Read Love on the Ranch Page 4

  Chapter Four

  By the time I made it through New Mexico, I started thinking that I could very well keep going to California. It did not seem that far off all of a sudden. But as soon as I crossed into Arizona, my car started letting me know that maybe California was out of reach.

  First there was the rattling sound, and then there was the smoke coming from under the hood. And then it stopped working altogether. To boot, the bars on my cell phone were at one and there was no reception.

  I wanted to kick the car, punish her like I was being punished. It was early morning, so the sun was not at its height. In the event I would have to walk, I had a few bottles of water and a snack or two that would last me.

  Jiggling the cell phone, I hoped that would be enough to get a few more bars to get reception. No such luck. The only thing that was working in my favor was the ranch that was straight ahead. It looked to be the only thing for miles. I found it odd that no other cars were coming through this stretch of highway, especially with it being a major thoroughfare.

  Turning back to the car, nothing had changed. Smoke rising from the hood, there would be no way that I could get it started. My phone was still not going to work with me. There was only one thing to do. I could not sit out here and wait for someone to drive by. Besides, for some reason, doing that did not seem safe. Something about going to the ranch seemed the safer idea. There were horses grazing, and I could see the silo of a barn in the distance.

  Fortunately, I had on my comfortable sneakers with a pair of cut off shorts and a tank top. I threw the water bottles and the snacks in my bag and set off for the ranch. This would have to work.

  A car whizzed by, driving a little too quickly for my taste. But then again, this was nothing but open road, made for opening your car engine up and testing it out.

  I swear as I walked, the ranch got further and further away. It made me wonder if it was an oasis, instead of a place of refuge.

  A man came riding over the hill on a golf cart. He was wearing a white t-shirt, a distressed cowboy hat, jeans, and cowboy boots.

  "Can I help you Ma'am?"

  I must have had a confused look on my face.

  He chuckled. "Yes, I'm a cowboy that drives a golf cart. I can ride horses, but there is no need to do that all over the ranch when you can indulge in modern convenience."

  "Okay, makes sense." I could not help but giggle.

  "Now what is a pretty lady like you doing walking out here on this road by yourself?"

  Turning to point back down the road, "my car decided that it needed a break. I'm stalled down the road."

  He rode the golf cart to the gate. "Let's go check it out."

  With one hand on the gate, he hopped over the rail, landing on both feet expertly. I was able to see all of him, and I liked what I saw. He was gorgeous. Much taller than I expected, he had a five o'clock shadow, and piercing blue eyes, and a physique that showed that he worked out regularly.

  "Come on," he repeated.

  "We're going to walk back down there?"

  I was not looking forward to doing that. I had already walked this far down here.

  With a polite smile, he replied. "Are your keys down there with the car? I will walk down there and check it out for you."

  "Yes, I left them with the car."

  "Fine. You wait here. As a matter of fact, stand closer to the rail of the gate. Sometimes people are pretty reckless as they bend this corner on this part of the highway."

  "Alright." I stepped back as he said.

  It felt like it took him forever to get down to the car and come back. His expression on his face looked defeated.

  "Is it that bad?"

  He extended his hand. "My name is Blake, first off. And yes, it is that bad. Come on up to the house. I'm going to get you something to drink, a little something to eat and I will get my truck to tow your car up here so I can get under the hood."

  "Wait, a cowboy and a mechanic?"

  "Multitalented. What can I say? Now come on."

  I really did not feel like I had any choice. There was no way I could stage a protest and stay out here on the side of the highway with the messed up car.

  "Maybe I could just use your phone to call a tow service and get it fixed."

  I did have options.

  "You could. But the next service station is a few miles away from here and where will you stay while you wait?"

  When he mentioned the service station, I became frustrated. Hadn't I been to two service stations with no success? And here I stood, with Blake, a man that I did not know offering to fix my car.

  "I promise I won't bite. At least not until night time when my fangs come out."

  His comment stopped me in my tracks while he laughed.

  "Just kidding. Really. Come on. I would not be the gentleman that my parents raised me to be if I left you out here alone. Plus it's very hot out here. You would melt if I left you out here."

  He motioned for me to jump over the fence, which was not exactly my thing. I opted to climb through the rails. He hopped the fence and was already waiting as I pulled myself through the space. I joined him on the golf cart and we made the bumpy ride through the grass, up the hill toward the house.

  We came what I thought was dangerously close to the horses before we made it to the expansive driveway that led to the front door of the house. I was not even aware that the house was that large but it was even larger as we approached.

  "You live out here all alone?"

  "What makes you think that?" he asked.

  "Just asking."

  "Well, I do live out here alone. I actually take care of this house now. It was the house that I grew up in. My parents downsized and moved to a retirement community where they live in a luxury condo."

  He pulled the golf cart to a stop.

  "Come on in. Please make yourself at home."

  Blake walked around to my side and held my hand as I got out of the vehicle. I had to stop from holding my mouth open because the inside of the house was not what I expected. Completely updated and contemporary furnishings with sculptures and expensive artwork.

  "You have great taste, Blake."

  "Thank you." He took off his hat, smile a little crooked, a dimple popping out of his right cheek.

  "You can have a seat in the living room. Or maybe you would like something to eat or drink while I go and hitch the tow for your car."

  "I'm actually pretty tired from driving and I could use all of the above plus a shower."

  "Well, you can use the guest room. It's down that hallway, third door on the right. And there is some lunch already made in the kitchen."

  He turned around and pointed. "Which is that way."


  As he walked off, I could not help but to notice the way his jeans fit his body so nicely. Snug enough to show off his quads and his butt. I loved a man with a good butt. His stride was full of strength and masculinity.

  The shower was calling me and I hoped that by the time I was done, Blake would be back with good news about my car.

  Three doors down the hallway, I found the room he spoke of. For a guest room, it looked like it was out of a travel magazine. Way too beautiful to just be sitting here empty. I couldn't help but to run my fingertips over the gold trimming on the furniture and I had to throw myself on the plush bed with white linens. It was what I imagined it would feel like if I landed on a cloud. The motels I had been checking in to were nothing like this. After a shower in the largest, most spacious bathroom I had ever been in, I took a seat on the bed and before I knew it, I was passed out, sleeping.

  By the time I woke up, I was not even sure where I was. When I rolled over, there was a cool breeze floating in the open window. It was already dark outside and all I heard was the sound of a random passing car on the road and crickets. It was actually extremely peaceful. The kind of peace that I had been craving in my life. I almost did not want to get up out of the bed. It was eas
y to imagine living a life like this. This was more along the lines of what I wanted in life.

  My stomach growled and interrupted my daydream. I was long overdue for something to eat. I slid on my clothes and tried to find my way out of the maze of corridors in the house. I could not believe that a simple cowboy like Blake lived here. It was more like the house of a millionaire; plush, luxurious, and expertly decorated. I pictured a cowboy living on a ranch to live somewhere a bit more rugged with animal heads on the walls and oversized masculine wooden furniture.

  All I needed was a little something to eat and a report on my car, and I could get out of here and get back on the road.