Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 93

  Nevvie laughed. “You driving this? I’m not sure I’m comfortable with that.”

  Knowing he was already forgiven, Tyler kissed her, then Thomas. “They worked with me at the dealership before I even signed. They have a huge lot in the back where you can practice. It’s quite easy.”

  Thomas shook his head. “You can barely drive a motorcycle. You expect me to believe you can steer this land yacht?”

  Adam nodded. “Daddy did good. Only hit three cones.”

  Tyler quickly added, “That was just backing up in the beginning. I wasn’t used to the camera yet. We have an appointment tomorrow at two to come back for you both to get lessons.” He looked at them. “Well? Don’t you want to see the inside?”

  He gave them a quick tour and explained that the dealership would send someone over shortly to pick it up and bring Tyler’s car home. They couldn’t keep the RV parked at the house because of deed restrictions—and no room—and Tyler still had to make arrangements to get a spot in their subdivision’s RV storage yard. As Nevvie sat in one of the chairs near the front, Adam climbed into her lap.

  “Did we do good, Mommy?”

  Those huge, blue eyes. Just like Tyler. Just like Andrew. How could she or Thomas ever discipline him? In fact, it was increasingly obvious Tyler was apparently the only one immune to his “look,” frequently the one who had to be stern when called for.

  “You did great, baby.”

  “Daddy let me pick the color. Do you like it?” He looked worried, tiny creases furrowing his smooth brow.

  She laughed. “It’s beautiful, baby. You did good.”

  “I can’t wait! Daddy said we can see the whole country. We can go to Yellowrock and see buffalo!”

  Nevvie tried to decipher that and looked to Tyler for clarification.

  “Yellowstone,” he corrected.

  Thomas shook his head. “We need a tow dolly and a car for that. You can’t drive this crate around the park. It’s too big.”

  Tyler grinned. “Already taken care of. I went and talked to Rollo.”

  “Daddy let me pick the color out there too!” Adam chimed in.

  Thomas closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You bought a car, too?” Tyler was as mechanically inclined as a banana in a fruit salad.

  Nevvie laughed. “Oh, boy. What’d you get?”

  “A Pilot. Brand new. It seats eight, and Rollo is coordinating with the RV dealership to get a car hauler for us.” Tyler happily clapped his hands together. “I’ve taken care of everything, loves.”

  “You? Bought a car?” Thomas repeated.

  “Well I’m not a total ignoramus in that department, Thomas.”

  Thomas and Nevvie both arched an eyebrow at him.

  “I bought new!” Tyler defended himself. “It’s not like a used one. Thomas, you yourself said Rollo has never cheated us.”

  Nevvie and Thomas exchanged a look. “Well,” Thomas finally said, “I guess we’re going on a road trip.” He hugged Tyler and left his arm around his shoulders. “So when are we leaving, Evil Genius?”

  Tyler looked sheepish again. “Two weeks from Monday. I’ve already made us reservations in a campground out there.” He coughed, looked down. “And one more thing—”

  “Gwampa Andy is coming with us!” Adam happily exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air again.

  Nevvie and Thomas both raised their eyebrows. The surprises just kept coming.

  Tyler nervously laughed. “Well, I didn’t think you’d mind, loves. I’ve asked him to come over and join us. There’s plenty of room in here. And I think it would be good to spend time together as a family.”

  Nevvie sighed. Sure, a cross country drive in a vehicle nearly as big as the Queen Mary, with the five—make that six—of them.

  What could possibly go wrong?



  Love Slave for Two 3

  Love Slave for Two: Reunions

  Nevvie and Thomas think Tyler is nuts for coming home with an RV and an even crazier plan to travel from Florida to Seattle. What could be better than a family vacation with two kids and Tyler’s father?

  Perhaps finally putting the ghosts of Nevvie’s past to bed for good as she seeks answers to who she is.

  She begins to seriously doubt the wisdom of their journey as mishaps seemingly pile up by the mile. And when a tropical storm and medical emergency add to the mix, she considers pulling the plug. By the time they reach Seattle, she endures almost more than her sanity can take, including a ride in a patrol car, a stowaway, and nonconsensual use of handcuffs.

