Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 46

“Now you two have some fun. I’m going to take a shower and grab a bite to eat and read a little while before I go to bed. Love you both.”

  They said goodbye and Tyler put the phone on the table. “My turn, sweet.”

  She wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her. Then he spent long, teasing minutes suckling one, then her other breast, stirring feelings deep in the pit of her belly. Before him she’d never dreamed she could have such strong—not to mention so many—orgasms in one day, much less in the span of a few minutes. But he could do it to her, more so than Thomas. Thomas always made her climax, but Tyler had the gift of coaxing multiple orgasms out of her even when she didn’t think her body could take it. Before long the deep, throbbing ache returned with a vengeance.

  He knelt between her legs and lifted them over his shoulders, making her moan when he plunged into her wet heat. He took several long, slow strokes before settling all the way in and slowly caressing her clit with his thumb.

  “I want you to come again for me, my sweet angel,” he whispered. “You came for your other master, now you’ll come for me, won’t you?”

  She nodded, his eyes touching her soul.

  She would, too. She couldn’t refuse him, and he knew exactly how to bring her back to the top. Feeling him deep inside her, bumping her G-spot, only intensified the sensation. As she spun toward release she cried out and thrust against him, wanting him to fuck her. He grabbed her hips and pistoned his stiff cock as deep as he could, far deeper than Thomas ever went it felt like, filling her, owning her.

  When the final explosion hit she arched into him, screaming his name. His body stiffened as he emptied deep inside her and held himself there for a long moment before lowering her legs and dropping his head to her chest.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed the top of his head.

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he murmured against her flesh. “I love you so much. You have no idea.”

  She hugged him tightly to her. “I’m yours forever. Ever and ever,” she whispered.

  He rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, his heart still thrumming in his chest. In this way, too, he differed from Thomas. Thomas liked to cuddle, never a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of guy. Tyler had to cuddle after making love, as if he needed the extra contact with her—or Thomas—as the post-coital bliss receded. She loved that about him, just one of the things that made him uniquely Tyler.

  Nevvie was dozing when he finally kissed the top of her head. “Did you want dinner?”

  “Do we have to go out?”

  “No, I’m sure they have room service.”

  She cuddled closer. “Okay. But let me lie here a while longer before you move.” Nevvie was nestled against his side, reluctant to break the spell he had her under.

  “Did I wear you out, love? Not already? We still have two more days.” She loved his playful chuckle.

  “I need some time to recharge, that’s all.” Tyler’s cell rang, interrupting her peace. “Shit.”

  He stretched over her to reach it, looked at the screen. “Sorry, sweet, it’s Elliot. Hello?” She watched him while he talked. At one point he winked at her, making her smile. After a moment he said, “Hold on, mate.” Tyler held the phone over the side of the bed. “He wants to take us to dinner,” he whispered.

  She groaned and pulled a pillow over her head. “That figures.” She sighed. “Fine.” Nevvie slipped her hand between his legs, making him jump. “But,” she purred in his ear, “don’t be surprised if your little slave tortures you.”

  He grinned and cleared his throat before speaking while Nevvie massaged his limp cock in her hands, stirring some interest. “Uh, sure, that’s fine. Want us to meet you?…Right. See you in an hour.” He hung up and rolled her onto her back, making her giggle.

  “You are a naughty girl,” he growled, kissing her, his cock springing to life. “What am I to do with you?”

  “I could think of a lot of things, but not in the space of an hour.”

  He sighed. “Right. Let’s shower and grab a taxi.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie liked Elliot, hadn’t seen him since her last trip to New York with Tyler, although she frequently spoke with him. He was a short, loud, likeable native New Yorker with a Brooklyn accent. Tyler led her by the hand to Elliot’s table in the restaurant. She didn’t miss the publicist’s brief, questioning glance. He obviously sensed the change in her relationship with Tyler.

