Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 53

  Thomas frowned then studied his feet again. “A Frank Lloyd Wright book I’d been looking for and couldn’t find because it was out of print. I couldn’t find any copies. He snagged a mint first edition.”

  “What did you give him?” He didn’t answer. “Thomas?”

  “All right.” He sighed. “I gave him a Wal-Mart gift card.” He looked at her. “Yes, I know, I was a schmuck. He hadn’t had time to wear off on me yet. I was still in grad school for chrissake.”

  She laughed. Tyler smiled. Tyler had educated Thomas in many ways since then. “What did he say when you gave it to him?”

  “He acted like it was the best thing he’d ever got.”

  She let that sink in a moment before softly asking, “Why did you fall in love with Tyler?”

  Thomas rubbed his nose. “Because he made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. He didn’t try to change me. I know I’m not stupid, but he’s classy and he never made me feel like I wasn’t, even back then. Because I was still in school and making shit money, and frankly I was a loud-mouthed asshole jock back then, but he wasn’t ashamed to take me to meet his friends or the professors he worked with. He was always proud of me even though his friends turned their noses up at me because I wasn’t classy enough in their eyes.”

  He took a deep breath and finally met Tyler’s steady gaze. “He made me feel loved.”

  Mentally, she rejoiced. She knew from Tom’s face that the point had been made, but she needed to drive it home in a way he wouldn’t forget anytime soon.

  “Tell me about the first time you made love.”

  Thomas’ eyes remained on Tyler. He took a long time to answer. “We’d been going out maybe two weeks. I already knew I loved him. From talking we both knew we were bi, and I’d messed around with men a few times but I’d never had a serious relationship with a guy before. Not where I’d let them…” He didn’t finish.

  “Fuck you in the ass. That’s what you mean, right?” She hated talking about a tender, emotional event in such a crude way, but she hoped the harsh language would help Thomas put his cherished memory in proper perspective.

  “Yeah. I’d been with girls. I’d blown a guy and gotten blown, hand jobs, whatever. But I never met a guy I liked enough to do that with.”

  “That you trusted?”

  He still looked at Tyler. “Yeah,” he whispered. “That I trusted.”

  “Did he come onto you?”

  “No. We were sitting on his couch, watching a movie and drinking wine. I kept moving closer.” His eyes traveled across Tyler’s face. “We were talking. He looked at me and I fell into his eyes. Then I kissed him.”

  “How did that feel?” From the way his cock twitched at the memory, she suspected it had felt pretty damn good.

  “Good. I kept kissing him and then I asked if he had any rubbers.”

  Nevvie could easily imagine younger Thomas being that tactless and unromantic.

  Thomas continued. “I got his shirt off him and offered to give him a back rub, and then eventually we were naked in bed.”

  “Then what?” His cock slowly inflated. Tyler apparently enjoyed reliving the memory because he also stiffened.

  “He asked me what I wanted to do, what I was comfortable doing. I told him I’d never done that before. So the first thing he did was suck me off.” That brought out full wood for both men. “Then he had me fuck him, talked me through it, how to be gentle and savor it.”

  “Had you done that before?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  “You didn’t get him off?”

  “Not right then.” Thomas looked at the floor and his face turned red. “He got me off twice and then I asked him to…”

  “Fuck you?” she helped.

  He nodded. “Yeah. If I hadn’t asked he never would have done it. He didn’t want to pressure me.”

  “How did it feel?” She assumed he liked it knowing how much they enjoyed it now. Considering her virgin status in that department she looked forward to hearing more.

  Thomas took a deep breath and glanced at Ty. “Real good. He was gentle and slow and took a long time. He reached around and got me off a third time while he did it.”

  “What did you do then?”

  His face reddened again. “I rolled over and went to sleep.”

  She let them stand there for a moment. “Thomas,” she whispered. He turned to her. “Why do you love Tyler?”

  He looked at Tyler, who was crying. “Because he loves me.”

  “Hug, and you’d better mean it.”

