Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 29

  Although, it frequently ended with them making love. Not that either minded, obviously.

  He always made sure he never forgot Tyler’s birthday or their anniversary. That would break Tyler’s heart and he knew it. If he was running late he always called so Tyler didn’t worry.

  Every night before they went to sleep he told Tyler he loved him. Without fail. Tyler owned his soul, regardless of the love Thomas felt for Nevvie. He might not always have the right gifts or actions to show Tyler, but every day he made sure he told him. He wished there was something special Tyler and Nevvie could do together. He had hockey and the motorcycle. Yes, she loved being with Tyler, but they needed something.

  He glanced at her and had a thought. “Do you like to dance?”

  “I’ve always loved watching that show on TV, the ballroom dancing. Why?”

  Thomas smiled. “Oh, no reason.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie tried to watch Thomas out of the corner of her eye without being obvious. He wasn’t as much a talker as Tyler. He was decisive action, the big picture guy. Without indulging in stereotypes, Tyler was the soul of the pair, and Thomas was the strength. They complemented each other and her. With Thomas you got what you saw.

  Not that Tyler wasn’t honest. She’d never witnessed him engaging in petty mind games, but she got a sense that he weighed everything, trying for the best possible outcome. He certainly went out of his way to do everything for everyone else without asking for anything in return.

  Thomas was the “guy,” Tyler was the “girl.” In a metaphorical sense, of course, because both men were all man. Plenty of mornings they’d walked into the kitchen for their morning coffee, wearing boxers, and she wanted to drop to her knees and yank their shorts down around their ankles. She couldn’t be positive but she suspected both men were well-endowed.

  “So Tyler’s not a puckhead?” she asked.

  “No. He’ll come with me if I ask, but if he has other things to do, it’s not fair to make him come.” He thought about that and looked at her, winked. “To the game, I mean. Make him come to the game.”

  She laughed, laying her head on his shoulder. “Flirt.”

  He rested his head on hers, kissing the top of her head. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  She patted his thigh. “I love it.”

  He squeezed her shoulders, pulling her snugly against him. “Good. Because we have fun with you, Nevvie. We mean it.” He paused. “Are you happy with us?”

  “Absolutely. I’ve never been happier in my life than I am with you two.” It was the truth.

  He hugged her again and kissed the top of her head. “Anything you want, Nevvie,” he said. “We mean it. Whatever it takes to keep you happy and keep you with us, sugar, it’s yours. Name it.”

  She sat up and looked in his eyes, seeing the truth to his words and once again replaying her morning exchange with Tyler. Her mouth went dry, but she chickened out. “I want to make you guys feel as loved as you make me feel.”

  Jesus, she’d die for that smile. He touched his forehead to hers. “Sugar, believe me, you make us feel loved.”

  * * * *

  She spent the whole game with his arm around her and her hand on his thigh. She reluctantly left her seat to go to the bathroom only because she couldn’t hold it any longer. When she returned she was afraid he wouldn’t put his arm around her again, but he did.

  The Bolts won. She was in no hurry to get up and leave, afraid to break the spell. It didn’t matter they were surrounded by thousands of other people. With Thomas she felt like her world ended outside the protective sphere of his arm across her shoulder.

  He stood once the crowd had thinned. As if sensing her desire he offered his hand. She clutched it, following him up the stairs to the main concourse. He slipped his arm around her shoulders as they made their way to the exit. She dared put her arm around his waist, and her heart hammered in her chest as he pulled her tightly against his side.

  He held the truck door open for her and before closing it he leaned in. “Did you have fun?”

  She nodded. “It was great, thank you.”

  He hesitated, like he wanted to say something else, then finally closed the door and walked around the truck before getting behind the wheel. “I’ve always wanted to get season tickets, but it’s no fun coming alone all the time.” He paused then looked at her and grinned. “To the games, I mean.”

  “I’ll come with you…to the games.” She smiled and he laughed, patting her thigh and finding her hand, squeezing it.

  “Nevvie, sugar, don’t ever change, please. Promise me.”

  She squeezed back and made no move to let go. “Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”

  The more time she spent with Thomas the more she realized she had as deep a connection with him as she did with Tyler, it was just different. Whether cooking dinner and doing an intricate dance around each other in front of the stove as if silently communicating, helping him work on something in the garage, riding the motorcycle, or even in the office, there was no denying the physical rapport they had. With Tyler, it felt like they talked with their minds. With Thomas, it felt like they talked with their bodies.

  “How did you and Tyler meet?”

  “Fate. Seriously.” He winked, igniting a sensual tingle deep in her belly. His eyes weren’t as intense as Tyler’s but they still managed to rake across the most sensitive areas of her psyche in an incredibly erotic way. “One Saturday, he had an author’s talk over at Haslam’s, in St. Pete. Ever been there?”

  She shook her head.

  “We’ll have to take you. It’s a huge bookstore, neat place. You know I love to read, almost as much as Tyler. Well, I met a few friends over there and we listened to him. I was still in grad school. He still taught at USF, and it was his second book.” Thomas paused, deep in his memories, allowing her a glimpse of him she didn’t see very often, the intimate emotions he felt for his lover. “Those damn blue eyes.”

