Read Luna of Mine, Book 8 The Grey Wolves Series Page 19

  This time when he spoke to her, he addressed her wolf. “Wolf mate,” he rumbled into her mind and used the Alpha power bestowed upon him to draw her to him. He felt her wolf seeking him out, could feel her urgent need to get to him but she too was locked in Alina’s fractured mind. “You are strong, and sometimes it is necessary for the wolf to take the lead. She needs you, needs your strength, wake her up, mate. Call her back from the quiet place.” He probably did not have to put the command in his tone, but wolves like to know who is in charge; it makes them feel safe, and lets them know their order in the pack. Alina’s wolf would respond to his dominance and find security in his ability to take control.

  “She fights me,” her wolf answered him softly. It was the first time he had heard Alina’s wolf speak. The use of words seemed foreign to her, and he could tell she was using what she had learned from hearing Alina speak. “Her human spirit is tired. She suffered much from the mongrel. We fought, but he was so strong. I could not save her. I tried, mate. I tried to save her.”

  “Hush,” he purred as he felt his wolf mate’s frustration at not being able to protect her human half, and he was surprised when he also felt worry that she had disappointed him. “You both belong to us, to my wolf and to me. You have nothing to be worried about. You did what you could, and it is because of you that you are both still alive.”

  “I long to be in my wolf skin, to be close to you in your wolf skin, to leave this place for a time and find a den to share, away from pain, away from deceit and those who would harm us.”

  She was laying herself bare before him, acknowledging him as her mate, submitting to him, and it took his breath away. Never had anything so very precious been given to him. Alina’s wolf trusted him and his wolf to care for them, to provide for them, to protect them and love them. His own wolf was stirring at his mate’s wants and needs. He too wanted to be out, covered in fur, and free of the human trappings. He wanted his mate by his side, wanted to play with her, hunt with her, and curl his large body around her smaller one, wrapping her in his scent.

  “Then wake her up so that we can do all those things you want.”

  Vasile could feel Alina’s wolf pushing into her mind, trying to take over, to give her broken body strength. He sat patiently waiting with his hand still entwined with hers and his head still on the pillow. He had no idea how long he waited until he finally felt her stir. First she squeezed his hand and that little movement had him bolting upright. He looked at her hand in his and then at her face. Her eyes were fluttering as though she were fighting their desire to open them.

  “Open your eyes, Alina,” he commanded. “I will not wait any longer; open your eyes.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that you are a tad overbearing?” Her raspy voice hit his ears and it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.

  “Not to live and tell about it,” he said and smiled at her as her pale grey eyes opened and met his. “There you are,” he whispered.

  Alina stared at the man before her, desperately trying to take in every detail of his incredibly handsome face. He was more beautiful than she had remembered it seemed. When she realized his hand was wrapped around hers she pulled it to her face and pressed his palm to her cheek. The warmth of his flesh on hers nearly made her whimper. How she had longed for his touch, needed it, and at times even craved it. So many nights she had lain awake imagining what it would be like to have his arms wrapped around her, his lips on her skin, his teeth…and just like that the fantasy crumbled as she remembered just whose arms, skin, and teeth had been on her.

  She rolled away from Vasile throwing her head over the side of the bed as she retched. Her stomach protested violently as her mind conjured up the memories of what had taken place in her parents’ cottage. Tears streamed down her face and she gasped for air in between the heaves. She felt a cool towel on her neck and a soothing hand on her back rubbing small soothing circles against her skin. She could smell Vasile, his scent mixing with the smell of vomit, and she felt mortified that he was seeing her this way. But then what did it matter, because surely he had seen the bite mark from Serghei. He could not possibly want her now.

  “I will always want you,” he whispered as he pulled her hair back off of her skin allowing the cool air to touch her overheated body. It was then that she realized that under the blanket she was stark naked. She should care, but could not bring herself to.

  “What he did,” she started but had to stop as the tears came again.

  “He will die for touching you. But for marking you, taking something that is supposed to be beautiful and passionate and turning it into the equivalent of rape, for that he will suffer greatly before I grant him the gift of death, for that is what it will be―a gift.”

  She finally felt as if she was done vomiting, and she pushed herself up and held the blanket to her chest, careful to keep herself covered. Vasile ignored her swatting hands as he scooped her up and sat her up against the headboard. She could not look at him now that she remembered. She could only imagine what he must think.

  “How did you know to come for me? Where are my parents? Are they okay?” she asked as she fidgeted with the blanket. She heard him move, but she still would not look at him―not until he spoke.

  “Perhaps, we should get you dressed before he have this conversation. I think you will feel more comfortable with clothes on.”

  She looked up at him standing there holding out a shift for her. She reached to take it but he shook his head.

  “Stand up.”

  Her eyes widened. “Vasile that, we. No,” she finally blurted out after several attempts.

