Read Love or Die (Book 1: Live, Love, and Die Series) Page 2

  She rolled her eyes. "Really? Well, I'm not in that bad of shape. I'm sure my colleagues will tell you that I am just a little tired."

  "Your colleagues brought you here." His eyes became hard, steeling himself for a fight. He would not let her leave this place until she was fully hydrated. Her thin form lay in the bed. He reached out to touch her arm. "Please rest. I am doing everything I can as quickly as I can, but if you don't take care of yourself, your daughter will be left alone."

  She blinked as she let his words sink in. "Fine. Will you please send Carolyn in here so that I can make sure that my daughter is okay?"

  "I will let her visit you for a few moments, but that is all. I have alerted your friend that you will probably be here overnight. I'm sure she has everything under control." He smiled at her one last time and left the room.

  A few moments later, Carolyn walked into the room, holding Elizabeth. Miranda held out her arms, and Elizabeth jumped into them. "How did you know I was here?"

  Carolyn touched her arm gently, "Emily called me the second that you went down. I picked up Elizabeth and rushed down here."

  "Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you for everything you have done for me?"

  A mock smirk of chastisement crossed Carolyn's face. "Start taking care of yourself. If not for you, then for your daughter."

  Miranda turned to face her daughter, smiling pleasantly despite the frustration. "I take care of myself."

  "No. You don't." Carolyn dragged in a deep breath as if she had been waiting for a while to drop the hammer. "Miranda, you can't keep going like you have. You work yourself to the bone, you eat next to nothing, and you are jogging with a ruined tendon." She shook her head in exasperation.

  "You know I have to work." Miranda grit her teeth while maintaining a light voice for Elizabeth's sake. "I eat when I'm hungry, and you know why I can't quit running!"

  "You are a beautiful woman! How long are you going to let that loser ex-husband ruin your life? I'm sick of seeing this! You are running yourself into the ground trying to prove yourself to someone who means nothing!"

  Tears threatened to spill from Miranda's eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "I am not doing any of this for him." Seething, she tried to control her voice. "I am running for me. I do not like looking in the mirror, and until I do, I will continue to run, diet, and anything else. I am proving myself to me, no one else."

  "That's bullshit, and you know it!" Carolyn turned away for a moment to catch her breath. "Regardless, you are going to lay here tonight and rest. I am keeping Elizabeth tonight and tomorrow night. You are going to rest tonight then tomorrow you are going to Emily's engagement party."

  Miranda lifted her eyes and opened her mouth to protest.

  "No! No argument! You either do what I say or I will call your mother! We will see what she has to say about all of this!"

  Miranda searched her friend's face for a sign of a bluff. She was completely serious. Suddenly she began to feel tired again, and the room began to spin. She kissed Elizabeth and lifted her to Carolyn's arms.

  "Fine. But understand that I am complying under duress."

  Carolyn laughed, "As long as you are complying, I couldn't care less." She leaned down and kissed Miranda on the cheek. "Sleep well my friend."

  Voices drifted from the doorway, breaking Miranda from her sleep.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Corbin, but I am the attending physician, and I have ordered that Ms. Row can't have visitors.”

  Hearing the name, Miranda closed her eyes and feigned sleep.

  “I understand. Would you please give her these flowers and let her know that I am thinking of her?”


  Upon hearing the door close, she opened her eyes and looked toward her visitor. Dr. Zach Shannon set the vase of magnolias on her bedside table then made his way to the chair he had pulled beside her bed.

  “You had a visitor. Do you know Mr. Corbin?”

  Miranda blanched upon hearing his name. She shuddered then replied, “He is a new client. I just met with him today. Thank you for not letting him in. I can't imagine why he would feel the need to visit or how he even knew I was here.” She paused for a moment, “Why are you still here? How many hours do you work?”

  Zach reached out and clasped her hand, careful not to apply too much pressure to such a dainty frame. “I finished my rounds and came back to sit with you. I thought you could use a friend.”

