Read Love Unrehearsed Page 40

  Mike was busy dealing with the location’s shoddy security, so he was the last one to notice his former coworker milling about.

  A young man who was part of the crew approached us, holding a small box with wires. “Mr.

  Christensen, I have your mic.” He clipped the small microphone onto Ryan’s shirt, fishing the wire beneath his clothes. Ryan lifted his arm so the guy could connect it to a small box that clipped to the back of Ryan’s pants.

  David, Ryan’s manager, strolled over, twisting his Rolex. “Okay, Ryan. You and Lauren Delaney are scheduled to do a joint interview with Moviefone in about ten minutes and then you’ll do the rest of the press interviews individually. We have three interview rooms, so we’ll be moving the press around in ten-minute intervals with a break every hour.”

  I couldn’t help but keep an eye on the other side of the room—on them.

  “Yeah, fine. Whatever.” Ryan squeezed his water bottle, making the plastic crinkle from the pressure.

  “What’s the deal, Mike? I’m not liking this one bit,” he growled.

  “Dunno. I know PSG relieved him of duty right after the incident. They wouldn’t hire him back—not after that breach. He must still be working private detail.” Mike leaned in closer. “Do you have a PFA on him?”

  Ryan flashed another angry frown at me. “No.”

  “I didn’t see a need to,” I said, sticking by my original decision.

  “I want him to stay away from Taryn. He comes near her or gets in my face, I’ll kill him.” Ryan was dead serious. “I need to talk to Lauren before we start. Can you find out if he’s traveling the entire press junket with her?”

  Mike nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out.”

  David ditched the woman organizing the press interviews after looking over in the direction of our heated stares; he was finally clued in to the situation. He stormed right back over to Ryan. “Christ. Not this shit again. Time to put your personal shit aside and be professional, Ryan. Perhaps Taryn should wait at your hotel until you’re finished so we don’t have any additional problems?”

  Ryan glared at him. “I think it’s time we part ways, David.”

  I was surprised that Ryan was doing this now.

  David jerked back, aghast. “What?”

  “You want to keep your fucking job? That’s the last time you dismiss my woman. We clear? I don’t need you to remind me or to tell me what to do.”

  “I was merely suggesting that it might be wise to separate her from potential problems, that’s all.”

  Ryan scoffed at him. “David, you’re so full of shit. I think it’s best if you just walked away before I fire you.”

  The woman with the clipboard walked over. “Mr. Christensen, we’re ready to begin. You’ll be in Parlor A. If you’ll just follow me.” She ushered, pointing the way.

  “Yeah, in a minute.” Ryan clutched my elbow. “Stay away from him. Find Trish and stick with Marie, okay?”

  I gave him a kiss and went on a hunt for the ladies’ room. Straight down the wide hallway, I found a buffet table with bottles of water stuck in ice. Just when I thought I was safe I felt the little hairs prickle on my neck, sensing him before he stepped beside me.


  No, no. Shit. The closer he came the stronger the scent of his cologne became.

  I decided to avoid a conflict and be considerate. “Kyle.”

  He regarded me with a sideways glance. “You look well.”

  I gripped a bottle tightly in my hand, feeling the cold moisture seep into my palm, matching the chill rolling down my spine. “Thank you.”

  “I’ve seen you a few times but I haven’t had the opportunity to congratulate you on your engagement.”

  I heard the faint strain in his voice from him trying to be sincere. I wanted to ignore him completely, but it was difficult, so I gave him a simple “thank you” instead.

  “I heard Ryan was getting out of control there for a while, punching the paparazzi?”

  I felt heat flame up my neck from him attempting to bait me. Of course he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to press my buttons. “When they climb up trees to intrude on our privacy, they deserve it.

  Besides, that’s old news.”

  He took a swig of a bottle of water, contemplating my response. “I was just surprised that he’d mar his wholesome image like that.”

  I glared at him. “Are you done?”

  Kyle reached for a napkin. “Things could have been different, you know.”

