Read Lucky Stars Page 40

  Seconds later, the door opened and Olive walked in, escorting a rather good-looking man with dark brown hair and the bulky, honed body of a prize fighter.

  Jack had taken some time that day to do an internet search on Mickey Dempsey. Without the time to give it the attention it needed, it was by no means thorough. Nevertheless, the articles Dempsey chose to write, most especially the exposés, painted a vivid picture of the man, his interests and his principles.

  Jack held Dempsey’s eyes as he walked in and without invitation sat in one of the two chairs angled opposite his desk. Only when Dempsey was seated in an insouciant lounge that was meant to communicate to Jack that Dempsey was not afraid of him, his money or his power, did Jack look to Olive.

  “I’d like you to stay.”

  Olive nodded and sat in the chair next to Dempsey.

  Dempsey watched her do it and cut his gaze back to Jack.

  Then he opened.

  “As you can guess because I’m here at your unexpected request, I’m intrigued.”

  Jack wanted to be home with Belle, if not for whatever he faced being served at her father’s hand for dinner. Therefore he did not delay.

  “I require your services.”

  Dempsey’s eyebrows shot up. “Now I’m more intrigued.”

  “Perhaps you expected something else?” Jack asked, knowing he did.

  “My article came out yesterday and it has to be said, mate, you seem very protective of Belle Abbot,” Dempsey remarked.

  “You’ve been watching,” Jack noted and Dempsey grinned.


  Jack lifted his chin. This didn’t surprise him. He hadn’t seen him but he already knew this to be true. It was another thing he’d learned in his brief research. Mickey Dempsey was thorough.

  Dempsey’s gaze became intense. “I meant her no harm. I hope you understand that. And I assumed, considering the way you are with her, you would protect her from –”

  Jack interrupted him, “Belle’s fine. And your article yesterday is not why you’re here.”

  “So maybe you’ll get to explaining why I’m here?” Dempsey prompted.

  Jack again lifted his chin. “First, I’ll need your assurances that if you take the assignment I’m about to offer you, everything about it will be confidential.”

  Interest flashed in his eyes even as Dempsey straightened in his chair and shook his head. “Mate, I think you get what I do for a living.”

  “I do, indeed,” Jack replied.

  Dempsey held his gaze as he responded, “So it’s not just what I do. It’s who I am. And I can’t turn it off because a billionaire asks me, threatens me or pays me.”

  Again, Jack did not delay.

  “Belle’s in danger,” he shared, watched Dempsey’s eyes flare with a different light and the man’s head jerked.

  Jack watched as he shifted slightly in his chair, his gaze never leaving Jack’s when he came to the wrong conclusion, “You’re you, mate. Cole is an ass but he would never be stupid enough to –”

  Jack cut him off, “Cole is not my concern.”

  “Then what’s your concern?” Dempsey enquired.

  “Taking you back, I need your assurances that if you accept this assignment, everything about it will be confidential.”

  “And taking you back, I told you I don’t work that way,” Dempsey returned.

  Jack took in a breath and nodded once. “Then I’m afraid I’ve wasted your time. But I thank you for it anyway.”

  Dempsey didn’t move.

  Jack reached for his mobile and while tucking it into the inside pocket of his suit jacket, he looked to Olive and declared, “I’m off to the airstrip. Are you coming to The Point or staying in London?”

  “I have a few things to do in London,” Olive replied.

  Jack stood, muttering to Olive, “Fine. I’ll be working at The Point the rest of the week.”

  “Belle’s in danger?”

  This came from Dempsey and Jack, who had dismissed him, looked to him.

  And when he did, Jack noted he didn’t look intrigued. He looked concerned.

  This also didn’t surprise him. Indeed, he’d been counting on it.

  “She is,” he confirmed.

  “What kind of danger?” Dempsey asked and Jack shook his head.

  “I’m afraid I can’t share that information unless I feel assured you’ll protect the information I would share and thus Belle. As you’ve made it clear you won’t, this meeting is over,” Jack replied then moved to round his desk.

