Read Loving The Billionaire, Book One: The New Boss Page 1

  Loving The Billionaire Book One: The New Boss

  By J.M. Cagle

  Copyright 2015 J.M. Cagle

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  Other Books in the Series

  Book Two: Right Hand Assistant

  Book Three: Fighting for It

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About J.M. Cagle

  Other Books by This Author

  Connect with J.M. Cagle


  Chapter One

  “Do you think it’ll be George?”

  “It has to be. It is clear this isn’t a regular birthday party.”

  Courtney tuned out. Frankly, she was sick of hearing about what was going to happen at this birthday party. Anderson was turning eighty and she thought it was a time to celebrate instead of wondering if he was going to be announcing his retirement and the new CEO of the company.

  She took a sip of her drink and slide her sunglasses back down on the bridge of her nose. The party for Anderson’s birthday was massive. His entire backyard had been turned into a paradise. There were wild animals around the grounds for the guests to interact with. The pool was open for business and family members let their kids go swimming in the tropical themed pool. There were two mini-bars set up plus a buffet underneath a tent that offered a respite from the heat.

  It wasn’t Courtney’s first time being here at Anderson’s home. She had been his assistant for over ten years. Having just turned thirty-four herself, she couldn’t help but reflect on having been working for Anderson this long. He had always been a kind boss, going so much as giving her some time off after her marriage crumbled two years ago. Hearing everyone say that he was going to announce his retirement today bothered her more than she was letting on.

  Anderson had five kids of his own, produced through his marriage of over fifty years to his wife Susan. The oldest wasn’t here – Rebecca was seen as the black sheep of the family. She had always hated their wealth and was currently living in India doing who knew what.

  Next came George, who seemed primed and ready to take over the CEO position. Currently he was going around the party, making sure to mingle with everyone as if he was already CEO. Anderson had always seemed to be grooming him for the position. It seemed only natural that since Rebecca wanted nothing to do with the business that George would overtake the position. George was in his forties and had a firm hand around his wife, as if they were the perfect family. Courtney knew better, however.

  After that came Alexander. She didn’t seem anywhere. To be honest, Courtney didn’t care for Alex. They were roughly the same age. Alex had a failed marriage under his belt as well. Neither one of them had kids. It seemed like enough to start up conversations over. But Alex seemed to be icy to his core. Conversations with him seemed stilted. He was closed off to everyone. He always had girlfriends but they were flings – two weeks max and the girls were gone.

  After that was Sydney. She was involved in the business as well and had a head for business. She was serious to a fault and didn’t have the levity that Anderson or George had when it came to dealing with people in the business. Courtney admired the way she had a head for banking and numbers but didn’t talk to her often either.

  The youngest was Jill. Jill was different from her other siblings, even Rebecca. Having no interest in the business but not willing to miss out on the billions her family had, she was working on becoming a model or an actress. (She seemingly changed her mind daily.) Courtney wasn’t sure if Jill really wanted to be a model/actress or just wanted the glamor the life gave her. She spent the most of out of the family but at age nineteen she was the freshest face. Bright, charming and funny, Courtney always enjoyed talking to Jill.

  It was Jill who was coming over to talk to her now. Courtney was at a table near the pool, watching the kids jump in and out of the beautifully blue water. Jill plopped down next to her. She was wearing a bathing suit with her hair thrown up in a messy bun. Her designer sunglasses probably cost more than Courtney’s own apartment.

  “You look bored.”

  “I’m not,” Courtney replied, “People watching. It is always interesting at these parties.”

  “Especially this one with everyone talking about if dad is going to retire or not.”

  In spite of the promises to herself not to feed into it, she couldn’t help but ask, “Is he?”

  Jill glanced behind her at her mother. Susan was a lot younger than Anderson – the typical trophy wife. Anderson seemed to love her and was always kind to Susan. She was decked out today in full designer clothing, sitting next to Anderson primly.

  Jill turned back to her, “Dad didn’t tell you?”

  “No,” Courtney replied, suddenly feeling alarmed, “Tell me what?”

  Jill slouched in her chair, “Didn’t tell me either. I thought you knew something.”

  “And I thought you knew something.”

  The two women looked at each other and let out a laugh. Courtney felt a little better. It wasn’t that she didn’t like George. But Anderson had been her boss for more than ten years. She had been in charge of so many important things in the business and traveled the world with him as his right hand. The job, which had meant nothing to her at the start, had become her whole world, especially after her marriage ended. It would feel wrong to be working for someone else.

  “Dad doesn’t tell me anything.” Jill remarked, looking glum.

  Courtney wanted to change the subject quickly, “How is your modeling?”

  That distracted Jill from brooding. She seemed to think that Anderson didn’t take her seriously. And the truth was that he didn’t. Courtney didn’t want Jill to know that Anderson thought her actress/model thing was just a passing phase so she could spend money and say she was working.

