Read Love Unscripted Page 20

  “Promise? Don’t toy with my emotions, Ryan Christensen!” I giggled.

  He leaned down and kissed me passionately again.

  “Keep this up and we’ll never get dressed,” I murmured on his lips.

  “Sounds like a plan!” he chuckled, his eyes looking down at the new bulge pressing from behind his towel. “I’m quite sure I could toss you around this room for another hour or so.”

  “What time is it?” I asked. I couldn’t see the clock on the nightstand.

  He had to crane his neck to see the time. “Almost eleven thirty.”

  “Hmm, it is awfully early.” I smiled and twined my fingers into his wet hair. “We have several hours to kill, actually.”

  He flashed his sexy grin at me and then placed his lips back on mine.

  Ryan wasn’t kidding when he said he could toss me around the bed for another hour. Our lovemaking this time had become even more adventurous as we learned each other’s bodies.

  “Holy shit,” he gasped, crashing into a heap next to me on the bed.

  I was still trying to catch my breath.

  “I need… another shower… after that!” He breathed out a lung-full of air.

  “Me too.” I wiped some sweat off of my forehead. My body was tingling all over from the incredible ecstasy he just unleashed on me - again.

  “Put your hand on my chest,” he requested.

  I had trouble with this simple request. My hand slapped down on his skin.

  “Ow!” he yelped.

  “Sorry, can’t feel my arms just yet!”

  “Feel that? You did that,” he panted.

  “What did I do?” I muttered. My heart was pounding just as fast as his was.

  He rolled over on his side and pulled me closer. His eyes locked on mine.

  “You made my heart beat again,” he said with a glorious smile. His lips softly kissed my lips and I could feel all the passion that he meant to convey with each touch.

  I gazed into his eyes and lightly brushed my fingertips across his face. Three little words flashed through my mind as I looked at him, but there was no way I’d say them out loud.

  Ryan gathered my hand in his and folded my hand to his lips. I wondered if he had three little words in his mind too and if one day I might hear him say them out loud. At this moment it didn’t matter; the way he looked at me was good enough.

  I pressed his hand above my breast. “You did the same for me.”

  He kissed my fingertips and smiled.

  “Come on… let’s go get freshened up… again.”

  He took me by the hand and pulled me up off the bed.

  “When do you have to be back on set?” I asked. I turned the tub water on and tested the temperature with my hand.

  “I have to be in makeup by seven. I have a fourteen hour day scheduled,” he muttered, placing our towels on the counter.

  I wondered if I would drive him to our secret transfer place or if a driver would pick him up here in the morning. I’d save that question for later for I didn’t want to think at all about him leaving.

  We climbed into the shower to wash again when Ryan’s expression turned serious.

  “Taryn, I want to be honest with you. There are some things you need to know before everyone shows up tonight.”

  My heart thumped in my chest, guessing that his honestly would reveal bad news. His timing was perfect though – where could I go at this very moment? I was naked and standing in a stream of water.

  I looked up into his eyes; if he’s going to tell me something horrible then he’d have to face me head on.

  “I just want you to know that there’s nothing going on between me and Suzanne, even though I spend a lot of time in situations with her where it seems like something could be going on.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I said as the water pelted me in the head.

  “She’s the lead in our movie, and I know you haven’t seen it, but there are a lot of scenes where I have to kiss her - but it’s just for the film. We have to be close, but I want you to know that I don’t have those kinds of feelings for her.” He stared at me intensely, monitoring my reaction.

  I looked at him, confused. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I think of her like a sister - a sometimes annoying sister. I’m concerned she might say something tonight that’s out of line. And I just wanted you to know - from me - that there’s nothing there.”

  “Okay. So if she says something to me I should just ignore her?”

  “Just take it with a grain of salt. She might be cool, but I’m thinking she’s going to say something stupid. If she says anything to you, just tell me, okay?” he said as he rinsed his face under the water.

  “Okay, I will. Are you finished or do you need more time in here?” I was ready to turn the water off. I looked at him expecting an answer to my question but instead fear struck me in the chest; his face was still troubled.

  “There’s something else you need to know,” he continued. I felt the blood rush from my heart as he took a hold of my hands.

  “Francesca and I…” He looked down with guilt. The fear from not knowing what his confession would be knocked me for a loop. He looked me directly in the eyes when he spoke again. “It only happened once, and it was over a year ago.”

  I reached behind my back and turned the water off. I had to get a bearing on the admission he just made to me. I pushed the curtain open and was just about to step out of the tub when he gently grabbed my arm.

  “Taryn, look at me. I swear it was only once… and after it happened I realized it was a big mistake. I want you to know that I don’t have any feelings for her.” His expression was sincere.

  “Does she have feelings for you?” I asked. Disappointment coated my whisper.

  “I don’t know. Sometimes she says things… I know I should have never crossed that line with her.” His hand lifted my chin so I’d look him in the eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t care if she has feelings for me or not because I don’t feel the same way. I never did. I never will.”

  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel tightly around my body. I hoped the constriction of the towel could somehow keep my heart from cracking.