  Thomas enveloped Tyler’s shorter frame while Tyler cried and apologized, his arms tightly wrapped around his lover, his friend—his soul mate. Eventually they stepped back. Nevvie frowned.

  “Ah ah ah! I didn’t say you could let go.”

  They both smiled. Thomas’ eyes were wet. They embraced, watching her. She left them standing there for a few moments.

  “Can I say something?” Thomas asked. She nodded.

  He dried his lover’s tears with his hands. “I’m sorry, Ty.” His voice choked with emotion. “I thought she was leaving, and then I was so scared we’d lose her. I don’t hate you. I love you. I thought she was going to die. I was angry and scared.” He broke down sobbing as Tyler clutched him, comforting him.

  This was how it should have been while she was in the hospital.

  “Okay, boys,” she eventually said. “Come here and give me some of that.” The men sat beside her, forming their group hug. After a few minutes she handed Tyler his phone. “I want the two of you to go into the bedroom.”

  “Why do I need this?”

  She touched both of their faces. “Because all the times I’ve gone with one of you and the other phoned in so we could talk while making love, never once have I had the pleasure of being the third on the phone. I want the two of you to go to bed and have some fantastic make-up sex. You’re going to leave the bedroom door open and make a hell of a lot of noise, and we’re going to pretend I’m not in the same house.”

  Thomas gently hugged Nevvie, kissing her. “And here I thought he was the evil genius.”

  Tyler leaned in and kissed her, then whispered in her ear, “You and I shall talk later, sweet.”

  The men stood. Thomas offered Tyler his hand. Tyler took it. She watched their bare asses leaving the living room and said, “Oh, boys.” They turned. “If you don’t do it right the first time, you’ll have to keep doing it until I’m convinced you’ve made up.”

  Both men laughed. Thomas slipped his arm around Tyler’s shoulder, while Tyler’s settled around Thomas’ waist. When they were in the bedroom she dialed his phone. Tyler laughed and answered.


  “Speaker phone, sir.”

  “Hold on.” She heard him find the button and lay it on the bed. “Can you hear?”

  “Yes. What’s going on?”

  She heard rustling from the bed, then Tyler. “He’s got me on my stomach and is giving me a back rub.”

  “How’s it feel?”

  “Good. He’s running his thumbs down the sides of my—oh!—spine. He just cracked me.”

  She laughed. After a few minutes she asked, “What’s going on, boys? Talk to me.”

  “I’m still rubbing his back,” Thomas said.

  “Well, it’s time for you to flip him over and rub his front.”

  “Okay, sweet, I’m rolled over.”

  She dropped her voice to the sexy tone she knew would get both men instantly fuck-ready. “Now, Thomas, I want you to suck Tyler’s cock for me, sugar.” He must have, because Tyler gasped. She carefully stood and snuck halfway down the hall, far enough she could see into the bedroom without them seeing her. “How’s it feel, Ty?”

  Ty had his hands tangled in Tom’s hair and watched his lover. “God, it feels great, Nevvie. I wish you could see him.” He threw his head back and closed his eyes.

  “He’s good?”

  “He’s the best…no offen

  “None taken, sweetie. Reach between his legs, Thomas, and gently rub his balls the way he likes. Take your time and make him moan. I want to hear him enjoy it.” She watched Tom bend to his task and from the way he squirmed on the bed, she imagined he was pretty horny, too.

  Tyler moaned again, drawing his legs up so Thomas had better access.

  In her sexiest tone, “Thomas, why don’t you finger him while you’re at it? You know he loves that.” Both men moaned at her command. Tyler gasped.

  “Talk to me, Tyler.”

  He barely could. “Oh, Nevvie, sweetheart, he’s got his finger in my arse and my cock down his throat. Oh, God, that feels good!” he gasped.

  From the looks of it, Tyler wouldn’t last more than a minute or two. Thomas knew exactly how to send Tyler into orbit. “Do you feel it building in your balls, baby? Do you feel that gentle squeezing he does, the way he milks it out of you? Do you like that?”

