Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 27

  She caught her breath and got out of bed. Damn, talk about a wet dream!

  “Are you awake, sugar?” he called from the kitchen.

  She hunted for and finally found her voice. “Yeah.”

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “Good.” Well, the last few minutes were apparently fan-damn-tastic. If she had a choice between the nightmares and a dream like that, she’d take the wet dream every time.


  * * * *

  They rode the bike to work. Maggie spent the entire day with her, explaining things while Nevvie took copious notes. Nevvie started a slow cooker meal before they left. When they returned home a little after seven, Tyler was back and had prepared side dishes to go with it.

  Nevvie slipped past the men while they hugged in the kitchen. A moment later she heard a soft tap on her bedroom door.


  One hypnotically blue eye peeked through. “May I come in, love?”

  She looked away and nodded. Tyler stepped inside, leaving the door slightly ajar.

  “Are you upset with me?” he quietly asked.

  “No. Why would you think that?”

  “Well, from the other morning, and considering you flew through the kitchen without giving me a look, I thought perhaps I’d done something.”

  More guilt. Just dump it in a big, steaming pile. “No, Tyler, I’m not upset with you.” She sighed. “I’m sorry I’m moody. Like you said, it’s a phase.”

  He enveloped her in his arms and she hugged him back. He felt sooo good. And he always smelled good, too. Was it weird she could identify either man by his unique scent?

  God I’m such a stupid dumbass.

  “I’m sorry this is difficult for you, sweetheart.” He met her gaze. “Please believe me,” he whispered. “It’s only been a few weeks. You haven’t even begun to deal with what happened.”

  “Let the future happen. Yeah, yeah.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Dinner’s ready. Did you fix it?”

  She nodded.

  “It’s wonderful—you did a fantastic job.”

  She waited a moment to catch her breath before following him out to the kitchen. It was stupid, she admitted it, but any time one of the men paid her a compliment it caught her off-guard. It always did even though she knew she should be past that. They didn’t heap false praise on her. They showed her appreciation, something she’d never had from Alex.

  Or anyone.

  Over dinner, Nevvie’s mood lightened. They were together again, her and her boys. It felt right, there was no denying it. Maybe Tyler had a point and she needed time to get her head on straight. Better to enjoy what she had than mope.

  She decided to focus on the present, not the past or the future. Most women would kill to have what she had.

  Her boys.

  At least she didn’t have to worry about sharing them with other women.

  Chapter Nine

  The next Saturday morning, Tyler and Thomas surprised her with yet another treat. After breakfast they led her out the front door, where a limousine waited.

  “What’s this?”

  “We’re pampering you today,” Thomas said.

  Tyler nodded. “You are getting the princess treatment.”

  They gently cut off her protests. “Nevvie,” Thomas said, “we’re giving you every reason in the world to never leave.”

  “The two of you are reason enough to stay. You don’t have to bribe me.”

  Tyler’s blue eyes twinkled. “But it doesn’t hurt.”

  They rode with her to the Palimo Sands Spa and left her in capable hands after each man kissed her cheek.

  “We’ll be back for you later, sweetheart,” Tyler said. “You’ll also get something to wear. They have all the instructions and everything you’ll need. Simply do exactly what they tell you. We’re taking you out to dinner and someplace special.”

  She hugged them one last time before the men returned to the limo for the ride home.

  “Did you see her, Ty?” Thomas said. “She was so surprised!”

  “She’s never been to a place like that. Never been in a limo before. Time our sweet girl gets a taste of the finer things in life that we don’t normally indulge in. We can afford it, and what better way to spend our hard-earned money?”

  Thomas leaned back, smiling. “She’s going to look beautiful tonight in that dress.”

  Tyler agreed. “We’ll have a hard time keeping it in our pants.”

  Thomas leaned over and kissed him, then knelt on the floor in front of him. “You know, I don’t think we’ve ever done it in a limo before.” He unzipped Tyler’s slacks, looking up at his lover.