  Ryan quickly wrapped a towel around his waist then grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at him again.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you like this, but I wanted you to know – directly from me – what the truth is. I’m telling you all of this because I don’t want any secrets between us. She’s coming here tonight too and I don’t want our relationship to get...” He looked away to choose his words before looking back into my eyes.

  “Taryn, I’m…” he paused to breathe out a deep sigh. “I only want you - just you. But I can’t change the mistakes that I’ve made.”

  I had to make an instant decision. I could let the jealousy consume me and be angry or I could thank my lucky stars that the man standing in front of me cared enough about me to tell me the truth.

  I slowly reached my hand up to place it on his cheek. The water from his hair was dripping down his face. My heart skipped a beat from just touching him and I realized that my feelings for him were way too powerful to let his past change that. For the first time in my life the man who was holding my heart in his hand was honest with me. It took a lot of courage for him to tell me what he was feeling.

  “Thank you for being honest and for telling me.” I softly smiled. Relief coursed into my heart when he took my hand in his and pressed my palm to his lips.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asked carefully.

  “No, I’m not mad. I’m not happy with the news, but we both have pasts. It’s part of who we are. We’ve both made mistakes.”

  He took my face in his hands, staring into my eyes; his thumbs gently stroked my cheeks before he leaned in to softly kiss my lips.

  I wrapped my hands around his ribs as he kissed me passionately. There were no cameras, no directors, no witnesses - just Ryan and I and
our raw, unscripted emotions.

  “We better get ready. We’re going to have guests soon,” I reminded him.

  I started to comb my wet hair while doing everything possible to banish the visions of him and Francesca together.

  As long as he was an actor, women would be coming at him from all angles and directions. But he was with me now, by his choice, and the feelings that he shared were real and as obvious as black and white, with no shades of gray.

  Ryan slipped a new black T-shirt over his head; his jeans were hanging on his hips and the elastic waistband of his briefs was showing as he strung his leather belt through the loops.

  I smiled, thinking that it took me three showers to get to this point of the day. My hair and makeup were finally done.

  Oh my God he is hot! I really just want to lay naked in bed with him all day.

  “What?” he asked softly, noting my stare.

  My eyes were still tracing the faint view of his exposed skin on his stomach.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking!” he urged. I thought about it for a moment, then decided to be blatantly honest.

  “I was just thinking about tearing your clothes off and crawling back under the covers.”

  He charged over to where I stood and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the floor. His aggressive approach made me laugh.

  “I could rip your clothes off too, but actually you are looking so incredibly sexy dressed.” His eyes glanced down at my body.

  I was in my favorite True Religion Jeans – the ones that had cute leather lacing up the front, with a black Tee and my black heeled boots.

  “I could go back to sleep though. You wore me out!” he snickered. “We’ll just have to kick everyone out early.”

  I slipped my fingers into his hair and kissed him, appreciating that for this moment in time, he was mine… all mine.

  It was almost three thirty in the afternoon when Pete called to let me know that he and Tammy were out in the alley, getting ready to unload the food.

  “Here Taryn, take this box,” Pete instructed. The back of Tammy’s van was loaded.

  “Something smells fantastic!” Ryan said, taking the box from my hands. “Where do you want me to put this?”

  “Just put everything on the counters for now. We need to set up tables,” I replied. I couldn’t help but smirk at Ryan. He was smiling at me too.

  Ryan helped Pete set up a table for the food and then assisted in transferring all the food from the kitchen to the bar. It was apparent by the volume and variety of delectables that we were going to eat like kings and queens today.

  Marie and Gary arrived soon after we started setting up. I had asked them to arrive early, for I wanted to make sure that my friends were safely inside before the cast arrived. My friends didn’t need to be photographed today.

  Tammy had set out linens to cover the buffet tables and I was in the process of opening one of them up when Ryan walked past me. He pinched me quickly on the butt cheek when he thought no one was looking.

  “So… how’s it going?” Marie grinned and raised her eyebrows. She noticed the way Ryan and I were beaming.

  I glanced around to make sure we were alone before holding my hand up and spreading my five fingers out to her.

  “Five?” she whispered in amazement.

  I smiled a devilish grin and nodded my head.

  “Did you take my advice and feed him well to keep his energy level up?”

  “Oh, he ate very well this morning – several times. Wait, did you mean feed him food?” I teased.

  “So what are you two ladies whispering about over here?” Ryan asked after he set another box on the table.

  Marie and I looked at each other and just smiled; it was apparent on our faces that we were talking about - things.

  Ryan wrapped his arms around my waist. “I guess our secret is out now?” he chuckled.

  “What secret?” Marie’s voice boomed. “It’s so obvious the way you two are glowing around each other. The only thing missing are the words ‘I had incredible sex’ written on your foreheads!” She motioned the words with her hand.

  Ryan and I laughed as he squeezed me tighter. “It was beyond incredible,” he whispered in my ear and kissed me on the neck.

  Pete walked into the bar with another box of food, noting Ryan’s hold on me. A not-so-nice word slipped from his lips.

  Gary was right behind him, and when he saw us he started laughing.

