Read Love Sex Music Page 6

  “Laurie told me about your plan to move the new band into your place, so I thought I would swing by and check out my newest investment. And I must say, Laz, I’m very impressed with what I’ve seen so far.”

  Laz’s shoulders roll back, and it’s easy to see the tension between these two men. “They aren’t ready for you yet.”

  Peter holds his hands up. “Relax. I’m not here to see them perform. I’m only here to meet the ladies and get a feel for your vision for the group.”

  Clearly, I shouldn’t be privy to this conversation. I need to get out of here. “It was nice to meet you. I should get over to the party.”

  “Party?” Peter glances over at Laz while lifting a brow. “Thought you were out of that scene?”

  “I am,” Laz confirms. “It’s just the girls hanging out with Cam and me. Nothing major.”

  “Ah, well, in that case, I would love to join you two and meet the rest of the girls.”

  “Fine,” he says with some reluctance in his voice. “Follow me.”

  I’m not sure exactly who Peter is, but based on how Laz seems to be giving in to him, he must be an important player in the decision-making of this group.

  Peter raises his eyebrows, and once Laz is out of earshot, he says, “I see he’s still as moody as ever. Has he been treating you okay?”

  I nod as we take the same path Laz did. “He’s been great so far.”

  Of course, I don’t want to inform him of the time Laz nearly cut me from the group and the little incident just a few moments ago in my room. Peter seems like he’s out for information, and that rubs me wrong.

  “Good,” he says as his steps match mine.

  Laz stands, holding a door open for Peter and me. Peter crosses through in front of me, and Laz locks eyes with me as I pass by. For some reason, I get the vibe that he doesn’t want me talking with Peter, and that has my mind reeling as to who exactly this man is.

  Peter takes off toward the pool where the rest of the ladies from the group are, leaving Laz and me standing there, alone.

  “What did he say to you?” Laz’s deep voice asks.

  “Nothing really.”

  “Is that why he was kissing your fucking hand?”

  I roll my eyes. “He was being a gentleman. That’s it.”

  “Gentleman, my ass,” Laz scoffs. “He’s not as nice as he lets on. Trust me, I’ve known Peter a long time, and he always has an end game.”

  “Who is he anyhow?”

  “He’s the CEO of Rawlings Records.”

  I furrow my brows. “What does he have to do with this group? I thought this was something you were doing?”

  “It is, but Peter has agreed to take the group under the wing of Rawlings, meaning my little independent label will be doing business with him.”

  I’m still very green to the business side of the record industry. I don’t know how everything works, and honestly, I don’t care. I want to get to the place where I can write and create music.

  “Go hang out, Drea. Get to know the other girls. That’s what we’re here for, remember?” Laz reminds me before he steps around me.

  Obviously, discussing Peter is a touchy subject.

  I blow out a puff of air from my cheeks and turn to survey the scene.

  The pool is a decent size, but what’s really impressive is the detail within the space and how well decorated it is with its blue and white beach theme.

  I spot Cam leaning back, resting his elbows against a wooden bar a few feet away. His eyes are fixated on something, so he doesn’t even notice us all coming in. When I follow his line of sight, I spot Candace sitting next to Robert. Clearly, Cam is a little jealous over the situation, but Robert is definitely more my sister’s type.

  Laz walks over to Cam. “What’s the matter, buddy? You’re making the same face you did when your dog died.”

  Cam rolls his eyes. “Fuck you, dude. Skippy was the best dog ever.”

  Laz turns and directs his attention to the other side of the pool—and the scene happening between Robert and Candace. “Ah, she’s out of your league, bud. Forget her.”

  “Hell, no. She can’t seriously be choosing Robert over me. That dude is a fucking pansy.”

  “Some chicks dig that type of guy.” Laz picks up a bottle of water off the bar. “Besides, we’re not supposed to be fucking around with the singers.”

  “Correction,” Cam argues, “Peter only made it a stipulation that you can’t date one of the girls in the group.”

