Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 56

  Nudging Tyler’s legs apart, she took Thomas into her mouth, using her hand to stroke Tyler and not lose any ground. She was already wet, and when she knew Thomas was slick enough to not hurt Tyler she sat up and helped position him.

  She put Tyler’s cock between her legs and whispered to Thomas, “Now.”

  Together, Thomas gently slid his cock into Tyler while she impaled herself on his now-rigid shaft.

  Tyler’s eyes flew open. Nevvie planted her lips on his, holding him through his initial resistance. Then he relaxed as he responded to her.

  “We love you, Tyler,” she whispered. “We need you.”

  He moaned against her neck, wrapping his arms around her and tightly holding her. When he thrust into her she tapped Thomas on the arm. As one they rolled over with Nevvie on her back on the bottom while Tyler kissed her and took long, slow strokes.

  Thomas kissed Tyler’s back, lightly running his fingers down his skin and massaging his ass before holding his hips and taking several gentle, easy thrusts.

  “We love you, sugar,” he said, his voice low and hoarse. “Man, we’ve been together too long. You can’t leave me.”

  She felt Tyler’s approaching climax and held on. With his face pressed against her neck she whispered, “Master, your little slave needs both her masters to make her happy. You promised me anything. I have to have you with me.”

  “Ahhh!” He took two hard thrusts before emptying inside her, his body shaking.

  Thomas’ climax wasn’t far behind. When he finished he sat up, trying to keep his weight off them.

  Tyler sobbed. “I love you both so much. I’m so tired of hurting you.”

  “Shh. It’s okay,” she whispered.

  Thomas went to clean up and came back with a washcloth for Tyler. He slipped into bed and held both of them. They cradled Tyler between them as he cried, still more than a little drunk. He finally fell asleep in their arms and Thomas kissed her.

  “Thank you for finding him. I never would have thought of it.”

  She nodded, her arms wrapped around Tyler, and tried to sleep.

  * * * *

  Tyler was still asleep on her shoulder the next morning. She felt Thomas’ foot next to hers and rubbed her toes along it. He lifted his head and looked at her over Tyler’s shoulder.

  “Good morning,” he silently mouthed.

  She nodded, snuggling tightly against Tyler. He awoke twenty minutes later. She felt the change, then heard his sharp intake of breath when he realized he wasn’t alone and that it hadn’t been a dream. He couldn’t see her face. She knew he was trying to decide if she was awake.

  She nudged him to her breast and he gently took her nipple into his mouth.

  She sighed, “Thank you, Master.” She’d been more than willing to forego her own pleasure the night before, but she was still horny.

  He lifted his head. “How can you both still want me?”

  With her hand on his neck, she gently pushed him back to her breast. “Your little slave needs her sweet master to love her. My other master needs you, too. It would break our hearts not to have you with us.” She kissed the top of his head as he suckled her, the familiar pulsing throb starting in her lower belly. “We’re a family. Family doesn’t up and leave when times get tough, right?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “Don’t speak with your mouth full,” she teased.

  Tyler laughed, lifting his head. His eyes were wet with tears. “I’m sorry, Nevvie.”

  She kissed him. “Quit apologizing. And quit trying to make it all better. We can handle this.”

  Thomas put his arm around Tyler’s waist. “She’s right. We’re okay. If you need us, you can lean on us the way we lean on you. The two of us are strong enough to carry you.” He stroked Tyler’s cheek, his voice growing hoarse. “We’ve been together too long for me to lose you, Ty. Please.”

  Tyler nodded and kissed him, then kissed Nevvie. “How did you get in my room?”

  “She’s overthrown your evil genius title, sugar.”

  His blue eyes settled on hers, melting her. “Thank you, love.” He kissed her then worked his way down her belly, settling between her legs. Thomas cradled her while Tyler brought her to the edge, working two fingers into her, teasing her, finally letting her come after she begged for it.

