Read Luck Of The Claw Page 16

perhaps repair it further.

  Right now, there was no longer time to waste, she could feel it. So with a brief sigh Trinity pulled together all the fibers of magical force as tightly as she could and then released those strands to throw those outwards. The spell-woven strands exploded, stretching and springing with a surge of flexibility. Trinity rode the wave of magic back up, her focus slowly returning as she opened her eyes.

  Camden was above her, riding on the back of Silver-Claws, frantically fighting to defend the new friend he had found in the young orphaned dragon. Before her she could see both Mal, this kindly old knight that fortune had led them to fighting side by side with the king himself. The paired protectors were valiantly defending her from the self-same creature that sought them outside the Vault.

  Her heart warmed to see such sights, fear faltered in the face of the hope that was being carried inside her. Trinity could feel the wards she had worked as they returned to life. It was time to see just how well she done, and if it would work at all.

  -Episode 48 -

  Silver-Claws had been bravely battling the pernicious pack, but he was only a single dragon; it was only ever going to be a matter of time before his out numbered adversaries wore him down. Camden watched seemingly helpless as his newest friend tired in his struggle to outmaneuver the other dragons only to see them still circling. Below them his eye caught a sudden flicker of movement drawing his attention; one of the other dragons was rushing up from below to sneak attack Silver-Claws!

  Camden had to do something; he refused to let his friend go down like this. Especially not after all that he had done to protect them, how he had bravely fought to buy Trinity the time she needed. Suddenly Camden released his grip upon the dragon's back and flung himself down to meet the upwardly rushing assault. He fell through the whipping wind his stout blade held squarely before him gripped by both hands. Like a spear thrust down he ripped into the dragon's waiting flesh, a scream trailing off as his breath left him.

  The sudden halting of his flight downward was far more of a shock than Camden could have ever expected. Even if he had thought about it ahead of time - which he didn't, as usual; it was not the sort of thing you consider in the spur of the moment. His only concern was to buy his sister the time she needed but he wasn't about to sacrifice Silver-Claws just to do it. It was odd; really, it hadn't occurred to him to consider that in saving the sapphire scaled sentinel that he would be himself helpless against gravity.

  A screech overhead alerted him that his friend had found him missing from his back, but Camden had no idea if the desperate dragon could make the dive in time to save him. The wounded dragon slipped free from his blade as the two fell together back towards the earth.

  Beneath them, Mal pivoted and shifted his weight to throw himself towards the beast’s chest placing his back towards it. The Marshal's Edge rippled with lightning as it danced along the blade in answer to some subtle trigger from its master. Mal brought the broad blade into a sweeping slash trained on the creature's claws, his steel seeking to sever them.

  Neatly his masterfully made blade found waiting flesh to seize upon as it unleashed a portion of its potent power to rip through and remove both hands. However, throwing himself into the strike Mal had been forced to drop his defenses for a moment. It was a calculated risk, the experienced champion knew it, but it was necessary; he couldn't risk the king's life. He did have a duty to perform after all.

  Even with agony flooding its way to engulf the monster that had been Lady Adriana, rage still fueled its attack pressing its teeth to repay the man who had again brought pain to it. But Tonniel had never been a fool, he had always know his dear old mentor's mind; the wise warrior would always place his life before his king's. So he had anticipated Mal's reaction, and following upon his old instructor's lead he launched his own bold blade into a tactically placed thrust.

  The shinning steel cleanly pierced the beast’s blackened hide beneath the jaw and slid upwards to seek its brains. In a blinding flash light erupted around them that spread outward, bringing with it both a wave of hope as well as confusion. Had his strike rang true? King Rainborne had no way of knowing, the wards had washed over and through him leaving his sight dazzled. For what seemed like an infinitely long moment he could only fight to clear his mind as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Was it over?