  “Mortal danger?” Dempsey pressed as Jack moved so Jack stopped at the side of his desk and trained his gaze on the man who also had risen from his chair.

  “That’s uncertain,” he allowed then continued. “What isn’t uncertain is that any danger that could confront Belle is intolerable.”

  “And you’re implying I can help,” Dempsey pushed.

  Jack didn’t give a straight answer. Instead, he said, “When there’s uncertain danger that could befall anyone, any and all help is welcomed.”

  “So you’re implying I can help,” Dempsey reiterated.

  Jack said not a word and held his gaze. As he did, he watched Dempsey’s internal struggle. Seeing as he did not know the man he had no idea which side was winning the conflict.

  He’d know more when Dempsey noted quietly, “She’s extraordinary.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Jack agreed.

  “I’ve not known a single soul like her,” Dempsey carried on.

  “As I have not,” Jack agreed again.

  “Dignity, a huge reserve of strength all framed in an immense vulnerability. It’s quite remarkable,” Dempsey continued.

  Jack didn’t bother agreeing again.

  He allowed Dempsey to study him before Dempsey whispered, “You love her.”

  Jack didn’t reply.

  Dempsey straightened his shoulders and demanded, “You’re keeping Cole from her?”

  Jack answered but he again didn’t answer directly, “You have no reason to concern yourself with Cole’s response to that article, Mr. Dempsey, and you knew that before you sold it or you wouldn’t have sold it.”

  He couldn’t be sure Dempsey played it that way until he watched the man’s eyes flare in response to his assertion.

  He’d been watching Jack and Belle together. If he didn’t think Belle could withstand the article and Jack would protect her from whatever reaction it might cause in Calvin Cole, he wouldn’t have sold it.

  Yes, Mickey Dempsey had principles.

  It was Dempsey’s turn not to respond which, like Jack’s, was his response.

  Instead, he demanded, “You’re keeping your brother from her.”

  Jack fought his body getting tight so he wouldn’t show his response to the depths of Dempsey’s understanding of his and Belle’s circumstances.

  And his voice was low with warning when he replied, “It would be a good idea, Mr. Dempsey, if we continue our relationship, that you let me concern myself with Belle. If your continued questions means you’re interested in the assignment I have for you, I’ll inform you of what you should concern yourself with.”

  Jack watched Dempsey again struggle internally before he ground out, “I’m interested in the assignment.”

  Instantly, Jack pushed, “I have your word, everything, all of it, strictly confidential.”

  “You have my word.”

  “You won’t expose me, you won’t expose Belle, you won’t share what you’re told, what you find, what you see or who you meet,” Jack pressed.

  Dempsey’s jaw got hard even as he failed to hide his increasing curiosity. “I won’t.”

  “This will not find its way into a newspaper, magazine, book or any other form of the media, either factually or disguised in any manner.”

  “It won’t,” Dempsey bit off.

  Jack went on, “Our agreement won’t be put in writing until you come to terms with Olive after our meeting. But before that, I’ll
explain and in doing so before an agreement has been signed, I’ll be relying on your word as a gentleman. Are you telling me I can do that?”

  “You can rely on my word,” Dempsey clipped and Jack saw in the man’s eyes that he could. Therefore, he knew.

  “Who was she?” he asked quietly and Dempsey’s head jerked.


  “The woman you loved who was abused,” Jack explained and watched Dempsey’s body get tight.

  But he surprised Jack by sharing, “My Mum.”

  Jack held his gaze. Then he nodded.

  Then he retraced his steps around the desk and sat down.

  He only spoke again when Dempsey and Olive had both settled back in across from him but his eyes were on Dempsey when he did it.

  “Prepare, Mr. Dempsey, for what I’m about to tell you will be beyond belief. Unfortunately, it’s also true. And also, I wouldn’t tell you if I didn’t think you could help and I’ll need you to do that without delay. You can discuss your fees with Olive later. Now, I need to know if you have anything else on your schedule that will prevent you from assisting us swiftly in this matter.”