  After dozing for a while they moved to the shower to clean up. Nevvie didn’t say anything but noticed the empty bottle in the wastebasket by the sink. Thomas must have dumped it.

  At breakfast, Tyler sat on her side of the booth and barely spoke.

  She patted him on the thigh. “We’re going home after we check out, and tomorrow we’ll sleep late.”

  He wouldn’t meet their eyes. “Then back to fucking court on Monday.”

  Thomas leaned over the table. “It won’t be bad. Nevvie might not even have to testify again for the victim impact part.”

  Nevvie noted Tyler’s confusion. “Ty, they convicted him. The jury came back after ten minutes. Sentencing is on Monday.”

  He closed his eyes, dropping his head. “Bloody hell. I thought for sure I’d made a right balls-up of my testimony.”

  Thomas patted Tyler’s hands. “This is why we keep telling you to stop trying to fix stuff that ain’t broke. If you hadn’t taken off you’d have known. There weren’t any reporters at the house when Bob drove us home. The State Attorney said your little speech probably sealed the case.”

  Tyler finally laughed, lifting his head. “To top it all off, somehow I managed to lose my blasted ATM card. We’ll have to cancel it and get a new one.” He frowned when Nevvie and Thomas laughed. “What? I don’t see anything funny about that.”

  Nevvie smiled and handed it to him. Thomas leaned forward again, dropping his voice. “As I tried to tell you, our little slave has overthrown your evil genius title.”

  Tyler turned to her and smiled, then leaned in for a kiss. “What would I ever do without you, angel?” he whispered.

  She squeezed his hands. “Just doing my job.”

  “What, taking care of your master?”

  She caressed his cheek. “No, Tyler. Taking care of my husband.”

  * * * *

  Tyler rode with Nevvie. She’d confiscated his keys before breakfast, just in case. He slumped in the passenger seat, his top two buttons open, shirt rumpled, his tie and jacket on the back seat. She didn’t push him to talk and waited to speak until they finally reached Alligator Alley.

  “When will you understand you don’t need to break your back or beat yourself up?”

  He looked out the window, studying the sawgrass flats and refusing to meet her gaze. “I don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of either of you lately.”

  “Stop it. That’s the kind of stuff we mean.” She patted his thigh. “We love you the way you are. Just be you, stop trying to make it all better. We love you no matter what. You don’t need to buy our love.”

  He looked at her sharply. “What do you mean, buy your love?”

  “You don’t get it. If you never fixed me a cup of coffee again, I’d still love you. Thomas would still love you if you never ironed another shirt. All of that. Everything. We will still and always love you. You are more than good enough, Tyler. Take us at our word. You don’t have to prove yourself. There are no scorecards in our heads tallying up how much you do for us on any given day for us to say, ‘Okay, he reached the limit, we love him.’ The fact that you love us is enough.”

  She held her right hand out to him until he took it. She squeezed and softened her voice. “Just love us. We love everything you do for us, but that’s not why we love you.”

  He finally squeezed back.

  She softened her voice even further. “I need you the way you are. I need you nurturing and nourishing my heart and soul. Thomas has enough strength to take care of both of us, and he needs us taking care of him.”

  She glanced at him. “All things considered, you did a damn good job. Because of you we are a family. You b
rought us together.”

  He met her eyes the next time she looked at him. Maybe her words finally struck home. He was wounded so deeply, years of not dealing now catching up with him. So many years, so much pain.

  If she ever met his father she’d deck the son of a bitch. And she didn’t feel warm fuzzies for his mother, either.

  She kept trying. “Let’s face it, I’m the queen of abandonment issues, I know a thing or two about getting dumped by family. Fuck ‘em. Your father’s an asshole, your mom’s an ungrateful bitch. You have Thomas, and you have me, and you have a whole household of Kinsey women who not-so-secretly drool over you.”

  Finally, a genuine smile. “Karen goosed my ass at Thanksgiving.”

  Nevvie faked a territorial growl. “She’d better keep her hands off my husband. I don’t share well, especially not with my sister-in-law.”

