Read Loving the Reaper Page 11

  Chapter 10

  Valerie pulled into the school and she just happened to be in luck the parking space next to Alistar’s was open. She quickly pulled in. If that didn’t draw attention to them being a couple she didn’t know what would. She quickly grabbed her back and got out as she walked around the back end of the car. She just happened to look down and noticed the license plate read “hers”, wow she had never even noticed that before. She chuckled and walked to Alistar’s car and sure enough upon her inspection the license plate said “his”. She couldn’t help but laugh. Alistar had just came to her side when she had started laughing and gave her a concerned and confused look. She quickly reeled herself in and cleared her throat. “Little cheesy for the reaper don’t you think?” she began to chuckle again and winked at him. He began laughing to. “Well I have to look as normal as possible!” The two finished laughing and she quickly grabbed his hand pulling him forward to the school. “Come on Mr. Romantic!” The two happily walked hand in hand into the school. Heads began to turn as soon as they walked through the heavy metal doors. Some people smiled and some looked in shock. Others, the girls mostly looked onward at the two with a jealous glare. Valerie couldn’t help but blush, she was never much for attention. Alistar led her past the gawking crowd and to her locker. She paused for a second wondering what would happen next. Before she could think too much about it he swiftly kissed her lips and then her hand. “I’ll see you in class beautiful.” And without another word he walked off leaving her in a jumbled mess of butterflies and happiness. God he sure knew how to turn her to mush. Valerie finally got ahold of herself and grabbed what she needed in her locker and made her way to class. She noticed everyone still staring and whispering. She hated this most about attention, good or bad people would whisper. She tried not to think about it and instead thought happy things like how she would be right next to Alistar again in just moments. She began to wonder how he had become such an anchor for her. His presence alone seemed to calm all of her worries all of the emotions she had running through her head seemed to calm down. She walked into the class, once again she was center of attention. She quickly went to take her normal seat but of course they staring eyes followed. She sat uneasily and looked at Alistar. As if he could sense her discomfort he turned to look at each and every person. Clearly they were a bit embarrassed and some even seemed quite rattled by the look. Valerie wasn’t sure what exactly they saw but she was sure it probably showed the pits of hell. She didn’t care she was just glad they had stopped. The class went on as normal and she was just as at ease as she had always been.

  Lunch finally came and Valerie couldn’t wait to see Alistar. She hurried and got her tray filled and made her way to the table. As she passed through a crowd she noticed the table was empty. She knew this meant he had other matters to attend to. She sat down sighing to herself. What a great lunch. Just as she began to eat something caught her eye. She looked up and sure enough a man was approaching with an over-sized bouquet of roses. She looked down as quickly as she could hoping the man would pass her by so she didn’t have to face more people staring at her. Of course the man stopped right in front of her asked if she was Valerie and quickly handed her the roses and a card, and walked off. She didn’t dare look up so instead she opened the card. The card read:

  My love, I had to leave to handle a few things. So sorry you had to eat lunch alone! Please forgive me I will be with you again soon.


  She tucked the card back in its envelope carefully and got up to dump her tray. She had decided it was best to leave early, after all she couldn’t carry the roses around with her all day. She plucked them off the table and made her way to the front office to let them know she was leaving. She quickly walked into the office and explained that she needed to get home so that her roses didn’t ruin. They began to tell her that roses were not a reason to leave school but when she showed them just how big the bouquet was they agreed her taking it home was best. They didn’t need them to distract everyone and they definitely screamed distraction. She hurried to the car, the flowers were beginning to get heavy she carefully put them in the back seat before climbing in herself. Once in the car she decided to text Alistar. After a quick thank you she drove home.

