Read Luck Of The Claw Page 14

go to work," Camden replied as he set off to follow his sister. Mal was left alone to gruffly complain to empty air; "You're supposed to wait for my order. Sundered swords," he allowed himself a quickly muttered curse before rushing himself to catch up.

  - Episode 41 -

  From within the throne room Tonniel could feel the building pressure on the air as if the presence of what was coming was a tangible thing. He appreciated the poetic irony of the moment; it was like a coming storm - you could feel it in the air but you couldn't touch it. His left hand brushed reassuringly over the pommel of his sword always at hand, while he raised his right in a regal gesture calling for attention.

  "Activate the wards," Tonniel commanded. He could leave the defenses to his Earl Marshal, and rightly so; there was no one else more capable when it came to strategy. But only the King himself held the authority to raise the ancient runes etched into the very foundations of the keep that warded it from outside forces. It had held strong against entire armies, spell onslaughts and a legendary rampaging raid of giants (or so the story goes). Tonniel had every confidence it would secure their safety as well against whatever had escaped the Vault. But nothing like this had ever happened before, so there was no way to know for certain what awaited them. Even so, Tonniel was a firm believer in being prepared, so he grinned with satisfaction as power channeled from deep within the earth to fill every glowing rune around the throne.

  The sudden surge in magical current immediately alerted Trinity to it's presence as it sparked to life and set itself to its designed purpose. She could see its rushing flow, feel it as it conducted its way beneath their feet and around them through the walls. Trinity studied it carefully as she realized a quiet part of her mind was already deconstructing it, analyzing how it was shaped and crafted. Some inner part of her grasped the core foundation of this magic, its central design and whispered to her what it found.

  What she was seeing was more than just illuminated runes along the walls and floor. No, it was far more than that; what was taking shape was an intricately woven layer of enchantment that was blanketing the keep. It was a beautiful thing to her sight; it shined like pale moonlight in the dark. This was an artfully crafted masterpiece.

  Silver-Claws once more called to them, a restless growl alerting them before they could see the dragon's form. It's time away from the Vault had worked wonders in returning it's strength, and with the wards sparking to life the young dragon was all to eager. Camden could see it in his eyes, in the way its scale-draped muscles flexed and shifted. Just as Silver-Claws could mark the same look of fiery promised fury behind the young boy’s eyes as well as he returned Camden's gaze.

  "Make for the courtyard," Mal snapped the short order from behind them. He gratefully mouthed his thanks as they all obeyed instantly without hesitation. The last thing he wanted was for them to be trapped inside with a dragon when the fighting began.

  - Episode 42 -

  For several long moments there was only silence as Camden and Trinity found themselves standing in the courtyard looking up in awe. Above them was set the star studded night sky but between it and them there were strands of pearly light carefully intertwined. It was almost as if the night sky and air had crafted a tapestry of starlight to drape over them.

  Camden eagerly gripped the hilt of his blade, keeping it at the ready as he kept his eyes scanning the sky. He knew that for him he could only wait for his eyes to detect the pending threat and with any luck perhaps Trinity might provide some measure of warning. One glance at Trinity and he could read the concentration written on her brow, she really seemed to be getting better at using her magic he had to admit. This was good, because he knew they were going to need every bit of it that she could manage.

  Trinity focused her mind, allowing her will to flow down through the staff and around her. She could feel the familiar ball of nervous excitement that was her brother, which in its own way was reassuring to her. As her thoughts passed over Mal she immediately noticed that the old knight was like a vast calm lake, tranquil and serene. With so much looming danger, so much to fear or worry, Mal simply was. His relaxed core warmed her and allowed her some measure of confidence as well. But as she brushed by the last guardian whom her brother insisted she refer to as Silver-Claws she was again amazed. Here sat this large creature, and at it's core was magic itself. It burned with the fury of a thousand furnaces inside, a stark contrast to Mal. She couldn't grasp how so much primal raw force was restrained, let alone inhabited the young dragon. But she was indeed grateful that Silver-Claws was there standing with them.