  He laughed.

  “I want you to ride home with Thomas after the next gas stop.” She glimpsed his fear and clarified. “You need to spend some time alone together because you haven’t had that in a while. I’ll go on ahead and—” she dropped her voice, “prepare something special for my sweet husbands.”

  He looked surprised at the way she changed the words. Usually she reserved that tone of voice for the slave game.

  “Husband, Ty,” she whispered. “You’re my husbands. Got it?”

  He nodded. “I love you, Nevvie. I love him, but I need you.”

  “I know.”

  * * * *

  Tyler pumped gas for the Lexus while Tom filled the Ridgeline. She walked over to Thomas and leaned in close. “He’s riding home with you.”

  “Why? Did something happen?”

  “No. You need to talk. Tell him the things that maybe he hasn’t heard from you in a while because I’ve been around. You don’t get a lot of private time.” She turned, blocking the view, and grabbed his crotch. “I’ll have a surprise waiting for you both, my sweet husband.”

  Like Tyler, he was surprised, his reaction to her tone of voice the same.

  Pavlov would have been proud.

  She kissed them both before leaving and hugged Tyler tightly. “Talk with him.”

  “Be careful, sweetheart.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie quickly pulled ahead, pushing the Lexus and holding it at eighty. She left them behind and ran through a mental list in her head of things she’d need. She’d completed her preparations by the time the boys pulled into the driveway nearly forty-five minutes after her.

  It was dark, and the way she stood inside the doorway made her visible only to the boys from the driveway. When they realized she was naked, both smiled.

  Tyler hugged her, sliding his hands down her back to her hips, pulling her to him. “I’m not sure how active I’ll be tonight, sweet.”

  “That’s okay. I wanted to give you a nice homecoming.”

  Tyler kissed her then Thomas walked in and closed the front door. “Mmm. Me like.”

  She grinned and kissed him. “I’d hoped you would.”

  They followed her to the kitchen. Except for the light over the kitchen sink, the living room and kitchen were bathed in candlelight.

  She’d been busy.

  Three steaks sat on the counter, ready to grill, and she had the side dishes almost finished. “I’m assuming one of you will cook these for me?” she purred. “I’ve already lit the grill, but I don’t think you want me covering up, and I don’t want to risk going out in the backyard nekkid in case there’s any free-range photographers on the loose.”

  Thomas grinned. “See, Ty? That’s how you say it. Nekkid.” He patted her bum. “I’ll do it. You get the fugitive settled.” He washed his hands and grabbed the plate, taking it out to the patio.

  Tyler leaned on the counter. “How did I get so lucky?”

  She put her arms around him. “Well?”

  He rested his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. “We had a good talk, sweetheart. Better than we’ve had in a long time, I should think.”


  He finally met her eyes. “Again I ask, how did I get so lucky? To find two people willing to put up with me?”

  * * * *

  Nevvie and Thomas spent all day Sunday focused on Tyler. By the time they went to bed they’d noticed a marked improvement in his demeanor. They met Bob at the courthouse at nine on Monday morning. The State Attorney told him he would get by with reading Nevvie’s witness impact letter and not have her testify.

  Nevvie sat, flanked by Thomas and Tyler, with Bob seated directly behind them. She closed her eyes and tightly held the men’s hands as the judge looked at Alex.

  “I’m sentencing you to twenty-five years in state prison.”

  Alex exploded and lunged. Two bailiffs grabbed him and wrestled him to the floor as he screamed, “I’m gonna kill you, ya goddamned fag whore! Gonna kill you and your little fag boyfriends!”

  Tyler tensed but didn’t react.

  Another bailiff helped drag Alex from the courtroom. Nevvie looked up and smiled.

  Bob patted her shoulder. “It’s over, Nevvie. The nightmare’s over.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  They were back at the courthouse three weeks later. This time, in family court.

  The judge studied the three, probably trying to put it together in his mind, sensing there was more to the story than they let on.

