Read Love Slave for Two Collection [Box Set 7] Page 96

  Nevvie laughed. “Karen, remember, you have a boyfriend now.”

  She sighed. “Yeah, I do. But his eyes are brown.”

  “Karen,” Tyler said, “I’d like to introduce you to my father, Andrew Paulson. Dad, this is Tom’s sister, Karen.”

  “Hello,” Andrew said. He walked over to shake hands with her.

  Nevvie laughed again. “Dad, I guess I should explain that before she got a boyfriend of her own, she had a running joke with Tyler.”

  “Ah.” He smiled. “Far be it from me to stand in the way of true love.”

  Karen sighed again. “And he has that dreamy British voice. Nevvie, you get all the luck.”

  “Well, I call him ‘Dad,’” Tom said. “Feel free to call him that, too.”

  Karen’s face squicked up. “Aaaaand you just ruined my fantasy, bro. Now I’ll never be able to think like that about him or Tyler again.” She playfully swatted his arm.

  Nevvie cleared her throat and glanced at Adam.

  Karen’s face reddened. “Whoops.” She hugged Adam tightly. “You didn’t hear me say that, kiddo.”

  The boy looked confused. “Hear what, Aunt Karen?”

  The adults laughed. “Exactly,” Karen said.

  * * * *

  Andrew insisted on helping out in the kitchen with dinner. In fact, Peggy and Andrew evicted everyone from the kitchen.

  Nevvie leaned in to Karen and whispered, “What do you think about that?” She tipped her head toward the kitchen.

  Karen grinned. “I think I’m thinking what you’re thinking.”

  “You think?”

  “How long you guys staying here again before you move on to Seattle?”

  “Not long enough.” She glanced at Tyler, who was engaged in conversation with Tom and Adam, showing an old photo album to Adam. “I might just leave Tyler out there and let him fly home.”

  Karen snickered. “Yeah, I was wondering why the hell he was allowed behind the wheel of that thing.”

  “Not my choice, believe me.”

  Other siblings and their spouses arrived. Clay, now divorced from eldest sister, Emily, and their twin son and daughter also arrived.

  No one asked if Emily was going to come or not, because none of the others wanted her there. Nevvie could forgive a lot of things, but in the back of her mind she still blamed the stress Emily put them through as part of the reason Tyler had his heart attack, which in turn led to Tom having his motorcycle accident on the way to the hospital.

  Peggy announced dinner was ready just as Karen’s boyfriend, Bill, arrived. When everyone was settled around the large formal dining room table, extended by a folding table and extra chairs, Karen cleared her throat.

  “Before we dig in,” she said, “Bill and I would like to say something.” She held his hand and looked at him.

  Nevvie instinctively knew what was coming as he stood, but managed to hold back her squee of joy. “Mrs. Kinsey—”

  “Mom,” Peggy corrected.

  He smiled. “Mom.” He looked next at Tom and then the other sisters. “Tom, everyone. I’ve asked Karen to marry me. And we’d like to know if we have your blessings.”

  Nevvie felt the squee building inside her, ready to explode.

  “Only if she said yes,” Peggy drawled, smiling.

  “Oh, you bet I said yes, Momma,” Karen said.

  “Then of course you have our blessings.”

  Karen jumped up and ran to hug her mother. Nevvie, unable to stand it anymore, jumped up, unleashing her happy squee. As soon as Karen straightened, she gave Karen a bouncy bear hug.

  “You fink!” Nevvie scolded. “You didn’t tell me!” She considered Karen her best friend.

  Karen laughed. “I know, I wanted to, but I wanted to make sure Momma knew first.”

  Bill also stood and got a hug from Peggy, then from Nevvie. By this time, everyone had stood to congratulate the lovebirds. After several minutes of hugs and happy tears, Peggy grabbed her tea spoon and clinked it against her glass.

  “All right, kiddos. We’ve got a happy occasion to celebrate, so let’s sit down and eat before the food gets cold. And don’t forget, we’ve got red velvet cake and ice cream for dessert.”

  Karen gave one last hug to Tom before they sat. “Will you give me away, bro?”

  Nevvie didn’t miss the misty look in his eyes. “Of course I will,” he said, his voice suddenly sounding hoarse. “You’d better believe it.”