  He smiled at her gently, his eyes full of compassion and understanding. “Keep the blanket around you. I will slip the fabric over your head and put each arm in one at a time while you hold the blanket, and then you will lower the blanket as I lower the shift. None of your flesh will ever show.”

  Her eyes met his bright blue ones and she could tell he was not going to budge. She let out a huff and jerkily stood reaching down for the bed to steady herself. Once she was standing with no appearance of wobbling, Vasile started just as he said he would.

  They worked in silence as he helped her into a nightgown pulling it over the thin material of the shift. She knew she was blushing from her toes to the tips of her ears, but she could not help it. He was the perfect gentleman, but every now and then he would brush a sliver of skin. His fingertips grazed the back of her neck as he buttoned the gown. His warm hand touched her ankle as he tugged the material down to cover her completely. He knew what he was doing; she could see it in the slight smirk on his full lips and the mischievous glint in his eyes. What she did not understand was why? How could he still want her in that way when another had marked her? How could he want to be anywhere near her flesh when she did not even want to be near herself? His hands on her face, forcing her head to tilt back so she had to look at him, drew her mind from the confusing thoughts.

  “If I thought you were ready, I would show you right this minute just how much I still desire you.” His voice was low and hypnotic as his fingertips traced her face. “If I did not smell fear on you, see the hurt in your eyes, or hear the thoughts that are bombarding you mind, I would complete the bond with you. I would step out of this room, ask Auriel to leave, and then I would show you with my hands, my lips, my breath, and my body, just how very much I want to be close to you with nothing between us. I am angry that Serghei hurt you and took a piece of your innocence.”

  She cowered at his words but he kept going.

  “Not for the reason you think, Mina. I hate that he took your innocence because I wanted your first experiences to be incredible. I was so angry over the kiss because I wanted your first kiss to take your breath away. The first time your markings were traced, I wanted my fingers to be the ones dancing across your skin because I knew that if it was me then you would have shivered with pleasure, not disgust. Your body would have heated with desire, not anger. The first mouth and
teeth to taste your flesh should not have been out of the desire to hurt, but out of an indescribable need and reverence to claim you, to taste you, and to give you pleasure. My love, I am sad not because I did not get these things first but because you did not get to experience them for the first time the way you deserve.”

  Alina did not know what to say. How did one respond to a declaration so raw and full of emotion and love? He saved her from herself by pulling her into his arms and pressing her face gently against his chest, just over his heart. His arms were so strong, so safe. In that moment she wished that she would never have to leave his embrace, that she could just live wrapped in the security of his strong frame where no one could ever touch her again.

  “I will never allow harm to come to you again. You are mine and I will not be parted from you again.”

  He finally forced her back into the bed, commanding her to sleep. As she drifted off she realized that, in her emotional state, in her need to be reassured that Vasile still wanted her, that they had failed to talk about her parents. But the more she thought about it, the more she felt like they had not so much as failed, as much as Vasile avoided the topic all together. She would have asked him about it if she had been able to keep her eyes open and her brain awake, but she was useless against her body’s need for rest. So she gave in, hoping that the reason she feared Vasile had not answered her was not correct.

  Romanian Proverb # 18

  Fereste-mã, Doamne de prieteni, cã de dusmani mã feresc singur.

  God defend me from my friends; from my enemies, I will defend myself.

  “Will you please sit by the door while I step outside to speak with my wolves?” Vasile asked Auriel with what he hoped came across as sincere politeness.

  “Of course, Alpha. I will watch after her; I will protect her with my life.”

  Vasile was slightly taken aback by the passionate answer, but he simply nodded and then with one final hesitation he walked out of the cottage.

  Nicu, Ion, and Alin were waiting for him several feet from the front door. The grim looks on their faces did not inspire any kind of confidence that they were any closer to finding Serghei than they had been when they arrived.

  “How is your mate?” Ion asked, genuine concern filling his eyes.

  Vasile’s jaw tightened as he thought about Alina’s reaction to her memories. “She is safe, alive, and in my care where she belongs. That is enough for this moment.” Obviously picking up on his desire not to discuss his mate, they did not ask him anything further.

  “Her parents are in the gathering hall. The members of this village helped take care of them and prepare them for their resting place. Her home has been cleaned.”

  “Her parents’ home,” Vasile interrupted. “Her home is with me.” He was on edge. He was feeling extremely possessive and he needed to get a grip. “Continue,” he finally said letting out a long breath.

  Nicu picked up where Ion left off. “We have been questioning the pack members and they are all telling us the same thing. The village was being check weekly for signs of anyone assisting us. Alina’s home seemed to especially be a favorite for Emilian’s warriors to stop by, particularly Serghei. No one had ever seen him be harsh with her nor did they ever appear to have a disgruntled conversation. Today was the first time they had ever seen Serghei become violent.”

