Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 9

  By the time Ray finished the tour, the hosts were ready to give what was apparently a customary introductory speech, going over the rules and making sure everyone was on the same page logistically. At the end, some gravitated toward the buffet table, some toward equipment, and some broke off into small groups to talk or watch.

  Tyler followed Ray through the building until Ray found the man he sought. “Hey, Oot, this is Tyler.”

  At first glance, Oot looked to be a handsome teenaged punk rocker. Closer examination revealed the age lines around Oot’s light blue eyes, probably putting his age closer to thirty. Approximately Tyler’s height even though Oot had a slimmer build, and his short, almost painfully spiked black hair was dyed a uniform shade of coal. His black leather collar bore a small padlock.

  He smiled and extended a hand. “Nice to meet you. Master told me about you.”

  “Oot’s my slave, but he’s also a switch,” Ray said.

  “Beg pardon?”

  Ray smiled. “He’ll play top or bottom, depending on the situation.”


  A woman dressed in a leather harness leaving nothing to the imagination walked up and deeply kissed Ray. “Hello, Sir.”

  “Hello, kitten. Where’s your owner?”

  “He’s changing. He told me to see if you were here yet.”

  Ray smacked her bottom. “I’m here. You ready for me?”

  She wiggled her ass, earning her another smack. “I’m always ready.”

  “That’s the truth. Tyler, this is kitten with a lowercase k. She belongs to Daddy Saul.”

  “Nice to meet you, Tyler.”

  “Um, nice to meet you too, kitten.”

  “Are you playing with Ray tonight?” she asked.

  Ray smacked her ass. “Don’t you worry about who’s playing. Worry about your own business.”

  From somewhere at the other end of the space, a man’s voice bellowed, “Kitten!”

  “Whoops! Gotta run!” She dashed off in the direction of the voice.

  Ray and Oot laughed. “She’s gonna get whomped for making him wait,” Oot said with a grin.

  Tyler didn’t ask for clarification. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  He spent the evening watching, talking to Ray, Oot, and others, and asking questions.

  He also spent the evening with a rock-hard erection.

  Part of him felt slightly ashamed of the fantasies running through his head. Another part of him felt more than a little envious of the other partygoers who so obviously embraced their activities. He wished he could let go, feel free enough to do what they did.

  At one point Ray took a break and led Tyler to a quiet corner. Tyler had watched him play with several couples, straight and gay, usually as the third person and not in a sexual way, simply as a top, Oot had explained.

  “So, how are you doing?”

  Tyler nodded, feeling mentally hazy from all he’d observed. “Good, I think.”

  “Anything you feel like trying out?”

  He wanted to blurt out everything, but stopped himself. “I think so, but I’m nervous.”

  Ray stroked his arm, left his hand resting on Tyler’s. “Nervous is normal. Everyone’s nervous the first time they play. You can do as little or as much as you feel like doing. I respect safe words. Nothing happens that you don’t want to happen.”

  Tyler looked around. This would be a lot less nerve wracking if his first time wasn’t in front of a bunch of people. He dropped his voice. “Can we use one of the private spaces?”

  “Of course. Mind if Oot plays with us, or would you rather it just be me?”

  Tyler blushed. The thought of not just one, but two men controlling him was too overwhelming to pass up. “I don’t mind.”

  Ray grabbed his equipment, corralled Oot, and led Tyler to one of the private spaces after it was vacated. A multi-level bench sat in the middle. Ray pulled the curtains shut and turned to Tyler. “Okay, up front. What’s off limits?”

  Tyler shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  Ray touched Tyler’s shoulder and left his hand resting there. “How about since this is your first time we’ll take it easy on you. Some light- to medium-impact play. I won’t draw blood, no knife play, no serious pain, no humiliation, no edge play.”

  Tyler nodded.

  “You want anything to stop, you say ‘red.’ You feel you’re too close to the edge, you call ‘yellow.’ If I ask you if you’re okay and everything’s okay, you say ‘green.’ Don’t hesitate to say ‘red’ or ‘yellow’ if you need to, for whatever reason.” He winked. “Is that okay with you?”

