Read Lullaby Page 7

Chapter 5

  Life gets more complicated

  “Sweetheart what exactly happened? Tell us darling!” mom panicked with tears jerking out from her eyes.

  “Mom! Stop asking the same question over and over again?” I groaned

  “Baby, you don’t know how worried I am. You’re my only child! my world! And when you get hurt like this, how can I not be so worried? IM YOUR MOTHER!” she yelled at me crying

  “Sure you are mom! I understand, but how can answer your question, when even I didn’t see what exactly happened? As I said, all I could remember was a hug lightning coming straight at me and hitting my body. Then me and my friends got drowned in a humongous wave and when I opened my eyes I was here in this hospital,” I sighted

  “But baby, try to recall some more... you will remember something …” mom noted

  When I recall the only thing I could remember was the terrible dream. It hits my mind all the time and troubles me. just like putting salt to a wound in my memory

  “I’m still confused about the lightning that you were telling me about ,that came from the water wave. Are you sure it came thru the water? The WATER IT SELF PRODUED A LIGHTNING?” mom questioned

  “Yes mom that’s all I could remember! And I’m very sure abut what I saw.“I mention

  My mom was questioning me with fear just like a cop, tiring to get some clue out of me. she was so suspicions about the accident, but she never mentioned it. I could read her mind just through her facial expressions, because she is a very sensitive lady who cannot hide anything from me or dad and it seems like she is trying hard to hide something from me

  I had to stay in this hospital for weeks to recover myself from the coma I was in, for three days straight. My parents and my friends were so worried about me, specially aunty Mandy . Because after all, it’s her full responsibility as we were staying at her place during the vacation. I felt so bad to give all this pressure to my loved once been careless .but, I really didn’t know what exactly I did to end up in this hospital

  when I was in at coma saline was the only food I got also they manage to inject liquidized medicine to saline and through that way medicine run directly to my blood. For five days my medicine was given to me through saline. But today they took off my saline because my health was improving. so now I have gulp down my tablets and eat food. My diet plans were changed and all my food had less sugar and salt. But at least that is a little better after eating tasteless food for the last two days straight.yuk they taste like POOP! LOL

  “Ma’am… its time for your medicine!” a nurse came with a tray. There were so many types of medicine DAMN it’s like they want me to drink a whole pharmacy

  “Am I supposed to drink all these” I questioned. Because still I am not good at drinking a lot of medicine a t once. either it gets dissolved in my mouth or else I drink too much of water and vomit.

  “Yes ma’am, you are alive thanks to that medicine. You’re depending on them” she explained.

  “Really?” I groaned. Then I have drink these somehow if I wanted to live. If I was at home, I throw my tablets under my bed or out of the window.

  I had to change my posture and sit on the bed rather than leaning. Just to eat the food and drink my medi

  There were three sandwiches with grated carrot, sliced cucumber, salad leaves and tomatoes in them. I swallowed all there sandwiched just with in a matter of second because I was so hungry after drinking food like soup ,for te last couple of days. the bitter and the pungent unpleasant smell of them made me just lose my appetite even without eating them.

  After consuming all the food, now it’s the hard task. DRINKING MY TABLETS

  I took a sip of water and started drinking the tables one by one. At one point I felt a weird feeling… It went through out my body and made me feel so distant, like my body is stopping and my heart skipped a beat, then suddenly my heart beats stopped and I was frozen and I didn’t even feel my pulse. my hands got shaky and no one was there in the room to help me .unexpectedly the water inside the galss, I was holding started bubbling and blob inside.

  then I felt weird feeling. I never felt that way before and I felt like I could simply attract all the item in the room, and I couldn’t resist that trible feeling in it made me drop the glass.

  C R A S H!!! the glass broke into pieces and the noise was loude enough to attract many peoples attaintion. But luckily the door of my room was closed and I no one heardit. I loked around and got down from my bed on to the floor thinking of cleaning the mess myself. I havnt got down fro this bed for 5 days. And I felt like my legs were numb and cut off. I felt more and more dizzy and drowsy but I had to clean this efor my mom comes and shouts at m and stars crying seen m carelessness.

  I could mange to balance myself my legs felt week and I fell on t the floor.i looked around tring to convince myself that no body is there to help me

  suddenly the water on the floor formed droplet ad stated floating on the space right in front of my eyes when tried to touch them the water started moving according to the movement of my fingers. I tried moving it to several places and I felt an interest on it. I tried to concentrate on it more. then I managed to take control of the water and move the all around the room I could make them to float o the air in front of me like a cloud of smog inside my room.

  I felt like I’m floating as well, the entire weight of my body was gone and I felt free and that I in a different world…

  “ADRIIANA………………….” I heard a voice from far behind me screaming and pulling me backwards holding from my hip. I suddenly lost my balance and control with the water and all the water dropped on to the floor… and when I was pulled backwards I went and fell on to the broken glass on the floor.