  “I’m pretty sure that’s a blanket statement. But why don’t you ask him about it since he’s here?”

  “Fuck, no. Ever since he took over your old man’s job, he’s turned into a dick with ears. What’s he doing here anyhow?”

  “No clue. I didn’t exactly invite him.”

  Cam nods. “He’s here to see if you’re going to fuck all this up or not.”

  I know this is eavesdropping, and it’s wrong, but I’m curious. I know nothing about Laz other than he’s insanely attractive and what little bit of information Candace found on the internet.

  “You’re not going in?” Peter’s voice catches me off guard.

  I glance down at the T-shirt I’m wearing, and the thought of peeling it off my body and parading around here in front of Laz causes me to shiver. Having his eyes on my naked flesh was such a turn-on, and it wouldn’t be a good if it kept happening. A girl’s resolve can only last so long.

  I shake my head. “No. I’m pretty much here out of obligation to the group and my sister. Parties aren’t really my thing.”

  “That’s very good. Parties are a constant temptation in this line of work, and too many of them can rip apart a career. Just ask Laz. So it’s reassuring to know that this isn’t your scene. People who make it in this industry know how to keep themselves on the straight and narrow.”

  My eyebrows rise, as I’m a little surprised that Peter would so willingly hand over information about Laz’s life to a perfect stranger.

  An awkward silence falls between us.

  Peter finally breaks the quiet. “You said you’re here because of your sister. Is she in the group, too?”

  I point to where Candace is sitting, fully engaged in a conversation with Robert. “Candace is my stepsister, and all this was her idea.”

  “Fans will love that. They love the whole family-concept thing. Look at the Jonas Brothers. If things don’t work out with Laz, maybe I can find you two a home at Rawlings.”

  Confusion rings through me. “Why would you offer that? You haven’t even heard us sing.”

  Peter’s eyes meet mine. “If Laz picked you, you have talent. He’s kind of known around the business for being able to find diamonds in the rough and turning them into superstars, so I have no doubt that you’re a superb vocalist. Besides, you both are beautiful, which never hurts when it comes to selling records.”

  Heat races up my neck and floods my cheeks. It’s not often that men pay me compliments like this, so I’m flattered. Peter’s a handsome, powerful man, so it means a lot, coming from him.

  Peter reaches into the pocket of his suit and pulls out a little case holding business cards. He hands me one. “That has my cell number on it. Feel free to contact me anytime—whether it’s about business or if you want to grab a cup of coffee and chat.”

  I take the card from him and stare at his name etched into it next to the Rawlings Records logo.

  Peter Lawson, CEO.

  “I mean it,” Peter reiterates. “Call me sometime.” He takes a couple of steps away from me and then turns his attention to Laz. “I’ll be in touch.”

  Laz nods but doesn’t say anything as Peter heads out of the building. From the looks of things, Cam was right. Peter was here to see if Laz is being responsible.

  I glance over in Laz’s direction, and I find his eyes boring into me. The expression on his face isn’t a happy one, and just like before, I expect it’s killing him to find out what Peter and I were discussing.

But one thing Laz will learn about me is that I’m no snitch. If Peter is buttering me up only so that he can get dirt on Laz, he’s got another thing coming.


  Training Day


  Pounding on the door of our room jerks me out of a sound sleep, and it takes me a moment to realize exactly where I am. The queen-size bed with the fluffy comforter all to myself is a definite step up from the full-size bed Candace and I used to share back in our apartment.

  “One hour, ladies, and you need to be in the dining hall for breakfast.” Cam’s voice sounds through the door.

  Candace groans as she rolls over. “I don’t want to get up. This bed is so comfortable.”

  I roll over and sit up. “I forgot how nice sleeping alone is.”

  She stretches her arms over her head. “You can take the first shower. I want to sleep a little more.”

  “All right.”

  After I’m showered, I decide not to wait on Candace to head down to breakfast. I didn’t really get much of an opportunity yesterday to chat with the other four girls. They were already in the pool, having a good time and getting to know one another while Candace was busy chatting with Robert, so I felt weird and didn’t want to impose. I opted to sit by myself for a bit before finally giving up and going back to my room to read.