  Once she was home she took to the task of putting the lovely roses in a vase and once that was done she realized she had no idea what to do with herself for the rest of the day. She laid across her bed in a depressed heap. Her mind began to wonder to Alistar she was daydreaming of his strikingly handsome face. She wanted so bad to run her fingers down his jawline. She wanted to touch his lips and run her fingers through his thick black hair. New feelings she had never felt rushed through her as she thought of him. She knew she was lusting for him and although she felt she should be embarrassed she wasn’t. She was lusting after the love of her life and there was no reason to be ashamed of it. She let her mind began to drift again. She wondered what his body looked like. She wanted so bad to be able to picture what was under his shirt. Before she realized she had dozed off lost in thoughts of Alistar. She suddenly awoke to the feeling of a warm hand against her cheek. She opened her eyes blinking a few times and adjusting to the light that shone through the window. It was still day, she wondered how long she had been sleeping. More important she wondered how long he had been here. She looked up at him a slight blush rising to her cheeks. Alistar gave a boyish grin. “Hello my love, might I say you are quite beautiful while sleeping.” Valerie smiled but she was still just as red as could be. “How long have you been here?” Alistar’s eyes twinkled as if he was caught. “Well about an hour I would say… I couldn’t wake you, you looked to peaceful. Valerie stretched and wiggled trying to wake her body up from its cat nap. “What time is it?” She slightly sat up and stretched some more. “It’s about three and your mom will be home any minute so I am going to go but I would like to come over later okay?” Valerie gave a frown; she was disappointed after all he had just gotten here. “Okay. Just call me. And Alistar?” She bit her lip as if preparing herself to make a speech. Alistar looked at her expectantly. “I... I love you.” She had finally got it out and she felt so liberated. Alistar seemed shocked but he quickly recovered.” Well my dear, I love you too.” He kissed her forehead and then her lips before disappearing. Valerie quickly cleaned her room and went down to meet her mother. They decided they would order dinner and the three of them could watch a movie. Valerie couldn’t help but feel free now that her mother knew Alistar and even better she actually like him. She couldn’t have asked for a better turn out. In fact, her mother liked Alistar so well that she often asked when he would be free to have dinner again so when Valerie told her he wanted to come by tonight her mother had all but let her finish before getting giddy and agreeing it was a great idea. The two of them got the living room ready for dinner and a movie by pulling out the coffee table and getting the big floor pillows, then they got out the silverware and plates and napkins. Now they waited for the food and Alistar to show up. Valerie’s mother began to notice just how anxious Valerie was getting. “Honey calm down he will be here any minute and you saw him just a few hours ago. My goodness you would think you hadn’t seen him in years!” Her mother began to giggle and of course Valerie couldn’t help but join in. Just as they stopped laughing there was a knock at the door and Valerie quickly got up to let Alistar in not being able to wait a moment longer. She swung the door open but to her dismay Alistar was not there, it was just the food. She paid the man and shut the door and walked back to the living room setting the food down. Alistar was never late what was going on? Suddenly her phone rang and his name popped up. She motioned to her mother it was him and she would be right back. She quickly answered and stepped into the kitchen. “Hello? Where are you?” Alistar seemed upset. “You know I would never blow you off but I have an issue I have to attend to in the underworld. I cannot ignore this one. I am so sorry please please forgive me!” Valerie cleared her throat being careful of what she said, she knew
her mother would be listening. “No it’s ok don’t worry! You have to go and I wouldn’t expect you to not go! Give Eudora my best.” She knew she could chalk it up to Eudora being ill. Alistar must have caught on because he quickly apologized again said I love you and then he was gone. Valerie sighed. She knew this was part of being with him but it didn’t make it suck any less. She squared her shoulders and prepared to go in and tell her mother that he wouldn’t be coming. “He cannot make it tonight mom, he sends his apologies but as I told him there is no need. His mother has come down with something and his father is not home so he was worried about leaving her alone in case she needed help.” Valerie gave a saddened look to really bring the tall tale to life. Valerie’s mother quickly shook her disappointment and patted the cushion next to her. “Well he is a very good son to want to stay and watch over his mother. I do wish he could have come but I am glad he stayed. Now let's not be upset, things happen! Let's just have a girl’s night. What do you say?” Valerie couldn’t help but hug her mom, she always knew how to make her feel better. The two ate and watched the movie then at some more. They were both more than ready for bed by the time the movie was over. They quickly cleaned up and both went to bed for the night.