  She nodded her agreement.

  Thomas smiled. “Sugar, I’d worry about you if he didn’t make you hot under the collar. He could make a straight guy drool if he tried hard.”

  “They’re spooky. In a good way.”

  “That’s a perfect way to describe them.” He paused for a moment. “I was still trying to figure things out, you know? Pick a team.” He winked again, and she laughed. She noticed she did a lot of laughing with him. “He’d just divorced Two, and during the Q&A session after his talk this perky little co-ed asked if he was single. He smiled and looked at me, I mean, right at me. Then he said,” Tom imitated Tyler’s accent, “‘As of now, but I’m looking for a good woman…or man…to settle down with.’”

  “Jesus! What’d you do?”

  “I dropped my hands in front of me, holding the books to hide my hard-on, is what I did. Everyone laughed, thinking he was joking. From the sound of it I think half the women in the audience came in their pants. Probably a couple of the guys, too, but he was looking right at me when he said it.”

  “How’d you hook up?”

  “I stood in the back of the line to get my books signed, let people cut in front of me, wanting a few minutes to talk with him. He kept looking at me from across the room. I’m standing there and he’d be talking to someone but looking at me. When I finally got to him he asked if I wanted to go out for coffee. Together ever since. Going on twelve years now.”

  “That’s sweet.”

  “Sugar, I didn’t stand a chance.” He stopped for a red light and met her eyes. “You know what he’s like when he sets those hooks in you. You don’t want to get free.”

  She stared. Did he realize how close he was to the truth?

  “It’s okay. He already told you he’d share me with you. I’ll share him with you, too, but only with you, baby girl.”

  She nodded, dumbfounded, her mouth dry and her sex damp and throbbing. Thomas didn’t have Tyler’s subtle finesse. This wasn’t flirting—this was something else.

He wasn’t finished, and those deep, sweet brown eyes bored into hers. “Tyler and I, we don’t share well with others. We won’t share you with anyone else. You’re our girl. You okay with that?”

  She swallowed hard. “Yeah,” she whispered.

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Good.”

  The light changed and, unable to speak, she settled in her seat and tried to ignore the throbbing between her legs.

  When she could finally form consonants again she said, “He doesn’t talk much about his family.”

  Nevvie didn’t miss how Thomas’ jaw tightened in a hard line. “His father’s an asshole. His mom, she’s…different. He’s got a sister and brother, but they’re not close. They all live in England.”

  “Is it because…” She didn’t know how to finish, so didn’t.

  Thomas shook his head. “Naw, his father was a dick before Tyler met me. I wasn’t Tyler’s first man, but I was the first serious one. His father left his mom when Tyler was thirteen. Left her and the three kids and moved in with another woman. They struggled for a while financially. The brother and sister are younger than him by a couple of years each. He doesn’t like to talk about it. I get the feeling his father wasn’t easy to live with, one of those ‘nothing’s ever good enough’ kind of guys. Since Ty was the oldest, he probably got the largest ration of shit.”

  “What about your family?”

  “My dad died when I was in college, car accident. My mom and sisters are cool. I was pretty scared to tell them about Tyler at first, not sure how they’d react. As you said, those spooky blue eyes did it for me.”

  She imagined Tyler charmed all of the Kinsey women unless they were homophobic jerks. “How many of your sisters made passes at him?”

  “Damn, you’re good, girl. I’m the baby, but the two youngest still lived at home. They tried their damnedest, especially Karen. Thought I’d have to take a cattle prod to them.”

  “How many sisters?”

  “Five. If I’d been a girl, my mom would have made my dad get clipped.”

  “What’d he do?”

  “Architect. He took me to work with him so we could find a little corner of the world that didn’t overflow with estrogen. I had fun with it, liked it, was good at it. I studied engineering. I went to USF and decided to stay here when I graduated.”

  “And you met Tyler.”

  He nodded. “And I met Tyler.” He turned onto their street. “You know, they’re going to love you.”


  He parked in the driveway. “Mom and my sisters. You’ll go with us. Tyler and I drive up to Savannah every year at Thanksgiving. We can’t go without you. We’re damn sure not leaving you by yourself on a holiday.” Thomas’ brown eyes filled with earnest intent.

  “That’s a family thing. You guys don’t want me there.”

  He kissed her hand. “Nevvie, what part of ‘you’re part of our family’ don’t you understand?”

  She finally nodded.

  “Good. Glad you didn’t make me sic Tyler on you.”

  * * * *

  They bid her good night. When the bedroom door closed behind them, Tyler practically tackled Thomas. “Well?”

  Thomas swept his lover into his arms and kissed him. “Damn,” he whispered, “I don’t know who’s hotter, her, or you for thinking of it.” He related the evening. After, Tyler desperately hugged him.

  “See, I told you! I knew she felt that way about you.”

  “We’ve got a long way to go from a kiss to a commitment, Ty.” He extricated himself and started undressing. “Saying she’s got the hots for us isn’t the same as saying she’ll be comfortable wanting both of us.”

  Unable to contain his grin, Tyler sat on their bed. “It’s only a matter of time, Thomas. I have a plan.”