  Tingles of electricity ran through her arm at his touch. Rather than fear, she felt comforted. She closed her eyes for a moment, confused by the sensation. She had only met the man that morning and yet something about the way that he looked at her made her think that he could see into her soul. “I wish you hadn’t gone to the trouble.” She opened her eyes and tried to remove her hand from his grasp.

  When he didn’t release her, panic welled up in her throat.

  He studied her for a moment, “Can I ask you a question? Who is Ethan?”

  Trembling overtook her body, and she made every effort to turn from him. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

  “You don’t have to talk about him. You were mumbling his name in your sleep. I got the feeling that you are afraid of him.” He reached out his other hand and lightly stroked her arm. “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you alone tonight.”

  She searched his face and found only sincerity. “Why are you doing this? Why are you here? Don’t you have other patients that need your attention?”

  He breathed deeply, “Miranda, the moment I saw you in the park, you took my breath away. You are so lovely.”

  A grin spread across his face, “And I brought you a cheeseburger. The hospital food is horrendous! There is no way you will put some meat on those bones eating that stuff.”

  A blush spread across her cheeks, and she gently squeezed his hand in return. He unwrapped her cheeseburger and sat in silence while they ate.

  Chapter 4

  The next evening, Miranda stood in the doorway of the restaurant. Carolyn had brought her home from the hospital a couple of hours ago with instructions to rest, take a long bath, and get ready for Emily’s engagement party. Miranda had complied with each command. Still her nerves were grating as she considered walking into the room filled with people.

  She checked her reflection in the mirror. Her burgundy sleeveless dress dipped low in the neckline, hugged her waist then flowed out, ending just above her knees. Black heels accentuated muscular calves. She turned to the side, hoping desperately that her girdle held the bulges that that were so obvious to her. She straightened her shoulders and gathered her courage.

  The private room was filled with people standing around, holding drinks, and mingling. The atmosphere was electrified with excitement. Although Emily had ensured her that this was a casual get-together, the fashionably dressed guests suggested otherwise. As Miranda scanned the room, she remembered Emily mentioning that Trey, his brother, and most everyone in their family were doctors.

  Unexpectedly, a high-pitched squeal erupted from across the room.

  “She's here!” Emily raced to Miranda, throwing herself into her arms. “Come meet my fiancé.” Emily grabbed her hand and pulled her across the room. “Miranda, this is the love of my life, Trey, and his brother Zach.”

  Without looking stunned, Zach reached for Miranda’s hand. “Small world isn’t it?” His eyes glittered.

  Miranda stared, open mouthed for a moment before she pulled herself together. “Zach. I didn’t know you would be here.”

  “He’s practically family! I didn’t know that you knew each other.” Emily babbled happily, unable to control her excitement. She threw her arms around Miranda again then whisked away to greet her other guests.

  Suddenly they were alone, and her mind whirled, struggling for something to say. His presence enveloped her, taking her breath and filling her with anticipation.

  Zach slid to Miranda’s side and wrapped his arm lightly around her waist. He grabbed
champagne from a tray as it passed and handed one to her. “Would you dance with me?”

  She shook her head, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. My ankle, remember?”

  “How could I forget? Don’t worry, we’ll take it easy.” He gazed down at her.

  Her breath caught in her throat. She tried to cover her nervousness by taking a slow drink from her champagne glass. The fizzy liquid tickled her lips and she concentrated on the sensation. She could feel the heat of his gaze on her face, but she refused to acknowledge him. Unsure of her voice, she was afraid that if she spoke, he would detect her emotions. They confused her, and she didn’t want him jumping to conclusions.

  They finished their drinks and made their way to the dance floor. He wrapped one arm around her waist and clasped her right hand in his. Her heart began to race as the warm tingles of his touch shot along her skin, leaving a trail of goose bumps. He slowly strengthened his grasp, bringing her body closer to his. She could feel the warmth of his skin just inches from her own.

