Read Luck Of The Claw Page 2

this irritating dampness immediately," he ordered quietly. "I need not remind you that next time you will find me far less forgiving." The Baron could have easily taken care of the whole tower through his magic alone, but he did so enjoy this so much the more.

  Now, where is that crow he wondered? If Thatch or Cobble had bumbled things up again he would torment them until what little wits remained to them were gone. No, clearly even those two couldn't screw things up at this point. All that was left to do was to wait for word that his prize was on its way.

  Baron Samael hated waiting.

  - Episode 4 -

  "Hey, Thatch, you sure we're going the right way?" Cobble asked his taller companion. Of the two, Cobble was short and round while Thatch was tall and skinny. Neither was known for being overly smart though.

  "Yeah, yeah, Cobble we'll be back to the tower in no time," Thatch explained. "I keep telling you, I know the way back, Baron Samael told me himself exactly which way to go." "But didn't he also tell us not to forget something though?" Cobble had to ask. He couldn't shake the notion they had forgotten something important.

  "Nope, we took care of that guy and snatched up everything he had found. All we were supposed to do was bring it back to the Baron and he'll be so happy. I bet we even get rewards!" Thatch seemed so sure that Cobble couldn't argue, it did sound nice to think about not getting punished for once.

  "If we're getting close, does that mean we can stop and rest a bit?" Cobble offered up another question. "Because I am getting tired, maybe we could stop and take a nap or you could take a turn packing the big bag." Thatch clearly had no intention of actually doing any more heavy lifting than he had to, so the idea of taking a break was definitely the better of the two.

  "Alright, we'll pause for a brief break, but then we'll hurry back, agreed?" Thatch offered. Without a second thought Cobble blurted out; "agreed." And before you could even blink the two flopped down beside the path with a grunt. "This stuff sure is heavy," Cobble said considering his bag as he removed it from his shoulder. "I know the Baron wanted everything but didn't he say it was a key or something that was what was important?"

  "Yeah, he did say that, didn't he?" Thatch said as he recalled the same thing. "And he is sure to be really proud of us for bringing him all this other loot too. But I bet he would be even gladder if we already weeded out some of the junk for him!" Cobble was always impressed by how Thatch always had the best ideas.

  "Like this silly little book," Cobble mentioned while holding a small plain book. It didn't look like much except for a slight etching of a white horn marked on the cover. The funny little thing didn't even seem to have any words in it. Not that it would have mattered; neither Thatch nor Cobble could have probably even read the thing anyway.

  After a few minutes the two had sorted through their pile of items and tossed aside anything they were sure wouldn't please the Baron. Quite proud of their labor they decided to take a quick nap before heading back. Surely they would make better time without the weight of the extra junk and either way Baron Samael would reward them for being so smart.

  As he drifted off to sleep, Cobble still kept thinking there was something they had forgotten. He never had been great at remembering things, but he was sure they were supposed to do something on their way back. His stomach growled at him as he tried to remember what it could have been. It sure would have been nice if they had another one of those crows like the other day. Sure was a great idea Thatch had had to cook it for a snack. Maybe the Baron would give them a really tasty treat as a reward! Yeah, that sounded really good to Cobble as he drifted off to sleep.

  - Episode 5 -

  A warm splash silenced both Camden and Trinity as they said their own little hello's to the Pool of Tears. The fall itself was scary enough but at least they could now say they no longer had an agitated farmer stalking them. Either he figured it foolish to venture to close to the sacred pool or that the fall had taken care of the thieves he chased.

  It really was kind of nice down here though, Camden had to admit. The water was warm and crystal clear, if a little salty, which was weird but he figured maybe that was part of why they named it what they did. With a moment to catch his breath he didn't care where he had ended up, since he didn't have a farmer hot on his heels.

  That is, until he noticed that in their fall the roasted chicken had been tragically destroyed. Being carried in a full run during a wild chase and then crashing into a pool of water may not have been something the once tasty meal was meant to survive. Camden figured he should have been happy the two of them had managed it in one piece.

  "Look what you have done now," he snapped at Trinity as he tried to hold up the mangled remains of the chicken. "I go to all the trouble to get your favorite breakfast and you ruin a perfectly good meal." Camden was not about to thank his sister for saving both of their hides, but he had no problem blaming her for his grumbling belly.

  "Me," Trinity objected instantly, "who stole that food without even thinking about how he might get away with it? You always do this Cam," Trinity began to explain. "Every time you act without thinking and then we have to run for our necks. You're just lucky I thought of this place when I did." She knew her little brother was never going to change, much less thank her let alone apologize.

  "How did you know about this place," Camden asked her as it occurred to him he wasn't sure how she could have known. It wasn't exactly the kind of thing he expected her to know about. "I read about it in a book once," Trinity answered as she made her way to the pool's edge. "We should start to make our way back up and find our way out of here."

  "Yeah, yeah," Camden agreed as he started to follow her. He couldn't help but notice though that the light down here looked funny. Well, at least he could say both of them had managed to get a bath this morning. With a grin they both wadded their way up out of the pool and giggled at how they were both cleaner than usual.

  Little did they know that they now carried the blessing of the Pool of Tears, and as they made their way out of its mystical waters the whole of the forest watched over them.

  - Episode 6 -

  Tossed aside into a pile several strange items were laid in a clearing. The entire forest had watched as they were discarded before Thatch and Cobble had surrendered into a deep slumber. Trees whispered to one another in a language so old almost none still living could have understood it. Grass and stone looked up to see that even the wind was dancing about as it playfully considered what to do. They couldn't allow even the remote chance that Thatch or Cobble might retrieve the items when they awoke. It was far too dangerous for them to fall into the hands of Baron Samael.

  But there was one possible option - the children. The idea made the wind tickle the trees and ruffle the grass. Yes, the children who even now were walking this way. A subtle shift in the forest path they followed and they would pass right by this very spot. Just to be safe the trees moved a few branches as well and let a stray sun bean peek down upon the items.

  Delighted and giggling the wind raced away to watch with anticipation as the pair were wandering up. The trees grew silent, in their wisdom it was best to let things happen as they would. Once Camden and Trinity had touched the Pool of Tears the forest had seen their worth. It had measured them in a way and if there had been even a drop of evil or doubt within them they would have never made it out of the pool. For the Pool truly was a sacred place, and only anything pure had ever witnessed it and been allowed to live.

  Camden and Trinity had actually been fairly lucky picking the path they did; it had actually led back up out of the rocky walls. If they had picked any other path it might have taken hours to find their way, or they might not have found their way at all. Camden couldn't help but think they had been luckier than usual. Well, except for the roast chicken part, it would still take some time before he got over that one.

  Trinity herself couldn't shake the feeling that something was different. She could almost hear something, faint and distant like a g
iggle. The sound reminded her of wind chimes or a baby laughing, it was kind of musical. Cam was probably just playing another joke on her she figured and left it alone.

  Camden's hand suddenly grabbed at Trinity's wrist and without making a sound he gestured for her to be quiet. Two figures lay sleeping in the clearing and right there before them sat several objects lying in the sun all by their self. While Trinity tried to figure out why these things were cast aside or who the two travelers might be she watched as her brother was already scooping them up without hesitation.

  There wasn't any time to debate the matter, Camden motioned for her to come on and the two left as fast and quiet as they could. Well, Trinity had to admit at least they could put some ground between them and the two asleep. But she couldn't help but think that Camden had just managed to bring even more trouble their way.

  - Episode 7 -

  After traveling for what seemed like forever Camden and Trinity finally decided to stop and rest. And just to be safe they tucked themselves under an old fallen tree that was partially