  “Pete and Eddie’s party.”

  Thomas turned. “The Halloween party?”

  Tyler nodded. “It gives me more than enough time to prepare. Wait’ll you hear what I have in mind.”

  * * * *

  Three days later, Thomas came home and found Nevvie cooking dinner. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Where’s the other half?”

  “He’s in his office. I don’t think he’s writing.”

  Thomas stuck his head in the door. “You busy?”

  Tyler sat back. “Not as busy as I bloody well should be. I hate editing, did I ever mention that?”

  Thomas smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. “A thousand times or more.”

  “Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?”

  Thomas walked to Tyler’s desk and leaned on it, propping his elbows on the corner, a piece of paper in his hand. “Because I know I can be a dumbass sometimes, and I know I’m not the best at picking presents, but I think you’re rubbing off on me, mister. I hope you like it.”

  Tyler took the paper and unfolded it, his eyes bugging as he read. “You’re kidding?”

  “Did I do good, sugar?”

  Tyler grinned and crooked his finger. Thomas leaned in for a long, tender kiss. “My dear, sweet Thomas. You amaze me.”

  “I think it’s only fair. I can take her to hockey any time. Well, during season. She likes riding the bike.” He motioned to the paper. “It’s not fair you don’t get to do that. This way you can do something you enjoy, and she can have fun with you. I can come watch, right?”

  “Of course!”

  Thomas kissed him again. “That, my dear Tyler, is a bonus. Watching your sweet ass and her sweet ass together…” He glanced at Tyler’s lap and reached down to goose his lover’s rock-hard bulge. “I think it’ll be time well spent for the two of you. As long as you promise to show me what you’re doing.”

  Tyler’s grin broadened, his voice dropping to a whisper. “Can you imagine if we talk her into one of those little dresses? We’d have a legitimate reason, you know, as part of the costume.”

  “I already thought about that.”

  Tyler’s hand drifted to his lover’s crotch. “I can see you have.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie nervously agreed. Why not? It was an opportunity to be in Tyler’s arms. She went with Tyler to the first class and found her butterflies disappearing when she focused on his eyes and let him lead her around the dance studio floor. He was a good dancer, had taken lessons years before. Thomas didn’t dance unless you counted the limbo and the hokey pokey.

  The first two-hour class flew by. Nevvie only remembered Tyler’s blue eyes and strong arms.

  At the end of class he pulled her in for a hug. She laid her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, inhaling his scent. Now she knew the components—detergent and deodorant, a touch of cologne, and the body wash both men used that gave them a hint of the same wonderful fragrance.

  “This was wonderful,” he said. “I’m so glad Thomas gave this to us.”

  “Me too. This’ll be fun.” The first series of classes was three times a week for eight weeks, and Nevvie knew time would fly by as quickly in each one.

  If she tried to focus on her feet she tripped and stepped all over poor Tyler. Only when she looked him in the eyes, let her body follow his while he kept time, responding to his movements, did she get the hang of it. They spent at least an hour a day practicing, either on the patio or in the living room, depending on the weather.

  Like hell she’d refuse a chance to be in his arms!

  She especially loved the Latin dances. The rumba, the mambo, the tango—all of them. She never thought she had a knack for it, but when she tuned out the world and put herself in Tyler’s hands it felt effortless. She knew she didn’t have a dancer’s body and she’d never win any contests, but Tyler was thrilled with her progress and Thomas gushed over how good they looked together.

  The teacher taped one of their classes, showing each pair what they did right and wrong. When their turn to view the tape, Tyler put his arm around Nevvie and patted her waist, knowing
she wasn’t comfortable watching herself.

  Nevvie’s jaw dropped. Was that her?

  Tyler was, as usual, amazing. Maybe not as flashy as a professional dancer but a damn sight better than the other students.

  Who the hell was that woman dancing with him? That couldn’t be her, could it? She looked effortless, her feet taking steps she couldn’t begin to explain.

  And their gaze. The two people dancing the cha cha cha on the screen looked like hot lovers, not platonic partners. Nevvie had no idea her feelings for Tyler were so blatantly obvious while dancing. Not to mention he looked like he wanted to rip her clothes off.

  Nevvie nervously glanced at the other students, most of them nodding their approval as the teacher pointed out pros and cons. Mostly pros. No, her back and arms weren’t always right, and sometimes her steps weren’t as crisp as they should be. Her hip action could be more pronounced—

  I could be about twenty pounds lighter.

  “Look at their intensity,” the teacher said. “Watch how they play off each other, the showmanship they exhibit. It’s obvious they’re passionate about each other and what they’re doing. That kind of performance, if you ever compete, will go a long way to judges giving good marks over a couple who is technically perfect in execution but look like they can’t stand each other. If Tyler and Nevvie didn’t have clothes on we could call this porn, they’re so hot together, and that’s what you want your Latin dances to look like. Especially a cha cha cha. Hot and steamy. Makes me want to go home and jump my husband.”

  The class laughed. Nevvie blushed, and Tyler smiled.

  Then he winked at her.

  Oh, baby.

  Chapter Twelve