  Elliot gave Tyler a hearty handshake and pat on the shoulder, and gave her a gentle half-hug and air kiss on her cheek. Both men waited for her to sit.

  “So? How was the flight?”

  “Splendid, as usual. First class hasn’t failed me yet, Elliot.”

  Nevvie noticed Elliot’s eyes flicked to her then back to Tyler. “How’s Thomas? I’m surprised he didn’t come with you.”

  Tyler put his elbows on the table and cupped his hands together, motioning Elliot to lean in. Dropping his voice so it wouldn’t carry, he said, “Everything’s fine. The three of us are fine.” Then he sat back and took a sip of water, watching Elliot’s reaction.

  Elliot didn’t move, glancing at her, then back to Tyler. He lowered his usually loud voice to a whisper. “I’m not going to have to deal with weird shit like them whackos in Texas, right?”

  Tyler smiled. “Thomas and Nevvie and I are perfectly happy together.” He winked at her. “Aren’t we, sweetheart?”

  She blushed a little but smiled, clasping her hands together on the table so Elliot could see her ring. “Absolutely.”

  Elliot eyed the ring then sat back. “Then mazal tov, my friends.” He took a sip of his water. “Lucky bastards.”

  “I got the better deal,” Nevvie said. “Two for one.”

  Elliot grinned. “You’ve got a live one here, Ty. Better keep her on a short leash.”

  Nevvie and Tyler looked at each other and exploded with laughter.

  * * * *

  “There’s nothing to it, sweet.” Tyler slid, naked, under the covers next to her. “Just smile and talk. I do that all the time.”

  His calm demeanor amazed her. “But it’s The Today Show!”

  He kissed her shoulder. “They are normal people. You’ve seen how fans sometimes react to me. All goo-goo because they’ve met a famous writer. It’s the same. I, however, can pick my nose when I work and not worry about ten million people watching me do it.”

  “Ew!” She laughed. “I hope Thomas remembers to tape them.”

  Tyler nuzzled the back of her neck. “I’m sure he will, love.”

  “You keep that up, you won’t get to sleep any time soon.”

  He kissed the back of her neck. “You mean that?”

  “Mmm hmm.” She sighed. “I like this. But it’s kind of weird.”

  “How so?”

  “Without Thomas here.”

  “I miss him too, sweetheart.”

  They settled in. She tried to sleep and couldn’t. The way his body cupped hers, she felt his soft member comfortably nestled against her.

  While she wasn’t quite ready to take that one last step, give that final piece of herself to them, she was curious.

  “Are you asleep?”

  “Not yet,” he mumbled. “What’s wrong, sweet?”


  He lifted his head when she didn’t continue. “What?”

  “I was just wondering.”

  He rolled her onto her back so he could look at her. “Do we play twenty questions, love, or do you tell me?”

  It was the question she’d pondered, especially after watching Thomas and Tyler make love to each other so many times. “How does it feel?”

  He must have been tired. “How does what feel?”

  “You know.”

  He finally grasped her meaning. “You mean…” He ran his tongue down her neck to the base of her throat, drawing a soft mewling sound from her, making her heart race. “How does it feel to have your lover slide his sweet cock into your

  She nodded, breathless. “Yeah. That.”

  His soft chuckle did what it always did to her. Sensing her state, he skimmed his hand down her belly to rest tantalizingly still between her legs. “You don’t really want to do that tonight, do you?”


  He teased her with his finger, slipping it inside her then sliding up to draw slow, sensuous circles around her clit.

  “We think it feels good. When you’re truly ready to give yourself to us like that, we will make sure it feels good for you, too.” He slipped his finger inside her again and she closed her eyes, the muscles in her belly tight under his arm as he worked his finger into her, then back around her clit. “We will never force you to do anything, love.”

  He maintained a sexy rhythm with his finger, circling her swollen nub just enough to make her pant for more, then back inside her, gathering more cream with every stroke. He could keep her gasping for hours like this and had on several occasions.