  The judge signed the paperwork. “Congratulations, Ms. Kinsey-Paulson. Here’s your paperwork.”

  The two men hugged her, they shook hands with Bob, and the three walked out, hand in hand, with her in the middle.

  In the hallway they steered Nevvie to a nearby bench and knelt in front of her. Tyler pulled the ring box from his jacket and looked at Thomas.

  “Go ahead, Ty,” he said. “I had the honor last time.”

  Tyler looked into her eyes. “Sweetheart,” he said in a low tone, “we love you. We want you with us forever.” He slipped the ring onto her left hand, next to the other ring. The intricate pattern on the gold band exactly matched the ones Tyler and Thomas wore. “We will never leave you, always cherish you as our wife, love you forever.”

  She smiled and kissed Tyler, then Thomas. “I love you both. I don’t want to be anywhere but with you, my husbands.” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “I don’t want to be anywhere but with my sweet masters.”

  Both men grinned. She suspected it would be a minute before either could stand and walk without their cocks leading the way. Tyler leaned in and whispered in her right ear, “You are our beautiful, sweet slave, and I promise to always be a loving, dutiful master and keep you happy.”

  She flushed, the heat behind his words churning her belly with liquid, molten need.

  Then Thomas leaned in and whispered in her left ear, “We will always keep our little slave at our side. We are your masters, and we love you with all our hearts.”

  She gripped both men’s hands, and they knew she wanted them as badly as they wanted her.

  Bob appeared and they tried to compose themselves.

  “Well, congratulations you three.”

  Thomas asked the question. “Have you heard anything about Alex?”

  “He won’t be eligible for parole for at least eight years. Don’t worry, Nevvie, if it gets to that point we’ll mount a challenge to the parole board to keep him behind bars for his full sentence.”

  Both men squeezed her hands, comforting her. “Thanks, Bob,” she said.

  “It’s okay.” He looked at Thomas, then to Tyler and shook his head, dropped his voice. “You lucky bastards. All the years I’ve known you, this takes the cake.” He looked at Nevvie. “I’m sure the three of you will present me with some interesting situations over the years, won’t you?”

  Tyler smiled. “There might be some little ones in the future.”

  Bob laughed. “Yes, because you three haven’t complicated life enough as it is. I’ll let you know when the final paperwork is ready to pick up and get all the chang
es made for you.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie left the courthouse arm in arm with her boys.

  “Now we’re truly ‘TNT,’” Tyler joked.

  She grinned, staring at the new ring on her hand. “That we are.” She squeezed their arms. “You know you guys can’t ever break up, right?”

  “Not that it’s in the stars, but why?” Thomas asked.

  “Because you’d have to fight over who gets custody of me, that’s why. You know I refuse to choose. You’re both stuck with me.”

  The men laughed. With their arms around her they walked to the old Ford truck and got in, Nevvie between them.

  When they walked in the front door at home, Nevvie spun around in the hallway. “I can’t believe this really happened.”

  The men smiled and leaned against the door, arms crossed. “Believe it, love,” Tyler said. “You’re all ours.”

  “All ours,” Thomas echoed.

  “What?” she asked when they didn’t move.

  Both men raised their eyebrows. She grinned. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse, noticing how the fronts of both men’s slacks immediately tented. She felt strong, powerful.


  “Leave the shoes on, Nev,” Tyler whispered in a husky voice as he stepped forward. “I want to see those heels up in the air while I’m fucking you. God you’re sexy.”

  She flushed, her nipples hardening at his erotic growl. She dropped her shirt to the floor and reached back to unzip her skirt. Thomas stepped forward. As her skirt fell to the tile and she stepped out of it, he reached between her legs. Per their orders she’d gone without a bra or panties. He slipped two fingers into her, found her wet and ready, and slowly pumped them deep inside her.

  She bit her lower lip and moaned.

  “You like that, don’t you, sugar?” Thomas asked.