Read Love Virtually Page 16

Re: O.K.

  Do you have a moment, Leo? I know it’s late, but pour yourself another glass of wine—it always does you a world of good. Thing is, I can’t stop thinking about everything and I’ve got a few questions. On my special subject, for example:

  1) Do you think you might want to sleep with me at our farewell meeting?

  2) Do you think I might want to sleep with you?

  3) If the answer to both of the above is yes (and if we actually do sleep together): do you really believe that we’ll feel good afterward? You know, the way you promised me: “And I’m sure you’d feel good too.”

  4) How does that tie in with your prediction that I won’t want to meet you again?

  Ten minutes later

  Re: O.K.

  1) I think I might want to sleep with you, but I don’t have to show it.

  2) I think you might want to sleep with me, but probably not.

  3) Would we feel good afterward? Yes, I think we would.

  4) You won’t want to meet me again because you have a family, and after our meeting you’ll know exactly where you belong.

  Seven minutes later

  Re: O.K.

  1) If you wanted to sleep with me, do you really think I wouldn’t notice?

  2) And as for whether I might want to sleep with you: you’re not far off when you say “probably not.” ( Just so you don’t get your hopes up.)

  3) Would we feel good afterward? I like it when you talk like a normal man for a change—it sounds so down to earth.

  4) You think I’ll know exactly where I belong: do you really think at this stage you can judge that better than I can?

  5) And one last question before we go to bed, Leo: Are you still just a little bit in love with me?

  One minute later

  Re: O.K.

  A little bit?

  Two minutes later

  Re: O.K.

  Good night. I’m very much in love with you. I’m terrified of our meeting. I can’t imagine—I can hardly bear to imagine— that then I’m going to lose you.

  All my love,


  Three minutes later

  Re: O.K.

  You should never think about “losing.” You lose just by thinking about it. Good night, my love.

  The following morning

  Subject: (no subject)

  Good morning, Leo. I didn’t sleep a wink. Should I really come over to your place this evening?

  Five minutes later


  Good morning, Emmi. I’m glad I’m not the only one who didn’t sleep. Yes, do come over. Is 7 o’clock O.K.? We could sit out on the terrace for a while.

  Two hours later


  Leo, Leo, Leo, let’s assume this evening goes better than you think. Let’s assume you fall in love with the woman you see before you, with the expression that goes with her irony, with the sound of her voice, with her hand movements, with her eyes, her hair (I’m excluding her breasts), with her right earlobe, with her left shinbone, whatever. Let’s assume you feel there’s more that connects us than just our computer servers, and that it’s no mere coincidence that we’ve gotten so caught up in each other. Do you think you might not want to see me again, Leo? Might you not want to keep on writing to me, even from Boston? Might you not want to be together with me? Might you not want to stay together with me? Might you not want to live with me?

  Ten minutes later



  Thirty-five minutes later


  Let’s assume I was.

  Forty-five minutes later

  Subject: (no subject)

  Leeeooo, can’t you think of anything to say?

  Three minutes later


  Dear Emmi,

  Let’s assume that’s just one assumption too many for me. Let’s assume I can’t assume that you’re free, for the simple reason that you’re not, nor will you be. If you “free yourself up” from your family for the evening—for my sake—then so much the better for me (and for you too, I hope). But that’s very different from saying that you’re free for me. Generally I’m pretty good at assuming assumptions. But with the best will in the world I can’t assume this assumption, however alluring it may sound.

  May I take this opportunity to ask you a question?—I know you don’t like questions like this, but it’s fairly relevant: What are you actually going to tell your husband about where you’re going tonight?

  Nine minutes later


  Oh Leo, can’t you give it a rest? I’ll tell him I’m meeting up with a friend. He’ll ask: Do I know him? I’ll reply: I don’t think so, I haven’t told you much about him. Then I’ll say: We’ve got lots to catch up on so I might be late getting home. He’ll say: Have fun.

  Twenty minutes later


  And what if you don’t get home until the small hours? What will he say then?

  Three minutes later


  Do you really think I might get home that late? This is a side to Leo I haven’t come across before.

  Eight minutes later


  What does Emmi Rothner say? “Things that seem impossible beforehand often turn out to be possible after all.” In short, everything’s possible. I’m beginning to believe that too.

  Four minutes later


  Wow, exciting! I like it when you talk like that. (Maybe because those are my words.) Only four hours to go, by the way. Would you like to know which of the three Emmis from the café you’ll be opening the door to?

  Three minutes later


  No, don’t tell me, Emmi! I really don’t want to know. Let me make a suggestion. You’re not allowed to laugh, I’m being serious. I’d like to leave the door ajar. You come in. You go into the first room on the left from the hallway. It’s dark. I put my arms around you without seeing you. I kiss you blind. One kiss. Just a single kiss!

  Fifty seconds later


  And then I leave, or what?

  Three minutes later


  No, not at all! One kiss, and then we’ll put the blinds up, then we’ll see who we’ve kissed. Then I’ll give you a glass of wine and we’ll make a toast. And then we’ll see what happens.

  One minute later


  Mine has to be a whisky, but apart from that I’m quite happy with your welcome ritual. Basically it’s no different from your little blindfold number, just without the blindfold and therefore a bit more romantic. Sure, let’s do it! Um, are we really going to? Isn’t it a bit crazy?

  Forty seconds later


  Of course we’re really going to do it.

  Four minutes later


  But it is risky, Leo. I have no idea whether I’ll like the way you kiss. How do you kiss? Are you quite firm, or are you soft? Dry or wet? What are your teeth like, are they sharp or blunt? How intrusive and agile is your tongue? Does it feel like hard plastic or foam rubber? Do you keep your eyes open or close them when you kiss? (I suppose if you’re blind-tasting it doesn’t really matter.) What do you do with your hands? Will you hold me? Where will you hold me, and how firmly? Are you quite quiet, or do you breathe heavily and make noises with your mouth? So tell me, Leo: how do you kiss?

