Read Lovely Lies Page 4

  Chapter 4


  True to her word Cari continues to try and talk to Kalil about letting me dance. He ignores her. It’s been two weeks since he saw me dancing and he hasn’t faltered at all. I’ve been getting dirty looks from most of the dancers since then. Cari says they think I’m out to take their spots. One of them just purposely bumped into me as I was walking back to the bar. Her stage name is Dynasty. I don’t know her real name. I honestly don’t care. She just reminded me that my hair is getting too long. I make a mental note to go get a haircut as soon as possible.

  My birthday is Friday. Jay is supposed to come spend the weekend with me. I can’t wait to see her, but she wants to meet me at the club. She still has her anger issues. With all the negativity from the dancers, we’re bound to fight. That’s the last thing I need. She claims she just wants to meet Kalil and Cari. Nothing is ever that simple with her and Kalil isn’t even talking to me, so I doubt he wants to meet any of my friends. I go to the bar and give Cari a few more orders.

  “I asked Kalil if you could get Friday off, told him I would cover for you. He asked why, I didn’t know, so he said to tell you if you want a day off then come ask him yourself.”

  He hasn’t spoken to me in weeks, now he’s demanding that I talk to him. I instantly get a headache.

  “He’s in his office right now, you better hurry though, I think he’s about to leave.”

  I don’t want to talk to him, especially not right now, but today is Wednesday. If I don’t catch him now, it’ll be too late. I make my way through the crowd and when I get to his office door I contemplate knocking. Just when I decide to walk away the door opens. We stare at each other in silence and after a few seconds he steps aside and gestures for me to come in.

  “I know you’re about to leave, I just wanted to ask if I could have Friday off?” I ask.


  I don’t want to tell him it’s my birthday. He’ll use that as an excuse to ask about my age. “I have a friend coming from out of town to spend the weekend with me.”

  He frowns, his signature look.

  “What kind of friend?”

  “My friend.” I’m not really sure what he means.

  “Why am I just hearing about him?”

  He folds his arms across his chest. Him? I stare at him trying to read his expression, but it can’t be right. I’m pretty sure there’s jealousy somewhere in those hypnotic eyes.

  “Didn’t know you needed to.” He smells different. I like the other scent better. “You shouldn’t have changed your cologne.”

  His frown disappears. Now he looks…amused. I frown. Why did I say that?

  “Why not?” he asks.

  He’s fighting back a smile.

  “Never mind.”

  “No, tell me why you said that.”

  He’s smiling now which means he already knows why. This pisses me off. My head throbs even more. “Kalil, can I have Friday off or not?” I’m irritated and it shows. He stops smiling.

  “Are you mad with me?”

  I cover my face with my hands and rub my eyes. “No, I’m…” The rest gets lost. He’s standing right in front of me. How did he get over here that quick?

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothing.” I take a few steps back. With one step he closes the gap I’ve created. My head spins. I look up at him and try to figure out what about him causes instant dizziness when he’s this close. He looks down at me and I take another step back. He keeps coming closer. I can’t breathe. Stupid wall.

  “What friend?” he asks.

  I have to look away from him. “My friend.” Didn’t I just say that? He puts his hands against the wall, one next to each of my shoulders. I feel his breath against my ear as he leans down to me and begins to whisper.

  “Tell me who he is.”

  I can feel his lips on my earlobes. I’m wet…how is this possible?! I want him to touch me.

  “It’s none of your business.” I take a deep breath and put my hands on his chest to push him back. He smiles. Instead of going back, he comes closer. Our bodies are touching, melding together. My heart races. My hands drop from his chest to his sides. I’m not wearing a bra under my halter top. My nipples feel like rocks and I’m covered with goose bumps. I can feel his erection against my hip. I want him to kiss me. I slowly look up and say his name. His lips are so close. All I have to do is pucker. I fight the urge. He doesn’t answer me, only stares down at me. “You have to back up.” Speaking is a struggle.


  I think that’s his favorite question. “We’re in your office in a club that’s packed beyond capacity.”

  He smiles. I melt.

  “If we were somewhere else?”

  I don’t answer him. He takes two steps back and I can breathe again.

  “Why can’t this friend be happy with Saturday and Sunday?”

  “Because Friday is my birthday,” I say without thinking. Damn him. I don’t think straight when he’s this close. He smiles.

  “I’m pretty sure your ID said your birthday was in December.”

  I hadn’t realized it had gone away, but my headache comes back. Riley’s birthday is in December. I fold my arms across my chest. “Kalil, can I have Friday off or not?”


  I’m seething. He’s smiling.

  “Why not?”

  “How old will you be?”

  I don’t answer him. He chuckles and takes a few steps away from me. I’m tempted to hit him. Why does my anger amuses him?

  “Tell your friend he can pick you up early.”

  “That defeats the whole purpose.” I’m seriously contemplating hitting him now. I think he knows this because he takes a few more steps back.

  “I wanna meet him. Tell him you can’t get out of work. Tell him I need you.”

  That just screwed my head up completely. Why would he wanna meet “him?” Why would he add that last part about needing me? Am I reading too far into the possible double meaning? It doesn’t matter, I’m beyond pissed and I should leave before I actually hit him. “Fine, Kalil.” I head for the door and he calls me Makynzee. I love the way my name sounds when he says it. I want to smile, but I suppress the urge and look back at him.

  “How old will you be?”

  “22.” I leave before he says anything else.

  Jay gets here early Friday morning. I hadn’t realized how much I missed her. She’s gained weight and she wears it well. We go out for breakfast then hit up the mall. By the time we get back to my mom’s house it’s after five. “We can get dressed and leave here no later than six thirty,” I say. I unlock the door to go in the house and see a man sitting in my dad’s chair. I can hear my mom yelling something to him from the kitchen. I must have said something foul because Jay pushes me aside and yells to my mom that we’re back. She comes from the kitchen and the man smiles at her before standing up.