  Tyler moaned, his hands on Thomas’ head, and there it was. “Oh God, Nevvie, I’m coming!” On the bed he spasmed, thrusting his hips into Thomas’ mouth. Tom didn’t miss a drop, sucking and licking Ty until he knew every last wave had run its course. She wished she was with them but wanted them to have this time alone to re-bond.

  “Thomas, don’t stop licking him until you’re sure he’s through.” Thomas moaned. From the way he went at it, she knew Tyler wouldn’t have any problem getting him off.

  Thomas eventually lifted his head and kissed Tyler’s cock. “He’s done, Nevvie.”

  “Tell me how he tasted. You know I love the way you both taste.”

  “Good, Nevvie. Real good.” Thomas’ sexy growl told her he was more than ready.

  “Go wash up and get back in bed.” He did, and a moment later was lying next to Tyler.

  “I’m back.”

  “I want you to kiss.” They did, and she fought the urge to join them. She was wet from watching and listening. The painkiller was starting to work though, and she felt woozy. She needed to sit down soon before it knocked her out. “Tyler, you know what I want you to do, don’t you?”

  “You want me to suck his cock.”

  “That’s right, sweetheart.” Tyler kissed his way down Thomas’ firm chest, across the flat plain of his abs, and slowly nuzzled his cock. “What’s he doing, Tom?”

  Tom lifted his head and watched Tyler. “He’s getting…Oh, baby, he’s got me in his mouth.”

  She smiled. Tyler had taught her exactly what to do to get Tom off, so she knew what he was doing. “How’s it feel? Tell me what he’s doing.”

  “He’s licking me, baby, swirling his tongue…Oh!”

  “Deep throat him, Ty. I want to hear him.”

  Tyler did, automatically reaching between Tom’s legs to massage his sac, eliciting a deep, satisfied moan from Tom. “He’s doing it,” Thomas gasped.

  “Tyler, I know you love the way he tastes. I want you to suck every last drop out of him. I want to hear him make a lot of noise, baby.”

  “He’s—oh yeah!” Thomas fucked his hips into Ty’s mouth as he came, and a moment later the men were cuddled in each other’s arms.

  She returned to the couch. “Come out here and kiss me, both of you.”

  She hung up and waited, listening for the sound of the bed. They padded out a moment later, smiling, kneeling before her. Thomas was first. He kissed her deeply, leaving her breathless from his passion.

  “Very good.” Tyler was next and she tasted more of Thomas on him, or maybe it was her own good memories from earlier in the morning. “Mmm, yum.”

  She gripped their hands. “I want you to go back and make love for me, okay? I’m going to take a nap. Leave the door open so I can hear.”

  They both leaned in to kiss her one last time before returning to the bedroom. She relaxed, closing her eyes, trying to stay awake. She drifted to sleep to the distinct tone of Tyler moaning while Thomas fucked him.

  * * * *

  She awoke before dark to the aroma of frying bacon. The living room TV was on, but with the sound turned low. The men stood in the kitchen, shirtless, but wearing boxers. She watched as they worked together to cook dinner. Thomas occasionally patted Tyler on the ass to get by, Tyler put his hand on Tom’s back, both smiling and talking in low tones so as not to wake her.

  Status quo re-established. Moving with caution she stood, startling them when she appeared in the kitchen doorway.

  “Are we okay now?” she asked.

  They looked at each other and nodded.

  She kissed Thomas, then Tyler. “Please don’t ever scare me like that again. Promise?”

  “We promise,” Thomas said. “I’m sorry we put you through more stress. And I’m sorry about—”

  “You’re still my masters, and I’m still your little slave. Truth be told, the Halloween party was fun.” She looked at Tyler. “Now I understand why you planned it so well.”

  He hung his head. “I’m sorry you thought we were using you, Nevvie. I never wanted you to think that, sweetheart.”

  “Shh. Stop, it’s okay. Good make-up sex after I fell asleep?”

  The men grinned.

  “I’m sorry I missed that.” She took a deep breath. “You know, I’ve been thinking I’d like to change my name.”

  Tyler frowned in confusion. “What?”

  “How does Nevaeh Kinsey-Paulson sound to you two?”

