Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 44

  “Yes, the public’s been rather kind to me. Forgive me, where the hell are my blasted manners? Nevvie, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Erin, Robert, this is our wife, Nevvie.”

  Nevvie smiled, not because she was pleased to meet them, but in response to their shocked expressions. That alone was worth her cramped toes. Nevvie released Thomas’ arm and shook hands. “Pleased to meet you.”

  Tyler, knowing Nevvie wasn’t steady on her feet, kept his arm around her waist. She took a sip of punch, making sure the ring on her left hand was clearly visible.

  Erin found her voice first. “Wife?”

  Nevvie stepped on Tyler’s foot before he could answer. “We decided to make it permanent. The boys finally made an honest woman out of me.” She took another sip of punch to hide her smile.

  Erin and Robert were again at a loss for words.

  Thomas showed his evil streak. “Excuse me for a minute. I’ll be right back.” He kissed both Nevvie and Tyler on the lips, then headed down a hall toward the bathrooms.

  The kisses once again confounded the other two, who exchanged a glance, not sure how to handle the situation.

  Nevvie wasn’t letting this go. “What do you do, Erin?”

  Erin was apparently still trying to wrap her mind around Nevvie’s “our wife” status. “Uh, I teach AmLit over at USF.”

  “That must be very interesting. Oh!” She turned to Tyler. “Remind we when we get home, honey. I got an email this afternoon from your agent. He received a counter-offer on the movie rights to Damning Thoughts, but there’s nothing we can do about it until Monday anyway.”

  He picked it up and his eyes bored into hers, crinkling at the corners. “Oh? Excellent. I wondered when we’d hear back from him about that. Thank you, pet.” He kissed her, pulling her tightly against him.

  Erin cleared her throat. “Movie?”

  “Yes, but you know how that goes,” Nevvie said. “Just because the rights get sold doesn’t guarantee they’ll make the movie. Hey, we still get paid regardless.” She looked at Tyler. “You promised me a trip to Paris once they sold,” she said in her best pouty—but not quite little slave girl—voice.

  Tyler’s eyes never left hers and smoldered with amused humor barely held in check. “I thought you wanted a new Mustang. Did you change your mind again? You cheeky little thing. What am I going to do with you?” He playfully swatted her bum, but not hard enough to knock her off-balance.

  “Thomas said he’d get me that for Christmas anyway,” she purred.

  “Incorrigible.” He looked at Robert. “She has us totally wrapped around her finger.”

  Curiosity got the better of Robert. “I…uh…thought you and Thomas were…uh…partners.”

  “We are.” He met Nevvie’s eyes again. “This sweet angel fell in love with us poor blokes, and us with her. The more the merrier, right?”

  Nevvie winked at Erin. “I’m a lucky girl. But you lived with him, so I don’t have to tell you that, do I?”

  “You’re also very naughty, aren’t you, love?” Tyler teased. “Telling all our secrets.” He nuzzled her neck.

  Erin had turned a lovely shade of crimson.

  Thomas reappeared, his wine refilled and a glass of what Nevvie assumed was iced tea for Tyler. “Still chatting?” He kissed Nevvie. “Are you behaving or causing trouble?”

  “What do you think?” she purred.

  Erin and Robert looked on, speechless.

  Tyler would not be outdone. “Thomas, love, did you promise Nevvie the Mustang for Christmas?”

  He sipped his wine and slowly nodded, understanding something was going on and playing along. “Why?”

  “Because now we have to take her to Paris, too. It looks like the movie rights will go next week after all. We’ve had a counter-offer.”

  Nevvie met Thomas’ eyes and prayed that for once he was in tune with them. Bless his heart, he was.

  He sipped his wine, buying himself a few seconds. “You promised her the trip, Ty. I promised her the car. We haven’t been to Paris in a while. Why can’t we do both?” He reached out and stroked Nevvie’s cheek.

  Tyler let out an exaggerated sigh. “Well, darling, looks like you get your way…again.”

  “Like you mind.”

  Thomas leaned around her and kissed Tyler. “Yeah, evil genius, like you mind.”

  Tyler turned to Erin and Robert. “I’m overruled.”

