Read Love Unscripted Page 36

  Ryan rubbed my arms. “I at least have a few years under my belt dealing with it. I know it’s all new to you and it’s going to affect you in many ways, just like it’s affected me. We need to be strong together. It’s you and me against the world, Honey.”

  “That sounds like it’s from a movie!” I joked.

  “Probably. But it doesn’t mean we can’t use the same line in our story.” He softly kissed my lips.

  “Are you going back to work?” He started digging in his bag when he asked.

  “Yeah. I told Marie I was going to have dinner with you and that I’d be back. What’s that?” He had a few blue colored papers in his hand.

  “It’s tomorrow’s call sheet. It’s like an agenda. What scenes we’re going to shoot, times, my lines… all of that fun stuff. I was going to go…” he motioned over his shoulder, “read.” He smiled impishly.

  “Do you want your love letters too?” I teased, knowing where he was headed.

  “Don’t you have a pub to run?” he groaned. His phone started to play some really cool music again. I could make out the words ‘home, home.’

  “My dad,” he answered my look.

  “Hey Dad, what’s up?” His smile disappeared. “What do you mean they cancelled your flight? Oh, so when are you coming then? Wait, let me write that down.” He motioned for a pen. I introduced him to the junk drawer.

  Ryan wrote down Flight 1560 Newark 10:30 a.m. “I won’t be able to make it ‘cause I’m scheduled to be on set. You don’t need a rental car, just take a shuttle over to the hotel. Well, I was going to come to the airport to get you but I can’t do ten thirty, Dad. No, I haven’t been staying at the hotel.” He took a deep breath and looked at me.

  “I’ve been staying with Taryn. She’s willing to put up with me.” He smiled as he spoke. “Yes, she is a wonderful woman! You’ll see.

  “Dad, you and mom only need to stay at the Lexington Thursday and Friday... because we’re taking you somewhere for the weekend.”

  I flagged his attention. “I can pick them up at the airport,” I mouthed.

  He held one finger up for me to wait. “Dad, hang on.”

  “I can pick them up if they need a ride to the hotel. I don’t think there’s a shuttle from Providence all the way to Seaport.”

  He covered his phone with his hand. “I was going to see if I could get one of the limo drivers to go get them. Hang on,” he groaned.

  “What Dad? I was going to see if I could get one of the set drivers to come get you but Taryn just offered to pick you up. No, she owns her own business, remember?” He talked over his phone to me. “Do you mind getting my parents at the airport?”

  “No, I don’t mind,” I answered him.

  “Lexington Hotel, Dad. That’s where you’ll be staying,” Ryan informed his father.

  “Why don’t your parents just stay here?” I suggested.

  “Here?” He contemplated, a dent formed in his brow.

  “Guestroom?” I pointed towards the hallway.

  Ryan couldn’t wait any longer; he hurried out of the kitchen and I headed for my pub.

  Most of the fanatics had vacated the bar by the time I returned. The crowd was thin and very manageable for Marie and Cory. There were maybe twenty women still lingering in the bar.

  “That was a smart thing Ryan did,” Marie stated. “After you both went upstairs, most of the women left. Look out front.”

  I walked closer to the windows and looked outside. The sidewalks were surprisingly empty. There were a few greasy paparazzi still loitering, but the horde of women was gone. Apparently it was known that Ryan Christensen was in for the evening.

  “So what are your thoughts about managing the bar in my absence?” I wanted to make sure Marie was okay with me taking off for a few days, especially considering what happened tonight with his fans.

  “Tar, you haven’t had a vacation in years. This is a huge step! Go, have fun with him and his parents. Who knows, maybe you’ll come back married or something wonderful like that.”

  “Yeah, like that will happen!” I kidded. “But in all honesty, I have been thinking about stuff like that. This place has been my whole life. Now - not so much, you know.”

  “Your priorities have changed,” she stated.

  “Yeah, I’ll say!” I nervously admitted.