  - Episode 49 -

  Trinity had flung the wards of Oakhelm Keep up in a hurry, seeking to return them in time to halt the assault of their fearsome foes. But when the powerful barrier burst back to life she marked an obvious difference; it's more elastic form wasn't just resisting them, it was driving them back. Instead of acting like a hardened shield the protective magic was instead bouncing any force used against them to send the blows back at their sources.

  The spell woven shield had sprung to life and as it whipped outwards it had cast everything away from them with it. An almost audible crack could be heard, even as it was felt, as the black scaled beast before them was the first to be hit hard by the spreading wards. The force of the impact lifted it clear from its feet and jerked it backwards as it carried it with it.

  In the air, dragons collided with it in a cascade of chaos and shock to find themselves forced out. Camden watched in his own moment of mystery as the sky cleared to the returning enchanted light before finding Silver-Claws swooping under to catch him. Immediately he pushed aside all questions that tried to form in his mind save one and directed the dedicated dragon to head for his sister.

  As Mal and Tonniel watched with clearing eyes they caught sight of their opponents as the Keep's ancient defenses washed the deadly dragons outwards in a wave of wispy light. Neither dropped their guard, instead returning to a defensive stance as they studied the creature’s reaction. "This may not be over yet," Mal warned Camden as he and Silver-Claws landed just behind them.

  "Are you alright Trin," Camden shot the question out, the only possible one of worth to him as soon as he was close enough to speak it. "It should hold for now I think," Trinity replied absently to them, her eyes blankly gazing at the distance. "Thank you for distracting them, I had to alter the wards somewhat, but I think if given time I might be able to rebuild them completely."

  "Trinity," Camden called to his sister once more, an edge of frustration in his voices tone. "I don't care about the blasted magical light show; I asked you if you were okay!" The notion of her brother actually concerned about her startled Trinity, and she had to look in her brother's eyes before she could believe it.

  "Yeah, Cam, I'm fine," Trinity explained softly, surprised by Camden’s unusual show of emotion. "But you shouldn't be worrying about me; we have more important things to deal with right now." While all four of them watched the barrier kept flashing against repeated attacks only to see it spring back into place over and over.

  Slowly the menacing mob began to circle the Keep as the creatures paused longer and longer between strikes. After a while it seemed like silence had returned to the night breeze once more. Perhaps they had actually accomplished it; just maybe they had driven the tainted creatures into fleeing. Even if that were the case, it wasn't something Mal could consider a victory.

  - Episode 50 -

  Baron Samael watched from the waiting shadows, Thatch and Cobble silently in tow behind him.

  The fearsome dark magic infused dragons had withdrawn from the potent defenses of the Keep's wards that even now were still flickering. Such a powerfully spell crafted barrier would be near impossible to breach by brute force; it would take some time and careful preparation to subvert it. Time was something he had, even if it did strain his patience. Yes, indeed, if he was to get his hands on that dragon or reclaim what those meddling brats had stolen from him he could wait.

  And as for those rogue forces from the Vault, perhaps they could be yet mastered and guided to serve him. "Thatch, Cobble; it looks like you may yet be able to avoid your fates for failing me," the Baron coldly cooed. Both of his cowardly c
ohorts gulped down their fear as they tried not to imagine what that might entail.

  "We have more work to do, so very much to prepare for, come," Baron Samael bid them with a gesture as the empty air shifted and transformed briefly around them. When next Thatch or Cobble looked around them they found the familiar stone walls of FrostThorn Tower awaiting them and a strange tingle lingering in their skin. It was a rare enough experience that neither knew what to make of it - the Baron never had been known to use his magic to transport anyone other than himself.

  But as the pair allowed themselves a sigh of relief for managing to return to the Tower intact and not in some other twisted form they couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. After a few long moments of being left alone it slowly started to sink in; aside from the Baron they were alone in FrostThorn Tower. Where had everyone else gone? Terror tickled its way back up both Thatch and Cobble's spine until they both found themselves shivering.

  "Until I can restock myself with suitable materials, you two will see to the various tasks required.