  * * * *

  Nevvie had looked forward to staying up late to talk with Karen and the others, but she caught herself yawning after helping wash and dry the dishes.

  Tyler noticed. “Love, you’re knackered. Why don’t you go to bed.”

  Peggy nodded. “You do look worn out, sweetie.”

  “I think I will. Ty, can you guys take care of the boys?”

  “Absolutely, love. Go to bed.”

  After saying good-night to everyone, she headed to the bedroom they always used when staying there, Tom’s old bedroom that had its own bathroom. Tyler had originally suggested sleeping in the RV, but she nixed that idea.

  At least a few more nights in a good bed. It wasn’t that the RV wasn’t comfortable, but they’d be spending enough time in it as it was.

  She thought she might wake up when her men came to bed, but the next she knew, it was morning, and sunlight crept in through the blinds over the window. She found herself snuggled tightly against a sleeping Tom, but Tyler wasn’t in bed.

  Being careful not to wake Tom, she used the bathroom and pulled on a robe. From all her years as a nurse, Peggy Kinsey was a habitually early riser. Nevvie smelled coffee brewing and the delicious aroma of something baking.

  When Nevvie made it out to the kitchen, she found Tyler, Andrew, and Peggy gathered around the table there.

  “Ah, good morning, love,” Tyler said. He stood to fix her a mug of coffee and handed it to her.

  “Thanks. What time is it?”

  “Nearly six thirty,” Peggy said.

  Nevvie sat at the table with them. “What’s in the oven?”

  “Andrew helped me make cinnamon rolls,” Peggy said.

  Nevvie eyed the two of them over her mug, hoping her smile didn’t show through. “Smells delicious.”

  “I told Peggy I’d be honored if she’d let me cook dinner for us tonight,” Andrew said. Tonight the crowd would be far smaller, with only Karen and Bill joining them for dinner.

  “I’ll take you to the store,” Nevvie offered.

  “I’ll do it, love,” Tyler said.

  “Nope.” She reached over and poked him in the shoulder. “You are going to get some work done today,” she said. “I can take him shopping.”

  After a few more back and forths, it was agreed Nevvie would drive Peggy and Andrew to the store.

  “Please let that be coffee and cinnamon rolls I smell,” Tom said from the doorway.

  Nevvie turned to look at him. “You okay?”

  Tyler went to get him a mug of coffee while Tom sat at the table. “Just need to work the kinks out,” Tom said. “A little achy.”

  “You look more than a little achy, son,” Peggy noted.

  He shrugged and sipped at the mug Tyler brought him. “Not my best day.”

  “Then I’ll stay here,” Peggy said. “I’ll take care of the boys while you get some rest and Tyler works.”

  That finally settled, it was nearly two hours later by the time the boys were up and dressed, everyone had eaten breakfast, and both Nevvie and Andrew had showers and were ready to go.

  Peggy handed the keys to her car to Nevvie. “Just take mine so you don’t have to unload yours,” she said.

  “Thanks, Mom.” A few minutes later, she and Andrew were on the road heading toward the store.

  He watched the unfamiliar Georgia landscape roll by. “Peggy is very nice,” he said.

  Nevvie hoped she suppressed her grin. “She is. I love Mom.”

  “So she’s completely accepting of your relat
ionship with Tyler and Thomas?”

  “Well, it raised her eyebrow at first, but yes, she accepted me with open arms. I don’t know what I would have done if she hadn’t been there that morning.” Well, there was a buzzkill thought to put a damper on her good mood. Had Peggy not been at their home when Tyler had his heart attack, he would have died. It was her efforts at CPR that kept him alive until the paramedics arrived.

  “I’m sorry, Nev. I didn’t mean to dredge that up again.”

  “No, it’s okay, Dad.” She took a deep breath and blew it out again. “So what are you making tonight?”

  He consulted his shopping list, and by the time they arrived at the Publix close to Peggy’s house, Nevvie’s mood had brightened again. They found a parking space in the shade and once inside, she pushed the cart and helped Andrew locate the ingredients he needed.

  They were almost finished, their last task debating frozen vegetable choices when Nevvie looked up and felt her heart nearly seize in her chest.