  Tyler nodded.

  Ray’s eyes crinkled at the edges when he smiled. He didn’t remove his hand from Tyler’s shoulder. His voice lowered in tone and volume. “You just want someone to take care of you. You want to be a good boy for me, don’t you?”

  Tyler’s heart raced. He nodded as his cock throbbed in his pants.

  Ray stepped closer. At some point in the evening he’d shed his shirt and vest. His bare chest was free of any hair and naturally muscled. Not like he worked out, but as if used to staying active. Tyler suspected it was due in no small part to these kinds of activities. On his back, Tyler noticed earlier, Ray bore a colorful tattoo of a dragon between his shoulder blades.

  “Tyler, do you want to be a good boy for me right now?”

  Unable to speak, Tyler nodded.

  Still in the same low tone, Ray said, “Get those clothes off so we can take care of you.” Ray squeezed his shoulder before releasing it. He stepped back, watching him.

  With trembling fingers, Tyler started unbuttoning his shirt. This was really happening. It felt oddly the same as his experience with Marcus, yet different. He knew from his talks with Ray that he would check in frequently, would make sure Tyler was okay, would give him any and every chance to stop the play if it became too intense.

  He would be the center of attention, not simply a means of gratification.

  When he stood there naked, Tyler waited for further instructions. Ray nodded to Oot, who removed a set of four leather cuffs from the duffel bag and fastened them to Tyler’s wrists and ankles. As he knelt at Tyler’s feet, he stroked the back of Tyler’s left calf.

  “You have beautiful legs, Ty,” Oot softly said.

  Tyler blushed. “Thank you.”

  Ray chuckled. “Maybe when you get to know us better we can do some private play,” he suggested.

  Oot stood. “I’d like that, Master.”

  Ray arched an eyebrow at Tyler. “What about you? Would you like that?”

  Tyler didn’t trust his voice. He nodded.

  Ray pulled him into his arms and kissed him. “Let’s get you a little less comfortable,” he teased. He led Tyler to the padded bench, where Oot had spread a towel on top. He had Tyler lie facedown and straddle it, his knees resting on the lower level. The men quickly worked to clip his cuffs to eyelets screwed into the supports.

  Ray ran his hand through Tyler’s hair, his nails dragging along his scalp in a pleasurable way. Then he knelt down in front of Tyler. “How are we doing?”


  Ray nodded. “Very good. Do you want to be my boy?”

  The way he said it reminded him nothing of the way Marcus had said it. He was giving Tyler a choice, an option.

  An invitation.


  Tyler felt a gentle caress along his spine, down to his ass, but no attempt to penetrate.


  “I own Oot,” Ray said. “If you want to be my boy, I’d let Oot play with you, too. Is that okay?”


  Ray smiled. “I promised Oot he could have a subbie of his own because he’s been a good boy.” Tyler felt warm lips feather across his ass, gentle fingers stroking the backs of his thighs. “Oot loves sensual play. I’m more of a sadist. We’ll see how you like tonight, then we can talk more.”


  Ray stood and walked
around behind Tyler. Tyler couldn’t see where he went or what he did.

  Oot’s hands and lips disappeared. Then he felt another set of hands, Ray’s he suspected, massage his back, stroking, rubbing. “I want you relaxed so you enjoy this, Tyler,” Ray softly soothed. He worked his way from Tyler’s shoulders down to his hips, his ass, to the backs of his legs. The feeling was wonderful, and while not overtly sexual, it made Tyler’s cock throb even harder.

  Fingers brushed against his balls, making him jump against his restraints. “On another night, I wouldn’t mind spending a lot of time playing with this.”

  Tyler squirmed, trying to get closer to the hand, to not lose the contact.

  A slap on his ass. “Quit wiggling,” Ray playfully warned. “I didn’t give you permission to do that.”

  Tyler wasn’t sure how long that went on, Oot’s hands joining Ray’s on his body, massaging, kneading, caressing. Tyler felt himself sinking into a pleasant haze of emotions, nothing like he’d ever felt before.

  Ray knelt beside him. “Ready for more?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Mmm. I like the sound of that from you. How are we, Ty?”


