Read Lure of Oblivion Page 27

  Well, shit. Gwen somehow kept her expression blank and held her tongue. Zander went rigid beside her, and a low growl rumbled out of him.

  Landyn’s brow pinched. “It’s my understanding that she lives with her foster family and has since she was eight years old.”

  “But she is in contact with her father. In fact, they met up very recently. I can prove it.” Ezra signaled to a man who Gwen recognized as his brother, Gerard. The male riffled through a briefcase and retrieved a brown envelope. He pulled out of a bunch of photographs.

  “May I hand one to you?” Gerard asked the council. At Parker’s nod, he opened the gate separating the galley from the council’s space and crossed to the bench . . . but not before handing Gwen a photograph.

  Gritting her teeth, she took it. The enlarged photograph was cool and smooth to touch, and it showed both her and Kenny sipping drinks. He was smiling at her. She had to admit, the scene looked pretty cozy.

  “Miss Miller, what do you say to this?” clipped Emilio once Gerard returned to his seat.

  Gwen rose to her feet. “Kenny Cogman called me a couple of weeks ago. He said that he was contacted by someone who is friends with the Moores, and he believed that me and my family were in danger.”

  Harrison frowned thoughtfully. “Cogman was the person who warned you that it would be best to alter your statement?”

  “It was more that he was asking me to do it as a favor to him, but he did point out that it was the best way to keep my family safe. The latter was my only interest.” With that, she sat.

  “A pretty story,” said Ezra. “But it’s just that—a story.”

  Landyn leaned back in his chair, expression skeptical. “Why would an anti-shifter human stand up at this hearing and speak against her own kind?”

  “As I said, to punish my son for dumping her.” Ezra sighed. “She attacked him not so long ago. He went to her house to try to reason with her, to apologize for hurting her when he ended the relationship, but she attacked him with a bat—a bat she scrolled his name on, thinking she could pass it off as his. I have photos of his injuries.” The asshole signaled Gerard again, who then handed out said photographs. The whole time, Ezra continued to speak, “Brandt returned to her house a few days ago to try once again to make amends. He was threatened by the wolves over there.”

  Parker spared the wolves a brief look, but then turned his attention to Rowan and Mack. “Both of you stand. Do you support your friend’s account of what happened?”

  Mack cleared his throat and nodded. “Yes.”

  “That’s exactly how it happened,” said Rowan.

  Brandt nodded. “I’m sorry that the cougar shifter was hurt, but I’m not responsible for it. I shouldn’t be at this hearing.” He looked at Gwen with heartbreak in his eyes. “Gwen . . . I don’t know how you could do this. You know I never meant to hurt you. He’s my dad—I have to honor what he says.”

  Oh, for the love of God. Someone had better see through this shit or she was going to lose it. If it wasn’t for Zander touching her, keeping her calm, she’d have already snapped by now.

  Parker gestured for everyone to sit and sent Colt back to the bench. “It seems extreme to me that someone would pin the blame of an assault on an ex out of spite.”

  “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” said Ezra.

  Parker’s gaze slid to the wolves. “I know much about your pack. And I believe that you, Ally Marshall, are a Seer. Correct?”

  “I am,” said the she-wolf, voice clear.

  “Please come forward.” If the council member heard Derren’s low growl of objection, he didn’t show it.

  Gwen and Zander stood so that Ally could shuffle past them. Shooting Gwen a reassuring smile, she then crossed to the chair beside the panel.

  Parker clasped his hands. “As a Seer, you are able to sense the emotions of others. If Miss Miller was prejudiced toward our kind, you would sense it. Correct?”

  Sitting, Ally nodded. “I would. I can firmly state that Gwen is not prejudiced toward shifters.”

  “What about Brandt Moore?” asked Emilio.

  Ally looked at the boy as she answered, “Around our kind, he feels hate. Repugnance. And fear.” Ally’s gaze met Parker’s once more. “My pack mates and I were there the day that Gwen met with Mr. Cogman. We heard the entire conversation. I can verify that Gwen was telling the truth when she spoke of her conversation with him.”

  Harrison nodded at Ally. “Thank you, Miss Marshall.”