  Marie pointed to the ceiling. “His schedule is so different. He’s going to expect you to travel and be with him wherever he is. And I tell ya, if I was you, I’d follow him anywhere!”

  I smirked at her.

  “That’s not what I mean! Well, it is what I mean, but that’s beside the point. Before I knew him, I had this mental picture of him as a celebrity. But he’s more than that, I know that now. That’s why you’re head over heels in love with him. He’s just a really great guy! And it seems like he is ready to settle down with someone. He’s not playing the field, that’s for sure!”

  “Yeah, I’d have to agree… considering he sort of moved in with me yesterday,” I muttered, bracing myself for her reaction.

  “What?” Marie gasped from the shock.

  “We had his clothes delivered so we could get his laundry done and well, he asked me if he could stay with me.” I took another deep breath, anticipating her elation. “All of his stuff is upstairs now. That’s why he’s up there. He wants to stay here.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” She beamed in amazement and then pulled me in for a congratulatory hug while jumping up and down.

  “No! I’d never kid about that!” I whispered as we hugged. “That’s why I have a lot to think about, because this pub is what I do for a living.”

  “It’s not all you do,” she reminded.

  “I know, but it’s my primary income. I don’t want to be solely dependent on my husband’s income, even if he isn’t the one I end up marrying. I want to have a strong, equal part in this relationship. And I’m not going to repeat my mistakes and give up who I am. ”

  “You’ve been a shrewd businesswoman so far. I’m sure you’ll make smart choices.”

  My pocket started to play Ryan’s ringtone.

  “Hey, what’s up? No, I’m not knocking on the door. Let me check.” I held the phone to my ear and rushed over to my stairwell. I was instantly pissed when I saw two girls at the top of my steps giggling and knocking on my apartment door.

  “Whoa! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I shouted, surprised to see them up there. They both looked at me like I was disturbing them.

  “This is Ryan Christensen’s apartment, right?” One of the tramps sneered at me.

  “No, that’s my home and private property! Get the hell away from my door!”

  “Jeez, what’s your problem?” one of them snipped. I was so tempted to run up the steps and come back down dragging her by the hair. “He’s in there, isn’t he?” she giggled, like she was in on the secret.

  “It doesn’t matter who is on the other side of that door! What gives you the right to think you could just barge on up there?” I snapped my phone shut. I just hung up on Ryan, but it didn’t matter; I knew he could hear me screaming at them through the door.

  “Relax! We just wanted to meet him; party a little.” The other girl shook her boobs at me.

  Marie was standing behind me with my baseball bat in hand. I flipped my phone open again.

  “You have two seconds to get down here before I call the police. ONE…” Fortunately I didn’t have to count to two. “Collect your things and leave, now!”

  “Bitch!” the one girl mumbled on her way past me. I could not believe she actually had the audacity to call me a name!

  “Excuse me?” I snapped. “Step foot in my bar again and I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.” I slammed the door behind them. I turned to walk back to the bar, still fueled by the encounter.

  “Who’s next?” I said to Marie, but loud enough for the rest of the lingering women to hear. I was so mad I could have thrown them all out.

I need to get a lock,” I muttered, standing in front of my stairwell door. But what good would that do? Just one more key and one more speed bump to getting Ryan upstairs unnoticed. I walked into the kitchen and stared at the wall behind the useless counter. I tapped on the drywall, thinking about how I could move the entrance to my apartment. I hoped to one day have a simple home in the woods with my prince; no longer did I think about living above the bar for the rest of my life. If I ever wanted to rent the apartment out, the tenant would be bound to enter and exit during bar business hours.

  I flipped open my cell phone and called Pete. Home renovation was what he did for a living and I knew he would have some suggestions. I unlocked my apartment door just as Pete answered. Ryan was relaxing on the couch, blue papers in one hand, television remote in the other, stripped down to comfy sweats and a T-shirt.