  Tyler leaned back and smiled. “Then why don’t we take care of that right now, Thomas?”

  * * * *

  The day wouldn’t end when they picked her up. Tyler had carefully planned the evening. First dinner, then South Pacific at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. The limo dropped the men at the house and would return for them at three. Tyler inspected their dinner suits one last time, checking the pants and shirts to see if they needed pressing. James Bond never looked so damn good. Tailored exactly, the perfect flattering style for each, Nevvie wouldn’t know what to do.

  He hoped.

  Tyler tried to write and couldn’t, wondering how Nevvie was enjoying her spa treatment. He’d ordered the complete works from hair to nails, full massage, make-up, everything. Then they would give her the dress and shoes he’d picked for her. She would look gorgeous.

  His beautiful angel.

  He found Thomas napping in their bed. Tyler curled next to him and Thomas stirred, draping his arm over Tyler’s hip. Then he opened his eyes.

  “Oh, hi there.” He smiled. “I had a great dream.”

  Tyler slid his arm around his lover’s waist. “What?” He kissed his neck, lightly running his tongue over the base of his throat.

  Thomas wrapped his arms around Tyler. “You and me making love in the back of that limo again.”

  He kissed Tom’s neck. “That sounds lovely.” He moved lower, brushing his hand over the front of Tom’s now-tented shorts. “Very lovely indeed. Do tell.”

  Tom rolled onto his back, hooked his thumbs in his waistband to pull his shorts down, then moaned as Tyler gently ran his tongue along the tip of his cock.

  “I think you’re reading my mind, sugar,” Thomas gasped. “Why don’t you turn around here and let me have a little fun?”

  Tyler paused, slipped off his shorts, and settled on top of Thomas with his stiff shaft over his lover’s mouth.

  “That’s more like it,” Thomas growled, enveloping him with his lips.

  Tyler moaned and set to work on Thomas. A few minutes later, both men climaxed, clutching each other until Tyler’s knees finally gave out and he rolled off Thomas.

  “You are amazing,” Tyler gasped. “Simply amazing.”

  Thomas turned to lie beside him, enveloping Tyler in his arms. He fit perfectly like that and it felt right holding him. “So are you.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie sleepwalked through the day. That’s the only explanation she had. Maybe Tyler had meant anything. A car, now this—it overwhelmed her.

  They’re just being nice, girl. Don’t get your hopes up.

  It didn’t stop her from fantasizing. She wouldn’t deny how they made her feel. Loved. Cherished. Like she belonged with them. Was that one little thing really worth agonizing over? That’s what vibrators were for, right?

  Up till now, none of the guys she’d slept with ever came close to making her feel this good. How fucking sad and pitiful did that make her, that she’d settled for less than simply to have someone in her life?


  Blech. Boy, if he wasn’t a mistake of the most dumbass order. She hadn’t known how to get rid of him. He soon seized the advantage, knowing he could make her flinch and cower. Once he had that control he didn’t budge and she was stuck with no escape.

sighed. If she had to trade feeling like this for getting laid, it wasn’t worth it. She was simply emotional the other morning, and having Tyler in bed with her like that, with his sweet blue eyes, it was too much.

  Suck it up, girl. Be happy with what you’ve got.

  That’s what she should do, what any person with a fraction of intelligence would do. Settle for the fantastic instead of bitching and moaning about what she didn’t have.

  It’s what she would do. She had no right to bitch. She’d enjoy this dream she’d dropped into and quit worrying about what she didn’t have.

  She took a deep breath and relaxed.

  The spa staff led Nevvie through the day. They brought her lunch—apparently Tyler had placed the order, a turkey wrap made exactly the way she liked. She felt even more spoiled than normal, something she didn’t think possible. This had to be Tyler’s idea, it was something he’d come up with.