  Ezra, ballsy as ever, stood. “I’d like to ask Miss Marshall a question, if I may.” He smiled at her. “You claim you can sense the emotions of others.”

  Ally narrowed her eyes at his skepticism. “I can tell you what you’re feeling right now as a demonstration, if you’d like.”

  Ezra’s smile faltered. “If you believe it is true, I shall take your word for it. But is it not worth considering that not all extremists are prejudiced? It’s not always that they dislike shifters as a race. Some humans simply don’t like how much land the shifters take up. Others may not like that shifters are so secretive that we don’t know enough about them to understand them. That’s not something you would pick up, is it?”

  “I would pick up any emotions associated with those issues. In any case, I’ve spent a lot of time around Gwen Miller—day in, day out. If she felt anything negative toward shifters, I would have sensed it.”

  At a gesture from Parker, Ally returned to her seat.

  “The situation is as simple as this,” said Ezra. “It is Gwen Miller’s word against that of the three young men you see here. And let’s face it, her word keeps changing. I do not dispute that the cougar was attacked, though there is no evidence that she was ever injured, but it was not by my son.”

  “She was a mess,” Gwen gritted out.

  “But you have no proof that there were any injuries,” Ezra said with a smirk.

  Gwen lifted a brow. “You sure of that?”

  Ezra’s eyes flickered. “Photos can be doctored.”

  “Then maybe the photos you provided of me and Kenny Cogman shouldn’t be considered reliable.”

  “If my son were responsible for those injuries, the cougar would be here now, seeking justice.”

  Parker inhaled deeply. “As it happens, she is here. She arrived not so long ago, and she would like to speak.” He gestured at a wolf manning the door on their right to open it.

  Gwen’s heart pounded hard and she sat up straighter. Andie walked in, head high, shoulders back. Warmth and pride rushed through Gwen, and she couldn’t contain her smile—even though it was a little on the smug side as she noticed the sheer and utter dread on Ezra’s face.

  Andie took a moment to seek Gwen out with her gaze. She shot her a smile that held only a hint of nerves. It was clear to see by the determination in her eyes that Andie was there for justice. Awesome, because it was exactly what she deserved.

  At Parker’s invitation, Andie took the chair near the panel. He then said, “Tell us what happened that night, Miss Windsor.”

  Placing her hands on her lap, Andie licked her lips. “It was the anniversary of my parents’ death—my human parents, I mean. They adopted me when I was little, not knowing I was a shifter, but they kept me. I was upset and I went to a bar, had a few drinks. Brandt Moore and the two young males who sit with him today . . . they approached me. Brandt flirted with me, tried to get me to leave with him, but I refused. Then things got . . . foggy. My cat went crazy inside me, but I couldn’t shift. I knew then that I’d been drugged.

  “I remember that they shoved me in a car, drove to the marsh, and dumped me on the land. Brandt beat me. Badly. The others mostly just laughed and encouraged him to keep going, but they kicked me in the ribs and the back once or twice. They wouldn’t stop, and I was too weak to stop them.

  “Then bullets hit the ground, sending mud everywhere, and they ran. My savior was Gwen Miller. She took me back to her house, took photos of my injuries before they healed, a
nd then helped me get cleaned up. She called the sheriff. Not that that did much good. It was clear that he didn’t believe I had any rights.”

  Harrison spoke. “The Moores claim it is Gwen who is anti-shifter.”

  Andie gave a startled chuckle. “Gwen couldn’t be further from it.”

  “Were you aware that her father is Kenny Cogman?” sniped Ezra, the shit-stirring bastard.

  Andie gaped for a moment. “No, I wasn’t. But I don’t see that it matters.” She looked back at the council members. “She’s not him, and she’s nothing like him. Gwen was there for me all the way through this. She was willing to speak up for me when I wouldn’t speak up for myself. Even after I changed my statement, Brandt didn’t stop harassing me. Gwen gave me a place to stay. Helped me however she could. That kind of support can’t be faked.”

  Touched by Andie’s complete confidence in her, Gwen swallowed hard.

  Parker nodded. “Please take a seat, Miss Windsor.”

  Pointedly ignoring the Moores and their supporters, Andie made her way to the bench behind Gwen. Leaning forward, she whispered, “Sorry it took me a while to get my shit together.”