  And that’s before she’s given her mother a piece of her mind.

  Through it all she’ll discover that sometimes the longest journeys, no matter how trying, are the ones that bring you closest to family—and home.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 75,154 words


  Love Slave for Two 3


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Nevvie Kinsey-Paulson stared at the large RV now blocking their driveway. I cannot believe Tyler bought it without talking to me and Tommy first.

  She stared at it for another moment, somehow hoping it would disappear, or she’d wake up and find out it was some freaky dream.

  Nope. It still sat parked there.


  She turned to stare at Tyler, who’d just given them a tour of the damn thing.

  Then, on top of that, announcing we’re taking a trip across the fricking country to Yellowstone National Park? “And when, exactly, are we leaving?” Nevvie asked.

  Tyler cleared his throat. “Ah, two weeks from Monday.”

  Tom stared at the RV as Adam squirmed in his arms. “Poppa,” Adam said, “Daddy said we can stop at Grandma Peggy’s house, too.”

  Tom looked at Tyler. “Any other plans you want to share with us, Evil Genius?”

  Tyler blushed. “Loves, it’s been quite a while since we’ve had a family vacation. My father will fly over from London. We’ll venture west and enjoy ourselves as we explore this great country of ours. Take our time. Relax. Let’s face it, after the past couple of years we’ve had, we’ve more than earned it.”

  Nevvie smelled bullshit, but she wouldn’t deny that they’d earned it. Between Tyler’s heart attack, coupled with Tom’s motorcycle accident and his subsequent physical and emotional rehab, life had gotten a little rocky for them for a while before it settled down again.

  She crossed her arms. “You’re not thinking about driving this land yacht all the way to Seattle, are you?” Tyler was slated to speak at a book fair there in a few weeks. Spending that long cooped up with her two husbands, her two sons, and her father-in-law might be the death of her sanity despite how much she loved all of them.

  “Love! Do you take me daft? I’ve already arranged for a place to park it just outside the city. Hence another reason to have a ‘toad,’ as they told me it’s quaintly called, to haul behind the RV.”

  “So, in other words, yes.”

  Tom shook his head. “I still can’t believe you bought a car without talking to me first.”

  Nevvie’s jaw gaped. “You can’t believe he bought a car?” She waved her hands at the thirty-five-foot Class A RV. “What about that thing?”

  “Now, loves—” Tyler’s Lexus sedan pulled up behind the RV, with a strange man driving, saving Tyler from defending himself. “Ah, there’s the man to pick up the RV.” Tyler walked over and greeted him, exchanged keys with him, and the man climbed into the RV and carefully drove off with it while Tyler moved his car into their driveway.

  “Are you truly angry with me, Nev?” Tyler asked when he got out after parking it.

  She blew out an aggravated breath. “No, I’m not angry, Ty, I’m just—”

  “What the hell?” Tom interrupted. Another two cars pulled up, one of them a brand-
new Honda Pilot SUV, which the driver parked in their driveway.

  Adam clapped his hands. “The new car!”

  Nevvie quietly counted to ten under her breath. Somehow, she’d hoped Tyler had been kidding. She didn’t know why she’d expected him to be joking, but she’d hoped it nonetheless.

  “You’re sure you’re not angry, are you, love?” Tyler asked as he gathered her into his arms.

  She snuggled against him. “Aggravated, yes. Angry, no.”

  “You did say I could make the plans.”

  “Yes, I did. I just didn’t expect…this.”

  “I never do anything half-arsed. Surely you know that about me by now?”

  She looked up into his face. She couldn’t resist the playful gleam in his sweet, blue eyes. “Of course I do.”

  “Remember, two o’clock tomorrow, we go to the dealership and you and Thomas get a lesson in driving the RV.”

  “Oh, joy,” Tom snarked. “It’s not Nevvie and me I’m worried about, Evil Genius.”

  Nevvie’s doubts weren’t all to do with Tyler’s dubious driving skills. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just fly to Seattle?” she asked. “Rent a car there? And…you know…fly back home? From Seattle?”

