulling me in.

  The sun-spots

  You worry about,

  Are solar-flares of force.

  I orbit, wondering

  At your benign energy.

  Your illumination.

  Be Needed

  Defining love is hard.

  So many pitfalls,

  No precise way

  To say

  Or Do.

  Reciprocity is essential,

  Kindness a benison.

  Tolerance invaluable.

  All make the soil

  In which love grows.

  Our desire drives want.

  But what makes us

  Hum with delight,

  Is to simply know

  That we're needed.

  You Don't Know How Cold You Are

  You don't know how cold you are,

  Until you have a hot bath.

  You realise how thirsty you feel,

  When you see running water.

  The aroma of cooking food

  Stimulates your hunger.

  I didn't know how lonely I was,

  Until I held your hand.

  My thirst for life was sated

  By the river of your love.

  You feed me all that I need,

  As I consume you heart and soul.

  Stuff We Don't Talk About

  It's the dust on the skirting-board.

  The cracks across the ceiling plaster.

  A strange whirr from behind the fridge.

  The stuff that we don't talk about.

  Perhaps if we don't, it will disappear.

  That problem you have with your you-know-what.

  My inability to do what you'd like me to try in bed.

  How our friends always have more watch-a-me-call-it.

  The house slab is splitting, right down the drive.

  Somewhat like the bedrock of our relationship.

  The mildew on the bathroom tiles has a grip

  Like the feelings of doom inside my heart.


  We all have needs.

  There to be filled.

  Wants can wait.

  Desire fades.

  Wishes wane.

  Likes change.

  Needs must where the devil drives.

  If I don't get what I need

  From you, there'll be hell.

  I am my own demon,

  Out of control, inflamed.

  Roaring with need.

  Engulfed, you wither and char,

  Unusable ash crumbling away,

  No sustenance for my needs.

  There, still there, always there.

  Hungry as ever, I consume.

  What do you have for me?

  Blister Love

  It's going to sting,

  You'll weep awhile.

  The soreness lingers,

  But heals in the end.

  A scar that scarce shows,

  Though you know its place,

  Recall its source.

  Love sometimes chafes,

  Rubs holes in your soul.

/>   However you shift, easing

  Discomfort, it returns.

  How long can you tolerate

  This mismatched coupling?

  It's supposed to come easy.

  Affairs may burn you,

  Slice chunks from your heart,

  Drill holes through foundations

  That hold you in place.

  So why worry about blisters?

  Temporary annoyances

  From someone who didn't fit.

  Who Wants Last Times?

  See it coming, it won't go away.

  You may not want it so, but it's here.

  Some times of ending are welcome,

  Though you may look back with regret.

  You tried to make things last, do right

  By who you cared about and loved.

  Staying loyal isn't easy, can be a waste.

  Letting go means emptiness though.

  We don't always see beginnings,

  But last times throw large shadows.

  Their coldness reason enough to step

  Into light and try something new.

  The End



  About The Author


  Paul Whybrow has a young head on old shoulders.

  Ex many things, including being a teacher, counsellor,

  librarian, dispatch-rider, milk-man, postman, bar man,

  house renovator, classic vehicle restorer, courier,

  van driver, factory worker, project manager,

  live-in carer for the elderly, editor, photographer,

  volunteer at a community centre, play-schemes,

  homeless campaigns and nature conservation projects.

  I wrote non-fiction magazine articles for ages,

  but turned to creative writing in the summer of

  2013. I've been my own boss for a long time,

  which means I'm working for an idiot and the

  pay is lousy—but the holidays are great.

  Paul Whybrow has a good heart inside a battered chest.


  * * *


  Also by Paul Whybrow




  * A Man Out Walking His Dog—A tale of mistaken identity.

  * Burpwallow Holler—Loyalty in post Civil War America.

  * Quarry—A gangster becomes prey in a lethal reality TV show.

  * Ghosting—How a lonely biologist finds peace with the ghosts of her life.

  * Is It Her?—A new start is offered to a grieving widower.

  * A Blue Tomorrow—Temptation and new beginnings on a farm.

  * Hearts On Tour—Small town friends support one another.

  * What Would I Do Without You?—A newly-single wife begins life again.


  Short Stories


  * The Moon Is Out Tonight—Two soul-mates separated by circumstance.

  * Due-Date—A soul in limbo is given a new job.

  * Jacqui In Space—A 20th century explorer on 22nd century Mars.

  * Over And Out—Things come to a head on a 50th wedding anniversary.

  * In The Graveyard At Dawn—A boy and his dog among the graves.

  * Soul-Swapping—Moving souls, a demon tries to get back to hell.

  Song Lyrics

  * 12 Country & Western Lyrics—hope, regret and seeing things as they are.

  * 13 Kinds of Blue—trouble's your only friend, ain't it?

  * A Dozen Pops—love in a bubble always goes pop.

  * A Dozen Rocks—head down boogie along the highway.

  * Box of Love—songs of love and hope.

  * Howling For You—the sadness goes on and on.




  * Love Stages—Love affairs seen at different phases.

  * Love Begins—The thrill of the new, the nervousness and delight.

  * Love Ends—What do you do when things go wrong?

  * Love Hopes—How would you like love to happen?

  * Love Wishes—In an ideal world your affair would be like this...

  * Nature's Ways—Aspects of the natural world, happy and sad.

  * Modern Times—What it means to live in the 21st century.

  * Old Age Navigation—Ageing stinks, but it beats the alternative.

  * Darkness—Written from the endless night of the soul.

  * Darkness Darkness—We all have our dark side—how's yours?

  * Loneliness—The poverty of the soul, when you're alone.

  * Solitariness—The richness of the soul, when you go solo.

  * Poems To Ponder—Thoughtful and amusing poems for children.

  * Witches' Knickers—Silly and nonsense poems for young readers.

  * Hold Onto Yourself—Funny and warm poems for youngsters.

  * What Do You Like?—9 Erotic Poems

  * Building Story House—10 Poems on creating stories

  * Lost Among The Words—10 Poems about Writing

  * Friends And Other Confusions—10 Poems on liking others and yourself.

  * Chasing Big 'O'—9 Erotic Poems

  * Squeeze It—10 Poems on Creativity and Setbacks

  * We Stop Ourselves—10 Poems on Creativity, Doubt and Self-Belief

  * Love Scenes—10 Poems about love

  * Free To Fly—10 poems on getting through



  Coming soon:

  * The Perfect Murderer—a novel about a serial killer, who makes no mistakes.



   * * *


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