  “Yes, I could have sent you to jail.”

  He snickered. “Still have your starch. Good. Very good.”

  “Shouldn’t you be guarding a door or something? Surely you must be breaking protocol by leaving your woman unprotected.”

  He leaned closer. “Should I be worried?”

  I laughed. “Not in the least, though I highly doubt you being here is just a coincidence. I’m happy for you and Lauren. Really, I am.”

  I heard a purr roll up his chest. “Now who’s being insincere? Or is there truly a hint of jealousy still lingering?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, no. Rest assured I feel no jealousy. None whatsoever. In fact, I’d say your partnership with that conniving bitch is a match made in heaven.”

  He actually had the audacity to cat-growl at me. “And still so feisty, too.”

  “What are you going to do, Kyle? Put me up against another wall to try to change my mind?”

  He made a throaty sound of disgust and then turned toward me, his face painted with what truly looked like regret. “I hurt you. I know that. I get it. I know what I did was stupid and rash . . . I don’t expect you to believe me but I truly wanted to protect you.”

  I wanted to slap him. “You’re lucky I didn’t have you arrested.”

  “And I appreciate that. Look, I’ve kept my end of the deal. Have I bothered you at all since?”

  “No, you haven’t. But the first chance you got you couldn’t help but take another cheap shot at Ryan.

  And that bothers me.”

  “He has what I want.”

  I fought rolling my eyes. “You have Lauren.”

  His lips twitched as he shook his head. “Yeah, funny thing. Turns out I’m not her type these days.

  Doesn’t matter because she’s not mine.”

  “Well, that’s too bad.”

  Kyle sighed. “Will you ever forgive me?”

  I’d had enough. “Honestly? No. And while we’re on this junket I suggest you do yourself a favor and stay the hell away from both of us.”

  I didn’t know where I was walking to but I headed back to where I knew Ryan and Mike were last. My hands were shaking. Memories of Kyle pressing me into the door frame at the bottom of my apartment steps swept through me, spreading fear and trembles of terror through my bones.

  I found Trish sitting in a chair taking a call on her cell. Marie was sitting next to her. My cell chimed with a new text so I dug it out of my purse and just as I was thumbing through the new message, I heard a familiar nasally, shrill voice that will forever be scorched in my memory.

  Trish said what I was thinking. “What the hell is she doing here?”

  Marla’s head turned slightly, pausing her conversation for a beat when she noticed us. Acid churned in my stomach. I hadn’t even previewed this film and already Thousand Miles was turning into a thousand miles in hell.

  “I think I want to go home,” I muttered quietly.

  Trish shifted in her chair. “You and me both. Apparently Ms. Delaney has herself a new publicist.

  Figures she’d go for Ryan’s old representation.”

  Ryan had texted me. I held up my phone to show Marie. “He’s summoning me.”

  I found him in a room with what looked like a half tent made out of black fabric. The Thousand Miles movie poster was set up behind the chairs. Industrial lights were set up to illuminate the area being filmed and floor fans were whirling to keep the area cool.

  Ryan look
ed like he’d been through the blender. “You hanging in there?” I asked, taking him into my arms.

  Just then Kyle walked down the hall, glancing at us briefly on his way. I couldn’t help but scoff.

  “Did he say anything to you?”

  I froze. I wasn’t going to tell him we exchanged words. What good would that do? “You should know that Lauren hired Marla Sullivan.”

  Ryan took a step back. “What?”

  “Marla is here. She just showed up.”

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “I wish. She’s putting on quite the show of enthusiasm.”

  I thought Ryan was going to go through the roof. “Wonderful.” He rubbed his forehead, then grabbed my hand to tow me along. He pinned a glare on Mike. “Where’s David?”

  A young woman came rushing over to Ryan. “Mr. Christensen, we’re ready to start the next group.”

  He held up a hand. “I need a minute.”

  Ryan bound right up to David, jerking his chin in Marla’s direction. “You know about this shit?”