  “You must be Makynzee?” he asks.

  I don’t smile back. I want to know who he is and why he looked so comfortable in my dad’s chair.

  “Sweetheart, this is Stanley,” my mom says

  Sweetheart? She hasn’t called me anything remotely close to that since before my dad died. “Nice to meet you,” I say. I don’t offer my hand or any other pleasantries. My mom frowns. What the hell did she expect?

  “Your mom has told me so much about you, it seems as though she’s raised a wonderful young woman.”

  Jay discreetly nudges me with her elbow and I finally force a smile.

  “She has.” I turn to Jay and say, “This is my friend, Jaida.” She smiles and gives a small wave as my mom begins to speak.

  “We’re going out for dinner soon. We wanted you to join us for your birthday?”

  Why in the hell would I do that? “No thanks, you two enjoy. We already have plans.”

  “Then maybe we could have breakfast in the morning?” Stanly suggests.

  I’m not sure
how much longer I can hold this smile. I say, “Maybe we could do lunch, I’m not sure how late we’ll be out.” By the time lunch rolls around I’ll have disappeared with Jay.

  “Sounds like a plan!”

  Why is he so excited? His smile seems genuine. I wonder if he can tell that mine is fake. “Enjoy your dinner,” I say as I head for the stairs.

  “You guys be careful tonight, okay, sweetie?”

  I don’t respond because I feel sick to my stomach and think I’ll puke if I open my mouth. Jay to the rescue.

  “We always are, Mrs. Mitchell.”

  When we get to my room Jay gives me my space. Not that she has a choice. I jump in the shower and throw my headphones on as soon as I get out. I need a new pair. Since my mom stomped on these they’ve had a crack in them. I’m irritated and distracted. I knew my mom was seeing someone, but I didn’t think she would let him come here. I wonder how long he’s been coming. I guess that would explain why we haven’t been fighting lately. I thought I didn’t care. Jay says something, but I ignore her. I wonder how Kalil will react when he realizes my friend is a she and not a he. Maybe he would have given me the night off if he knew it was her and not some guy. By the time we leave the house it’s after 7.

  As we ride she asks, “You wanna talk about it?”

  I don’t, but she probably won’t take no for an answer. “She hasn’t called me sweetheart since my dad, she’s so fake and for what? For his ass? He’s sitting in my dad’s chair like it’s his, like he’s used to sitting there. She decides to bring him around on my birthday. She’s selfish as hell!” I think I’m yelling. Definitely rambling. Crying usually follows me rambling. I can’t cry tonight, it’s my birthday. I blink back the tears.

  “Wipe all that from your mind. We’re having fun tonight and nothing matters but you.”

  I shake my head up and down in agreement. It’s easier said than done.

  “Besides, we get to see your baby in a little bit.”

  We both smile. The thought of seeing Kalil instantly brightens my mood. “He thinks you’re a guy,” I say

  “Seriously, Mak?!”

  I laugh and tell her what happened.

  She says, “He wants that nu-nu.”

  He could definitely get it.

  “I could have put our bags in the safe, but we’re late,” I say as I stuff our purses in the trunk then rush to the club’s door. “Don’t lose my phone Jay.”

  She frowns and stuffs it in her bra. Eww. When I walk inside I almost trip over my feet. Balloons are everywhere and there’s a banner that says “Happy Birthday, Minx.” I’m almost pissed, but I smile as most of the club yells out surprise. My shyness kicks in and I cover my face. Cari hugs me and leads me to one of the VIP sections. Kalil is there. I’m glad I’m already smiling so he doesn’t know it’s for him now. I watch as him, Bruce, and Ralphie stand up. They each take turns hugging me. He hugs me longer than the others.

  “Happy birthday,” he says.

  I love his voice. His scent is back to normal. I feel dizzy so I’m glad he’s holding me. I let him go, but he holds on. I don’t mind.

  “So where’s your friend?” he asks.

  “She’s right here.” I smile and turn to look for Jay. Why am I not surprised? She has three shot glasses in her hand. I only looked away from her for a few seconds. Where the hell did she get shots from?

  “Birthday shots!” she yells.

  “I’m not drinking that, Jay.” I shake my head from left to right for extra emphasis. She ignores me and forces it into my hand.

  “You must be the infamous Kalil, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  She gives him the third shot as she speaks. Why in the hell would she say that?!

  “Good or bad?” he asks.

  “If you can get her to drink, she’ll probably tell you.”

  I hate her. If she tells him anything else I’ll punch her in her stomach. I suddenly feel the need to remind her that I’m supposed to be 22, but Kalil speaks first.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Jaida. Bottoms up!”

  Everybody turns their glasses up except Kalil and I. He watches me watching him.

  “Seriously?” Jay asks.

  Of course she would have an issue with this. Reluctantly I drink. It burns and I frown. Kalil smiles then drinks his.

  I spend most of the night in the VIP section pretending to drink and watching Kalil. He keeps his distance, but I know he’s watching me, too. I catch him staring at me quite a few times. He makes it pretty easy to catch him since he’s not trying to hide it. I like it. Jay tries to make me dance, but I don’t. She’s had her fun and now she’s cuddled up with one of Kalil’s friends. I’m tired. I look at my watch and see that it’s after 3 in the morning. Why is the club still open? Why is it still so packed? I go to Jay and let her know I’m ready to go. She wants to get a hotel room. I’m fine with that. I don’t wanna see my mom anyway. When we leave Kalil is nowhere in sight. I want to tell him bye and thank you, but I can’t find him. His friend leaves with us. He tells me what hotel to go to and when I make sure they’re in their room I go to mine.