  Nevvie didn’t know if shock or sick fascination kept Erin and Robert talking with them.

  “I hate to break this up,” Thomas said, “but I need to get some food in my stomach or you two’ll be pouring me into bed. Mind if I take our girl, Ty?”

  “I could use something to nosh on. Well, Erin, Robert, take care.” The men each took an arm and escorted Nevvie out of the room to the buffet. They found a quiet table in a corner and sat, finally exploding with laughter.

  “What’d I miss?” Thomas asked.

  Nevvie grinned. “You were perfect. You caught right on.”

  Tyler’s beaming face was more than worth the pain in her feet. “Paris, hmm?” He kissed her. “You, my love, are inspired. Absolutely brilliant.” He filled Thomas in. “Well, now we owe our girl a Mustang and a trip to the City of Lights.” Tyler smiled.

  “I was happy to play along. Bitch. I loved the look on her face. One of you please get me some food, my feet are killing me.”

  Tyler jumped to do it.

  Thomas patted her hand and kissed her cheek. “Thank you, sugar.”

  “Hey, a chance to put that whore in her place for cheating on our guy? Anytime.”

  * * * *

  They took their time eating. Tyler introduced her to several people who stopped by their table seeking him out. She didn’t get tired of the looks.

  Then the inevitable. “I’ll be right back boys. I hope.” She carefully stood, wincing as she regained her balance on the heels.

  “Need help, darling?” Tyler asked.

  “I could use it, but I doubt they’ll let you in the ladies room. Just listen in case I scream.”

  She carefully made her way to the bathroom without tripping. Erin entered the bathroom while Nevvie washed her hands, stopping short when she saw Nevvie’s angry glare.

  “Hello again,” Nevvie said. She didn’t know if there was anyone else in the bathroom.

  She didn’t care.

  Erin hesitated. “Listen, I don’t know what Tyler’s said—”

  “Tommy’s the one who told me you cheated on him.”

  Erin reddened again. “You don’t know anything about me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t. Tyler doesn’t talk about you. Apparently you hurt him very deeply.” Nevvie stopped next to her on her way to the door. “And I thank you for that. So does Tommy. If you hadn’t screwed up, we might never have met him and had the chance to love him.”

  Nevvie forced her feet out the door, taking faster, stronger strides than she should. Thankfully she spotted Thomas walking down the hallway, looking for her, and he offered his arm. She grabbed him.

  “Get me to a chair, quick,” she whispered.

  Concerned, he ushered her into the foyer and she winced as she sat.

  “You okay, sugar?”

  She shook her head and handed him the shoes. “Please?”

  He nodded and rushed out the front door. A few minutes later he reappeared with her other shoes and she slipped them on. “No dancing for me tonight, I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay.” He helped her back to the table.

  Tyler stood, concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  She offered a game smile and related her exchange with Erin. “It was worth the pain of those dang shoes to see the look on her face.”

  “I’m sorry, sweet. I never should have asked it of you.”

  “Don’t feel guilty.” She laid a hand on his cheek and dropped her voice. “She’s lucky I wasn’t in flats or I would have stood there and given her a huge piece of my mind at the top of my lungs.”
br />   Tyler touched his forehead to hers. “You’re truly amazing, love. We won’t stay much longer, I promise.”

  They didn’t. And when they got home, Tyler insisted on carrying her from the car into the house, gently laying her on their bed. The men pampered her for the rest of the night, Thomas and Tyler each rubbing her feet before making slow, tender love to her.

  Yes, Nevvie genuinely thanked Erin for cheating on Tyler.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Tyler stopped by Thomas’ office door on his way to the bedroom. “What’s wrong?”

  Thomas looked up. “How the freak do you do that?” He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms behind his head.

  “Over twelve years, I’ve learned a thing or two about you. What’s up?”

  “I need to go to Ft. Myers tomorrow.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “I need to go overnight. We’ve got a permitting snag on a job down there.”

  “Take Nevvie with you.”

  Stunned, Thomas stared at him. “How the hell—”

  “You need her for the paperwork because she’s the project supervisor. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “Why don’t you come with us? We can take the truck or one of the cars.” It would be the first trip the three of them didn’t go on together since the Halloween party.