  Tyler held her tightly. “It’s all right,” he whispered in her ear. “You don’t have to confront her if you don’t wish to.”

  Nevvie had green-lighted Tyler getting their attorney to track down her adopted mother, Mary. Once and for all, she wanted to find out about her birth parents. Not just to answer her own questions about her past and why Mary abandoned her, but for the sake of her sons. Since Tyler’s heart attack, Nevvie wanted to learn all she could about potential threats to her sons’ health.

  Nervous mother? Hell yes, she admitted it.

  She also wouldn’t deny she wanted answers, even though the questions no longer mattered. Why Mary was willing to abandon her when her stepfather, Preacher Jim, ordered her to.

  Why Mary didn’t love her enough to fight for her.

  Although any answer she gave Nevvie still wouldn’t change the fact that Nevvie had two husbands who loved her, two sons she adored, and a wide circle of friends and family that she wouldn’t trade for anything.

  Still, she needed those answers more than she ever wanted to admit.

  * * * *

  As they all returned to the house and Nevvie went to check on a sleeping Mikey, Tyler breathed a deep sigh of relief. While irritated at him, he knew neither Tom nor Nevvie were truly angry.

  He went into his study, shutting the door behind him. He sat down at his desk and booted his laptop. Once it came up, he pulled up the last document he’d been working on.

  Pure rubbish. He hated it.

  What he hadn’t admitted to either of his spouses was the fact that he was bloody stuck. Thirty-two thousand words into his latest book, a thriller promised to his publisher in four months, and he was totally, utterly frozen.

  And had been for several weeks.

  He sat back in his chair and stretched his arms over his head, hoping the words on the screen would magically rearrange themselves into some semblance of brilliance. Each book had been more successful than the last, and this was the long-anticipated sequel in one of his series.


  Nevvie had enough on her plate taking care of their sons, as well as her mental stress over meeting her adopted mother. He refused to add to her cares.

  No, this is my job. I’ll bloody well figure out how to do it.

  He just prayed the trip would help jog his creative process.

  * * * *

  By bedtime, Nevvie had gotten over the worst of her ire at Tyler.

  Tom, however, apparently still felt irritated. “I just cannot believe you’d go out and make purchases like this without at least talking to us first, Ty.” He ran a hand through his brown hair. “I mean, this isn’t a little thing you bought.”

  “I thought you said you liked them,” Tyler replied.

  “That’s not the point. And quit turning those big, blue, puppy-dog eyes on me. This is serious.”

  “We can well afford it.”

  “Again, not the point. You need to keep us in the loop about big-ticket purchases like this. Not to mention include us in the planning stages.”

  “Well, Nevvie said I could make the plans for the trip. She agreed we could drive—”

  “Whoa!” She held up her hands. “I never said go out and buy an RV. Don’t go putting this on me.” She dropped down onto the bed, her hands in her lap.

  “Plans for what trip?” Tom asked, turning to her.

  She took a deep breath. “I told him he could have Bob hunt down Mary.” She stared at her hands as she nervously worked her fingers together. “Bob found her. She lives in Sheridan, Wyoming.”

  “Wyoming? Mary? Who the hell—” Tyler leaned in and whispered in Tom’s ear. He went quiet. Then his expression turned somber. “Oh. Babe, I’m sorry. Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She nodded without looking up. “I have a right to know why.”

  The men sat on the bed, flanking her. “Love,” Tyler gently said, “it’s understandable that you wish to talk to her. If it’s going to be too hard on you, however, I’m all for not doing it.”

  “Me too, sugar,” Tom echoed. “You are our main concern. We can have Bob track down the information you want about your family’s health history.”

  She finally looked up and smiled at them. “Thanks, guys. But I want to do this. I need to do it. I need closure. It’s always bugged me. I know it won’t change a damn thing about the past, but I have a right to get answers from her.” She plucked at Tyler’s shirt. “And I guess I do want those answers. You know? I want to hear her say it. I want to make her look me in the eye when she says it.”