  Dempsey shook his head. “I don’t. Or at least nothing that can’t wait.”

  Yes, Mickey Dempsey was curious.

  And concerned.

  Jack nodded, took in a breath, sat back in his chair, held the man’s gaze and shared a story beyond belief.

  * * * * *


  Belle sat on her rug on her cliff by The Point, wearing faded jeans, a tight white tee and a warm, chunky oatmeal cardigan, all in order to ward off the chill in the strong wind that was blowing.

  Baron and Gretl were nosing the grass and rock around her as the sea smashed against the cliff wall and the wind blew the hair she didn’t bother to put in a ponytail before she came out.

  It was after work, the shop closed. Her father was in the kitchen having promised no open flames or anything that might mean Jack would come home to a pile of rubble and not an imposing castle. Rachel was with him having assured Belle she’d “keep an eye on your Daddy, honeypot” which didn’t assure Belle very much since her Mom was almost as crazy as her Dad, including in the kitchen. But at least it was something. Gram was in the loft in the stables painting. Yasmin was on her way over for dinner. Jack was most likely on his way home. And Joy was assisting Cassandra and Angus with something.

  And Belle was on her cliff not non-thinking.

  Instead, unusually, she let her thoughts drift over her.

  Over a year ago, her life turned on its head. Belle “Meek and Mild” Abbot who didn’t take risks and lived cautiously in a cage controlled by her fears had done something crazy, but brave, and since then she’d become a national hero. She’d then been involved in a public love triangle with two of Europe’s most eligible bachelors who happened to be brothers. She’d fallen in love with one of them and he with her. And now she was living in an imposing, haunted castle on a cliff.

  Dipping her chin to her knees and wrapping her arms around her faded jeans clad legs, she smiled at the sea.

  She didn’t think of Nathan or his loss. Instead, she had decided, whenever Nathan came to her, she was going to beat back the pain by thinking of Jack’s words of earlier that day.

  When we’re ready to try again, we’ll plan it.

  They’d try again and they’d plan it.

  Three times in her life, only three, she’d taken a risk and jumped into cold, shark-infested waters, once literally (though those weren’t shark-infested).

  The first time she saved lives. Two were lost but she saved many others.

  The other two times she’d done it for the same man. The first time with Jack, she messed it up. The second time, she learned he’d forgiven her and he’d given her her reward.

  And boy, what a reward it was.

  When we’re ready to try again, we’ll plan it.

  They had time, they were starting a life together in a hopefully soon-to-be not haunted but always would be imposing castle on a cliff and when they were ready, they’d start a family.

  Still smiling at the sea, Belle sighed.

  Maybe, just maybe, Belle “Meek and Mild” Abbot might stop being so darned meek and mild.

  She might, instead, take more risks.

  She wasn’t certain about this haunting business but the rest of it sure as heck paid off.

  On this thought, Gretl, who was in front of her, twisted her neck to look down her body as Baron, behind Belle, gave a small, warning woof.

  She’d just lifted her chin from her knees in order to look toward The Point to see what caught the dogs’ attention when she heard, “Belle.”

  Her head turned, her eyes moved up and she saw Miles walking to her, the wind tousling his blond hair.

  Holy heck.

  She shifted her arms from around her legs, putting one hand in the rug to push herself up as the dogs roamed closer to her and she started, “Miles –”

  He lifted a hand swiftly and interrupted her, “Please, Belle, don’t get up. What I have to say won’t take long.”

  She pulled in a breath and kept her head tipped back to study him. His handsome face seemed thoughtful but she could read nothing else.

  To her disquiet, Miles finished his approach and dropped to the grass to sit a few feet away from her. As a response, Gretl settled on her belly at Belle’s feet, her head up, eyes on Miles as Baron circled close.

