Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 33

  They’d been on the road for an hour and she needed to pull over. She tapped Thomas and he took the next exit. While he topped off the bike at the gas station, Nevvie locked herself in the restroom.

  Damn what a mess. She’d desperately fallen in love with two men she could never have, no matter what stupid illusions she held or mysterious innuendos they fed her to keep her spirits alive.

  Wasn’t that all they were? Tyler was a master at reading people. She’d been with them long enough to see that. Throw in their special connection, and it would be totally in the realm of possibility that he was simply trying to cheer her up, not realizing it killed her one wink at a time. And her encounter with Thomas, well, it probably just the adrenaline rush of the fight.

  They. Are. Gay.

  She donned her helmet before Thomas saw she’d been crying. He put a hand on her shoulder.

  “Sugar, you feel all right?”

  She nodded, swinging up behind him. “I’m tired. Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  The house smelled good. Tyler’s slow-cooker dinner was already in full stew when they arrived home a little after one. She avoided Tyler’s eyes on her way to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

  Worried, he turned to Thomas. “What happened?”

  Thomas motioned Tyler out to the garage. Tyler smiled when Thomas finished the story. “I think we’re on schedule for the party this weekend.”

  Thomas crossed his arms and looked at the floor. “I guess.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  He finally met Tyler’s eyes. “If you hadn’t called when you—”

  “Stop.” Tyler put his arms around his lover’s waist. “Look at me.”

  Thomas finally did.

  “Don’t feel guilty.”

  “But what if—”

  “Shh. No ‘what ifs.’” Tyler’s eyes locked onto his. “It’s all right.”

  “I shouldn’t have—”

  Tyler kissed him, cutting off his protests, holding him until Thomas finally responded. When Tyler knew he had his full attention again, he smiled.

  “She referred to us as ‘her boys!’ Don’t lose the forest for the trees. Saturday we will finally get to show her how we feel and believe me, you will forget any guilt you have right now.”

  “Are you sure we shouldn’t just tell her how we feel? Let’s get it over with.”

  “It’s a brilliant plan, and she’ll absolutely love it. It’s only a few more days. You want everything to be perfect, don’t you?”

  Thomas nodded. “I’ll be more careful. I promise.”

  Tyler hugged him then stepped away. “I know, sweet.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Late Friday afternoon, Nevvie curled on the couch, watching a horror movie marathon on TV. Tyler returned from a shopping trip to St. Pete and slipped in through the garage door, bag in hand.

  “Did you get it?” Thomas whispered.

  Tyler waved him into their bedroom and let him peek at the last two items they needed to complete her costume.

  “It’s perfect! Jesus, you think we can talk her into that?”

  “Guaranteed. Let me do the talking though, lover boy.”

  They waited until bedtime to spring their trap. Tyler took the lead. “What are you doing tomorrow evening, sweetheart?” She’d already declined their invitation to the party weeks ago, before recent events.

  She shook her head. She looked listless, sad. “I’m staying home. You guys go and have a good time, really.”

  She never insinuated herself into their plans. They practically begged her to go with them anywhere involving other people. Always happy to take off with the two of them, she was still nervous in settings such as parties. She’d also settled into a melancholy state and was quieter than normal. Now she’d had time to sit and think about the past, about the traumas to her psyche, and had reached a plateau not even the hottest night of cha cha cha-ing could cure.

  Tyler knew the time had come, especially after last weekend and her trip with Thomas. Tyler had planned for over a month, sensing the subtle shift in her demeanor. She was equally comfortable with them. He’d noted the sadness in her eyes when she watched Thomas and him together, holding hands or talking quietly. Even with the two of them she felt alone. He knew they had the power to heal her of that.

  If she’d let them.

  He sat next to her on the couch. “Halloween is a time to let go, have fun.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll stay here and hand out candy to the little goblins.”

  “Nonsense. You’re going with us to Pete and Eddie’s party.”

  “I don’t have a costume.”

