Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 23

  “Miracle of miracles, her ribs aren’t fractured. God only knows how she managed to avoid that. Hopefully no internal damage. If she doesn’t have blood in her urine, that’s a good sign. Keep an eye out for fever, or pain that doesn’t get better. Damn, that asshole beat her to a pulp.”

  “What about the rest?”

  “We’ll have STD, HIV, and blood results back in a few days. And she should be retested in six months. I’m assuming I should call your number?”

  “She’ll be with us.”

  “What’s going on, Tyler?”

  “Thomas and I will take care of her. Tell me what I need to do to keep her comfortable and get her through this.”

  “You don’t get this involved over your cleaning girl.”

  He looked into Nevvie’s battered face. “She’s special, Doc. Thomas and I care for her a great deal. We want to take care of her.”

  She shook her head. “I hope you boys know what you’re doing. I’ll send the paperwork back here so you can check out. They’ll help you get her to your car through the side door. No reason to take her out the front. She’s been through enough.”

  After settling the bill, Tyler handed the nurse his car keys and carried Nevvie to the Lexus, buckling her into the front passenger seat and reclining it so she didn’t slump forward. At home he carried her into the living room and settled her on the sofa. He had to go shopping, get her what she needed—so much to do. He walked into his office and called Thomas.

  “How is she?”

  “Asleep. They gave her a sedative at the doctor’s office, knocked her out. When can you get home?”

  “I can leave in an hour.”

  “I need to get her prescriptions filled and go shopping. I don’t want to leave her alone. I want someone here when she wakes up.”

  “Hold on.” Thomas briefly spoke with someone. “I can leave in five minutes. I’m supposed to meet with a client, but Kenny’s back from lunch and he can meet with them.”

  “I’ll see you then.” Tyler returned to the living room and sat in a chair across from her. He turned on the TV, kept the volume low. Forty minutes later, Thomas rushed in.

  “How is she?”

  Tyler held a finger to his lips and motioned him to his study. “She’s still asleep. I don’t know what they gave her this morning, but they gave me a script for Valium.”

  “This isn’t how I wanted it to happen, Tyler.”

  “Join the club. I nearly lost it at the doctor’s office. She told us why she refused to go to hospital—”

  “The hospital.”

  “Whatever. The hospital yesterday. Or let us call the police.” He repeated her story and Thomas’ warm face shifted to a granite mask.

  “We can’t let her leave. We need to protect her.”

  “If she decides to go we can’t stop her.”

  “We love her.”

  “I know.” He put a comforting arm on Thomas’ shoulder. “The best thing we can do is show her how much she means to us. Let her get to know us without any stress, just back off and let her be.”

  “Romance is the last thing on her mind.”

  “Exactly. Let nature take its course. Once she’s feeling better we’ll set up a working arrangement. I expect if we insist she lives here carte blanche and no strings attached, it will make her nervous. We’ll still pay her, and she can keep up her duties and learn how to work at your office.”

  “Maggie’s maternity leave starts in five weeks. With twins I’m sure she’ll be out at least six months.”

  “We’ll have more than enough for Nevvie to do to keep her busy and not put any pressure on her.”

  Thomas hugged him. “Please tell me she’ll stay.”

  He rested his head on Thomas’ chest. “If I have anything to say about it, she’ll never want to leave.”

  * * * *

  Tyler’s BlackBerry rang as he prepared to depart. He glanced at the number and did a double-take—Nevvie’s phone. She’d never called the house, only his cell. Their home number was unlisted.

  He waved Thomas into his office and closed the door before he answered, punching the speaker button. “Hello?”

  There was a moment of silence, then a ragged voice. “Is that you, you goddamn fag?”

  Tyler’s blood boiled. “Yes, it’s me, you fucking bastard. How’d you like your first look in the mirror today? Did my sweet Thomas put a hurting on you?”

  “Watch your back, fag boy. If I catch up with either of you, I’ll kill you. Where’s Nevaeh?”