  It was another thirty minutes before Susan stood up and called for everyone’s attention. The party slowly came to a halt. Anderson stood up from his chair which was on a slightly raised platform with a table in front of him. The rest of the family sat down there as well. Jill shot Courtney an eye roll. She knew what was coming next. Every year Anderson made a speech about what the previous year had been like and what he hoped the next year of life would bring.

  Courtney found herself tuning out. Not to be rude but Anderson’s speech was always the same thing. After ten years of birthday parties, she was used to hearing them. She glanced at the rest of the family. Susan, prime as ever. The empty seat representing Rebecca. George, who looked as if he was preening. Alex, who looked almost bored. His eyes were roaming around the grounds when they suddenly fell on her.

  Their eyes locked. Alex looked as if his face was carved from marble. Handsome yet untouchable. His gaze made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Courtney tore her eyes away from him and focused on Anderson, tuning in to what he was saying.

  “So, it is with both relief and trepidation that I announce my retirement…”

  Wait, what? Courtney suddenly stood up a bit straighter. She thought she had heard incorrectly. Her eyes darted around the crowd but no one looked surprised. How could that be?

Anderson was going on about how he had built his billionaire company from the ground up. He had started the media company when he was eighteen with his savings. Then he dropped out of college to focus on the company instead of his education. Before he knew it, the media company was making money hand over fist and expanding rapidly. It wasn’t anything new to Courtney. She knew the history of the company. It was the fastest expanding media company in the world. Anderson and his family was worth billions.

  “Obviously with me stepping down as CEO of the company, we will need a replacement. I’ve given this a lot of thought and I would like to announce who will be replacing me…”

  Everyone still looked bored. It was as if everyone had known Anderson was going to retire and name George the next in line. How had Courtney missed this? How could everyone, from people who were casual family friends to people who had only been working at the company a year or two look so unsurprised by this news? Courtney must have stuck her head in the sand, oblivious to Anderson getting ready to retire.

  “My son, Alex.” Anderson suddenly boomed out, announcing the heir to the company.

  “Wait, what?” Courtney mumbled aloud.

  Chapter Two

  The boredom that had settled over the crowd of party goers was suddenly gone. With the announcement that Alex, not George, was going to be running the business, murmurs broke out everywhere. Even Courtney couldn’t believe it. She watched as Alex stood up and offered a stiff wave to the crowd. What the hell? Courtney thought to herself as she studied him.

  Her eyes drifted to George. He looked crestfallen although he was trying to hide it. Of course he was upset! It had seemed common knowledge that Anderson was going to pick George to take over the company. George had talked up everyone under the sun for years, spending long hours next to Anderson, learning what he could.

  Yet suddenly Alex was the billionaire leader of the company. He sat back down, seemingly unmoved by the murmurs and whispers throughout the crowd. George stared straight ahead at nothing, as if he was hoping he could melt into his chair.

  Anderson went on, “Alex has spent long hours learning the ropes of the business, including spending a year at our headquarters in Shanghai. He is fully equipped and ready to lead our company into the next phase while I enjoy my retirement.”

  Was he really? Courtney still couldn’t believe it. Anderson wrapped up his speech quickly, as if sensing people’s confusion. Susan stood up and clapped her hands twice, signaling for the massive birthday cake to be brought out. Nothing distracted people like cake, right?


  It was close to midnight when Courtney decided to call it a night. Anderson had long since gone to bed – he was eighty after all. She hadn’t gotten a chance to speak to him about the retirement or putting Alex in his place. She made a mental note to speak to him Monday morning.

  Courtney said good-bye to everyone, including Jill who was drunk by the pool. She took the long way around to the driveway, walking through the garden. It was quieter here. Even though the house was crowded with people, no one was out in the gardens. She found herself stopping to sit down on one of the benches to try to clear her head.

  Why was she so upset that Alex was replacing Anderson? Courtney realized it was mostly nerves. Anderson had been a great boss. George had seemed like an okay guy, minus the fact he flirted with anyone who moved. Alex just seemed cold, like an ice king. What if he fired her on the spot because he wanted someone else working for him?

  Something shifted in the bushes nearby. Courtney stood up, suddenly alert. She expected someone to drunkenly pop out of the bushes. Instead the bushes moved again and someone came into view.

  It was Alex. It was as if Courtney had conjured him up by thinking about him. His tie was undone and he had a water bottle in his hand. His cellphone was in his other hand. He slid it in his pocket when he saw her.

  “Alex. Sir.” Courtney greeted him, suddenly unsure of how to talk to him.

  He waved his hand, “Alex is fine. No point in getting formal on me now.”

  “I was just leaving.” She said as if to explain why she was in the gardens.

  “You’ll be in Monday, correct?”