  “We’ll take care of it.”

  “Ty, you guys don’t have to—”

  He laid a gentle finger on her lips. Thomas had slipped into the room and watched. “Do you trust us?” Tyler asked. Her eyes flicked to Thomas and she nodded.

  “Will you give yourself to us for twenty-four hours? Let us show you a good time? Guaranteed to get you out of your funk.” His finger still gently rested on her lips and again she flicked her eyes to Thomas’ playful smile.

  She nodded again.

  Tyler pressed forward. “Tomorrow afternoon, we will dress you in a fabulous costume. Then we will take you out and show you the best time you ever had.” He moved his finger and kissed the end of her nose. “You promise? We get twenty-four hours of your time?”


  Both men grinned. “Excellent,” Tyler said. “Then as of four o’clock tomorrow you are all ours, right? Promise?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  Tyler hugged her, breathing in the scent of her coconut shampoo. Damn, he loved that. “We love you, sweetheart. We promise to take good care of you.” He stood and Thomas leaned in for his good night hug, kissing the top of her head.

  “Good night, Nev. We’ll see you in the morning.”

  They waited until behind their closed bedroom door to do a silent happy dance.

  Thomas fell into bed, a broad grin on his face. “You think she’ll go through with it?” he whispered.

  “She has to. She promised. If she tries to renege I’ll use the sad puppy eyes.”

  Thomas grabbed a pillow and laughed into it to muffle the sound. “Jesus, she’s a goner.” He looked at Tyler. “Do you manipulate me like that?”

  Tyler undressed. “Of course not.” He looked at Thomas and grinned.

  “You shit! When?”

  “I’m kidding. We have to gently break down her defenses. If we rush her we could lose her forever. Just because she’s willing with one of us doesn’t mean she’ll automatically be open to a threesome.”

  Thomas closed his eyes. “That would break my heart, man. I love her.”

  Tyler slid into bed and Thomas put his arms around him. “As do I.” He looked at Thomas. “We have to go slow. She lets me lead her on the dance floor. I have no reason to believe she won’t let me lead her into this as well.”

  “I trust you.” He kissed Tyler. “I saw a great ring the other day. It would look beautiful on her.”

  “That’s putting the cart before the horse.”

  “Do you think she’ll go for it?”

  “She wants to be submissive to us. You saw how she was. But only if she trusts.”

  “Remind me never to complain about those college psychology books you kept.”

  “Paying off now, aren’t they?”

  “Damn straight.” He trailed his fingers across Tyler’s shoulder. “We’re gonna need a bigger bed.”

  “That’s the least of our concerns right now. Let’s get through tomorrow first.”

  * * * *

  Tyler decided to play extra dirty the next morning. He cooked her favorite breakfast—French toast, scrambled eggs, and sausage—and took a mug of coffee in to her, made exactly the way she liked.

  She’d left her bedroom door partially open, something she frequently did. Nevvie looked beautiful in one of Tom’s old T-shi
rts, the sheets twisted around her legs, her hair mussed and loose around her shoulders. He imagined what she’d look like dressed for the party and his cock throbbed between his legs.

  Slowly, he thought. Don’t screw this up.

  He sat on her bed and gently stroked her cheek. “Sweetheart,” he whispered, “breakfast is ready.”

  She stirred and turned, throwing her arm over his thigh, cuddling close, not quite awake. He leaned over and kissed the nape of her neck, and she softly moaned in her sleep. He placed a tender hand on her shoulder.

  “Nevvie, darling, breakfast is ready.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, a brief second of startle reflex before a sleepy smile caressed her face. Tyler longed for the day they could take that pain from her soul once and for all.

  “Hey, Ty,” she said, her voice still husky from sleep. “I had this great dream right before I woke up.”

  “Yeah?” He imagined it had something to do with his kiss. “Coffee and food, love.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

  “You guys are spoiling me.”

  “I would hope so. You deserve it.”

  She caught his hand. “Ty, about tonight.”