  Bringing their hands to his lips, he kissed each of her fingertips and the palm of her hand then placed it around his neck. He traced his finger along her jaw and across her full bottom lip, following it with soft whispering kisses. She closed her eyes and focused on the feel of his unshaven face lightly touching hers, sending shivers down her spine. Her knees were becoming weak, but he held her in his arms, steadying her. When he reached her ear, he nuzzled her neck and softly whispered, “I want you.”

  Without warning, she broke away from his grasp, catching her breath and running toward the bar. She grabbed two drinks and threw them back, feeling the sting in the back of her throat then made her way to the restroom. She washed her face and calmed her breathing.

  Grasping the edge of the sink, she closed her eyes. What in the world has come over me? She hardly knew this man, yet he had the ability to make her lose her senses, forget her past, and hope for the future. As she studied her reflection in the mirror, she could see that her face was flushed. Her lips were red and tender from his caresses. She could still feel his fingers floating across her skin leaving a trail of fire. This is too dangerous. She had to get hold of herself before she acted on these feelings.

  Straightening her spine and firmly placing a cold glare in her eyes, she silently opened the door, hoping to avoid Zach for the rest of the evening.

  “Why are you trying to hide from me?” Zach reached for her arm.

  Miranda backed away, “I’m not trying to hide.” She turned to make her way to the dining room.

  Zach caught her hand and held her firmly. His eyes blazed, “You can't hide from me.”

  She paled slightly then straightened, “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  Still holding her, he drew her closer. His proximity lit her body in flames, but she refused to acknowledge his touch. He lightly lifted a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “When I first saw you in the park, I knew I couldn't rest until I made you mine."

  His hand slid down her neck along the line of her jaw, his thumb trailing her lower lip. His eyes followed the trace of his fingers. "I want all of you. I want your mind, heart, and body.”

  Catching her breath, she struggled to be released from his arms, but he refused to relinquish her. She dropped her eyes, refusing to give in to his pull, “You don’t know what you are asking of me.”

  “I know everything I need to know.” He placed a finger under her chin to raise her face to his. He delicately kissed her lips while running his hands up and down her arms. Slowly, his hands wandered down her sides,

  “I have nothing left for you to take! Everything is mind, body, and heart. It’s all broken!” She dropped her head, hiding the tears that threatened to spill over her cheeks.

  “I will take nothing. I want it all, but you must give it freely. You aren’t scarred or broken. You simply need someone to return your love.”

  Placing a finger under her chin, he raised her face to meet his. Her eyes blazed with fury and self-defense. “You know nothing! You have seen me three times. You don’t know me. So don’t you dare presume to know what I need,” she jerked her head from his fingers.

  “I can see your heart. I see the way you look at me, and I can feel the way your body responds when we touch. You can’t deny that,” he whispered softly in her ear. Turning her face again, he slowly brought his lips to meet hers. Gently, he traced his tongue along the soft curve of her lips. Unable to fight any longer, she relaxed into his arms. Welcoming his embrace, she began to passionately return his kiss. Wrapping her fingers in his hair, she pulled him closer until they seemed to meld into one.

  Slowly he released her and rested his forehead against hers, breathing in her scent. “I want you.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment then raised them to meet his. “I don’t know. I just…don’t know.”

  Chapter 5

  Upon her release, Dr. Shannon had recommended that Miranda refrain from jogging and only work half a day for the next week. She promised that she wouldn’t jog, but she had to walk in order to clear her head. As she pushed Elizabeth in her stroller, Miranda sauntered along the same trail at a slower pace.

  She was completely confused about the scene last night. She had never had a problem fending off the attention of men. A look could scare away even the most obstinate suitor. But Zach was different. She was appalled at the way her body had betrayed her, kissing a man she hardly knew.

  She could recall in detail the way his hands felt as they skimmed her arms. Her lips quivered with the taste of his mouth, his tongue entwined with hers. She could feel the flush rise to her cheeks.

  Stop it! I am not going there again! Never again!

  The more she tried to deny her feelings and stop the replay of the scene in her mind, the more frustrated she became. That morning, she had awoken with an ache in her chest. The loneliness was so deep that it had taken the form of pain. Deep welling of agony gripped her heart as if a hand was trying to squeeze the life out of her. Massive weight hung on her shoulders, and she could hardly make herself get out of bed.