  Gwen frowned. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything. I’m really proud of you for doing this. I know it couldn’t have been easy.”

  Andie glanced at the council members, who were now chatting quietly among themselves. “I can’t hear what they’re saying. Did Brandt come up with a decent case for his defense?” After Gwen debriefed her on all that had been said, Andie gawked. “The bastards tried to really imply that you were involved with that measly little fucker?”

  Gwen silently chuckled. “Hopefully the council doesn’t buy it. Or buy anything else they said, for that matter. I got to warn you, though, they were quite convincing at times.” She gave Andie’s hand a supportive squeeze. “Even if the shithead gets off with it, he won’t get away with it, because I’ll shoot him in the dick.” She wasn’t even kidding. Hearing a throat clear, Gwen turned to face front.

  Parker knitted his fingers together. “I agree with Mr. Moore that it doesn’t look good that both females altered their version of events. It can be hard to decide which statement holds the truth. I must also say that it is quite odd that someone who would fight so strongly for a shifter would even give the time of day to someone such as Kenny Cogman, biological father or not.”

  Landyn nodded. “It would also be fair to note that it is the word of three against two—three boys whose stories never changed. They all come from respectable families and have never been in trouble with the law.”

  Gwen almost snorted. Well of course, they hadn’t—Colt wouldn’t have arrested them.

  “But there are other things to consider,” added Harrison. “Like that the Moores have a reputation in their hometown for being anti-shifter. The accused himself has a reputation for being violent and reckless.”

  Emilio stared at Colt as he said, “I find it curious that the sheriff did indeed mishandle this case—or, to be specific, didn’t handle it at all. Nor did he handle it when the accused confronted Miss Miller at her home, bat in hand.” He held up a hand when Ezra went to speak. “Yes, I did see the injuries. But I know the difference between bruising that’s been done by fists and bruising done by blunt objects. Someone hurt your son, but it was not Miss Miller.”

  “I find it hard to believe that Miss Miller and the accused were in a relationship of any kind,” said Parker. “I also find it difficult to believe that she could hide any prejudice from five shifters, particularly when one is a Seer. She has done our kind a good service, and I thank her for that.”

  Emilio looked at Colt. “If you had dealt with this matter and the accused had been punished by human law, he would not be in this room right now. In a sense, you are partly responsible for the punishment he will endure at our hands.”

  Ezra jumped to his feet, spluttering. “Punishment?”

  “Brandt Moore, it is obvious to us that you are guilty of the assault on Miss Windsor,” Parker declared.

  Relief filled Gwen, and she felt like she’d taken her first real breath since yesterday. She squeezed Zander’s hand and threw a smile over her shoulder at Andie, whose eyes were wet.

  “We will detain and punish you, and then you will be released tomorrow,” continued Parker. “Your friends will also join you and receive punishment.”

  Rowan’s father grabbed his son. “Not a chance.” And chaos pretty much broke out.

  A defeated-looking Colt remained still and silent as the others shouted and cursed and protested. The council members merely left through a door near their panel, effectively dismissing them.

  Brandt whirled on his father. “Do something! You can’t let them take me!” By then, three stocky males had entered the room and were already heading his way.

  Red-faced, Ezra promised, “I won’t let him, I’ll—”

  “You said you wouldn’t let this happen!” yelled Brandt. “You said you’d get me off!”

  Arriving at the bench, the three males grabbed Brandt, Rowan, and Mack. As they were hauled away, their parents and Ezra’s chauffeur, Thad, struggled to follow. More shifters piled into the room, forcing the humans to step back while the boys were shoved through the door that the council members had disappeared through.

  “Let’s leave now before their attention turns to us,” said Andie.

  Gwen nodded. “Good idea.” But it was too late. No sooner had they all begun sliding out of the bench than Brandt’s mother, Moira, came storming toward Andie.

  “You lying whore! My son never touched you!”

  Andie just regarded the hysterical woman steadily. “I can see in your eyes that you know that’s not true.”

  “You’re pinning it on him because you hate humans!” Moira screeched. “This is a hate crime! And you . . . you’re not even a person! You’re an animal!”

  Andie gave her a brittle smile. “And yet, I’m not the one who drugged and beat someone with a metal pole while my friends laughed, am I? Now back the fuck off.”