  At the end of the aisle, pushing a cart toward them, was Tom’s eldest sister, Emily.

  “Nev?” Andrew said. “Did you hear me?”

  She couldn’t respond. In her throat she locked down on an angry yell that would no doubt have attracted the entire store.

  He followed her gaze and spotted Emily. “What’s wrong?”

  At this point, Emily had spotted them, too. At first she froze, then a scowl crossed her face. She straightened her body, holding her head high as she determinedly strode toward them.

  Her destination was, apparently, the same case they were standing in front of.

  “Excuse me,” she said, her tone as frosty as the selections before them.

  “Cunt,” Nevvie growled.

  Emily’s nostril’s flared. “Considering you’re the one standing here with a strange man, isn’t that like the whore calling the prostitute a slut? At least prostitutes do it for the mon—”

  From somewhere, Andrew suddenly had both arms around Nevvie’s torso and was dragging her away from Emily. Nevvie struggled, screaming. “Let me at her! I’m going to bitch slap her into the middle of her next goddamn life!”

  Emily smirked. “Well, well. Anger issues. Some mother you are.”

  Nevvie howled with rage. Only the fact that Andrew had bodily lifted her off her feet and had dragged her behind their own cart kept her from getting close to Emily.

  “Madame, I don’t know who the bloody hell you are,” he said, “but I suggest you shut your gob and make a hasty retreat before I’m forced to forget I’m a gentleman and I finish for my daughter what she’s so obviously impassioned about.”

  “Let me go, Dad! I’ve been wanting a chance at this bitch for more than two fucking years!” Nevvie fought against his iron grip. She barely had time to register he was a lot stronger than he looked.

  Emily’s eyebrows rose skyward as her face reddened. “Her father?”

  He tightened his grip on Nevvie as she struggled. “Father-in-law, but the same—”

  “Let me go!”

  “Look, Nevvie,” she said, “I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry—”

  “Sorry isn’t good enough, you fucking bitch! Tyler had a goddamned heart attack because of the fucking stress you put us through! He fucking died on my goddamn kitchen floor, in my arms! If it hadn’t been for Mom, we would have lost him!” She finally managed to break free of Andrew’s grip and shoved their cart across the aisle and out of her way. It bounced off the other side and rolled toward them again. Andrew tried to regain a hold on Nevvie to pull her back, but she cornered Emily against the glass door of the freezer case.

  Nevvie didn’t care that several people had gathered at either end of the aisle, attracted by the noise.

  “And then Tommy nearly died in a motorcycle wreck trying to get to Tyler, you fucking bitch,” Nevvie screamed, jamming a finger in her face. “Because of what you did, because you were so goddamned jealous that we were happy, you nearly cost both Tyler and your brother their lives! Are you fucking happy about that? Huh?”

  Andrew caught her arm and dragged her back again, but Nevvie wasn’t finished and shook him off. “Well, guess we got the final laugh, didn’t we? We have two beautiful babies you will never lay eyes on, if I have my way. We’re happier now than we’ve ever been. And now we have Andrew and Mom and you have jack shit.” He made another grab for Nevvie.

  Nevvie shook free once more. Emily stared at her, mouth gaping. Andrew grabbed Nevvie yet again, keeping her out of slapping distance. “Well, fucking guess what?” Nevvie screamed. “You have nothing. Nothing! Everyone says Clay looks happier now than he has in years since he’s fucking free of your goddamn self-righteous bullshit. And Danny and Elle? They’re over at the house with Mom and us every chance they get. The three of them were all at dinner last night where Karen and her fiancé announced their engagement. Something else you get to miss out on, because no one fucking wants you there!

  “What were you doing last night, huh? Were you alone? I fucking hope you were alone and miserable last night, because let me tell you what, you have driven your family away and I think that’s the best victory of all!”

  Nevvie gasped for breath as the last of her screams rolled out of her. She didn’t care that now a small crowd was watching as several men Nevvie assumed were managers made their way through the throng to them.

  Emily didn’t respond. Her mouth flapped open and closed a few times as her face took on a deep reddish hue. Then she grabbed her cart and hurried toward the front of the store, rudely pushing her way through the crowd.