  “What changed?” Alin asked. His eyebrows drew together as he considered his own question. “Something changed that set him off.”

  “Alina’s markings have appeared,” Vasile answered quietly. All three sets of eyes snapped up to his neck.

  “So have yours,” Ion breathed out. “But they were not like that earlier today.”

  Vasile rubbed the bridge of his nose as he ground out, “I completed the Blood Rites. That is probably why my markings finally changed.”

  “You what?” Nicu coughed.

  “I had to,” Vasile defended. “I did not know if she was going to live and I was not going to live without her.”

  “What about your pack? What about us?” Nicu asked.

  “I love this pack. You three have become like brothers, but my mate will always, without question, come first. Besides, without her, without my true mate, I would not have been able to truly lead the pack like I should. My father proved that.”

  They nodded in acknowledgment and he could see the understanding in their eyes, though he also could see that they would miss him if he died. That was not something he had expected.

  “What should we do now?” Alin asked.

  “Ion and Alin, I need you gather any males willing to fight. Emilian will know that we are here very soon if he does not already. He will not challenge me because he knows he cannot win.”

  “He will fight dirty,” Ion agreed.

  “Nicu, I want you to go to the castle and scout it out. Bring back any information that will help us. We need to know if he has a plan or if he is scurrying around trying to get prepared because he never thought I would return. If he is not prepared we need to strike now. If he is battle ready, then we will find a way to gain the upper hand. Alina is healing but it is not her physical wounds that concern me.”

  “You take care of your mate, Vasile,” Ion told him. “We will get everything ready.”

  “I trust that you will. Thank you,” he told them as they turned to go. He watched them be swallowed up by the night. Knowing he could trust his warriors to do what needed to be done, he started to breathe just a little easier until a shrill scream pierced the darkness and straight into his soul.

  He turned and ran for Alina’s room. Auriel was banging on the door attempting to open it but it would not budge. He could hear his mate’s cries of pain, and it was making him frantic, but it was the smell of burning flesh that cost him his control. He rammed his shoulder into the door as he roared, “ALINA, OPEN THE DOOR!” He was afraid to use his power and basically blow the door open because he did not know where in the room she was. If she was close to the door, she could be hurt, so he relied on the strength of his wolf. She screamed again and he hit the door as hard as he could. He saw a tiny sliver of a crack as it began to give way under his strength. Bolstered by the progress he hit it again and again and again while over and over she whimpered and snarled and cried out in pain. Finally he shoved as hard as he could and the door, and the dresser that had been holding it closed, gave way. He was in the room a split second later, and his heart crashed into his ribs as he looked at his mate.

  She was on the floor, her night gown and shift torn so that they fell away from her neck and shoulder. Her hand was wrapped around the candle he had left burning on the night stand, and the skin where Serghei’s bite had been was burned beyond recognition. He realized as he hurried to her side, his eyes locked on the wound, that she had been burning herself for a lot longer than she had been screaming.

  “Mina, why?” His words were a whispered plea as he took the candle from her shaking hand.

  She looked up at him and the look of utter despair tore at his soul. Everything inside of him begged for violence, to maim and kill and destroy the one who had put that look on her beautiful face.

  “I felt dirty and soiled. I just wanted it off,” she told him through the tears that streamed down her face. “I would rather my skin be scarred and disfigured than bare another’s mark.” Her shoulders shook as she sobbed.

  He pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight against him. “I do not want you to endure any more pain. To hear your screams and not be able to take it away is complete agony. If I could take away every terrible memory, every scar that reminds you of the nightmare you endured, then I would.” After sitting there in silence for several moments, Vasile stood with her in his arms and laid her back in the bed. Auriel was there without him having even asked with a cloth to clean the wound. It would heal but there would be a scar.

  Vasile cleaned the wound as gently as he could. She never made a sound, just simply sat looking up at him. “I am n
ot going anywhere, Mina,” he tried to reassure her. To his surprise and complete relief she reached up and grabbed his arm. She pulled until he sat on the bed next to her. One small hand reached up and cupped his face, and he naturally leaned into her palm as if he had done it a thousand times.

  “I love you, Vasile Lupei,” she whispered to him never taking her grey eyes from his.

  “Say it again,” he pleaded.

  “I. Love. You. My Alpha, my mate.”

  Her words and the passion with which she said them had him wanting to kneel before her, honoring her in a way that he would never bestow on anyone else. “As soon as you are ready I want to complete the bond. I need to know you are mine in every way. I need,” he choked up on his words as he tried to express to her just how urgently he wanted her.

  “I know, and I understand. I just wish you did not have to bind yourself to someone so broken,” she admitted.

  “Time and love heal all things. Let my love heal you―body and soul. Let me cover you in my adoration. You are everything that I need. Just as I am everything you need so we will get through this. I believe that down to the marrow of my bones, but I cannot do it without you.”