Read Love Takes the Cake Page 2

  The problem was, she couldn’t in good conscience, not be there for her best friend. So, she would do as everyone would expect of her. Suck up her pride, put on a smile, get that cake to the park, and be at the church to straighten Julie’s train as she made the most important walk of her life.

  * * * *

  Resembling a big bundle of nerves, Josh stood at the front of the packed church between the groomsmen and the even more jittery groom. Both men were shaking so much, if anyone looked close enough, they might be confused as to which guy was getting hitched. Julie was seconds away from her famed walk down the aisle and all he could think about was not seeing Annie seated anywhere in the pews. He knew for a fact because he had gone over every single seat in the place with radar precision. She just wasn’t there. He never would have guessed she wouldn’t show up at all. Maybe she really didn’t want what he thought she did?

  He felt his heart break just a little.

  Unfortunately, he was in no position to do anything about it. He had a job to do. He heard the door creak and watched a blushing bride, escorted by her dad, come toward her groom. Josh turned, taking his place as best man, trying to shake off the dread. The next half hour was not about him. After the ceremony, he’d worry about whether his “tough love” theory had screwed up his chances of working things out with Annie.

  * * * *

  Annie slipped quietly into the last pew after she accompanied the bride to the double doors of the sanctuary and waiting guests, straightening her train as Julie’s father lead her away to her future husband. This spot in the back of the church afforded her a quick getaway after the ceremony to make one last check on the cake before everyone arrived at the reception.

  Unfortunate for her, this spot also afforded her the heartbreaking view of how wonderful Josh looked in his tux, even from behind. She knew without a doubt the front view would be too much for her heart to handle. She couldn’t imagine having to stand across from him during the heartfelt vows and sent up a silent prayer.

  Twenty minutes and several tears later, the wedding was a beautiful success. Brian and Julie said “I Do” and the whole churched cheered as the preacher announced the happy couple. Annie wanted to hang around for their walk out of the church together but that also meant the whole wedding party would be following and she wanted to avoid Josh, so now was the time to sneak out gracefully. Maybe while everyone was standing, they wouldn’t notice her leaving….

  The bench creaked when she stood, it was an old bench, but no one even looked. All eyes were on the bride and groom as they started their progression.

  Once outside, Annie took a few deep breaths. Free and clear, for now.

  Chapter Four

  Josh sat in the backseat of the limo across from the bride and groom, or rather their legs, since they were both hanging out the sun roof. He didn’t really care what they did as long as they were happy, he had more important things to worry about. He was almost positive when they’d all turned toward the guests after the deed was done, he saw her slip out the back of the church, but with so many people between them, he never would have made it outside to catch her if it was her.

  He was scared to death Annie wouldn’t be at the reception at all by the time they got there. Josh cursed the person who ever started the tradition of driving around town with the whole wedding party before the reception. What was that even about? To show off to all the single people that you were both taken? Who cares? The people that cared were at the wedding.

  It could have screwed up his whole plan. She may have set up the cake and left before anyone even got there. If he ever got married, and his chances were looking slimmer every minute, there would be no in between time, just straight from wedding to reception. Better yet, he could have the wedding and reception in the same place. Then no one would have to drive. For now, all he could do was sit not so patiently and pray they wouldn’t take yet another turn in the opposite direction of the party.

  Less than half an hour later, instead of being relieved, Josh was wound tighter than a drum as the limo approached the entrance to the park where the festivities were being held. Similar to the church, the parking lot was too full to take a proper look around for Annie’s car so he continued to hold out hope he hadn’t screwed up his chances.

  As was his typical behavior of late, he posted the proverbial smile on his face, for the cameras and to avoid threats from the bride, and preceded the happy couple out of the car. He needed a drink then he’d wander through the crowd.

  There were so many people crowding the entrance to the pavilion they all started to look alike. He had no idea what color she'd have on since she wasn’t in the wedding.

  “Good lord I hope she isn't wearing a baking apron.” However,

  * * * *

  The park pavilion was absolutely beautiful and the cake looked like a masterpiece, not that Annie was bragging. It gave her such pleasure to see one of her creations turn out so well. Sometimes it still surprised her that she actually knew how to make that kind of stuff. She wasn’t really a creative kid in her younger years. At first she’d only seen it as fun and it relaxed her to bake. She used to make cakes randomly and free for her friends.

  Coincidentally, it was Julie that suggested she should start charging. She convinced her there really could be a career in it. One thing led to another, a few years of college for her business degree and a culinary school to specialize and she now had her own storefront. Wedding cakes were the most fun because they were always different and had lots of detail. Hers and the customers’ ideas came from all over. Her friend Julie had actually seen an intricate filigree heart design in a fashion magazine and knew she wanted them added to the heart-shaped cakes. They were a challenge for sure but really looked great.

  Annie took another look around the cake table. She’d also been in charge of the cake knife the bride and groom would use when it was time to cut, along with the engraved flutes for their toast. As far as she could tell, everything else was in order. Julie’s cousins did a great job decorating the pavilion and the cake fit in perfectly.

  Now she would wait along the sidelines quietly for the guests of honor to make their appearance, give them her congratulations and make a subtle exit— all without seeing Josh, she hoped. She kind of looked like a loner or maybe a lame bar fly resting against the gazebo railing. However, seconds later her posture sprang to life when she heard a frantic honking coming closer. Her stomach did a flip with every blast. This whole ordeal had been too much on her system, her nerves were shot.

  As Annie watched the limo park, she felt the need to flee quickly before anyone noticed. Her palms were soaked with sweat and swore her heart stopped at least twice as she watched Josh emerge from the car first. The bride and groom climbed from the limo and approached the awaiting crowd. At this rate she’d be there all night so she made her way closer to the front of the gazebo. A quick hug for both and she could be on her way.