  Tyler tenderly kissed her, exploring her mouth with his. That’s when he changed his pattern. Instead of running his finger up to her clit he slowly inched his way south to her virgin rim, gently massaging her, but making no move to press in.

  She gasped, tensed, then relaxed when she realized he wasn’t going to penetrate.

  But she liked it.

  He broke their kiss and worked his way to her ear. “This is why we should wait. You’re still too nervous, sweetheart. Besides,” he ran his hand to her clit and gently rolled it between his thumb and fingers, drawing a passionate moan from her, “I would rather wait until it’s the three of us together to share it.” With that, he made her come.

  She clutched him, closing her eyes and pressing her body into his as he whispered in her ear, “That’s it, my angel, come for me.”

  Panting, she went limp in his arms.

  “Did I finally wear you out, love?”

  She weakly nodded but felt him pressing stiff against her hip. She nudged him on top of her, kissing him, moaning again as he slipped inside her.

  Tyler nestled his head against her neck while she gently raked her nails down his back, rolling her hips to meet his thrusts. He was different when they were alone. Not drastically, but she noticed.

  Then again, so was Thomas.

  Nevvie felt him tense inside her, knew he was close. She wrapped her legs around him and whispered, “Come for your sweet slave, Master.”

  He cried out and thrust deeply several times, then came buried inside her.

  When he caught his breath he rolled to his side, cradling her in his arms, kissing her. “I love you, sweetheart. Jesus, I love you so much it hurts sometimes.”

  She snuggled with him. “I never thought I’d ever feel the way I do. Times two.”

  Tyler laughed and pulled the sheet over them. “Yes, quite. Now I think we can go to sleep, dear. Right? Or do you have any more questions you wish answered?”

  “Sleep,” she whispered, already drowsy. “Definitely sleep.”

  * * * *

  He told her they didn’t have to worry about breakfast, just coffee, before they met the car downstairs at six. “They’ll have lots to nosh on in the green room,” he assured her.

  They showered together, resisting the urge to get too playful, and made it downstairs with five minutes to spare. It was a little too early to call Thomas and she enjoyed snuggling with Tyler in the backseat. Without Thomas around she noticed Tyler acted stronger, like he stepped forward into a dominant role. Usually Tyler was content to allow the other man to be the stronger presence. Not that Thomas didn’t defer to Tyler, because he did. Tyler took care of their finances and running the household.

  It was an interesting dynamic, and one she loved.

  When she found herself alone with Thomas, he was playful and tenderly rowdy with her. With the three of them together he seemed to almost take on a protector role, nearly the exact opposite of her relationship with Tyler. When Tyler was alone with her he became more protective, dominant, even his body language was different. Only with the three of them together did he relax his guard, as if assuming Thomas would take over.

  She didn’t think either man consciously realized they did it.


  Elliot met them in the studio lobby and leaned in close to Tyler, talking as they walked, following a network page to the elevator bank for the ride upstairs. She kept a step behind, not wanting to intrude or look like anything but an assistant. Tyler stopped and turned, reaching for her.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to leave you back there.”

  She smiled and tried to wave him off but he insisted. Instead of making a scene she let him take her hand and caught a glimpse of Elliot’s frown.

  She leaned in to Tyler as they waited for an elevator. “Do you think this is wise?” she whispered.

  He brushed her hair from her neck and with his lips by her ear whispered, “Little slave, let your master worry about appearances.”

  She gasped, his grip tightening. He winked and let her step into the elevator in front of him.

  Damn him, it worked. Now she could care less that she was about to meet network morning show anchors. She cared about how soon she could get Tyler alone and boink him.

  He knew it, too.

  In the green room she tried to fade into the background. Nevvie noticed yet another persona Tyler put forth—the author dealing with media professionals as opposed to dealing with fans. The stars were all pleasant, and, as Tyler had assured her, they seemed like normal people.

