Read Lovefool (Introduction) Page 16


  One month after the walk with Mia, Sebastian was sitting in the teahouse. He longed for some warm tea and he was frozen to the bone. He was thinking about how little he knew about her.

  Unexpectedly a waitress came to him. He already knew her, her name was Aneta, and she was in love with him, but he wasn't interested in a relationship with her. It was just the usual thing in this city and for people of this age. Sometimes people met, spent some time together and then one of them was hit again and fell in love with somebody else. Getting together was just the beginning, staying together was the challenge. Maybe that was the reason why there were not many couples amongst his friends.

  For this reason he didn't like to come to the teahouse: formerly known girls, ex-girlfriends, ex-TTYS-waitresses.

  -So you have a new girl, huh? – asked Aneta.

  -No, not really. – He answered after a moment.

  -And what is going on between the two of you? Are you going to celebrate New Year together?

  This was actually what he wanted: to invite her to the New Year’s party at the Sunshine. But so far he didn't even manage to ask her. Somehow, he thought his best friend would help him to solve this situation. Nevertheless, how should he explain what was going on here? Until now, there had just been some short episodes, almost no contact apart from work and specific matters. Until now.

  Today’s walk changed the situation a little bit. It wasn't just business anymore. It was more. It had become a very private and personal thing now. Even though had to warm up right now and wasn't able to drive his car home, because he was all frozen to the bones. However, he showed her that he could walk an hour without a jacket.

  Sebastian was sarcastic because he was angry with himself.

  Afterwards he asked himself how to explain the lack of contact with a girl he was attracted to. Enjoying the silence was yesterday. Now he should do something. If falling in love meant such a mess in his head, he didn't want to be in love anymore. How can you be sure of something in one moment and in the next you’re already convinced that you had been foolish or even worse?

  He gained nothing, despite being such a communicative person! Damn it! In this anger, he took the phone and called her. Without any “Hello” or “Hi” he asked:

  -What are you doing on New Year's Eve?

  -What? – She didn't except such a question. After a short while, she answered:

  –I don’t know yet.

  -Would you mind to spend it with my friends and me?

  -Oh… - She sounded unsure.

  That was his chance! Her doubts and uncertainty were his hope! Now he had just to convince her somehow of this idea. But this was the problem. He wasn't prepared for having to convince her and had no arguments as he had expected a rejection. But objections?

  This was one of the moments when you feel even more foolish than just simply foolish. You literally watch the success of your action flying away, like in a cartoon, when the ground suddenly breaks open and you fall into a deep gorge. Finally, a 10t bloc would fall on your head. In the more adult life, it is called a cold shower. Sebastian was already frozen.

  He felt too confused and couldn't come up with any spontaneous ideas, hopes or wishes. All he wanted was a simple “yes” and instead there wasn't anything but silence.

  -Are you there? – He wanted to assure himself.

  -Yes, undeniably.

  -And, what do you think about it?

  -Thank you very much for your invitation, but I have to decline.

  -Why? –Mostly all questions and doubts can be carried in one simple question.

  -I can’t explain it, but it won’t work. Sorry.

  -Oh. - He was disappointed and he couldn’t hide it in his voice.

  She didn't know what she had done to him: he felt like crushed ice already. A barkeeper could take a piece of him to use it for a cocktail. He was so ice-cold! Nevertheless, Mia definitely noticed his disappointment and she was unsure of what she should do. She liked him and she was embarrassed because of this one time when she totally went wild and lost control. Sebastian had saved her from falling. He had caught her and she now felt obligated to return at least something. Furthermore, she didn't only feel obligated, she simply wanted to do him good this time.

  -If you like – she started – we could go running before.

  She didn't care that it sounded a bit crazy. You don’t go running before the party of the year! Well, she wasn't the person to go to a party. Therefore, she had a free range of choices.

  Mia thought about it and added:

  -Or after. Name the place, the time, and I will be there.

  -We will make a deal: I am saying "tomorrow" and you are saying where and when. – For the first time Sebastian reacted in the right way. He had his reflexes back.

  -I will send you a text.

  Before he got the chance react, she cut the connection without any further word. He wasn't able to tell her how happy he was. He didn't feel like on remote control anymore. Finally, they started to communicate for real.