  “She’s no longer your concern. She’s decided she’d rather be with us. She wants nothing to do with you. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave her the fuck alone.”

  “Listen you goddamned queer—”

  “No, you listen.” Tyler’s voice hardened. “You’re lucky you’re not in jail. If it was up to us you’d be getting your arse reamed out in a cell by a bunch of men who know only chickenshit peckerheads beat up women. If you so much as look at her again we’ll bring some friends with us and show you what a bunch of pissed off fags can really do. Remember, we know where you live, dickhead. Don’t you ever come near her again, and don’t you ever call me again, or it’ll be the last phone call you ever make.” Tyler hung up and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

  Thomas smiled. “That was…” He pulled Tyler to him and kissed him. “Sexy.”

  “You did the hard work. I’ll be damned if I’ll let a piece of shit like him push me around.”

  Chapter Six

  It wasn’t hard for the men to control their libidos, especially with Nevvie’s black eye and wounded stare. She flinched at sudden movements and loud noises. At night she curled up next to one or both of them on the couch while watching TV, her need for tender security washing off her in desperate waves.

  They held her when she cried and slept with their door open to listen for her screams as she awoke, terrified and combative, swinging against the memory of Alex’s attack. Valium didn’t even help. She shivered in their arms when yet another night terror shook her awake. After one particularly bad night, Tyler took a book to her bedroom and sat with her, reading until she fell asleep tightly clinging to his side.

  Thomas leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed. Tyler motioned him over and whispered in his ear, “Do you want to sit with her? I only had about an hour’s sleep last night.”

  Thomas nodded and they carefully swapped places. Tyler reached over and brushed the hair from her face, then leaned in to Thomas. “Do you want me to come back later?”

  “I’ll stay with her.”

  Tyler kissed him, touching foreheads for a moment before he returned to their bedroom.

  Thomas closed his eyes and tried to sleep, but the anger coursing through him threatened to boil over. He knew where the bastard lived. It wouldn’t take much to grab a couple of buddies and beat the living shit out of him again. A new meaning to “gay bashing.”

  His hand had nearly healed. He imagined Alex had two great shiners the next day, and he suspected he’d broken the asshole’s nose. He’d never tell Tyler how close he came to strangling the guy. It would have been so easy. Alex was nearly unconscious when he finally stopped pounding him. He kicked him in the balls several times, that much he remembered. And in the ribs, giving him a taste of his own medicine.


  He studied Nevvie as she shifted in sleep, her hand resting on his thigh. She was so sweet. How could anyone but a sadistic asshole want to hurt her? An hour later he was nearly asleep when she moaned and jumped. He instantly enveloped her in his arms, holding her tightly before she started swinging.

  She stiffened, fighting at first, then relaxing when he murmured in her ear, “It’s okay, Nevvie, I’ve got you, sugar. You’re safe, you’re okay.”

  She broke down, sobbing and clinging to him. He rocked her, soothing her. She finally drifted off with his arms around her and slept until morning.

  * * * *

  Nevvie didn’t wa
nt to leave the house while she still looked like hell. The first day, Tyler had scrounged some of their clothes, T-shirts and shorts for her to wear around the house. Then he purchased a few basics in her size to tide her over until he could take her shopping.

  Nearly two weeks after the attack, Tyler coaxed her out of the house. He loaded her in the Lexus and drove across town to West Shore Plaza. Tyler didn’t want to risk running into Alex or his cronies at University Square Mall so close to home. Tyler wasn’t afraid of Alex for his sake, but without Thomas to help protect Nevvie, he wouldn’t risk her safety.

  She hesitated in the parking lot. “Tyler, I can’t afford—”

  “Shush.” He held the car door and extended his hand. She finally took it, and he led her inside to Macy’s. She balked at the doorway, but he insisted.

  “Come along, love.” He leaned in close, his mouth to her ear. “Please, let us do this. You’re our girl, and we want you to have whatever you need. Trust me, we can well afford it.”