  I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulders when I finished my phone call. I leaned my head on his chest.

  “Taryn, this obviously isn’t a good idea. Maybe I should just stay at the hotel.”

  I felt my happiness drain right out of my heart. “NO. Absolutely unacceptable.”

  “I knew this was gonna happen but I let it happen anyway. Me being here is causing a lot of trouble for you and your pub.”

  He was feeling remorseful. I could hear it.

  “Ryan, it doesn’t matter where you are. Like you said, this stuff follows.” I sat up and looked him in the eyes. “I want a life with you, if you truly want a life with me. Your fans caught me off-guard today, but I can tell you it won’t happen again. I’ll be better prepared next time. I want you here with me, where I can protect you from the nonsense.”

  “Who’s going to protect you? Isn’t that my job?” He glared at me.

  “And what? Your solution is to stay away from me to protect me?” It wasn’t meant to be a question.

  “I brought all of this to your fucking doorstep, Taryn! I did this!” Ryan argued, stabbing himself in the chest with his finger.

  “So what? You think I didn’t know that stuff like this could happen? I’m not some naïve, little girl who’s star struck and oblivious, Ryan! There is no way I’m going to allow you to feel guilty about shit you have no control over! I have to learn how to deal with your fame too! And I will!”

  Ryan slumped back, defeated.

  “Do you really love me, or was that something that accidentally slipped out?” I asked.

  His eyes narrowed. “I meant every word, every time I’ve said it. I love you.”

  “Then it’s you and me against the world, and we don’t deviate from that course. That’s our story, remember?”

  He tossed his blue papers onto the coffee table and reached for me, hugging me tightly.

  Pete and Tammy arrived fifteen minutes later. Pete had his toolbox in one hand and was wearing his tape measure as an attachment to his belt.

  Ryan greeted them when he slipped into the kitchen. We talked about how we could seal off the original door that opened into the pub and relocate the door to open into the kitchen. It was the quickest fix.

  “But that means if I ever try to rent the apartment out, the tenant would have to still come through the kitchen to get in. Ahh, I’m not so sure I like this. What would keep them from going right out into the bar?” I said, pushing the kitchen swing door with my fingers.

  “That certainly is a problem,” Pete added. “These old buildings were never meant to be businesses; they were all homes. And if we seal off the kitchen then you’ll have safety violations for not having an emergency exit.”

  I looked around the kitchen. There was just no good way of relocating the stairwell. Pete and Ryan ran back upstairs to deliberate. I could hear them tapping on the inside of the stairwell wall.

  “I spoke to my brother,” Tammy whispered. “Does Ryan know about the restraining order?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’d like to keep it that way for now.” I didn’t want to add any more stress to Ryan’s life. “What did you find out?”

  “He said you could get one if you feel she is stalking you. But you’d have to go to the police and then file papers at the courthouse. You’d also have to appear in court. It didn’t sound simple.”

  “Nothing’s ever simple. But I did get her name today though,” I said proudly. “She came into the bar earlier and I carded her.”

  “No way!” Tammy said in surprise.

  “On Monday she slipped a card for him through my mail slot and she signed it ‘Angel’ but when I carded her, her license said her name was Angelica. Angelica Staunton, all the way from Brooklyn.”

  “Write her name down for me. I’ll see if Tony can run a background check on her.”

  I had just slipped the paper with her name on it to Tammy when Pete and Ryan came back into the kitchen.

  “Tar, I think we’ve solved your problem,” Pete boomed happily. “Here, look at this.”

  Pete was smiling at Ryan, like they just solved world hunger.

  “What’s this line?” I asked, looking at their drawing.

  “That’s a new wall. Ryan, let’s measure it. What you got?”

  “Thirty two and a half,” Ryan said.

  “That’s going to be a long-ass wall! It’s going to go straight to the back wall there.” Pete pointed. “You’ll have a separate outside entrance from the alley and then we can cut a door here in the middle so you don’t have to go outside to get up to your apartment. One day if you decide you want to block it off, it’s an easy fix.”