  Nevvie wondered what the boys had planned for the evening. If the staff knew, they weren’t talking. Finally, after her hair and make-up were done, an attendant handed Nevvie a garment bag and shoebox and led her to a private dressing room.

  She unzipped the bag with trembling fingers. Tyler had struck again. The black evening dress was form-fitting and gorgeous. She noticed a small bag inside the garment bag—hose, a lacy bra and sexy panties.

  She smiled. Tyler. It had to be Tyler’s doing because Tommy did good to put on matching socks in the morning. She’d quickly discovered either she or Tyler had to verify Thomas didn’t leave the house without making sure his clothes matched first. He was that bad.

  She hesitantly eyed the shoes. She hoped the boys would let her hold their arms for support. Not quite stilettos, but the black suede peep-toe pumps with three-inch heels were much higher than she normally wore.

  Nevvie dressed, careful not to muss her hair or make-up. When she finished she looked in the mirror and turned, studying her body. It was too easy to pick apart what she didn’t like—her hips too round, thighs too full, chest too flat. Well, not in this bra. Tyler chose a style that gave her B-average chest a boost and produced deep cleavage.

  Okay, so she didn’t look bad. She wished she had her necklace. Tyler took it with him for safekeeping.

  She gathered her clothes, put her other shoes in the shoebox, and dumped everything in the garment bag. Then she carefully tottered out of the dressing room, hoping she didn’t embarrass herself.

  Again Nevvie wondered what else they had planned. Studying her nails she realized her hands had never looked so good. She never painted her nails, much less had a manicure. What was the point? Not that she could ever afford a manicure before. Without resulting to fake nails the technician had done wonders, painting them a deep, candy apple red. When Nevvie asked for a different color the technician had smiled and shook her head.

  “Sorry, I was told this specific color had to be used.”


  He’d asked if she trusted him—she did. If this made her boys happy she’d do it. They wouldn’t do anything to embarrass her.

  Well, the shoes could be a little shorter. Other than that, who was she to complain?

  A uniformed driver walked into the waiting area. “Ms. Barton?”

  She carefully stood. He took the garment bag and gift sack containing make-up and other goodies. Seeing her obvious discomfort with the heels he offered a steadying arm. She gratefully accepted and gathered her long dress in her other hand to keep from catching a shoe on it while going down the steps, her eyes on the ground so she didn’t trip and break her neck.

  When they stopped she looked up and gasped. Tyler and Thomas, dressed in…tuxes? Standing by the limo’s back door, ear-to-ear grins on their faces.

  They were gorgeous. Her boys.

  She sighed. So they slept a bedroom away. She’d never had one man that looked as good as they did, much less two. She was a lucky girl.

  The men stepped forward and offered their arms. She released the limo driver and hooked her arms through theirs.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart,” Tyler said, carefully kissing her on the cheek. “Stunning.”

  Thomas leaned over and kissed her other cheek. “I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you.”

  She blushed, allowing them to help her into the limo. “Can it, guys. I appreciate it, but—”

  “Stop.” Tyler knelt in front of her on the limo floor and waited until she met his eyes.

  Her heart pounded. How could he do that to her with just a look?

  “Nevvie, we will never lie to you. Yes, we love you, but when we say you’re beautiful, we mean it. We’re not stupid, and we’re not blind. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  He pulled her necklace from his pocket. She bowed her head to give him better access, and when he had it around her neck, he smiled. “That’s better.”

  He squeezed her hand and moved to sit on her far side while Thomas climbed in next to her. “Did you have fun today, sugar?”

  She’d followed Tyler with her eyes and still looked at him. “Yeah. Thank you. I’m officially spoiled now, I think.”

  “Anything,” Tyler mouthed.

  She nodded.

  * * * *

  They ate dinner at an expensive, upscale steakhouse in downtown Tampa. She enjoyed the show, had never been anywhere like that before. The men took obvious delight in her pleasure, and in her appearance.