  Three minutes later


  I kiss like I write.

  Fifty seconds later


  That’s incredibly big-headed of you, but it doesn’t sound bad at all. Mind you, your writing can be extremely variable.

  Forty-five seconds later


  And my kissing can be extremely varied.

  Four minutes later


  So long as you promise to kiss me in the same way you’ve been writing to me yesterday and today, I’ll risk it!

rty-five seconds later


  Risk it then!

  Twelve minutes later


  And what if we want more after we’ve kissed?

  Forty seconds later


  Then we want more.

  Fifty seconds later


  And will we do more?

  Thirty-five seconds later


  I’m sure we’ll know that when we come to it.

  Two minutes later


  I hope both of us will know, not just one of us.

  Four minutes later


  If one of us knows, the other will too. Only two hours to go, by the way. We should probably stop writing and get ready for our great leap into another dimension. I’m seriously excited, I have to say.

  Eight minutes later


  What should I wear?

  One minute later


  I’ll leave that up to you.

  Fifty-five seconds later


  I’d rather let your fantasy decide.

  Two minutes later


  Please don’t let my fantasy decide anything. It’s running away with me a little just now. But I think you should wear something.

  Three and a half minutes later


  Should I wear something that might increase the probability of the blinds staying down for a while after we kiss, because neither of us has our hands free?

  Forty seconds later


  If you don’t mind my being abrupt: YES!

  A minute and a half later


  A “YES” to a question that demands the answer “yes” could never be too abrupt for me. I’ll go and “brush up” then, as they say. Unless my heart beats its way out of my rib cage, see you at your place in an hour and a half.

  Three and a half minutes later


  Press the intercom button marked “15.” When you’re in the elevator, put in the code 142 and you’ll be taken to the top floor. There’s only one door up there. It’ll be ajar. Then go into the room on the left, just follow the music.

  Can’t wait!

  Fifty seconds later


  And I can’t wait either. Before we go kissing in the dark, I ought at least to tell you my age: I’m thirty-four, which is two years younger than you—sorry to point that out.

  Two minutes later


  I think I’ll have to talk to you properly about “Boston,” Emmi. You’ve got completely the wrong idea about Boston, or about Boston and me. The whole Boston thing is quite different from how you imagine it. I need to explain that to you. There’s so much to say! There’s so much to understand. Do you understand?

  A minute and a half later


  Slow down, Leo. One thing at a time. Boston can wait. Explanations can wait. Understanding it all can wait. For now let’s just kiss. See you soon, my love!

  Forty-five seconds later


  See you soon, my love!


  The following evening

  Subject: The north wind

  Dear Leo,

  I know, it’s unforgivable. Your “silence” is evidence of that. You’re not asking why. No, you haven’t even asked me why. You’re teaching me a lesson. No screaming fit, no attempt to save the situation, no paroxysms of grief. You’re not doing anything. You’re not saying anything. You let everything wash over you in silence. You don’t even ask why. You’re behaving as though you knew it all along. And now you’re punishing me too. Well, you can’t be half as disappointed as I am. Because my disappointment is compounded by my awareness of yours.

  I’ll tell you why I decided not to come at the very last minute—and I mean it, it really was the very last minute. It was all because of one letter, one single letter in a place where it shouldn’t have been, and it came at the worst possible moment. Leo, do you remember you asked me: “What are you going to tell Bernhard?” And I replied, “I’ll tell him I’m meeting up with a friend.” That’s exactly what I said to him last evening. “He’ll ask: Do I know him?”—he said just that. “I’ll reply: I don’t think so, I haven’t told you much about him,”—and that was my answer. “Then I’ll say: we’ve got lots to catch up on so I might be late getting home!” Those were my exact words. “And he’ll say: Have fun,” And he did say that, Leo. But he added one word. He said: “Have fun, EMMI.” Just the usual “Have fun,” and then he paused. And then came the EMMI. A murmur, no more, and it froze me to the core. He always calls me “Emma,” nothing else. He hasn’t called me “Emmi” for years. I can’t even remember the last time he did.

  The “i” instead of the “a,” Leo, that single letter in the wrong place sent shock waves through me. It was all wrong coming from him. It wasn’t his to say. I felt like I’d been exposed, the illusion was shattered, it sounded so destructive. As if he could read my thoughts, as if he had seen straight through me. As if he wanted to say: “I know you want to be ‘Emmi,’ you want to be ‘Emmi’ all over again. Well, be ‘Emmi’ then, and have a good time.” I should have said something quite horrible to him in response, I should have said: “Bernhard, I don’t just WANT to be Emmi, I AM Emmi. But I’m not YOUR Emmi. I’m somebody else’s. He’s never set eyes on me, but he found me. He recognized who I am. He’s brought me out of myself. I’m his Emmi. I’m Emmi for Leo. You don’t believe me? Well, I can prove it. I have it all in writing.”

  I went up to my room. I was going to send you an email, but I couldn’t. All I could write was this miserable sentence: “My dear Leo, I can’t come over tonight, it’s all too much.” I stared at it for a few moments and then deleted it. I wasn’t able to tell you I was going to let you down. It would have been like letting myself down. Something happened, Leo. My soul vanished from the screen. I think I love you. And Bernhard has sensed that. I feel cold. The north wind is blowing. Where can we go from here?

  Ten seconds later

  Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Returned)

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.




  Daniel Glattauer, Love Virtually



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