  She snacked and watched the morning show from monitors in the green room. When Tyler went in for make-up, she called Thomas to make sure he was awake and had set the recorder.

  “How are you doing, sugar?”

  She turned away from the others and dropped her voice. “I’m a wreck. All these people.”

  Thomas’ sweet laugh soothed her. “It’ll be fine, he always charms them. They love him. Elliot there?”


  He hesitated. “Did Tyler tell him?”

  “Last night. He took us to dinner.”


  “As long as we don’t make headlines, he’s fine with it.”

  “Cool. I figured he would be.”

  They were ready to introduce Tyler. “Gotta go. He’s coming on next. Go watch.”

  “All right sugar. Love you. Tell him I love him, too.”

  “I will. Love you. Miss you.”

  “I’ll see you when you get home. Call me tonight. Keep our boy safe there in the big city for me, sugar.”

  Nevvie didn’t have time to ponder his last comment. Elliot pulled on her arm. “Come on, we can stand in the studio.”

  Together they watched Tyler do his thing. As usual he was charming, sweet, energetic, charismatic. Typical Tyler.

  The interview was over in a few minutes, and they were off and running to the next stop.

  * * * *

  By the time they grabbed lunch, Nevvie was exhausted. Tyler seemed energized and kept up a vibrant conversation with Elliot all through their meal. When they eventually returned to the hotel she was content to curl up and nap in Tyler’s arms while he channel surfed. He took her sightseeing before dinner, then later they played on the phone with Thomas before calling it an early night.

  The next day was a repeat of the previous, only with two different networks. That night she was too tired to do anything other than chat with the boys, Tyler filling Thomas in on the day’s events before falling asleep. By the time they flew home, she was exhausted.

  Tyler, on the other hand, seemed recharged.

  Thomas snuggled with her while Tyler used the bathroom. “He’s always like this after one of these things. I don’t know why. Like the fricking Energizer bunny.”

  Thomas had more than enough energy to deal with Tyler. Nevvie was content to watch them make love to each other, one or the other taking time to kiss her or curl up with her. When they??
?d sated their needs they held her, cradled between them, kissing her good night.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Nevvie was on her hands and knees in the backyard flowerbeds, weeding and preparing to plant the trays of annuals she’d bought at the garden center. It would look nice, a good color contrast, and she could change them out late in the summer after they’d run their course.

  It was hot for May, not even ten and already eighty-five degrees under a scorching, cloudless Florida sky. With the privacy fence surrounding the backyard she didn’t have to worry about prying eyes, and opted for a loose tank-top and a pair of Tom’s old sleeping shorts to wear, and nothing else. It kept her cool, and when she was ready to hose off she knew Tyler would come running to help.

  She smiled at the thought. He was preternaturally sensitive, like he constantly had an ear to the ground. Not in a creepy way, but it never failed to amuse her how he would “just happen” to show up to help take a shower.

  Then again, he was the same with Thomas.

  Mmm. There’s a thought. A nice shower sandwich between her boys. Her skin flushed. She needed to focus or she’d be hornier than hell, and she hated interrupting Tyler. Thomas had left at seven for the office, had meetings all day, and wouldn’t be home until after dinner.

  She’d suck it up until later. That would make her really ready. They’d all been exhausted the night before, too tired to do more than say good night. Today her fantasies made her pay for it.

  The novelty of having two horny guys chasing her hadn’t worn off yet. They didn’t make love every day, and they didn’t play the slave game most the time, either. If she was tired or didn’t feel good and they were in the mood, she was more than content to lay there with them and watch them, talking to them, touching them while they pleasured each other. Sometimes one of the boys was in the mood and the other wasn’t. Again, the third content to watch and be a part simply by being there, or even by holding her while the other fucked her. There were plenty of times where it started like that, then the third got in the mood along the way.

  She enjoyed cuddling in front of the TV with one or both and not getting groped if she wasn’t in the mood. Sometimes all she wanted was the contact of their skin against hers, and they were happy to oblige.