  “Looks like you owe me some money,” Gary muttered.

  “Doesn’t mean anything,” Pete snapped. He looked over at Marie; she twitched her lips and nodded her head to confirm his suspicions.

  “Son-of-a… two more days… you couldn’t hold off for two more days?” Pete busted on us.

  I glared over at Marie.

  “Don’t look at me! You know how competitive those two are. It wasn’t my idea!”

  Ryan released me and turned to Pete. “You bastards betting on us?” he asked jokingly.

  “Yep!” Pete replied. “And you cost me twenty bucks, you prick!”

  Ryan slipped his hand into his front pocket and peeled a twenty-dollar bill off of a small stack of cash.

  “Here you go, Gary. Pete’s loss was my gain.” He laughed. “It was worth every penny!”

  Gary didn’t hesitate. He snatched the bill out of Ryan’s hand and stuffed it into his pocket. Marie teasingly nudged me.

  “You know Ryan, Gary is a Giants fan,” Pete baited him.

  “Oh really?” Ryan asked, looking over at Gary.

  “Ugh! Don’t tell me you’re a freaking Steelers fan too,” Gary groaned. “No wonder you and Taryn get along so well.”

  “What do you say to another bet?” Ryan’s eyes narrowed on Gary. “I got another twenty in my pocket that says the Giants are going to get their asses handed to them tonight.”

  While the three of them discussed the terms of the wager, Tammy, Marie, and I finished setting up the buffet table.

  “He fits in perfectly!” Marie whispered in my ear. “Look at them! They’re like long-lost college buddies!”

  “I know!” I whispered back. The sight of the three of them getting along so well was heart-warming.

  “Ryan freakin’ Christensen!” Marie giggled as she gave me a shoulder hug. “So, tell me, is he packing or what?”

  “What do you think?” I murmured.

  She breathed out a rough sigh.

  “Hey, no fantasizing about him,” I warned. “You have your own. That one’s mine. And try not to ask too many questions about their stupid movie, all right? They’re just regular people.”

  Tammy set up an elaborate tiered cheese and veggie tray; she had hot and cold hors d'oeuvres, hot entrees to complement the steaks, shrimp and lobster bites, and several different little desserts and chocolate dipped what-nots.

  I started to uncork a bottle of merlot while the guys discussed football trades and names of players. I never understood how men could remember all those details about sports but, yet, were incapable of remembering where they set their car keys or wallet.

  Just like the other day when Ryan asked me where his messenger bag was. Did he really not remember where it was, or is there some primitive part of a man’s brain that starts to shut down whenever a woman comes into their lives?

  Ryan was obviously hungry; he was popping food in his mouth between words. He had just shoved a big piece of cheese in his mouth when his cell phone rang. After a brief conversation, he met me at the bar.

  “Cal and his wife are on their way. They’re driving themselves. The rest of the group is coming separately; they were just picked up at the hotel. Cal told me that they are being followed by the paparazzi.” Ryan’s words sounded almost angry.

  “I have to go start the grill; do you want to come up with me?” I asked, hoping he would follow.

  He just nodded at me.

  On our way through my apartment, we grabbed our coats. I presumed it would be cold outside. He playfully g
oosed my rear end all the way up the steps to the roof. I was getting the hint that he liked my butt.

  I opened the rooftop door and turned to look at his reaction. His eyes instantly widened as he stepped outside.

  “Oh my God, Taryn! This is incredible!”

  I had a good portion of the roof transformed into a nice patio. There was a huge, raised composite deck with an outdoor stone bar with a granite top. I had designed a corner-raised fireplace at one end of the patio; the other end closest to the door contained the enormous stacked stone counter and stainless steel grill.

  The entire patio area was covered by a wooden pergola roof; I had tried to train vines to grow up the pillars, but the October winds had dried up most of the leaves. Underneath the open lattice roof, I had attached tiny white lights to make the patio glow in the evening. Centered on the patio was a large teak table that seated twelve and directly above that, a wrought iron and glass candle chandelier. I turned the lights on for Ryan so he could see it sparkle in the setting sun.

  “This is… beautiful!” he proclaimed, appearing quite mesmerized by it all.

  I smiled at him; I was glad that he thought so too.

  “You can really see the ocean from here,” he sighed loudly.

  I turned the gas on underneath the grill and lit the pilot. The burners popped to life with fire.

  “It’s not as cold as I thought it would be tonight,” I mentioned. “Do you think people might like to sit up here too? I could start a fire.”

  “Yeah. I know I wouldn’t mind hanging out up here for a little.”

  I pulled some wood out of the storage bin and stacked it in the fireplace. Ryan was standing at the edge of the deck with his fingers in his front pockets, looking out at the ocean and the setting sun. His face was beaming.

  “I think this is my new favorite place in the world,” he declared. “I thought your stairwell was the gateway to peace. This is the peace!”

  I stood next to him, enjoying the view of the colors over the ocean. I had seen the setting sun over the water a thousand times, but with Ryan standing next to me, it was like I was seeing it for the first time. Ryan slipped his hand out of his pocket and took my hand in his. He lifted my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my skin.