Read Love and Worries Page 2

  Chapter II: The Accident

  The car was in high speed as the one way road was free. A small distraction was made for the driver due to a huge laughter on a Manoj’s joke. In a fraction of second, the car hit the divider and Deepankar who was on the wheel, lost the control and then car span to the other side of the road. Before the car halted it hit another car coming from the opposite direction. The motionless bodies of all three were trapped inside.

  Then Deepankar got his sense. A tall man pulled Deepankar from the vehicle and told, ‘Your wife and your friend have already expired. But within few minutes, situation will be changed. You have to die and your friend will be made alive!’

  At first Deepankar became very sad to know that both his wife and his closest friend were dead. But next moment he became surprised, why the tall man was saying that in the next few minutes his friend would be alive and he had to die. The tall man understood his state of mind and therefore he told, ‘First of all, let me clarify that I am not a man, what you might have been thinking. I am a devil or angel whatever you want to say! I am entrusted by the Almighty to clean up the mess some of you have created through your acts. In your case, you have created a mess by over speeding your car, your friend created a mess by not loving his wife and neglecting his wife, his parents created problems by bringing his wife, Gayatri as daughter in law without taking his prior consent. For your fault, you are going to lose your wife whom you love very much, your friend has nothing to lose because he hates you for abandoning him after marrying your wife and his own parents for not consulting properly before his marriage and he does not love his wife. He has no love for his unborn baby also, as his wife conceived his baby because of an accident committed by your friend. Now I am going to fix the problem in this way.’ The tall fellow paused for a moment.

  ‘Now I put your life into your friend’s body. So both you and your wife will die in the accident, officially, socially and legally. You will look after your friend’s parent officially, socially and legally. You will be able to look after your parent emotionally and at any point whenever they will need help from a son. Gayatri, your friend’s wife will get a caring husband in you and the unborn will get a caring father in you. Everything will be fine for you so long you will do all the assigned duties faithfully. Otherwise, everything will be finished for you, your family and your friend’s family. Remember one thing, so long you are doing duties as assigned to you, you will be able to remember everything of your life. If you deviate from your assigned duties, you will forget everything and you will be a mad man for another fifty years, till your natural death. In any case, otherwise, since you are responsible for the accident, you have to go to jail, lose your job, hatred from Manoj family, hatred from his wife and enmity from the unborn child and above all, a lonely life without your wife Jyoti. So how do like my solution?’

  Before Deepankar open his mouth, the tall fellow vanished and he found himself in Manoj’s attire (initially he thought). A few seconds’ later police arrived and all three were taken to hospital. All three were apparently dead.

  Deepankar saw his parent came to the hospital and cried loudly by embracing a dead body lying near to him. When he saw the dead body from the corner of his eyes he was shocked; it was his dead body. Now he realized, the tall man was not an illusion, he put his life into Manoj’s dead body and now Deepankar’s body is lifeless.

  So official medical bulletin of New Delhi trauma centre was notified as under:

  ‘One Deepankar and his wife, Jyoti were brought dead after a car accident on NOIDA expressway. The third occupant, Manoj is fighting for his life.’

  On the basis of eye witnesses, police registered a case of rash driving against Deepankar who was on the wheel.

  After five days, Manoj, afterwards I shall refer him as Deepankar, as from inside he was Deepankar, not Manoj, was released from the hospital and his recovery was very fast and within ten days he became a fully fit man. During these days, despite of early pregnancy illness, Gayatri gave him the best of the services a wife can give to her ailing husband.