Read Lunacy Page 13

  Chapter 12

  Becca sighed as she logged out of the ancient desktop computer. The buzzing of dot-matrix printer and ringing telephone from an early morning water heater problem had settled deep into her skull and were screaming there. She'd never been quite so glad as to hand over the reins to someone else.

  "You on all day, Ryan?" she asked.

  He frowned. He typed angrily on the keyboard, logging in for his shift.

  "Yep. Today is my twelve hour. Wasn't supposed to be, but I need the money and Julie needed the day off."

  "Well then, I'll see you back here at seven. Off to class and then a nap. But first, some real coffee. The stuff here has no balls."

  "Anything I need to know?" he asked.

  "No." Then she whispered, "Just some creepy guy sitting in the lounge for the past two hours. He's been reading magazines and drinking coffee. I don't recognize him, don't think he has a room here."

  "Weird. Okay, have a good one, hon."

  Becca tapped the counter as she walked off. She passed through the lounge to make sure it was clean and shot the thin man with the magazines a glance. His greasy hair and unkempt appearance made her cringe.

  "Creepy, you say?"

  She stopped in her tracks and turned around. Blood flushed into her cheeks.

  "I'm sorry, did you say something?" she said.

  "You said I was creepy."

  She looked at the counter and then back at the man, judging the distance. His gaze made her uncomfortable, as if bad intentions oozed from his pupils.

  "I apologize, sir. I didn't m?"

  He broke her train of thought.

  "But you said it."

  She had no answer. He continued to look at her, scanning her body without shame. Becca looked at the counter. Her stomach rolled within her, as if she could feel the man's nasty thoughts. At first she thought he might just be a pervert, that he liked them young. That she was used to. The feeling he gave her now was more like she was a mouse suddenly dropped into an aquarium with a boa constrictor.

  Thankfully, Ryan was looking back. Her eyes must've startled him as he dropped what he was doing and started towards her. She trembled and saw the man's delight in her fear.

  "Maybe I am waiting for someone."

  She let out a small sigh of relief.

  "Oh. Is there someone we can call for you? Let them know you're here?"

  "He's gone now."

  Becca's look turned to worry. She could smell his musk.

  "Okay. I'm sorry, I don't understand."

  "I thought he might come back."

  Ryan and his red and white polo shirt approached, "I can take care of this, Becca. Go to class."

  She nodded her head and walked away, keeping her eye on the strange man as long as possible. As she walked, she heard the man say, "Becca."

  At that, she hurried out the door and to her car. She couldn't get it started fast enough. The feel of his eyes dripped like a thick viscous liquid on her body. The sound of his voice stuck in her ears. She could still smell his sweat.

  Becca checked her mirrors and squealed a tire pulling away from her parking space only to get stopped immediately at a red light. She turned the volume on her stereo up to full and screamed at the top of her lungs. She pounded the steering wheel, hating that powerless feeling. She looked back at the hotel and saw the greasy, thin man leaving. He stepped to the curb and looked directly at her, giving a wave.

  With another scream, she floored the accelerator and ran the red light, causing another car to swerve and lock up their brakes.