  “You promised.”

  “I know. I’ll go. It’s just…”

  He knelt by the bed so he could be eye-to-eye with her. “Listen, you trust us to keep you safe, take care of you, right? You know we’ll never let anyone hurt you.”

  She nodded.

  “It’s Halloween. If you go for no other reason than to make us two blokes happy, have a little pity on us.”

  “I don’t want to look like a cow.”

  “Stop.” He sat on the bed and pulled her into his lap. “Listen to me. You are a beautiful woman. Thomas and I will have our work cut out for us beating the other men off you tonight. Don’t you dare ever talk badly about yourself. Ever. If I have one inviolate rule in this house, that’s it.”

  “And flushing.”

  “Well, there’s that. Seriously, as long as you live under this roof, you are not allowed to disparage yourself or tolerate others talking badly about or to you. Understand?”


  He hugged her tightly to him. “That’s my good girl. Now let’s eat. It’s getting cold.”

  He returned to the kitchen and flashed Thomas a thumbs up. Nevvie used the bathroom and joined them a few minutes later, half of her coffee already gone.

  She started to sit when Thomas crooked a finger at her. She smiled and leaned over to give him a good morning peck on the cheek.

  “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten me, sugar.”

  She flushed deep crimson. “Never.”

  The day crawled for the two men. Tyler fought the urge to snipe at Thomas, knowing it would ruin the mood. Tom’s incessant pacing and fussing nearly drove Tyler nuts, and that was a short enough trip to begin with.

  At three-thirty, Tyler finally gave in. “For God’s sake, Thomas. Go get your shower and get dressed.”

  “We don’t have to be there until seven.”

  “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “What about Nevvie?” Thomas whispered. They were in Tyler’s study. She’d curled up on the couch in the living room, watching TV. She’d spent the morning cleaning the kitchen and utility room until Tyler made her go rest, afraid she’d wear herself out.

  “I’ll take care of her. Remember, you’ll get your turn later. You’re better suited for the brute role,” he teased.

  “Brute role?”

  “You know what I mean. Let me get her in the mood. You can keep her there. Good master, bad master, that sort.”

  Thomas laughed and walked to their bedroom, shaking his head.

  At three fifty-nine Tyler shut down his laptop. Struggling to ignore the throbbing between his legs, he walked into the living room. Nevvie had dozed off on the couch. Good, she’d need the rest. He didn’t honestly know if she’d let them make love to her tonight, but he counted on this evening going a long way to getting them there. They had to break down her walls, get her to let them in. As long as they didn’t betray her trust or hurt her, he sensed she’d give them any and everything they asked.

  He didn’t want her to do anything out of guilt or pressure, but out of genuine desire to be with both of them.

  He knelt beside the couch. “Nevvie,” he whispered. “Sweetheart.”

  She woke up smiling. “Hey, sorry.” She sat up and stretched. He caught her hand and kissed it.

  “It’s time.”


  “You promised.” He smiled. “Four o’clock. You’re ours.”

  A moment of fear flashed across her eyes. He quickly leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. “Trust us. Please?”

  She nodded and let him lead her from the couch. Thomas emerged from their bedroom, dressed as Zorro, complete with a plastic sword.

  “Ah, Sleeping Beauty awakes.”

  “Watch what you do with that sword,” she joked.

  He waggled his eyebrows. “You watch out or maybe I’ll use it on you, young lady.”

  Tyler gently swatted her bum. “Shower, now, skewer later. Maybe, if you’re a good girl.” He winked.

  She laughed and headed for her bathroom. Tyler turned to Thomas, who watched her walk away. “Watch it,” he whispered.

  “I’m trying, but your head’s in the way.”

  “Don’t be an arse, Thomas. Slowly, got it? Stick to the script.”

  Thomas grinned. When the door closed behind her he looked at Tyler and kissed him. “I want her so bad it hurts.”