  Once again Valerie felt a warm heat next to her in bed and she instantly felt better. She snuggled closer into Alistar feeling his chest move up and down next to her head. She suddenly couldn’t fight the urge to run her fingers up his stomach and chest. As easily as she could she slid her hand up his shirt. His soft skin under her fingers led to soft hair across his chest. His body was hard and muscular. She never had liked the muscular type but Alistar was driving her wild. Her hand rested on his chest, her fingers lightly making circles. He let out a small sigh as if he was enjoying it just as much as she was. Suddenly in the darkness his lips found hers and she was met with a hot passionate kiss. His hand in her messy hair pulling her head in closer to his. Her hand slipping up his shoulder holding onto him as if she needed him for support. The two kissed passionately for what could have been hours. By the time they parted they both had lost their breath. She looked into the darkness wishing she could see his face. “I love you Alistar.” Alistar took a deep breath and in a rugged voice told her he loved her too. The two began to kiss again the kiss more passionate and hot than the one before. They were hungry for each other. As they kissed their hands explored each other’s bodies. His strong hands touched every inch of her soft body. She had never wanted someone in this way but she knew if they didn’t stop soon she would be giving up her virginity and she just wasn’t ready to do that yet. She kissed him a while longer before she finally broke away. She was feeling overly shy about what she was about to tell him but she took a deep breath and decided it was best. “I’m sorry but there's something you need to know… I’m a virgin and yes I love you but I’m just not ready to give that up yet.” She looked away from him quickly, feeling nervous. Alistar rubbed her cheek as he spoke. “My love I am glad you told me and I do not expect you to do so until you are fully ready, don’t be nervous or upset this is your body and your choice. She couldn’t help but smile, she really was lucky to have him. Even if he was the reaper. It was so easy to forget his darkness when he was with her. She snuggled into him taking in his scent. He smelled slightly of cologne but more than anything he had a manly smell. She loved it. With him being so warm against her and the rhythmic breaths he took put her right back to sleep. That night she dreamt of the castle again she was looking over the underworld from her post on the balcony. She couldn’t figure out why she was always here in her dreams she wanted to know what it meant.

  Valerie sent Eudora a text asking to speak with her later in the day. She pulled into the school parking lot and just as she did every other day made her way to her first class. The day seemed to drone on even though Alistar was there with her, she was just ready to put these dreams into perspective. Alistar could tell there was something on her mind but he knew that if she wanted to discuss it she would on her own time. Instead of prying he tried to just be kind to her needs and sat with her in silence. Even if it did bother him. Valerie knew she wasn’t being very sociable but she just had so much on her mind she couldn’t help but let her mind wonder. She finally managed to pull her mind away from the dream at lunch. She quickly apologized and assured Alistar that it was just a dream that had her so off her hinges. She told him she planned to talk to Eudora about it and that she would explain better once she knew more herself. Once again Alistar was supportive and agreed it was best she talk to Eudora about whatever was eating her. The two parted after lunch and decided they would meet later to talk once she had spoken to Eudora. Before school ended Eudora had sent a message to Valerie letting her know to meet her on the outskirts of town. Valerie shot out of the school like a rocket she stopped long enough to give Alistar a quick kiss before she headed off to meet Eudora.

  Valerie thought about the dream the whole ride over. She didn’t want to seem silly for asking Eudora about her dreams but she didn’t know who else to ask. After all Eudora is the only other person that has been in her situation. As she got closer to the edge of town she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being silly and just over reacting. She felt a sinking in her stomach, what would Eudora think of her for asking her all the way out here and all over some dream. She hoped Eudora wouldn’t be upset with her for bringing her all the way out of town. It was too late to turn back so Valerie decided to just suck it up and ask away. Moments after her inner battle was over she had arrived to the edge of town. There Eudora leaned against her sleek car, waiting, Valerie had to admit Eudora’s beauty was almost intimidating. Her long hair and even longer legs were to die for. She was dressed to impress as usual. She wore only the best clothes per her matches request. Valerie pulled off and cut the engine and she quickly climbed out of the car. “I’m sorry to pull you all the way out here on such short notice.” Eudora waved her hand in the air and smiled. “My dear, you can call on me anytime. Now come tell me what is bothering you.” Valerie followed Eudora to the park bench that was nearby. She took a deep breath and calmed her nerves. “I know this may sound silly… I have been having a recurring dream almost every night. I’m standing on a balcony overlooking this dark desolate land. Everything is dark the sky, the town below, even the castle. There no people just spirits in the air. I watch for a while then I walk into the castle and then I wake up…. I guess what I’m asking is… What would that even mean?” Eudora thought for a moment her mind searching. “My dear, the castle you speak of is the castle of the underworld. You dream of it because it is a part of you. It is your home. Although there are many people and creatures in the town. Not only spirits live in the underworld, so that part I’m a bit confused on. However, it may just be the spirits relaying the message to you that this is your home and that they are trying to welcome you with open arms. I had similar dreams when I accepted my fate. Valerie felt unbelievably relieved. She couldn’t help herself. She hugged Eudora and thanked her for listening and meeting with her. She admitted she felt silly but Eudora insisted that she had no reason to feel silly. Eudora confided that she wished she had someone she could have talked to when she first became the queen of the underworld. The two hugged one last time before going their separate ways.

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