  Andrew didn’t let go of Nevvie. “Steady, love,” he said.

  She started crying and turned to him. He engulfed her in his embrace.

  “Is everything okay?” one of the managers asked.

  She felt him nod. He stroked her hair. “It’s all right, sir. Family squabble. That woman was the black sheep, as it were. She and Nevvie had some words, and she got Nevvie upset. It’s all right now. Everything’s fine.”

  Nevvie sobbed against Andrew’s shoulder. “Shh, Nev,” he whispered in her ear. “It’s all right. I’ve got you. I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere. It’s going to be all right.”

  She sobbed even harder, holding on to him, afraid to let go.

  Chapter Four

  Tom stood from where he’d been sitting in a rocker on the front porch and walked down to meet them when they pulled into the yard. Andrew had confiscated the car keys and driven them home after they paid for their groceries.

  Tom frowned. “What happened?”

  She didn’t miss how Andrew vigorously shook his head, freezing when she looked his way. “It’s okay, Dad,” she softly said. She grabbed several grocery bags. “Go ahead and tell him.” She walked past them and into the house. No one was in the kitchen. She set the bags on the table and started unpacking them.

  A few minutes later, Tom and Andrew entered the kitchen, both laden with groceries. They set the bags on the table. Peggy walked in as Tom pulled Nevvie to him. “Let’s go down to the pond, baby girl.”

  She didn’t argue.

  “What’s going on?” Peggy asked.

  Andrew laid a staying hand on her arm.

  Nevvie didn’t want to know what he told her. She docilely let Tom lead her out the back door and down to the pond. There, he sat on an old log and pulled her into his lap.

  She broke down sobbing. “I wanted to beat the crap out of her,” she said. “If Dad hadn’t been there…”

  He slowly rocked her in his arms. “If Dad hadn’t been there, we would’ve been bailing you out of jail.”

  She opened her eyes and spotted his smirk. It coaxed a laugh out of her. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  “Baby girl, she’s going to be who she’s going to be. I know it probably felt good to get it out of your system, but the bottom line is, unless you let go, she’s still got power over you. Look at how upset you are. This isn’t good for you.”

  “How can you be so calm a
bout this?”

  He shrugged. “I guess because everything we went through taught me to let go of the stuff that I don’t need to hold on to. Do I wish she’d stepped up and been a better sister? Sure I do. But I can’t make her do that any more than she could make me give up Tyler or you.”

  Tyler took that moment to hustle down the yard from the house. “Love, are you all right?”

  The frantic look on his face started her giggling, although she didn’t know why. When he looked confused over her giggles, it made her giggle even harder, until the three of them were sitting on the log, laughing their asses off.

  When Nevvie finally felt sane enough to speak again, she said, “I guess I’m still learning how to let go.”

  “I know,” Tom said. “I can’t make you let go. It’s something you have to be able to do when you’re ready.”

  “Aren’t you the Zen one, Thomas,” Tyler snarked.

  “I’m just glad Dad was there to keep me out of jail.”

  “So am I,” Tom said. He tucked a few stray hairs behind her ears. “You’re too pretty for prison.”

  * * * *

  That night at dinner, although Nevvie knew Karen and Peggy had been filled in by Andrew what happened while they were in the kitchen cooking dinner together, no one brought it up at the table. The big topics of conversation were the RV trip and Karen’s upcoming nuptials.

  “And you, big guy,” Karen said to Adam, “are going to be our ring bearer.”

  Adam wrinkled his nose. “I have to dress like a bear?”

  The adults all looked at him, confused. Tom was the first to figure it out and start laughing. “Adam, ring bearer, meaning you carry the rings. Not as in a bear.”

  Nevvie made it through the rest of dinner and insisted on helping with the dishes. After Karen and Bill left, Nevvie got the kids put to bed and bid everyone good-night. She’d already crawled under the sheets when Tom and Tyler joined her.

  Without a word, the two men undressed and slipped into bed on either side of her. Tyler pulled her to him while Tom pressed close behind her.

  Despite being tired, she knew something would take her mind off the confrontation with Emily and practically assure her a good night’s sleep. She kissed Tyler and wiggled her rump against Tom. She felt Tom’s cock grow hard almost immediately.