  It seemed to take forever to reach the bench at such an incredibly slow pace, but with each step, she could feel the pain recede. Finally she made it, sat down, and pulled Elizabeth into her lap.

  "Don't worry, Little One. Mama is not getting into that situation again. The last thing we need is more pressure. No man for us, huh Sweetie Pie?"

  Elizabeth giggled at the attention. Her bright blue eyes reflected the sky above her, and the sunlight danced off of her hair, emitting a glow like a halo. She began waving at a passerby.

  Miranda looked up and cringed. She tried to duck her head, but it was too late. Geena, her sorority sister from college had seen her and was heading her way. Miranda stood to face the tall, voluptuous woman.

  "Miranda, how nice to see you." Miranda swallowed bile at the sound of Geena's syrupy sweet voice. "I hear you weren't able to hold on to Ethan. Such a shame." The evil glean in her dark eyes accentuated the snarl on her face. "I suppose that means he's fair game."

  "You may have him with my blessing," Miranda smiled pleasantly, determined to ignore the vile woman.

  "That's so sweet of you. Unfortunately, I've already had him." She paused for a moment to add to the effect. "In fact, I believe the first time was on your wedding day. I suppose he was just nervous to think about being with one boring woman for the rest of his life. But don't worry. I convinced him that life wasn't truly over. He could always get some action on the side."

  Miranda swallowed again, hiding her disgust. "Well, I hope the two of you are just as happy as we were."

  Before the conversation could escalate further, Miranda bundled Elizabeth into the stroller and turned away.

  Suddenly, she turned back, "Geena, wait. Although the two of you deserve each other, there are some things you should know."

  "Are you still whining because he said things that hurt your feelings?" Ge
ena feigned a look of sympathy. "Yeah, he already told me about all your lies. In fact, he's been crying on my shoulder for almost a year."

  Miranda's lips curled in derision before she remembered her good intentions. "At one time, you and I were best friends. I don't want to see you hurt, and Ethan will definitely hurt you."

  Geena sidled up to Miranda's side. She reached out and curled a strand of Elizabeth's hair around her finger. Leaning in, she whispered, "We were never friends."

  When she finally got to work that afternoon, a dozen roses waited on her desk. Reaching for the card, it simply read - Thank you for the dance.

  Miranda turned around and immediately walked back to Emily’s desk. Emily hopped from her seat, “Did you see your roses? Zach brought them earlier this morning. I’m so happy for you! If Zach is anything like Trey, you will be so happy! Ooooh! If you marry Zach, we will be sisters-in law,” Emily almost squealed with excitement. Finally, she looked at Miranda, “You look pale. Do you need to sit down? Do you need to go back to the hospital?”

  “I can’t do this. I’m going to my sister’s house for a few days. You have her number. Call if you need anything.”

  Emily smiled warmly, “I will take care of everything. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  Miranda gripped the edge of the desk just to steady herself. “Thank you.”

  Emily stopped her as she began to board the elevator, “This may not be the best time, but would be my maid of honor?”

  A broad smile lifted Miranda’s face, “Of course! I’d be delighted!” She embraced her friend firmly.

  Within an hour she had packed a bag for herself and Elizabeth, alerted her sister that she was on her way, and checked in with Carolyn. She glanced at the stereo clock. She would be with her sister by dinner. Just thinking about the short reprieve gave her a sense of relief that she hadn’t felt in months. She turned on the radio and checked to see that Elizabeth had fallen asleep before allowing her mind to wander.

  The morning’s confrontation plagued her mind. It was hard to believe that she and Geena had once been best friends. They met in college, their freshman year, and had joined the same sorority. Two years later, when Miranda met Ethan, her relationship with Geena became strange. They didn’t talk as much and several times Miranda caught Ethan and Geena spending time together. She was happy that her best friend and her boyfriend got along so well. She assumed that her relationship with Geena was changing because they were getting older and didn’t need to rely on each other as much.