  “All right, love,” Tyler said. “Then we’ll do it.” He pulled her to him. “And we’ll have a fun family adventure in the process.”

  Tom let out a snort. “It’ll be an adventure, all right.”

  “Hush,” Tyler said. “I have always wanted to see the country from the ground, not looking down at it from ten thousand feet in the sky. And I’ve always wanted to have a family vacation. That is something, other than trips to see Mom in Savannah, that we haven’t had.”

  Nevvie kissed him. “Fine. But no more big-ticket surprises. Okay?”

  He smiled. “Absolutely, love. No more surprises.”

  Tom snorted again. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”

  She lightly smacked his arm. “Give him a break. He’s trying.”

  “I know, baby girl, but I’m still irritated.”

  “So, what would it take to un-irritate you, hmm?” Tyler asked.

  Tom burst out laughing. “Um, yeah. That. Exactly.”

  Nevvie climbed off the bed and let Tyler scoot next to Tom. Tyler grabbed him and pulled him into his lap while laying a long, deep, sexy kiss on his lips. “You mean, that?” Tyler asked.

  “Yeah!” he breathlessly whispered before pulling Tyler’s mouth back down to his.

  Nevvie undressed while Tyler revved Tom’s motor. She climbed onto the bed on Tom’s other side and started working on his slacks. He tried kicking his shoes off while she did that, and neither of them made any progress in getting his clothes off.

  Finally, in frustration, he broke his kiss with Tyler and sat up. “Okay, let me get nekkid. Y’all got me so horny I can’t think straight.”

  While he stood and began yanking off his clothes, Tyler also stood. He took a slower, more seductive pace as his gaze bored into Tom’s while he unbuttoned his shirt. “I’m going to get you even more horny before I let you come, love.”

  Tyler’s deep, throaty tone, combined with his sexy British accent, did what it always did to Nevvie even though his words were directed at Tom. Her clit throbbed as moisture immediately began pooling in her pussy.

  “Who’s going to make me come?” she asked in a plaintive tone.

  “Oh, don’t worry, love,” Tyler a
ssured her. “You’ll be begging us to stop by the time we’re finished with you.”

  Tom threw himself back down onto the bed, landing next to her and bouncing her a little. “Oh, yeah, sugar,” he said. “Gonna have you screaming your head off.” He grabbed her and pulled her down to him, kissing her. His tongue stroked the seam of her lips and she softly moaned.

  “Well, perhaps not screaming,” Tyler said with a chuckle. He reached out and stroked her ass before starting to remove his slacks. “We don’t want her waking up the boys.”

  Tom broke their kiss just long enough to reply. “I’m sure I’ve got something I can gag her with,” he said with a wicked grin before kissing her again.

  Nevvie whimpered with need, her clit now swollen and aching just from their little bit of banter. Her two men knew her body so well, and it never got old with both of them keeping her plenty busy.

  Tom’s fingers gently fisted in her hair as he pulled her mouth off his. His breath brushed against her lips as he spoke. “You want my cock to suck on while Tyler’s licking your pussy, baby girl?”

  “Mm-hmm!” She tried to kiss him again, but he firmly held on to her hair and wouldn’t let her get close enough to lock lips again.

  A sexy smile curled his mouth. “Aw, is our poor baby girl all wet and horny?”

  Somewhere behind her, she felt Tyler’s fingers unerringly slip between her legs and part her labia.

  “Oh, yes,” Tyler confirmed. “One very wet little slave girl.”

  Her insides twisted in a hot and pleasant way. So they want the little slave girl game tonight? Fine with her. She loved playing it. She wiggled her butt at him, trying to encourage him to play with her a little longer. Instead, he laid a light slap across her right ass cheek, not even enough to sting.

  “Who told you to do that?” Tyler asked. “Hold still.”

  Tom pulled her lips back down onto his, his tongue roughly thrusting into her mouth as Tyler began teasing her with his fingers. Not quite stroking her clit, he gathered some of her juices onto his fingers and started tracing every fold between her legs. Tom slipped a hand under her and found her left breast. He cupped her in his hand, her nipple trapped between his thumb and forefinger.