  Gently bumping Andie aside, Gwen said, “Move your ass, Moira; your time to embarrass yourself is up.”

  She raised her hand to slap her, but Gwen grabbed it. “No, Moira. Your boy made his bed. It’s his own fault if he finds it lumpy.”

  “Get your hands off my wife!” Ezra bellowed. He tried shoving his way into Gwen’s personal space, but Zander pushed him back.

  “Fucking touch her and you’re dead,” Zander growled, eyes flashing wolf.

  The asshole froze, gulping because, yeah, Zander could be a scary bastard at times. As he opened his mouth, no doubt to issue a threat, Gwen waved a dismissive hand and said, “Spare me the ‘You’ll pay for this’ bullshit, Ezra.”

  “Take Andie outside, Gwen,” said Zander, eyes on Ezra. He didn’t move his gaze from the bastard as his pack mates and Gwen’s family headed to the exit. His wolf lunged at the human, desperate to tear him apart. Zander barely kept him suppressed.

  The last to leave, Yvonne lingered and said, “Emilio Mendes was right—it’s partly Colt’s fault that your son will pay at the council’s hands. But you’re at fault too, Ezra. In buying his way out of trouble his whole life, you taught him that he could do whatever he wanted and there’d be no consequences. Now he’s learning the hard way that there are. So if you want to start blaming anyone for what happened here today, look at yourself first.”


  Arriving back at the house, Gwen was surprised to see yet another SUV parked outside. Four people exited the vehicle—two of whom she’d seen before. She did a quick study of the unfamiliar tall, sable-haired female and the huge male at her side with perceptive brindle-brown eyes. As she took in the fluid way they both moved, Gwen was quite sure they were shifters.

  “What are you guys doing here?” asked Bracken.

  Jesse snorted. “What do you think we’re doing here? There’s a chance you’ll need backup. We came. And, yeah, I’d like to get my fucking han
ds on Rory after he sent the cops to Harley’s club.”

  Gwen waited with her family and Andie while the Mercury wolves and the newcomers exchanged greetings. It was obvious to her that they were all close.

  Zander turned to her. “Gwen, you remember Jesse and Harley. This is Jaime and Dante. They’re the Betas of the Phoenix Pack.”

  Gwen gave the new arrivals a quick hello and then introduced her family and Andie. “We appreciate you coming.”

  After greetings were exchanged, Yvonne and Marlon made everyone a light lunch. While they ate, Zander and Derren told the other shifters what happened at the hearing. A little overwhelmed by the number of people, Julie soon made her excuses to leave. Once she and Chase were gone, the others all went outside to look at the views of the marsh.

  As Gwen stood with Jaime and Ally out on the boardwalk, she asked the Beta female, “How’s Makenna and the baby?”

  “They’re both fine,” said Jaime, eyes lighting up. “The baby is adorable, isn’t she? Makenna won’t agree to stay on our territory, so Ryan’s constantly freaking out. In his head, I mean. You wouldn’t know it to look at him.”

  Recalling that Ryan’s default expression seemed to be a scowl, Gwen smiled. “Yeah, I can imagine.”

  “Roni and Shaya really wanted to come, but I’m guessing you can understand why they didn’t.”

  “Of course,” Gwen assured her. “It’s vital that the Mercury Pack isn’t left vulnerable. To be honest, I’m surprised Jesse and Harley came, especially after Rory pulled that firecracker stunt.” Zander had told her all about it.

  “Jesse, Zander, and Bracken are really close,” said Ally. “I think it was hard for Jesse to stay out of this, so he’d have turned up here even if Rory hadn’t insisted on being a shithead. Harley will have come along to get a shot at vengeance.”

  Gwen sipped at her coffee and then spoke to Jaime. “To be blunt, why are you and your mate here?”

  Jaime tilted her head. “I’m not sure if Zander’s told you that our packs are closely allied with each other. In fact, we share Roni and Marcus. See, she’s a Mercury enforcer, and Marcus is a Phoenix enforcer, but neither wanted to switch packs. If either of our packs have trouble, one always has the other’s back.” She paused, her smile approving as she stared at Gwen. “What you did for Andie . . . it was a brave thing.”