  “Excellent.” He patted Tyler’s shoulder, then all contact disappeared for a moment.

  A hand caressed his ass. “I’m going to start right here,” Ray said. His comment was followed by a light slap from a strap. Tyler jumped, but more from being startled than pain. Ray worked the strap across his ass and thighs, mixed in with caresses from his hand and what felt like soft strokes from something soft, perhaps fur.

  “Blindfold him,” Ray said. Oot carefully slipped a soft cloth blindfold over his eyes, heightening Tyler’s arousal. His cock screamed for attention as Ray continued the varied strokes, switching between different implements and his hands.

  Time folded. Tyler could have been there ten minutes or ten hours, he didn’t know. During a pause in the activity, he sensed Ray kneel next to him again, his voice soft in Tyler’s ear.

  “How are we?”

  “Green!” Tyler gasped.


  “Yes, Sir!”

  “Do you want me to make you come?”

  “Please!” Tyler knew he’d beg if asked to do so. He felt like he was floating. Maybe this was the subspace Marcus had referred to. He didn’t want it to end, yet his painfully throbbing cock wanted attention in the worst way.

  “You have to earn it.”

  “Okay!” Tyler knew he would do pretty much anything at that point to feel relief.

  “Wrap him,” Ray said.

  “Oh, goodie!” Oot said. Tyler heard something, then felt hands pull on his hips, sliding him down the bench just enough that another set of hands could reach his cock. He suspected it was Oot who rolled the condom on him. Ray’s hand stroked his ass again before delivering a stinging slap.

  “You’re going to come for me, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  “Stroke him.”

  A hand firmly gripped his cock and started working in time with every blow delivered to his flesh. Ray switched from using his hand to implements at some point, and then delivered a sharper sting, more directed. A riding crop if Tyler was forced to guess.

  The pain increased, spreading through Tyler’s body as he felt his mind lifting, free-falling as if released from his tethers and awash in a sea of sensations, pain and pleasure rolled into one large ball he didn’t want to escape from.

  “I want to hear you scream your head off, boy,” Ray chastised, picking up the pace as Oot continued stroking his cock. “Let’s hear you yell.”

  When Oot’s other hand cradled his sac and started stroking as Ray delivered several fast and hard strikes with the crop, Tyler fell over the edge. His body went rigid, pulling on the restraints as he let out a yell, his climax exploding in a way he’d never felt before. Soft darkness descended in his mind. He was aware of arms lifting and shifting him, removing him from the bench. Then he felt himself cradled against a firm chest as another set of arms encircled him. The warm softness of a blanket enveloped him.

  He cried.

  Chapter Ten

  When Tyler regained his senses, he found himself cradled in Ray’s lap while Oot rubbed his feet.

  “You okay?” Ray asked.

  Tyler nodded as he shivered.

  Oot disappeared for a moment and returned with a bottle of water. Ray held it to Tyler’s lips for him. “Drink. You don’t want to get dehydrated.”

  Tyler did, eventually reaching up to hold the bottle. A few minutes later he felt strong enough to stand, but the men didn’t rush him and let him sit there, supported by Ray.

  “Well?” Ray’s smile did something to Tyler’s heart.

  Tyler nodded.

  Oot grinned. “You beat him speechless, Master.”

  Tyler finally laughed. “Um, wow.” He shifted position and winced as he felt the sting in his ass. It was, he realized, not a bad sensation. “How long did that last?”

  “Nearly an hour. You sure you’re okay?”


  Ray helped him stand. “Oot, stay with him, take him into the bathroom, and help him get cleaned up and dressed. Make sure he eats something. You take care of him until I catch up with you later. Come get me if you need me.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Ray pressed his lips to Tyler’s forehead. “That was a blast. I love it when a sub enjoys a scene that much.” He brushed his hand through Tyler’s hair. “I’ll talk to you in a little while. Let Oot take care of you and help you recover.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ray and Oot smiled. “Hey,” Oot said, “it was our pleasure.”