  “No worse than I, but we have to take it slow.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie climbed into the shower, closed her eyes and tried to quell her anxiety. The boys wouldn’t embarrass her, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t nervous. What they thought she’d look good in would most likely differ from what she thought she looked good in.

  Thomas looked yummy. Damn, he looked sexy. She didn’t think she imagined that in his skin-tight pants he seemed a little larger in the crotch than usual.

  She’d love to feel him. Nevvie soaped up and closed her eyes, imagining Thomas’ hands all over her, especially after the sample she got in Ft. Myers. Tyler too, of course. He was probably the more inventive one. Thomas struck her as a vigorous romp, energy and strength, with Tyler likely a lot of sensual fun.

  She stood outside their door one night on her way back from the kitchen, her sex throbbing as she listened to them make love. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but they sounded too good not to listen. She’d wanted to crawl into bed with them. Instead she’d gone back to her room and played with herself, imagining them making love to her.

  God, they’d sounded good! They wouldn’t want her. They had each other. Playful, friendly flirty banter only went so far. She wasn’t stupid enough to seriously think they would want to take her to bed, even after the events of the past week. Duh. At home reality had once again reared its ugly head. They were her boys but they only wanted each other, and she knew it.

  She was slowly but surely learning to live with it. She had no choice. She damn sure wasn’t giving them up.

  A knock on the bathroom door startled her. “Yes?”

  The door opened—Tyler. “Sorry to interrupt.”

  She didn’t mind being naked in front of him. Hell, it’s not like he hadn’t seen her at her worst.

  He stuck his head into the shower, and she didn’t think she imagined his eyes slowly traveled up her body before settling on her face. “We have a request.”

  He’s talking to you, stupid! “What?”

  He smiled, taking her breath away. Those damn blue eyes melted her, set her heart pounding. “Thomas and I would appreciate it if you’d shave for us.”

  She had to force air into her lungs. “What?”

  He reached into the shower, his finger gently blazing a trail from her collarbone down between her breasts, over her tummy to where the fine curls between her legs concealed her sex from
his appraising glance. He paused, his finger resting just above her mound. She resisted the urge to drag him into the shower with her.

  “Everywhere. Please?”

  She numbly nodded, her body on fire.

  His smile finished her off. “Thank you, love. We guarantee you a fantastic time tonight. We’re going to prove how sexy you are.” He crooked his finger and she leaned in. Instead of the expected peck on the nose, he lightly brushed his lips across hers.

  “You are beautiful, Nevvie. We want you to see yourself the way we see you.” He started to close the shower curtain when he poked his head in one last time. “Oh, pet?”


  “When you finish, wrap a towel around yourself and come to our bedroom. Walk right in, sweetheart. We’ll be waiting to dress you.”

  She nodded, speechless. His grin widened.

  Once alone in the shower again she rested her head on the cool tile, trying to catch her breath, still feeling the gentle path his finger traced down her flesh. She’d trimmed, but never shaved down there before.

  She wouldn’t question why. They were her boys, and if it made them happy, hell, she’d shave her head if they asked. If Tyler flashed those blue eyes at her she’d do anything he wanted.

  Anything at all.

  She waited until she finished to do it, resisting the urge to play with herself. The boys waited. But dammit, when they got home she’d wank herself like a four-fisted monkey. Did the boys have any idea what they did to her? They had to, they couldn’t be that stupid, could they? Especially after last weekend and the trip to Ft. Myers.

  Well, they were guys.

  On shaky legs she finished and ran a hand over her smooth mound. Wow! Maybe she’d keep it that way from now on. It felt fantastic. She wrapped a towel around her hair, another around her body, and brushed her teeth. Then she walked to the boys’ bedroom.

  Tyler, his hair still damp from his shower, was dressed as a pirate, complete with loose, ruffled white shirt and tight black pants, a red sash tied around his waist. Both men turned and smiled as she hesitated at the door.

  “Come in, Nev,” Thomas encouraged.

  She forced her feet to move.