  Tyler dropped his voice. “Thomas, she’s with us forever. She’s going with me to New York in a couple of weeks. Why should I be stuck in a hotel room all day when I can be here working? I’m on a deadline.”

  “But you’ll be here alone.”

  “So?” Tyler’s eyes twinkled. “Maybe you can finish what you started last October.” In the five months since the night of the party, Nevvie had become such an ingrained part of both men’s psyche that they barely remembered life before her.

  “Fucking scary, that’s what you are.”

  Tyler winked. “Well, love, you are the one who dubbed me the evil genius. I expect a phone call.”

  Thomas nodded.

  “Then it’s all right, isn’t it? Fair’s fair.” Tyler glanced down the hall and didn’t see Nevvie. He suspected she was in the garage doing laundry. He stepped back to Thomas’ desk. “When we decided to do this, we decided this was all or nothing, right?”

  Thomas nodded.

  “She’s not mine, she’s not yours. She’s ours. I’m not keeping a scorecard about who did what, understand? It doesn’t matter.”

  Thomas looked away, nodding, but Tyler caught his chin. “Fuck her brains out, lover. Make her moan for me. Just promise to bring my angel safely home. And yourself, right?” He kissed him, feeling Thomas respond before he pulled away. “When will you leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  Tyler grinned. “I should expect a little extra-special treatment from the two of you tonight, shouldn’t I?”

  * * * *

  Tyler and Nevvie headed to the bedroom first. When Thomas caught up with them a few minutes later, she was on top of Tyler, giving him a back rub.

  “Don’t put him to sleep. We want to have a little fun first.”

  Tyler squirmed against the covers. “No, not sleepy right now, Thomas. Trust me.”

  She leaned forward and traced his spine with her tongue from his neck to his hips. “I know how to wake you up.”

  “You bloody well do.”

  After a few minutes he patted her leg. “On your back, sweetheart. I want some fun, too.”

  She rolled over. Tyler spread her legs, bending his lips to her mound. “Do you like this?” He lightly teased her with his tongue, knowing damn well what it did to her.

  She moaned, trying to grind her hips against him.

  Thomas smiled and knelt by her head. “I think she needs something else to do.” He touched the silky smooth head of his cock to her lips and she swallowed him, making him moan. “Jesus, I love it when you do that.” He tenderly stroked her hair, brushing it away from her face.

  Tyler slipped two fingers inside her ready entrance and she arched to meet him, trying to thrust against his hand.

  “Do you like that, baby?” Thomas asked.

  She moaned her assent as she took him deeper into her mouth, using one hand to stroke the rest of his shaft and the other to play with his heavy sac.

  Tyler wanted to plunge inside her. With his tongue and lips he suckled her swollen nub, making her scream around Thomas’ shaft as she climaxed.

  “That’s a good girl,” Tyler whispered as he lifted his head from between her legs, kissing her tummy. “That was very good, sweetheart.”

  He knelt between her legs and grabbed her hips, sliding into her ready heat, holding still for a moment to savor the feeling. She trembled, gasping, the last echoes of her orgasm still resounding within her.

  Thomas pulled his stiff cock from her mouth. She groaned with disappointment.

  “You lay back and enjoy it, sugar.” He got out of bed and disappeared to the bathroom.

  She focused on Tyler’s eyes as he slowly stroked into her.

  “You’re my sweet angel,” he whispered. “Aren’t you?”

  She nodded, pulling him down, kissing him. She felt the bed move and they realized Thomas had returned. Tyler jumped, breaking their kiss to glance over his shoulder, then turned to her and closed his eyes. “Mmm. Oh…yes.”

  Thomas knelt behind Tyler and dropped a bottle of lube to the bed.

  Ah. Now she knew why he went to the bathroom.

  Tyler opened his eyes and kissed her again, holding still while Thomas gently slid his cock past Tyler’s rim with a satisfied grunt.

  Nevvie rolled her hips under Tyler and he gasped, bending his head to her neck. “Oh, sweetheart…yes.” He gently bit down on her shoulder with a satisfied moan, sucking, shifting his hips against Thomas.