  Oot helped him, carried his clothes for him and kept a supportive arm around him while Tyler held the blanket wrapped around himself. In the bathroom Oot removed the wrist and ankle cuffs, helped Tyler clean up and made sure he was truly steady on his feet. Then Oot led him to the buffet table, where he piled more food on Tyler’s plate after Tyler only picked a little at some selections.

  “Hey, eat up. Seriously. You don’t want to crash later.”

  Oot led him to a quiet corner where a few chairs were set up. Tyler watched others playing and asked questions, listened to Oot’s explanations. He studied Oot. “How old are you?”


  “What do you do?”

  Oot grinned. “Software programmer. I work for a local bank.” He leaned in. “Security software.”

  Tyler laughed. “Seriously?”

  “Yep. I don’t have to deal with the public. I work in a secure location, so they don’t care what I look like as long as I do my job. I actually clean up pretty well when I take the collar off and don’t spike my hair.”

  Tyler found himself really liking the friendly and talkative man.

  “What do you do, Ty?”

  “I’m currently teaching college, but I’m also a writer.”

  Oot’s eyes widened as he clapped a hand over his mouth. “Oh. My. God!” he gasped. “Tyler Paulson! Now I recognize you! I thought you looked familiar!”

  Tyler silently swore.

  Correctly recognizing Tyler’s look of fear, Oot grabbed his arm. “No, no, no, don’t worry. Unwritten code of sorts, you don’t out people. You’re safe. But damn! I loved Damning Thoughts! Oh, wow!”

  When Ray returned a while later, he sat on Tyler’s other side. “You okay?”

  Tyler nodded. “Still processing it, I think, but good.”

  Oot grinned, leaned in, and whispered something in Ray’s ear before he sat back and looked rather proud of himself.

  Ray smirked. “You just now figured that out? Oot, I knew that the other day when I met him at the Munch.”

  Oot’s face fell. “Oh. Why didn’t you tell me? This is so cool!”

  “Because Tyler’s just like the rest of us. He wants to enjoy himself and not have any worries. Right?”

  Tyler nodded. “Right.”
br />   Ray eyed Oot. “Don’t scare him away. I’d love to play with him again.”

  It struck Tyler that he didn’t know what Ray did for a living. “Can I ask what you do since it’s out in the open about me?”

  He smirked. “Sure. I’m a deputy county administrator.”

  * * * *

  Tyler left the party the same time Ray and Oot did, a little after three in the morning. Tyler went home and collapsed and slept until early afternoon. When he got up to shower, he examined his sore ass in the mirror. Bruises and welts clearly showed on his flesh, but when he ran his hand over them and remembered how getting them felt, his cock stiffened.

  Ray called him later that afternoon to check up on him. They chatted for a while, then came the invitation that took Tyler’s breath away. “How about you come over this Friday, plan to spend the night with us, maybe spend Saturday night too, if you want.”

  Tyler’s heart raced. “I’d love to.”

  * * * *

  Tyler arrived ten minutes early. He had, at the last minute, remembered to call Pete and tell him he wouldn’t be at the poker game. Ray answered the door dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Oot wore only a G-string and his collar.

  “Hey, come on in.” Ray led him inside, showed him around, and took him to the guest room where he could drop his overnight bag. Oot was cooking dinner. The delicious smells set Tyler’s stomach growling.

  Ray offered him something to drink. When they both had glasses of wine, he led him to the living room sofa to talk privately.

  “I wanted to talk with you before we really get hot and heavy,” he said. “Red still means red, even here. I’m offering you the chance to play our boy this weekend.”

  Tyler nervously nodded and sipped his wine.

  “What limits do you have for this weekend?”

  He wasn’t good at this. “I don’t know.”

  “Full penetration?” At Tyler’s obviously confused stare, Ray smiled. “Can we fuck you?”

  Tyler blushed, but nodded.

  “Good. I’m not into scat or watersports, don’t worry. We won’t be leaving the house, although the backyard is private, so I might make use of the pool at some point. I won’t leave any permanent marks, won’t draw blood. Not intentionally, at least. Neither will Oot. I’m not into humiliation but I am a sadist, so I will be amping up the pain levels somewhat from the other night. Is that a problem?”