  He was either caught off guard or an expert feigning ignorance. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m talking about the woman who’s suing me for breach of contract and the guy who assaulted my fiancée being on this junket. Now answer the question. Did you know about this?”

  “I, well, I found out a couple of days ago that Lauren signed on with Marla’s company, but I thought she’d give the account to an underling. How was I supposed to know she’d be here?”

  Ryan groaned in frustration. “This puts me in a compromising situation, David, both physically and financially, and that’s not good.”

  “Okay, I should have told you that Lauren hired Marla’s PR company, but I didn’t think it would matter.”

  “Well, it does,” Ryan snapped. “You know she’s contesting the revised settlement I paid her, saying I owe her more money. You could have given me a heads-up. It’s getting to be that I can’t trust you anymore.”

  David looked offended. “Ryan, don’t say that. I’ve always had your best interests at heart.”

  “Is that why you took it upon yourself to have Len draft up a prenup?”

  “Yes, I did. We have monies coming in that need to be protected.”

  “From who?” Ryan yelled. “She won’t even use my money to put fucking gas in her car. The only one spending my money is you. I know what’s written in my contract, David. You worried I’d screw you out of wedding photo royalties?”

  David held his hands up in surrender. “I’d never do that and it’s a damn shame that you think that way.

  Hey, you want to risk half your money on a girl that you’ll divorce eventually, that’s on you.”

  Ryan was livid. “That’s the difference between you and me, David. After this press tour is over, I think

  we need to go our separate ways.”

  David clutched Ryan’s forearm. “Hang on, buddy. Let’s not take this there again.”

  Ryan glared at David’s hand. “You best remove that hand and walk away. I’m not playing anymore.”

  I kept my eye on Lauren instead of celebrating David’s dismissal. She seemed overly giddy and bubbly, as if she were enjoying watching us squirm.

  Bring it, bitch. You’re next.

  I straightened Ryan’s necktie before we arrived at the Manhattan premiere of Thousand Miles. I was glad he wore the black Hugo Boss suit with the purple and black paisley necktie that matched the color of my cocktail dress.

  He ran his finger over the gathered material on the bodice of my dress and then over my beautiful diamond wreath necklace. “You look extraordinary.”

  Ryan’s appreciation for me never faltered. I hoped I’d never take how lucky I am for granted. “You are quite the package yourself.”

  Attending my second movie premiere wasn’t as frightening as it was the first time but the huge crowd and flurry of aggressive photographers was enough to make me quake in my stilettos. The flashes of hundreds of cameras, the roar of the crowd screaming for me to look their way . . . it was all beyond surreal.

  I had to give Lauren and Ryan credit; both were exceptional actors, putting on a believable show of friendship and solidarity for the crowd and cameras. They had come to an agreement earlier that they’d be on their best behavior while out in public. Privately, however, Ryan had no use for her. He assured me that he’d never work with her again. Ryan wasn’t big on forgiveness, especially where my best interests were concerned, and he told her so.

  As soon as the screening was over, we were whisked away to the lavish after-party in the ballroom at the Gramercy Park Hotel. Fortunately, Ryan had stipulated that his security team go with him wherever he had to go, which meant that I had Marie close by for moral support.

  She walked with me toward the open bar while Ryan was in deep conversation with the film’s cinematographer. She glanced at me with weary eyes. “Taryn, I hate to say it, but that movie was awesome.”

  I found an open area of couches and chairs and sat down. “Yeah, it was. Ryan was fabulous again. But there were a few parts that were difficult for me to watch.” The dinner scene where I thought Ryan was on an actual date with Lauren in Miami made my chest burn. I recalled that Ryan had squeezed my hand tightly during that part. He remembered, just as I did, what happened outside the restaurant that night—the night when I had left him.

  And just as Ryan’s character leaned over the linen-covered table to kiss Lauren on the screen, Ryan wrapped his arm over my shoulders, taking my face in his hand, and kissed me so passionately I wanted to cry tears of happiness. He didn’t want me to watch them. It wasn’t part of our reality. His mouth on mine, his hand clutching my cheek, his love for me—that was what was real.