  Their jaws dropped and they gently hugged her.

  “Fantastic,” Tyler said.

  “Beautiful,” said Thomas.

  “Good. Then that’s settled. After Alex’s trial is over, we’ll do it. I don’t want to do it before.”

  “Because it would look odd on the witness list,” Tyler said.

  “Yes. I imagine it’s going to be interesting enough. Don’t need to add any other acts to that three-ring circus. Of course, you know what that means, right?”

  Both men shook their heads, confused.

  With a sultry smile and sexy voice she purred, “It means once my name is changed, I’ll have given myself, totally, to my masters. Then they can finally take what’s rightfully theirs to have.”

  The men were a little slow on the uptake. She blamed it on stress. Tyler got it first, then Thomas a moment later. Both men smiled.

  “Seriously?” Tyler whispered.

  “It’s only fair.” She studied his blue eyes. God, she loved these men. “I know you won’t hurt me. You’ll be as gentle as you were with Thomas.”

  Thomas put his hand on the small of her back. “We’ll be gentle, we promise. And if it doesn’t—”

  She stopped him. “It’ll feel great because I know you will have it all planned, right?”

  Tyler grinned, kissing her again. “Yes, sweetheart, we’ll have it planned.”

  * * * *

  Dinner was wonderful. She managed to sit at the table without too much pain. Tyler made her favorite comfort food—BLT sandwiches on soft honey wheat bread, the bacon cooked exactly how she liked.

  Of course.

  After dinner she settled on the couch while the boys cleaned up the kitchen. They watched TV and talked for a while then she waved them over.

  “Help me up. Let’s go to bed.”

  She sighed as she nestled against Tyler. His body fit her perfectly like that, exactly supporting and holding her. Facing Thomas, she tucked her head in the crook of his arm while his other rested across them on Tyler’s hip. Like that, they fell asleep as one.

  She had no bad dreams.

  * * * *

  The next morning she opened her eyes to find Thomas watching her.

  “Good morning, sugar.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “How’d you sleep?”

  She caressed his cheek. “Real good, now that I’m back where I belong.”

  Tyler gently squeezed her shoulder and kissed the nape of her neck. “Good morning, love.”

  She patted his hand, still too sore to turn her head that far. “Good morning.” Then she noticed the time, afte
r eight. “Oh, geez, I’m sorry guys. I didn’t realize I’d slept that late.”

  “It’s okay,” Thomas said. “We’ve been awake for a while. We didn’t want to disturb you.”

  “You stayed in bed so I wouldn’t wake up?” He nodded. “My boys are back for good, right?”

  “Yes,” they said.

  Thomas leaned in for another kiss. “I’ll go start coffee and get your morning meds.”

  “Thank you.”

  He carefully rolled away, trying not to jostle her. Naked, he walked to the kitchen. She watched his backside down the hall as long as she could.


  Tyler laughed. “Reading my mind again, sweet?” He moved out of her way so she could roll over and look at him.

  She touched his cheek. “There you are.”

  He brushed the hair from her face. “Here I am, love. Always.” He leaned in for a proper kiss, his eyes locked on hers. “Thank you, love,” he whispered. “Thank you from the bottom of my soul.”

  “Tyler, if you think I’m letting you two screw things up around here, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  “You’re bloody brilliant. You should go back to school, become a psychologist.”

  “Hey, I learned from the master.”

  Tyler laughed out loud. “Have I ever told you how much I absolutely love you?” His eyes bored into hers and she felt the pull with him, that special unique connection that was different from, but equally strong as, what she had with Thomas.

  “I love you, too. Don’t you ever forget it. Now help me up and get your ass out to the kitchen to make my coffee before Tom does.”

  He grinned. “Gladly. Anything for my angel.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Nevvie’s physical wounds healed. She had to force Thomas to go back to the office, and Tyler to get back to writing. Both wanted to wait on her hand and foot. While Thomas moved on and put it behind him, Tyler was still deeply wrapped in his guilt and shame over the events, no matter how much she assured him that it wasn’t his fault.