  Annie waited for Julie’s family to greet them then she was next.

  “I can’t believe I’m actually married,” Julie whispered in her ear as Annie gave her a hug. Brian joined the embrace just in time. “I’m so happy for both of you. It was a beautiful ceremony.” With lovesick smiles, the happy couple wandered through their waiting guests. When Annie turned to leave, she caught sight of Josh, standing alone, looking heavenly and believe it or not, peaceful…and staring right at her.


  She wasn’t sure she could endure another meeting like yesterday but she had nothing else to lose, he’d already walked away from her twice. So after a couple deep breaths, she pushed herself to approach him.

  “Hi Annie. You look beautiful.”

  It wasn’t one of her dressier dresses—sleeveless, black and form fitting but it was nice to know he liked it. “Thank you, Josh, you’re very handsome in that tux.” She hated tense moments like this where people say the pleasantries and then stand looking at each other, at a loss for words.

ie motioned in the direction of the parked cars. “I was just heading out, but I wanted to apologize one last time.” She still felt horrible for her selfishness and his forgiveness was very important to her. “More than you’ll ever know, I’m so sorry for everything and I hope that someday you will be able to forgive me. I only wish for your future to be happy and I know that I’ll be okay if that isn’t with me but I do love you, Josh.” Enough said. She was blubbering. She turned to make her exit when a hand gripped her arm.

  * * * *

  “You know, I never doubted that you loved me, Annie.” She looked at Josh in confusion. He knew that feeling all too well. He spent a lot of time that way over the last few months. She never left his thoughts for a second.

  “I’m being serious with you.” He wiped the tears from her cheek with a thumb. Good grief he shouldn't touch her, made the thought of her walking away from him so much harder. He supposed that was pretty much how she was feeling when he left yesterday. Probably a few months ago too. I guess it’s a lot easier when you’re the one leaving. Kind of made him feel like shit that he’d done that to her.

  “You know, I’ve probably never told you this and I should have a long time ago. I loved you from day one, the day we met.”

  “You never told me. I’d like to think I wouldn't forget something like that.”

  “I admit it might sound a little silly but you know, that love at first sight thing? That was me.” Annie was shaking her head.

  “No, not silly at all. That was me from the get go. But I guess I never told you either. I was afraid you’d think it was silly.”

  Josh smiled. To think, they felt the exact same when they meet. Seems like they were meant to be.

  “Are you sure you have to go Annie?” Josh reached for and clasped his hands around hers. It was time for him to really put himself out there and about time too. After all, he was the one that left first. Seems the anger they once felt for each other had had plenty of time to dissipate. They were nowhere near ready to move forward together as a couple but it could definitely be a step in the right direction.

  “I think I could probably stay around awhile if that's okay with you?

  “More thank okay.” He took her hand in his and they started to walk together then he stopped abruptly.

  “You know; I didn't bring a date but I’m allowed to have one with me at the head table. Would you join me?”

  “I’d like that.”

  * * * *

  The night had gone better than Annie could ever have imagined. The food was amazing and she was so thrilled her friends had found each other. They were the epitome of happiness. She and Josh had both laughed so hard when Brian and Julie cut their cake. The first bite they fed each other was gentle and loving but then unlike normal traditional, they fed a second piece. However, that piece never made it to the inside of their mouths. Julie smeared her piece all over Brian's face then she took off running around the dance floor.

  However, her new husband thought better of it, ate the piece meant for her then went after his bride. The entire crowd had a good laugh and the new married couple ended the chase in their first dance. After watching the father dance and participating in Brian’s dollar dance, Annie returned to her seat to catch her breath. It was Josh’s turn to dance with Julie. She was mesmerized by the way he moved effortlessly across the floor. She admired his grace. Her heart ached a little bit more each time his genuine smile beamed while making Julie laugh. The true love she felt for him was aa bit overwhelming and she silently prayed they would get their second chance. She would do everything in her power to make that chance count. Lost in her dream world and oblivious to her surroundings, Josh startled her with a touch on her shoulder and she jumped.

  “Annie, I’m so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”

  She let out a laugh and shrugged. “It’s okay, I was kind of out in lala land. Looked like you were having a good time out there.”

  “Yeah I'm having more fun than I thought I would. I’m glad you decided to stay.”

  “I am too. Thanks for twisting my arm.” Josh took a seat beside her, drank the rest of his champagne then turned to face her. He was kind of intimidating and tense sometimes but those traits made him even more sexy.

  “Do you think you could handle dancing with me?”.

  She hesitated for only a minute.

  Is he kidding? She’d been waiting all night, hoping he'd ask.

  “I would love to.”

  She could think of nothing better and took hold when he held out a hand. As Josh folded her into his embrace, she melted right into place. She remembered so well, hadn’t done anything in a long while that felt this good.

  His beautiful eyes were fixed, igniting a dwindling fire deep in her soul.

  “Annie, I wasn't so badly to just say all is forgiven but it was aa little Moe complicated for me.” He whispered softly into her ear, “but maybe we could make a new start, take it slow and talk things out?”

  Relief washed over her. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, especially after the disaster in her shop yesterday. The dread she’d been harboring in case things didn’t work out like she hoped, faded away. She pushed back slightly to take in the sincerity on his face.

  “I would really like that. I hate to admit I was a little worried after I saw you yesterday.”

  “I know the feeling.” Josh tightened his grip around her. “All through the wedding I just knew you would deliver that cake and leave before we could get there and it scared the shit out of me. All I could think of was wanting to hold you just like this.” Then he squeezed her close again.

  "Josh, I love being in your arms."

  "This really is where I always wanted you to be, Annie."


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