  Marie sat in the single blue armchair next to me. “I still can’t believe I’m at another freaking movie premiere after party. This is all just mind-boggling.”

  I took a sip of the white wine that I’d been nursing. “I know. I love how they decorate to promote the movie’s theme. Ryan said they go all out for the Seaside prem—”

  I was in mid-sentence when I lost Marie’s attention to someone else. I turned and thought “oh shit”

  when I saw Lauren Delaney standing before us in her ugly expensive dress and matching scowl.

  When she realized I wasn’t going to be intimidated, she pasted on a forced smile. “I just wanted to congratulate you on your engagement.”

  Yeah, right.

  What else could I say besides “Thank you”?

  She flitted her eyes at me. “Yes, well, just make sure you treat him right or else you’ll have to answer to me.”

  This was news. “Oh, really? And you care, why?”

  She sniffed, not backing down. “Ryan’s been an important part of my life for many years.”

  Marie crossed her legs and raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Was that before or after you fucked around behind his back with Lucas Banks? I know the gossip magazines don’t always get it right. I’m just trying to keep the timeline straight.”

  I wanted to give Marie a high-five for that one.

  Lauren was taken aback for a moment, and then she righted herself and smirked. “You think you know everything. Why don’t you go back to the little hick town that you crawled out of.”

  I looked up at her. “Seriously? Out of all the comebacks out there, that’s the best you could come up with?”

  She smiled and crossed her boney arms. “You think you have him. Enjoy your fifteen minutes.”

  I flicked my diamond engagement ring with my thumb, sending her a message. “I think I’ll have him a lot longer than that. See, I’m not ever going to be a dumb bitch like you were and screw around on him.

  But what I don’t understand is why you even care? If something should ever happen that we’re no longer together, I’m positive you wouldn’t even be on his list.”

  Lauren looked as if she’d been sucking on a lemon. “Getting him back would be easy.”

hy, do you think he’d be interested in a four-way with you, Nicole, and Kyle?” I snorted. “Highly doubt it.”

  I could tell she was grinding her teeth. I was getting to her. Good.

  “You just saw our film. You think all of that was just acting? I’d watch my back if I were you.”

  Marie sprang out of her seat. “You threatening her?”

  “Why?” a familiar deep voice rumbled.

  My head snapped, seeing Ryan come up behind Lauren after I heard his angered question. Her face went white.

  Ryan nudged her out of the way so he could sit on the arm of my chair. “I’ll ask again, Lauren. Why should my fiancée watch her back?”

  She hemmed. “It was just a figure of speech.”

  Ryan stood up, moving into her personal space. “I’m only going to say this once. For the duration of this junket, you will stay the hell away from me and my future wife. That also goes for your little meth-head girlfriend and your asshole bodyguard. We clear?”

  Lauren smiled coyly. “Since when did you become such a prude? I recall you used to be quite adventurous when we lived together. You should embrace the lifestyle our careers afford us before you’re too old to enjoy it. Playing house is boring. You’re missing out on all the fun, all the parties. You had your tongue in Nicole’s mouth, too. Imagine the possibilities.”

  Ryan blanched. “Yeah, that will never happen.”

  “You seemed to like it when we fucked that little set director together.” Lauren leaned toward me, making sure I heard her. “Did he ever tell you about that, Taryn? The three-ways we used to have?”

  Ryan grabbed her arm. “Do not fucking talk to her. And do not make the one-time seem like more.”

  She giggled. “Homophobic now, are we?”

  “I have zero issues with what people do. But what I do have a problem with are conniving bitches who go out of their way to destroy my relationship and their drug-addicted girlfriends fucking with my livelihood. You’re little fuck-friend is damn lucky I didn’t have her fired when I had the chance. As for you, I cut you a break when everything in my gut told me not to. I won’t make the same mistake twice.

  You even breathe in Taryn’s direction, you and Nicole will be lucky to find a gig at some shithole theater when I’m done.”