  She reluctantly followed him through the store. First stop, lingerie. He found a sales clerk and instructed her to get whatever Nevvie wanted. Of course she gravitated to functional versus fun. Before they finished in that department he looked Nevvie in the eyes.

  “Sweetheart, you need to get something else.”


  He dropped his voice. “Pick some fun things. We want you to feel good about yourself.”

  He knew it was a huge risk, but she nodded. The sales clerk helped her pick out a few more bras and panties, these with lace and less material. He flashed Nevvie an okay sign, and she smiled.

  She wanted shorts and jeans, and while he agreed he also nudged her to the more feminine dresses, slacks and skirts. Today wasn’t the time to convince her she needed a flirty sundress, but he wanted her to dress like the beautiful woman she was. She needed things for home as well as work clothes for Thomas’ office.

  This, Tyler knew, was the first of many shopping trips. The next time he wanted Thomas with them, because Tyler knew with the combined weight of their approval she couldn’t refuse. He’d also send her shopping alone with Thomas so he could pick things for her.

  Last stop, shoes. Sneakers, of course. While he tried to nudge her into a stunning pair of stilettos that nearly made him hard just picturing her in them, she preferred a pair of dressy flats. He also talked her into loafers that went well with her slacks and jeans, and a cute pair of sandals she decided to wear out of the store.

  That was enough for one day. He didn’t want to overload her. They lunched at Olive Garden, then at home he sat cross-legged on her bed while she modeled her new clothes for him. She looked happy and it warmed his heart to see her smile again.

  She insisted on cooking dinner. Tyler was watching TV when Thomas returned home. He glanced at Nevvie in the kitchen before leaning over for a kiss.

  “Well?” he whispered.

  “It’s a start. She had fun and she’s got the basics. We’ll need to take her out again.”

  “We? But you’re so good at that.”

  Tyler glared at him. “We meaning you and I, lover. I know you’d rather have a colonoscopy than go clothes shopping, but think about having your own sweet Nevvie to dress.”

  He considered, then smiled. “You know me too well, evil genius.”

  “How do you think I keep your interest up?”

  Thomas goosed him. “Maybe we’ll get a chance to get our interest up tonight if she sleeps well.”

  Tyler patted his arm. “Let’s see how she is. I don’t want her alone with her night terrors.”

  After dinner all three sat on the couch, Nevvie’s head in Tyler’s lap and getting a foot rub from Thomas. They realized around nine that she was sound asleep.

  “Well?” Thomas whispered.

  Tyler looked into her peaceful face. “I don’t have the heart to disturb her. You go to bed. I’ll stay with her.”

  Thomas carefully moved her feet from his lap. She didn’t awaken, and he leaned over and kissed Tyler good night.

  “I love you,” he whispered in his ear. “You did good, Ty. If I hadn’t listened to you about going after her…” He couldn’t finish.

  “It’s all right. She’s safe, that’s all that matters.”

  Thomas nodded and padded down the hall to bed.

  Tyler grabbed a throw pillow, wedging it under his right side, leaning over to doze without waking her.

  * * * *

  Around midnight, Nevvie awoke on the couch and realized she still occupied Tyler’s lap. For the first time since being there she didn’t have the terrifying dream that jolted her out of sleep—that the boys didn’t arrive in time and what Alex would have done, Alex morphing into Steve Moses and her terrified screams as she tried to fight him off.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled, her nose pressed against Tyler’s stomach, his scent warming her heart. It felt right being curled up here with him. He felt right.

  In sleep, Tyler’s left hand had come to rest comfortably over her mid-drift. Like this she could imagine they were lovers, dream of what she wished she had, platonically absorb it.

  She laced her fingers through his and snuggled closer, drifting back to sleep.

  Thomas awoke at one and realized Tyler still wasn’t in bed. He found them on the couch and knew Tyler wouldn’t be able to walk the next morning if he slept contorted all night. He gently nudged him, then carefully scooped Nevvie up. In sleep she put her arms around his neck and muttered something.