  Courtney studied his face. Like usual, it was impossible to read. Alex had never been one that just showed off his emotions. She supposed that it would be a good trait to have in a new CEO. Yet Anderson had always been open and kind with what he was feeling. There had never been any doubt with him. Courtney figured that it would be nothing but doubt with Alex.

  “Yes…Alex. If that’s okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” He replied, sitting down on the bench, not looking at her, “I’m not going to go around and start firing everyone, contrary to popular opinion. Especially not my dad’s beloved assistant.”

  “Not so sure about beloved but I like the job.”

  “Clearly since you’ve been there for ten years.”

  Courtney wasn’t sure if that was some sly dig at her or not. Was Alex insulting her from having worked there for so long? Courtney had everything she needed at this job. A great income, benefits and what she had thought was job security. Although now that she was looking down at her new boss, she wasn’t so sure.

  It felt strange standing up as he was sitting down. Almost as if she should sit down next to him. But that felt weird too. Just being around him felt odd.

  “Well I’m heading out. Pretty late. Congrats on the promotion though.” She hoped her words didn’t sound phony.

  Alex looked up at her. His eyes were devoid of any emotion. Again Courtney felt that it was as if she was staring at a statue. How could this man be her boss now?

  “Thank you,” He replied and after a moment added, “You’re the first person to tell me that.”

  Uh-oh. Courtney knew that didn’t bode well for how anyone felt about Alex taking over the CEO position. Best to leave. She didn’t want to get dragged into company politics. She waved good-bye and quickly left Alex behind on the bench.


  Courtney slid into bed, running her fingers along the sheets. Even though her divorce happened over two years ago, it still felt strange to get into bed alone. Justin had been her entire world for the seven years they had been together. They had been married for five. It had been such a comfort to end each day next to him. Whenever she woke up in the middle of the night, seeing him asleep next to her had been a nice feeling.

  But Justin had left her for someone else and now the bed was cold and empty again. She wondered what he was doing now. She had seen photos of him on social media, touring the world with his new girlfriend. They had gone to Thailand together and then spent a couple of months in London. All the places that Courtney had told Justin she had wanted to go to he had taken his new girlfriend instead.

  Courtney knew that she shouldn’t be thinking about Justin right now. She hadn’t dated anyone since the divorce. It felt strange to even think of someone in that way. Even if Justin had left her for a young pretty thing, Courtney didn’t feel the urge to hop into another relationship.

  Her mind wandered back to the party. Alex was her boss now. Anderson would be living a quiet life in retirement. Why had he chosen Alex over George? She couldn’t imagine how George was feeling right now. Furious, probably. He had been a shoo-in for the job and everyone liked him well enough.

  Alex was unreadable. He had no warmth to him. Even in the garden he had managed to make Courtney feel like working there for ten years was something to be ashamed of. And the fact that no one had offered any sort of congratulations to him…Had Anderson made a major mistake?

  Courtney rolled over, trying to shut her mind off. There was no point in dwelling on what it all meant. She would turn up Monday morning, ready to work. Best to stop thinking of both Alex and Justin all together.

  Chapter Three

  Courtney was nervous. Today would be the first official day of Alex as her boss. She was sure that Anderson would be there wrapping up loose ends. Right? Surely he could
n’t have meant that Friday was his last day forever? Most people would throw a big retirement party before the new person took over. But Anderson had looked tired at the party, now that Courtney could think back on it, and maybe he was just going to let Alex do his own thing.

  The elevator doors opened. Courtney stepped out on the top floor. There was a flurry of activity going on. The top floor didn’t just have Anderson’s office on it. Most of the top level executives had offices up here. Anderson kept his office door open at all time so everyone felt that they could approach him with ideas.

  Now, however, Courtney could see the office door was closed. Her own desk was untouched, looking the same that it had on Friday. The floor was usually quiet but today people were walking around wildly. Some people had boxes.

  Courtney stepped into the hallway and looked around, “What’s going on?”

  Marge, one of the senior executives, scowled, “What do you think? People are being fired.”

  “What?” Courtney replied, alarmed, “No way.”

  “And why not? I wouldn’t worry. Looks like your desk is untouched.”

  Courtney glanced back at her desk in front of the closed office door, “Yours was touched?”

  “That’s how everyone found out they were fired. Our shit thrown in a box and a letter stating we had been let go with full severance packages.”

  “Alex said he wasn’t going to fire anyone.” Courtney said, although the words sounded pointless now.

  Marge snorted, “So much for that.”

  She took off passed Courtney, holding her box of her things. She couldn’t believe it. Marge had been with the company for years. She was a senior executive and brought a lot of information to meetings. Who else had been let go? And why was Alex firing people when he said he wasn’t going to?

  Suddenly spurned on by the fact people were being let go, Courtney turned around and knocked twice on the office door. No answer. People were staring at her now and she felt as if she couldn’t suddenly turn around and shrug at them about being fired. So in spite of her own self-interest, Courtney opened the office door and stepped inside.