  She loved the looks they received from people when they emerged from the limo, sure that some assumed they were celebrities. A few people recognized Tyler but for the most part they were left alone other than the appraising stares from women and men alike.

  Tyler brought her a matching wrap in case she got cold, but comfortably seated between her boys she was warmed by their arms around her. Nevvie lost herself in the story. She’d seen the movie version of South Pacific, but never appreciated the complexities of the plot and theme before, or the hauntingly beautiful music. On the ride home she found herself engaged in a wonderful discussion with her boys about the show.

  She felt smart. Even more, she felt she could in some small way empathize with Nellie Forbush’s plight. Only Nevvie loved two gay guys who loved each other and would never return her affection.

  At least Nellie got her shit together and ended up with the guy.

  And Nevvie knew damn well it wasn’t as simple as washing the boys out of her hair.

  When the limo brought them home after midnight, Nevvie was sorry to see the evening end. The boys escorted her to her bedroom door, each kissing a hand.

  “Did you enjoy yourself, sweet?” Tyler asked.

  “It was great. Thank you.”

  Thomas smiled. “I hope you’re getting accustomed to being a kept woman.”


  They hugged her. “Do you need any company tonight?” Tyler asked.

  She’d slept alone since Monday night. She didn’t want to risk a repeat of her morning episode with one of the boys in bed with her. That wasn’t fair to them, and might make them uncomfortable. As horny as she felt, it was probably best she sleep alone.

  “I think I’ll be okay, thanks.”

  They almost looked a little disappointed. “Good night, sweetheart,” Tyler said. “We’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Night, sugar,” Thomas echoed. They retreated to their bedroom and shut the door.

  She replayed the day and evening as she undressed. It was finally sinking in that they wanted her around, but still that niggling fear remained of for how long. How long did they enjoy having her in their life?

  And how long until she could get rid of that fear for good? Soon, she hoped.

  She carefully hung up the dress and threw on an old T-shirt and boxers—Tyler’s—and crawled under the covers, the lyrics to “Some Enchanted Evening” running through her head.

  Chapter Ten

  After two months with the boys, Nevvie could barely remember life with Alex in the rat-hole apartment. She slept
alone most nights, but if the boys heard her have a nightmare one would join her. She wasn’t as jumpy, and she didn’t mind if the men were out of the house during the day for an hour or two. She still didn’t want to be alone at night, and they never left her by herself after dark.

  She spent two days a week with Thomas at the office, two with Tyler, and the last wherever most needed. She let the boys decide. They encouraged her to take weekends to rest, even badgering her to stop working to relax or to go somewhere with one or both.

  Emotionally she’d leveled out as well. She’d have to learn to listen to Tyler. Let the future go where it would. Well, maybe it wouldn’t go much farther than it already had, but her crushing need had dissipated for the most part.

  One morning, Nevvie paused by Tyler’s office as she passed, hesitant to disturb him but he looked upset. “What’s wrong?”

  He sighed and shook his head, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his face. “I’ve written myself into a corner. I have no clue where to go from here.”

  She leaned against the doorway. “What book is this?”

  “Oh, it’s that thriller I’ve been putzing around with for months in between the series books. My agent wants to look at it, but I don’t even have the rough draft.” He looked at her. “Why are you standing out there?”

  “You said you didn’t want me in here.” In all the time she’d known them, she’d set foot in his office only a handful of times, and those were to bring him requested items or cups of coffee. She knew she was welcomed in Thomas’ study, spent hours in there alone or with him, talking or using his computer.

  Tyler frowned. “When on earth did I say that? Of course you’re welcome in here, darling.”

  She took a couple of hesitant steps inside. “Way back when I first started cleaning for you, you asked me not to come in here.”

  He laughed, the mellow, amused sound sending her heart into convoluted flutters. “Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry! I meant I didn’t want you cleaning in here. This is the one place Thomas allows me to indulge in my paper packrat ways without complaint. I know I’m neat and tidy elsewhere, but my work is a different matter.”