  Trinity felt it only a split second before the others caught sight of everything with their eyes. Dark flames of purple and black erupted to lick at the woven wards of Oakhelm Keep as the defenses flickered defiantly against the assault. Without hesitation, Mal quickly un-slung the sword from his back and drew the Marshal's Edge from its scabbard. The steel of its hefty blade rang upon the night air and a series of runes along the length of the weapon sprang to life. Gripping the weapon with both hands Mal treasured the balanced weight of it once again in his hand and longing to be of service.

  "To arms," commanded the Earl Marshal wielding the symbol of his office and authority. Every guard and member of the watch no matter how far out of earshot all heard his cry echoing as it carried itself through the wind to them. Bows were drawn; swords and spears made ready as they watched in terror at what assailed the Keep's defenses.

  Trinity's heart sank as she could feel the masterfully made magical barrier begin to falter against the attack. The strands of its magic began to snap as it struggled to hold back Lady Adriana and the dark magic dragons. She had to do something, and fast but she needed time to act. And with every seconds passing time was about to become precious indeed.

  - Episode 43 -

  "I need you guys to buy me some time," Trinity desperately pleaded the request at Mal and Camden. "The wards are failing and those things will get through if I don't do something! I need you to keep them busy, distracted so I can work some form of a way to reinforce it before it collapses. But I won't be able to protect you while you do it, I will have to concentrate - you'll be on your own and so will I."

  Camden didn't focus much on the details his sister told him, all he needed to hear her say was to keep the monsters busy. "Consider it done," Camden confirmed as he straddled himself upon Silver-Claws back. "We'll take to the air and intercept everything we can to draw their attention."

  "Sound plan," Mal confirmed. "You draw their fire and I'll assign my best bowmen to cover you, it'll leave me free to provide a line of defense for Trinity." As Mal had barely let the last words leave his lips a pair of footsteps thudded to a halt behind them and another voice joined them.

  "Not alone your not," King Rainborne declared with a wry grin lighting his face. "I finally get my Earl Marshal back after all these years, I'll be trice cursed if I'm going to let him stand alone." With a roll of his shoulders the king drew his cloak behind him and brought his sword to hand. "Besides, you've probably allowed yourself to get rusty my old friend and as for me, well I could use a good bit of fun for a change."

  "Never ever assume my skill to be anything less than what you have known it to be in the past," Mal corrected his former student. "Did I not instruct you to always consider your foes hidden strengths; never to assume your blind superipority? It always ends with you eating dirt."

  "Arrows at the ready lend your aim to cover the boy and his dragon," Mal ordered his men. "Hurry," Trinity whispered as lines of worry furrowed her brow and a bead of sweat formed at her temples. "I'll have to pull the wards back to try and reweave what of the magic I can, you have to make haste and keep them held back while I work."

  "On your signal then," Mal answered her, a soft tender tone of rippled resolve to bolster her.

  "Now," Trinity screamed; as she did every strand of pale interlocking light above them began to shatter and withdraw. And as it did, the swarming creatures rushed in without r
estriction, furiously seeking the magic they feared could imprison them once more. With a roar of glee Silver-Claws took wing carrying him and Camden straight at them like a hurled spear.

  - Episode 44 -

  Camden heard a loud flutter of wings flapping against the night wind as he and Silver-Claws sailed straight through the middle of his foes. Black fire licked and sputtered inches from behind him as his courageous cohort slammed into two of his former clutch-mates driving them from their path with a crack of collided scales. Claws struck out and slashed like arced lightning seeking to rend the tainted forms that lingered as an insult to the last guardian's blood-kin.

  A fanged maw darted to snap at Camden, perched upon his winged companions back forcing him to twist and bring his shield to bear blocking the beast. Silver-Claws registered the threat to his newfound friend and turned his own mouth at the attacking undead dragon, loosing his cold-fire breath. The ghostly blue-white flames roared to life and erupted into the attacking dragon's neck in an explosive stream. Its magic