  But today, I’ve decided I’m going to do my best not to be socially awkward and try to show the rest of the girls that I want to get to know them.

  As I descend the staircase, the smell of bacon and eggs wafts up around me, causing my stomach to rumble. Laughter rolls down the hall, and I follow the sound until I come to a large dining room where everyone sits around a grand mahogany table. A buffet lines the back of the room, and the number of choices on display could rival any restaurant.

  I could seriously get used to living like this.

  I grab a plate and begin checking out my options.

  “You’re Aundrea, right?” a beautiful light-skinned black girl asks as she steps up next to me and grabs herself a plate.

  I smile. “Yes. Most people call me Drea.”

  “Drea …” She repeats my name as if trying out the sound of it on her tongue to see how it feels. “I like it. It’s cute. I’m Laycee. Isn’t all this crazy?”

  The vibe surrounding this girl feels all positive, which immediately puts me at ease with her. “Extremely. It’s all happening so fast.”

  “Girl, isn’t it, though? It’s exciting, but at the same time, it’s scary as hell. I mean, who knows Laz’s reasons for making the cuts he did? Some of the girls he let go last night were really talented. Actually, I’m shocked that I made it here.”

  “Me, too,” I confide as I put a couple of pieces of toast on my plate. “He wanted to cut me the other night because I have zero dancing ability, but Laurie and Cam convinced him to give me another shot. I hope I don’t let them down.”

  “I’m sure you won’t.” Laycee fills her plate with fruits and yogurt. “Come sit by me.”

  I smile and follow behind her as she makes her way over to the table. She’s nice, and I’m thankful for her welcome.

  “Ladies, this is Drea. Drea, meet the ladies.” Laycee introduces us.

  They go around the table, telling me their names, but I have a horrible memory when it comes to remembering that sort of thing, so I’m already drawing a blank when one girl moves on to the next one.

  Four sets of eyes expectantly stare at me as I unfold my napkin, and I suddenly feel like I’m in the interrogation seat.

  “So, Drea, Candace told us last night that the two of you are sisters. We were all there when she sang, but we weren’t in that room when you went. Do the two of you sound a lot alike?” the one I believe is named Annamea asks.

  I swallow down my water before I answer. “No, our voices aren’t similar at all. We’re stepsisters.”

  Recognition flashes across their faces as if they finally understand why Candace and I look nothing alike.

  In my opinion, Candace is the strongest singer and dancer out of all the ladies sitting at the table, so I’m sure some of them thought I would be just as strong, which means I would be a bigger threat to them. After all, this is still a bit of a competition on who will get to stay and who will have to go.

  I’m sure that now I don’t seem like as big of a threat to them.

  “Girl, have you seen what Laz has on today? That man is lookin’ mighty fine,” Laycee says to Annamea.

  “Doesn’t matter what he wears. He can make a paper bag look sexy. It’s too damn bad the man’s our boss. I wouldn’t mind going a few rounds with him if you know what I’m saying.”

  All the women at the table chuckle while a tinge of jealousy rolls down my spine.

  I don’t have any right to Laz whatsoever, but the idea of other women lusting after him the same way I do is unsettling. I’m going to have to figure out a way to get these feelings on lockdown because I can’t develop feelings him. He’s off-limits—not only because he’s my boss, but also because a guy like him probably leaves a string of shattered hearts in his wake. Lord knows, I don’t deal with a broken heart very well.

  “Look at this fine harem we’ve got here,” Cam says as he steps into the room. “I do believe the finest ladies in all of Georgia are in this house right now.”

  As if on cue, Candace walks in, right past Cam.

  His eyes instantly flick over to her. “Speaking of fine women, when are you going to stop denying you want me?”

  Candace rolls her eyes as she makes her way over to the buffet. “Not going to happen.”

