Read Luck Of The Claw Page 11

Trinity said with a grin her eyes still shining. And for once, Camden didn't seem to hate those words nearly as much.

  - Episode 32 -

  With all this raw evil magic permeating everything Trinity wasn't sure how long before it might start affecting them. But she didn't have to wonder about what would happen if they stayed here much longer. Either the malevolent maelstrom that had been a scaly-hided monster would turn on them, or the source of sorcery from above would change tactics and decide to level everything. Neither was really on her list of 'make-me-happy' options.

  No, Trinity had already decided that their only real avenue for escape lay squarely with her magic. She wasn't entirely certain exactly what might happen surrounded by so much dark power. Whatever it was it was worth trying because there wasn't any way she could see Mal or Camden fighting their way clear. And even if the dragon was in better shape she just couldn't see it getting them clear either.

  Even with its wings the silver-clawed sentinel simply wasn't big enough to carry all of them to safety. Besides, even if it could they could never leave Percival behind. But if she could use her magic to somehow allow the stubborn steed to take to the sky as well then perhaps they would have a chance.

  Pages ruffled to an unseen breeze as Trinity scanned through her book looking for just the right thing. It wasn't easy; it took her a few moments to concentrate her efforts to focus her search for what she needed. As she hunted with her mind she could sense tangible terrors that eagerly probed at her looking for any opening. Their very presence was frightening enough but Trinity reserved herself to the fact that others were relying on her.

  Trinity forced herself deeper into the book, allowing her determined need to drive the pursuit. Answering her was a page that began to fill with soft and delicate words that rolled off her tongue like the spring scent of sweet honeysuckle. Strands of pearly light began to take shape that drifted over them like a veil of moonlight. As the magic wove itself to life, carried aloft by her song it delicately started crafting gossamer wings upon Percival's sides.

  The purity at the heart of her magic defied the tainted energies around them, driving it back with a hiss that punctuated its displeasure. Even the dragon seemed affected, its eyes brightening as a small measure of strength returned to it. Percival complained with a snort before Mal settled himself back in the saddle and took hold of the reins prompting the loyal steed to silence.

  "I don't know how long I can hold this so we best hurry," Trinity explained, her voice strained. Camden found himself staring up into the blazing eyes of the dragon as a thought occurred to him as well. "We have to get away from here so we can warn people, to help them," he said quietly. "It isn't safe here and I can't leave you, will you come with us," Camden asked nervously, a quiver in his tone.

  In answer the noble creature bowed its neck and offered its back to Camden. There was no questioning the action for Camden who instantly found a grip and climbed upon the dragon's back. As they left the ground in a chorus of flapping wings it was Mal who raised a concern of his own. "What are we going to do about that," he asked gesturing towards the sorcerer in the sky.

  "Trying to concentrate here," Trinity chided trying to not break her focus on the spell. "Less worry, more hurry," Camden quoted at Mal who broke out with a nervous chuckle. With any luck, he hoped Trinity could hold this together long enough for them to escape. Even if she did though, he couldn't shake the worry of what everything that was happening would mean.

  - Episode 33 -

  Power roared and crackled as it poured out of Baron Samael's staffs tip directed downward to seek out Lady Adriana. He channeled the vicious force with a dark and grizzly glee before a cautious query began to form its way to whisper at him. Curiously it tugged its way to grab at a measure of his attention before the distraction demanded he consider it.

  "How is it that she still lives," he pondered the question aloud, surrendering to contemplate the strange mystery. Now that he actually had spoken the words the idea made him reconsider just how distracted he had been with his revenge. So focused upon his assault he realized that he had somehow managed to actually lose track of just how long his prey had been defying him.

  Abruptly the Baron released the spells flow of outpouring destruction and carefully took inventory of his reserves. While he had managed to waste far more than it ever should have taken to remove the dear lady from this world he sighed with relief that he had not allowed himself to further deplete himself.

  Baron Samael watched with a cruel pain in his belly as his foe still swam amidst a sea of ethereal swirling strands of power. His teeth clenched and he discovered a snarl waiting on his lips to display his irritation. "Blast her bones," the Baron spat the curse as his fury rose. But already the dark shadow beneath him was spreading like a drawn cloak to cover the very ground as it rippled and flowed like restless waves. The impossible form was slipping from one crude shape to another until without warning it shot away traveling at great speed.

  The Vault itself began to shudder with a thunderous groan before it erupted skyward in an explosion that spewed forth inky dark forms to inhabit the very sky around the Baron. "Wet wicks," the Baron declared as he began his own hasty retreat. "Whatever it is that witch has managed to pull, she has ruined my plans," the Baron told himself. But a faint blue flicker of light in the distance snared his attention making him once more reconsider what was happening.

  Through squinted eyes he could just make out the flying form; it was a dragon! Already his mind began to churn with new possibilities that he could take advantage of to try and salvage his efforts. "With a dragon enthralled no one would dare stand against me," Baron Samael purred once more pleased with his clearly clever wit.

  "Indeed, now, where are those two worthless whelps," the Baron mused as he altered his course and allowed his mind to form a working plan. The Baron continued his plotting and planning, resigning the Vault of Echoes as no longer worth exploiting. But as he carried himself into the distance vast nefarious forces were already spreading to delight in their release.

  And what had once been Lady Adriana was quickly finding that it had grown so very, very hungry.

  - Episode 34 -

  Still shaking with fear, Thatch and Cobble clung to the desperate security of the thick bushes around them. They had watched in abject terror as they saw what had befallen Lady Adriana. Even when Baron Samael loosed his deadly spell they sat frozen, unable to even consider taking flight. What good would it had done either of them; both knew without even having to ask how far they might have made it on foot. All they would have had to do was draw attention to them and that would be the end of it.

  Cobble never even bothered to ask Thatch, his usual source of mental resources, if the Baron might hold it against them for having obeyed the Lady. But as soon as the question formed to him he instantly decided that opening his mouth to ask it wasn't a very good idea. It was one of the few moments Cobble was sure he had a good idea, which even he would admit were rare ones.

  Thatch, himself for once, was trying as hard as he might not to think. There was no idea that he even wanted to consider besides somehow staying alive. He didn't even take any note of the baneful beasts who were themselves cowering alongside them. Even these horrid hounds that it seemed like just so recently were something so terrible had managed to discover a force that made them recoil. Above all else, Thatch did not want to allow his mind to think about what that could mean.

  But as the Vault of Echoes began to spew forth shades in an explosive surge and darkness began to sweep over the ground on its own accord there was no need for thought. Thatch didn't have to say a single word, Cobble never even asked; the pair of them just bolted straight out of the bushes and headed as fast and hard as their feet could carry them for safety. Even the creatures had sensed it, it was a fundamental impulse that they could detect; that of impending and certain doom.

  Narrowly the fleeing flunkies managed to clear the safety of their shrubbery
before dark forms awkwardly passed through seeking shape and substance. Where once all the various essences had been given homes, worked into artifacts that gave them purpose and directed their power now they were loose. Now they were free once more, but without something to hold them they were mere pale ghosts of what they once were.

  They needed a body, a form of some kind. Fortunately, there were several still lying within the ruins of the Vault just waiting to be filled. Delighted they poured themselves into the lifeless dragons causing them to arise with unnatural movements. While these forms were no longer alive they would provide them a suitable container for now.

  - Episode 35 -

  With each ragged breath Trinity struggled to remain awake, the strain of maintaining her spell growing more and more difficult every moment. Wielding such delicate yet powerful forces was still new to her and the effort drained her inexperienced young mind. The sky around her kept threatening to become dark, her last measure of strength failing. She couldn't even find enough voice left to warn the others as she