Read Loving the Reaper Page 8

Chapter 8

  Valerie turned the car off the purring of the engine dying instantly. She slowly climbed out knowing her mother had to be looking out the window to see who was in the driveway. She tried to avoid looking at the window and acted like this was perfectly normal. She took a steadying breath as she opened the door. Her mother stood directly on the other side of the door, her arms were crossed and her face showed both confusion and a touch of anger. she tapped her fingers waiting for an explanation. Valerie took a deep breath and stood tall. “Before you freak out mother there is nothing I can do I tried to return the necklace but he said it was his mother’s and she would have been offended if I gave it back. And then today his mother personally dropped the car off and told me it was a gift from Alistar. I can’t just throw his gift back in his face especially when he went through asking his mother to personally drop it off to me. What was I supposed to do? I really like your son but no? It would offend them both.” Her mother chewed on the explanation for a moment before speaking. “You are seventeen and have only known this boy a short time yet he thinks it's acceptable to spend all this money on a new car and jewelry? What is really going on between the two of you Valerie?” Valerie wasn’t sure her mother would be so easily convinced that they were just boyfriend and girlfriend. “Mom he is my boyfriend that is it. He doesn’t understand that his gifts are over the top because money is not a problem for him that's the only reason he would give me such expensive gifts. Now I have done nothing wrong so can I please go upstairs and do my work?” Her mother looked away defeated. “Fine but you will bring this overly generous boy over for dinner this weekend. Understand?” Valerie couldn’t believe she had won the fight so easily. “Sure mom I’ll let him know.

  That night she finished her work in record time. She just wanted to be done with it so she could finally relax. As she laid across her bed she noticed Alistar’s dark figure appear right before her. She knew her mother was in bed and if she did come in he could easily disappear. She sighed relieved he was back. “How do you like your car?” Valerie chuckled. “I thought my mom was going to explode but I just told her that you wouldn’t take it back even if I tried and it would just offend you so she gave up. By the way you are coming to dinner this weekend to meet her. per her order.” Alistar grinned “Ahhh… I must meet my mother in law already… should be interesting!” He began to grin again which made Valerie giggle. She wasn’t sure what is was about him but she was drawn to him. Alistar slowly put his hand on her cheek. “You are beautiful… You know that right?” Valerie blushed but relished in the warmth of his touch. “Thank you and you know that I’m glad you're here with me right?” They both smiled. She suddenly felt exhausted. She told Alistar she was ready to call it a night. He let her lay down and covered her while kissing her cheek and then he vanished. Valerie fell into a dreamless sleep. The sun peeked out behind the clouds and woke Valerie. She knew it was Saturday and she had no intention of getting up. However just as she rolled over there was a knock at her bedroom door. she sighed. “Come in mom.” Her mother opened the door and sat on the bed with a box in her hand. Valerie almost shot upright in her bed. Oh no not another gift. She looked at her mother with a questioning look. Her mother smiled and handed it to her. “I know with all the extravagant gifts you have received lately this won’t seem like much but I would feel much better if you had it so go on and open it up.” Valerie smiled at her mom before tearing the package open. Inside was a pink iPhone. “Thank you so much mom! I love it!” Valerie hugged her mom and looked back at her new phone. She was so excited. Valerie laid in bed setting up her new phone, she put her mother in her contacts of course but she then realized she had no one else to put on her list. She wasn’t sure if Alistar even had a phone now that she thought about it she had never even seen him use one or carry one around before. She would have to ask him about that later when she saw him. After lying in bed a while longer she decided to get dressed and go to the market and pick up what she needed for dinner tonight. As she walked outside she realized she didn’t have to walk, after all she had a car now. She smiled a little at the thought of it being hers as she climbed in and started the engine. The sleek car came to life purring underneath her, she decided she could get used to this. As she drove to the market she thought about Alistar she was really beginning to fall for him and she didn’t understand how these feelings were manifesting so quickly. She still had some much to learn about him as a person and as the reaper. She had never been in a relationship before and she really didn’t know how to go about showing her feelings or how a couple was supposed to be. She knew in many aspects it would be much different for the two of them but she still hoped that their love would grow and flourish like any other couples. She was so in her head she almost missed the market completely and at the last minute she screeched to a stop. The tires screeched and the car came to an immediate stop right in front of the market. She blushed behind the windshield as people on the sidewalks turned to see what the commotion was all about. She tried her best to ignore them as she parked and hurried into the market. Valerie grabbed everything she thought she would need for tonight and hurried to the register where Mrs. Keeble stood with a smile on her face. “Hello Valerie... New car?” Valerie blushed. Oh great now she was going to have to try to explain the car to Mrs. Keeble. “Yes, still trying to get used to it!” Mrs. Keeble smiled but said no more except to tell Valerie her total and wish her a good day. She knew it seemed a little off for her not to talk more but she didn’t over think it too much and went on her way.