  “As you undoubtedly know, things have not been good, Miles, but I’m feeling better,” She told him in hopes of heading off any nastiness. “I ask that you please don’t mess that up.”

  He gave her a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m pleased to hear that, gorgeous. That’s why I’m here. To be sure you’re okay. I came to The Point and tried to talk to you the other day but,” he threw out a hand, “Jack wouldn’t let me.”

  She still disliked that he called her gorgeous. It wasn’t his place anymore as he well knew.

  And she didn’t like that smile. It did not say he wanted her to be okay. It said something else. She was sure of it.

  “Well, I’m okay,” she assured him anyway.

  “Good,” he muttered, his eyes moving to the sea, his body settling in like he did not, in fact, intend not to take long in what he had to say but as if he intended to stay a while. “I assume, since you’re still here, you’re staying?” he asked the sea.

  Belle didn’t much like this lead in.

  “Miles, perhaps you should –” she started to advise him to talk about his brother’s future with his brother but he interrupted her again, his eyes cutting back to her.

  “I promise, Belle, swear it’s with your best interests at heart when I advise you, if you can, to curtail Jack spending time with Yasmin.”

  She felt her heart lurch and her shoulders get tight as his words hit her.

  “I don’t think –” she began again only to be cut off again.

  “They were lovers,” he informed her.

  “I already know that.” She couldn’t quite keep the snap out of her voice though she also didn’t quite try.

  “And she’s divorcing Quincy. She’ll be free again soon.”

  Belle felt her eyebrows draw together at what he was implying.

  “So you’re telling me Yasmin will make a play for Jack?” she asked in disbelief.

  “No,” he answered. “I’m telling you that if Yasmin’s free, Jack will make a play for her. And Yasmin won’t make him work too hard. He’s who she’s always wanted, Belle, and I fear it’s the other way around for Jack too.”

  She felt her blood begin to pound through her veins and for the first time in some time, the healing wound at her temple hurt.

  Before she could say a word, Miles continued.

  “They’ve known each other since we were very young. They have a connection that’s grown throughout those years. What they had was passionate. And it never really ended. On some level, you must know that since she’s still around
and around all the time.”

  “You’re beyond belief,” Belle whispered, the wind carrying away her words.

  “I’m sorry?”

  She scrambled angrily to her feet, Gretl scrambling with her and Baron got close as she dashed her hair behind her ears in a (failed) effort to control it and repeated loudly this time, “You’re beyond belief!”

  Gretl woofed her agreement and Baron growled his warning as Miles got to his own feet.

  “Belle, gorgeous, you know after what’s happened to you I wouldn’t tell you this unless I was looking out for you.”

  Belle just could not believe this!

  She leaned into him and reminded him on an irate cry, “I just lost a child!” She threw her hand out to indicate The Point and reminded him, “And it was your brother’s child. So, that means, your brother just lost his child too!”

  “I know that,” he clipped.

  “And, a month after that crushing blow, you think it’s in my best interests to deliver another one by coming to me and badmouthing your brother and our friend?” she queried heatedly.

  He lifted a beseeching hand to her and urged, “Look around, Belle, it can’t have escaped your –”

  “What hasn’t escaped me, Miles,” she interrupted him on a hiss, “is that Yasmin has been nothing but kind and gracious to me and Jack has never been anything but loving and gentle. Except, of course, after I let my own anxieties and your behaviour muddle my head then proceeded in making what could have been the biggest mistake in my life. In fact, the only person who has anything to do with any of this who has treated me unkindly is,” she lifted a finger and pointed at him, “you.”

  His face went hard and he crossed his arms on his chest. “How did you know about our conversation?”

  His question confusing her, she leaned back and crossed her own arms on her chest, asking back, “What conversation?”

  “Jack and my conversation. At Mum’s party. How did you know Jack said he wanted a crack at you?” Miles explained and Belle felt her own face get hard.

  “He didn’t say that,” she returned.

  “It doesn’t matter who said what. It matters how you knew. Jack thinks I told you and we both know I didn’t.”