  She’s dead set on not engaging his behavior. She doesn’t want to give him the wrong impression because she doesn’t want him to continue his pursuit of her.

  He slides up next to her. “That’s what you say now, but one day, you’ll see what a catch I am.”

  After everyone is mostly finished with breakfast, I notice we’re missing someone.

  “Isn’t Laz going to eat with us?” I ask Cam.

  He shakes his head. “He gets up at the ass-crack of dawn to work out. It keeps him focused. He’s a creature of routine.”

  “What keeps me focused?” Laz inquires as he enters the room carrying a stack of folders.

  Cam grins. “Drea was just concerned that our fearless leader wasn’t eating with us, so I was filling her in on how you rarely socialize these days, preferring a life of solitude.”

  Laz blows off what Cam said and doesn’t even bother to acknowledge him. Instead, he busies himself with instructing Annamea to take one of the folders and then pass the rest down.

  “In these folders, you will find a daily agenda. While you are here, every moment you have is accounted for. This is a strict schedule because we’re on crunch time to get this group together and make the final cuts. Please take a few minutes to read over everything.”

  “Damn, you even have our sleep scheduled? Is this the music business or the Army?” Annamea asks.

  His eyes are hard, and he doesn’t find her quip amusing. “I run a tight ship. This isn’t a game. This shit is serious, so yes, it’s very structured. This schedule is just a small taste of what it will be like for the group once it takes off. Things will only get harder from here. This week will be a good exercise to see who has what it takes to make it in a group like this.”

  A few of the girls around me seem put off by the idea, but I respect Laz for it. The best way to test someone’s character is to put them under stress. It’ll tell you really quick what that person is made of.

  Take my father, for instance. When things stress him out, he turns back to the bottle, which eventually leads him right back down the rabbit hole where the drugs flow. He would never be able to handle the pressure of being a part of a music group.

  I learned a lot from growing up with my father. Drugs and alcohol are two things that I don’t personally use. Given my father’s history, I don’t want to tempt doing any type of drug. Who’s to say I wouldn’t become an addict,
too? It was the one thing that always kept me clean, which was an extremely difficult thing to do, considering the neighborhood I grew up in where drugs were sold on every corner.

  “As soon as you’re finished up here, Cam will walk you over to the studio where Mickey Williams will be ready to begin your voice exercise. It’s time to get to work, ladies.” Laz gives us all one final look then he turns on his heel and darts out of the room just as quickly as he appeared.

  Damn. Looks like playtime is over and we’ve moved on to strictly business.

  Soon after we all finish eating, we follow Cam down a dimly lit hall until we come to a door. He opens the door and then steps aside, allowing us access inside.

  Everyone passes by Cam, but when Candace steps around him, he smiles down at her. “Nice top.”

  Candace glances down at the Hellcats tank top she’s wearing and simply shrugs. “Thanks.”

  Cam’s grin grows wider, and judging by the expression on his face, he’s just been encouraged to continue his flirtatious ways with her. He turns and follows her inside the room.

  Candace seriously needs to set him straight.

  Once I step inside, my eyes land on the workings of a private studio. The area is expansive and filled with complicated-looking equipment. The space faces a glass wall where a couple of microphones and a black baby grand piano are situated. Behind the soundboard are three couches and a wet bar. The space is the size of my and Candace’s one-bedroom apartment.

  “Wow …” I whisper as I drink it all in.

  “Glad you like it,” Laz’s smooth voice whispers from behind me. “We’ll be spending a lot of time in here.”

  I turn to find him staring down at me, and butterflies flutter around my stomach. He’s standing there, looking downright sexy in his dark jeans and fitted white T-shirt; the contrast makes his skin appear tan and his tattoos pop. A silver necklace with what looks like two wedding bands hangs around his neck. I fight the urge to reach out to touch his necklace and ask him about it. Thoughts of touching him have been on my mind since I first laid eyes on him at the bar, and he’s all I’ve obsessed about since he walked in on me while I was half-naked. The way his eyes raked over me made me feel wanted, and I liked it … way more than I should have.