  Nevvie wrapped her arms around Tyler and met Thomas’ eyes. He caressed Tyler’s back, his hands settling on his lover’s hips as he took long, slow strokes.

  Tyler trembled in her arms, moaning. She’d have a hell of a hickey in the morning, and she loved it.

  “That’s it, baby,” Nevvie whispered in his ear, stroking his hair. “I want to feel you come for us.”

  The men found a rhythm. As Tyler moaned, Thomas’ eyes never wavered from hers. Tyler’s strokes into her grew deeper, harder, faster. As his breath came in shallower gasps, she knew he was close and nodded to Thomas.

  He closed his eyes, his lower lip caught under his teeth as he struggled to hold back. With a loud cry Tyler jerked, spasming, burying himself deep inside her as he came. She held on tightly as Thomas took his cue, his last several strokes faster, before he cried out and fell on top of Tyler.

  They all caught their breath, Thomas the first to recover. “You okay down there, Nev?”

  She kissed Tyler’s damp forehead. His eyes were closed, his head resting on her shoulder. “I’m okay. I think we wore our poor guy out.”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  She felt the bed move as Thomas withdrew and went to the bathroom to clean up. He returned with a washcloth and cleaned Tyler before stretching out beside them, his hand on Tyler’s back.

  “You okay, sugar?” Thomas asked him.

  “Mmm hmm.”

  Nevvie smiled and looked at Thomas. “I’m telling you, we wore him out.”

  “Am I smooshing you, love?” Tyler mumbled.

  “No. You’re fine where you are.”

  Thomas turned off the lights and pulled the sheet over all three of them. He nuzzled against them, and within a few minutes, they fell asleep.

  * * * *

  The weather was nice enough to take the bike. They left at seven the next morning, making Ft. Myers before lunch. Nevvie helped Thomas and the site manager sort through the paperwork issues, including arranging a conference call with one of their environmental specialists to try to resolve the confusion. They knocked off at six. The snafu wasn’t untangled, but should be by the next afternoon.

  They rode to the same hotel
and checked in. Nevvie was surprised to find the sundress and sandals packed in the saddlebags with their other things.

  She held them up. “Whose idea was this?”

  Thomas grinned. “Tyler’s I suppose, but a damned good one.”

  They went to dinner and enjoyed the evening, skipping the tiki bar. Nevvie recalled their earlier visit, and by the time they returned to their room her passion had warmed to a low boil. Thomas started emptying his pockets and turned to look at her.


  She smiled and launched herself at him, much as she had the previous time. He was a quick study and grabbed her, his hands cupping her ass, grinding his hips into hers, falling to the bed on top of her.

  “You don’t have to stop this time, Tommy,” she whispered, nibbling his neck.

  “Damn straight,” he growled, his hands running under her dress and yanking down her panties.

  When he had them off he unzipped his pants and freed his cock, grabbing her hips and sinking hard and deep into her with a satisfied moan. Then he held still for a moment, his forehead touching hers.

  “Jesus, I love you.”

  She kissed him, her tongue stroking his. “I love you too. Now fuck me, goddammit.”

  He grinned and slammed home again. She wrapped her legs around his waist, thrusting to meet his hips. “That’s it,” she said, her voice hoarse with passion. “I want you to fuck me hard, Tommy.”

  “Don’t you want to come, sugar?” But he didn’t slow his deep, powerful thrusts.

  “Later. Right now I want you to fuck me. You know you want to. Fuck me harder than you ever have.”

  “Yes!” He did, pounding into her, drawing satisfied grunts from both. It wasn’t long before he felt his climax nearing.

  Her nails raked his back, her hands slipping on his shirt. “Come on, fuck me baby, do it, pound that cock into me.”

  “Shit!” He came, collapsing onto her, trying to catch his breath. He finally rolled onto his side, taking her with him. “Baby girl, you’re wild. Wow.”

  She snuggled tight against him, knowing he’d take care of her soon enough. “I know you love it like that sometimes. I do, too.” He couldn’t be that rough with Tyler because it would hurt him. Nevvie, however, enjoyed it. They waited for the rare times when Tyler wasn’t around, to unleash. Both understood it might worry Tyler seeing them like that, and they never acted that rough together around Tyler.