  OUCH!!!!!!!!! I injured my self and started bleeding and so much of blood was on the floor…

  I tried to understand what exactly happed. And to see I was on the edge of the window which was in my and my mom had seen me like that and came running and shouting and pulled me away from the danger. If she got a millisecond late I would end up on the road falling from a 30 story hospital building window. And not apices of me ill are there for anyone to find if I crashed down from a height like this.

  I went clueless not knowing what to do. I was in a treble shock. Bleeding badly at the same time. Hearing my mom screaming few lady nurses and my friends Alex and Sammy and dad came running into the room and lifted us up with amazement and started questioning us with fear. my mom couldn’t answer anyone as well because she was shocked seen what happen and I didn’t have a spare second to answer anyone as soon as the nurses came they took me to emergency room for an operation to take out the broken glass pieces inside my skin.. While going to the emergency room all I could see was mom with her eyes red hugging my dad and crying so much and all the others were rushing and I felt so bad for giving them all this pain and trouble.

  Thank god Sammy and Alex were discharged the second day itself because they only had few bruises and cut on their body due to the window glasses breaking and crashing on to all three of us in the car we went on the safari


  Me and my husband walked out o Adriana room and sat on a bench in thecoridor of the hospital.

  “What exactly happened to her? You were watching weren’t you?” my husband Harold asked

  I was crying still in my shock. I didn’t know what to do.

  “What was she thinking? What exactly was she doing? Answer me Margret! Answer me!”Harold asked pressurizing me.

  “I really don’t know what is wrong with her and what she was thinking. She was just tiring to jump out of the window. I couldn’t believe my eyes Harold! She just tried to jump out of that window! Thank god I was watching her through the glass which was fixed to the door of her room!! I grabbed her pulled her down.”

  “WINDOW? … You’re joking ha?” Harold didn’t believe what I said

  “Harold I’m dead serious! She w
as just tiring to jump out”

  “Is she having some problem? With a guy? Or any other thing? Didn’t she tell you anything like that?”

  I tried to hard not mention her making the water floating on the space when I was watching her through the glass.

  “Magi… what are you tiring to hide from me?” he asked with a big question mark on his face

  “I’m……………… not hiding anything from you!”

  And I could keep anything away from my family so I though of telling him because I myself cannot deal with a risky situation like this.

  “Harold… she was doing something… something strange…Extraordinary.” I tried to put what I saw into words but I failed.

  “Magi… what is it? What was she doing? What you see?” he asked

  “She was trying to control ….. Water…which was on the floor. She managed to control it and make it just float on the air.. She did it all by herself was in a call with sheen and was watching her from outside, through the transparent glass fixed to the room door ” I groaned and explained him what I saw with amazement

  Magi... are you really sure of what you saw? He questioned

  ”Yes… YES! i’m so sure. I saw it…” and I hugged him and started crying...

  Harold pulled me and looked at my red eyes with smudged eyelinear with fear in his eyes and started at me.

  ”Does this mean that she has got chosen to be a..............."


  Damn now more time to spend at this hospital I had to get myself six stitches on my right arm and two on my back and the wrist part was to get glass pieces output my skin. They Yvette gone deep inside my muscles. Because I fell on to the floor with a big pressure and force right on top of the broom glasses. I. Broke my left arm as we'll right from the elbow and they tried fixing and bandaging and outing a pulp and keying it dry till it gets harden. It was similar to plaster of Paris. But I didn't know exactly what it was I only knew it we to keep my bones on place till it go n get fixed back to it original positions.

  I had to tie more medicine now to cure these bruises and my broom arm... and I tried to convinced nurses to Moe my medicine St into my body through more saline.

  I knew I had some connection with water so I tried to avoid water as much as I could. I was so hard since water is a main essential for us to live. I reduce the time I spend on the shoved even. Life is getting more and more complete every second and I had to be this way till I find a proper answer to my questions. Few days later. I manger to bring back my health to a good safaris and get discharged from the hospital And we flew back to our country Australia I had many medical check ups every weekend f a month and got my stitches cut and my arm fixed just like it used to be after having a hard time with keeping it at one angle for two weeks.

  With in two weeks I managed to follow my original diet plan getting rid of all the yuck food I was eating. My mom and dad was so worried about me though dad go to work he calls me twice a day to check on how I was... and my mom ignores all her work and spend most of the time sitting next to me in my bed and I sleep on her lap and listen to the stories she tell me about her past..

  Both my parents come and sleep with me in my room keeping me in-between them. I felt more pain from the love they try to show to me. They have never tried been this protective of me... I felt like I’m goner die soon and leave them for ever by they way they care about me try to spend every minute with me. There is something bad hidden inside my parents eyes about me I was so worried may be the water that troubles them too. May be they no all Bout this or may be there were something terribly wrong with my reports. I had to figure out what s wrong I had to find it. Soon.

  Chapter 6