  He carried her to her bedroom and Tyler pulled back the covers. Then Thomas whispered in his ear, “You get some sleep, I’ll stay with her. You’ve got to be in New York in two days, and you won’t sleep tomorrow night with your nerves.”

  “You know me too well, love.” He kissed him and returned to their room while Thomas curled next to her and went back to sleep.

  * * * *

  Nevvie awoke and realized she was in her bed with a warm, firm body comfortably snuggled against her.

  She felt the arm draped around her waist: Thomas. Already she could tell the two apart just by their scent, not to mention their bodies. His arms were longer and leaner, not overly muscled but firm and well-defined, his fingers thicker, the hair on his arms a different texture. Tyler’s fingers were long and thin, and she imagined they were skilled at the most delicate of…

  Mmm. Quit thinking like that, or poor Thomas would get a surprise. She snuggled close and laced her fingers through his, quickly returning to a deep, dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Nevvie awoke alone to the smell of coffee brewing. She rolled over, wondering if she’d dreamed Thomas slept in her bed. She put her hand on the mattress next to her—still warm. She buried her head in the other pillow and smelled his scent still fresh on the fabric.

  She’d slept like a log.

  She used the bathroom and walked out to the kitchen. Thomas stood at the counter in his silk sleeping boxers, with his back to the hallway, reading the paper while waiting for the coffee. The muscles in his bare back rippled against his skin. Lean, firm, and tanned, a contrast to Tyler’s softly trim but more compact form.

  Nevvie put her arms around his waist, laying her cheek against his warm back. He put his hands over hers and squeezed.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep okay?”

  “You slept with me last night?”

  He finally turned and gave her a proper hug, kissing the top of her head. “I hope you don’t mind. You fell asleep in Ty’s lap and I found you guys around one. He’s still asleep, probably a pretzel this morning.”

  She felt guilty. “Oh, poor Ty. I’m sorry.”

  “No, sugar.” He hugged her again. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay. You’ve got a lot to deal with. Believe me, we’re more than happy to do it.”

  It felt good resting her head against his chest, feeling his soft curly hair against her cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I appreciate it. I’m sorry I’ve turned your lives ups
ide down.”

  “Stop.” She looked up at his firm tone and fell into his deep brown eyes. “Nevvie, we mean it. You’re part of our family. You’re our girl. Let us take care of you.” He kissed her forehead and patted her back. “Coffee’s almost ready. Why don’t you take Tyler’s in to him? I was already in there, he’s decent. Well, he’s got boxers on.” He smiled. “I don’t know how decent he is.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” She fixed herself a mug and took a sip, then fixed Tyler’s—black. Their bedroom door wasn’t completely shut and she cautiously stuck her head in. Stretched on his left side, facing the edge of the bed away from her, Tyler had the sheet pulled up to his waist and his arm wrapped around a pillow.

  He looked so comfortable. She’d love to slide into bed with him and wrap her arm around his waist.

  Or wrap her lips around his…


  Tyler’s trim backside and sturdy thighs spoke of ready action. She’d seen school pictures of him on the soccer team—football, pardon—and even then his eyes and smile were addictive. Maybe a few extra pounds across his torso now, but still firm and grabbalicious. Mega-scrumptious.


  She walked across the bedroom and placed the mug on his bedside table, then sat next to him. His hair fell across his forehead and she couldn’t resist reaching out and tenderly brushing it from his face. He opened his eyes and sleepily smiled.

  “Hey. Good morning, love.”

  She struggled not to lean over and kiss him. “Thomas told me you stayed on the couch with me last night. Thank you.”

  He caught her hand and kissed it. “It’s all right, sweet. I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

  “How’s your back?”

  He started to turn over and winced. “Been better, I’m afraid.”

  “Roll over.”

  She straddled him and worked her hands down his shoulders and back, struggling not to lean forward and kiss him.

  He moaned appreciatively. “Oh, sweetheart, that’s fantastic.”