  Pete tapped his finger on the drawing. “The stairs would stop there and then I’ll put in two steps to reach the floor. You’ll only end up losing four feet. That counter there would have to go.

  “Ryan, hold the tape measure again. See, you were right. We wouldn’t even have to move the back door; it’s fine where it is. The new wall will come here – six inches away from the frame.”

  Pete’s metal tape measure snapped back in the casing. “Taking out the brick wall will be a pain, but it’s doable. You’ll need a new steel door… and a construction permit.”

  “This is brilliant!” I was quite excited. “Pete, you’re so freaking smart!”

  “Don’t look at me - it’s his design.” He pointed a thumb at Ryan.

  “At least my two years at Pitt weren’t a total waste,” Ryan said confidently, twitching his head like it was no big deal.

  I secretly added one more trait that I loved about him to my list.

  “Ryan, can I get you to re-draw this rough sketch? Then I can attach it to the construction permit application,” Pete asked.

  “Yeah, sure. No problem. Tammy, how big of an oven would you need back here? I guess this stove has to go too; it looks like a fire hazard.”

  “Ryan, I can’t get a permit for that until I update the fire suppression system for over the stoves,” I muttered privately. “All the water lines need to be replaced. That alone was over twenty grand.”

  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and whispered in my ear. “Let’s figure out what it will cost and we’ll talk about it.”

  It sort of bothered me that he was so willing to part with his money. He reminded me of some kid who had twenty dollars burning a hole in his pocket.

  Pete and Tammy left shortly after Ryan gave him a new sketch of the construction, and Cory and Marie were well in control of the bar, so I stayed in my apartment with Ryan.

  “So Ms. Mitchell, since we’ve come to new agreements, are you ready to renegotiate the terms of your contract?” Ryan raised a questioning brow, smirking hopefully on our way to the bedroom.

  “That all depends on what you’re offering.”

  “How about two for the price of one on Tuesdays?” he snickered, pushing the door closed with his fingers.

  Ryan was so sound asleep he didn’t even budge the first time the alarm clock chimed. He was lying flat on his back, spread out on the bed in the same position he was after our incredible night. I figured I’d give him a few more
minutes, so I went out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

  “Ouch,” I muttered walking to the door with a slight limp; my hip was hurting from how he maneuvered me last night. I smiled inside, remembering how I got in this much pain.

  “Babe, time to wake up.” I rubbed my hand across his chest.

  Our morning felt like it could quickly become routine. While he showered, I made his coffee – poured in one of those Styrofoam to-go cups that looks like you got it at the convenience store, and then brushed my teeth while he informed me of his schedule.

  We were just like any other normal couple getting ready to go to work. I set out a new pack of gum next to his keys and organized his blue papers so he wouldn’t forget them. His cell phone was plugged into the charger so I readied that for him too.

  “You are the best assistant I could have ever hoped for!” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me goodbye at the back door. “I love you. I’ll call you later.”

  I trudged up my steps, now wide-awake in the wee hours of the morning. Bored, I turned my computer on with the original excuse of checking on my bank statements, but instead I searched his name.

  After I checked his one fan-made blog site, I returned to the news results.

  Today’s news headlines showed the following:

  Ryan Christensen autograph signing

  Fans make Ryan’s new love jealous!

  “What the?” I clicked on the link that referred to my jealousy.

  Beware ladies! Fans make Ryan’s new girlfriend see Red!

  Fans lined up inside his new hangout, the rustic Mitchell’s Pub in Seaport, RI to see their favorite star as he held an impromptu meet and greet Tuesday night. A few lucky ladies who happened to be at the right place at the right time got to meet the sexy actor as he posed for pictures and signed autographs for his die-hard fans.

  A few ladies who happened to be there when he arrived shortly before 7:00 p.m. said that he was happy and friendly as he greeted his fans.